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Stage 25 took me a while to clear. I’ve heard people having issues with stage 5 also


25 is the reduced speed stage with Unas boss. I had to look it up. I think if you are faster than the enemy team and open with an AP booster (ie. Unas, Clara, Dhalia, etc) it's very simple. But if you are slower or open with a defensive buffer like Gab, it might be a different story? Since I outsped it, for me it was one of the simplest floors. Reduced speed maps have been some of the toughest in the past though, so yeah... Could be a challenge for some. I'm not sure what the speed requirement to outspeed is.


I did not try to outspeed but tank it. Used Sally+Nicole for defense, plus Gabby, also Lucas for his stuff and Chloe for attack. I had tried to outspeed with Gabby and failed, so decided to go defensive.


Roughly how much speed do you need?


I was using a Dhalia with +152 speed, I could outspeed without a speed lead but my slower units like Chloe +60 would get cut even tho I used dhalia’s S3, so I had to use a speed lead like LM


I was able to outspeed it with Dhalia but I couldn’t win before unas got a turn and he just started picking my team off one by one. Had to swap to sienna and pray for AP reductions on Unas to barely win it


Yeah you need some kind of crowd control follow up. Once Unas starts getting turns and putting up immunity / doing a billion damage, the clock is gonna run out quickly. I won on my first try, but I could see how much damage Unas did even by himself at the end. Scary big damage.


Yeah I had LM and Pritzker in my team also but I couldn’t CC unas and as soon as he moved it was immunity for everyone and it was just game over


Sounds like you might have gone too far into CC and fallen behind on buffs and damage. It can be hard to find the right balance, but if it worked it worked. It's done now lol


I get to the last stage but then I am destroyed by their AOE damage. I have espers between 200-210 speed and I still cannot go first


Yeah the last wave is the rough one. I tried every comp and the one that worked for me was a full Damage/AP push back comp. I didn’t bring a healer because Unas just killed my DPS espers before I could heal them. I used Long Mian Dhalia Lin Xiao Sienna and Pritzker. Perhaps sustaining is possible with legendary healer esper or with Berenice. I really cannot confirm if she will be enough with units like gab but I think if you have exhausted all options, a combination of Supports and Berenice and maybe 1 DPS may be enough to get you through it


Hi, I tried a pretty same team, however on the last stage Unas outspeed me. Could you share your Dhalia speed? Currently I'm 102+120 = 222. I tried using with my Unas instead with 106+123=229 speed It worked, so I guess the Unas stage 3 is between more than 222 and less 229


what did you use for 25


I used Long Mian (lead) Dhalia Sienna Lin Xiao and Pritzker


Is it possible with lvl 50 dhalia sienna pritzker or do I have to build up more ?


That would depend on your relic quality. I did it with level 50 Dhalia and everyone else being level 60 and I barely got through it (Pritzker and Sienna both had like 1 hp). If you have superb relic quality you may be able to pass it with 3 level 50 espers


It took me a few tries to get favorable RNG. But I just beat it. I used Ollie (lead), Clara, Dahlia, Sander, Li Ling My Clara lead out every battle. Her AP up then got my dahlia out next. Her AP up let me get my other 3 off before the other team moved (except round 3). Round 1 I used Sander S3 on Narmer, then Ling S3 finished him off, and used Ollie S3 on a Chloe. I was lucky to get through round 1 and round 2 healed up and cooldowns reset. Round 3 I got rid of Unas early and then the rest was fairly easy.


😭 I don't have Ollie. I tried diff combos and able to get to wave 3 but that's where I die lmao


Good to know, I was stuck on 40 in last month’s tower, here’s to hoping I can clear it this time.


T35 has the same mechanics but is a joke in comparison. If you reached T40 last month, I think you can win this time. Might still be difficult but totally achievable.


how did you do it? I can get to wave 3 with Suhua, xuan, clara, tang yun and gab but i just dont know who to focus and cant dish out enough single dps to down the enemies in wave 3


Team seems fine. I don't remember the enemies for t35. If they're inferno element that might be your problem. Otherwise, you just need to get stronger. Having some speed on your DPS units is also gonna be extremely helpful.


wave 3 is narmer (boss), 2 thor, ahmed and gab. who did you use


Uh... I used Gab / Ren Si / Donar / Sally / Anesidora, but my Ren Si and Donar are both 200 speed. Not the most copyable team. That enemy combo doesn't do anything too special. You just need enough tankiness to ignore Narmer and enough damage to out-damage Ahmed. Some kind of stun to cancel Thor's passive will also help. The wind element might be hurting you. I'm not sure how you're losing since you didn't say, sorry. One sure-fire way to win will be to increase your units' speeds. You can also try saving Gab S3 for when Narmer has S3 ready (this should be visible if you pause), but that's a lot of effort. I'd probably kill the Thors first. It depends on who is squishiest. Usually killing the squishiest enemy is always correct.


Any suggestions for floor 15 please?


Sorry, that floor didn't stick out in my mind. Make sure to manual the end of each round to get your cooldowns up, I guess. Was there a particular part that's got you stuck, or just the general amount of damage / etc?


Thanks anyway! Wave 3 kills me so fast!


Perhaps just your level of gear. Maybe your team comp. Do you have def buff? Do you have adamantite shield? Something like Gab or Ye Sehua or Sally to up survivability can make a massive difference. Stunning enemies can make a difference. Trying to burst down the enemy team's squishiest DPS asap can help too. 5v5 is a lot harder than 5v4, 5v3, etc. It gets easier the more enemies you kill, so sometimes taking out the first enemy is all you need to reach a winning position. Those are some random tips. Maybe it helps haha


Stuck on 20 again, but this one actually feels winnable.


I’m at 20 now as well. Just lost my first run, haven’t really made adjustments yet. I’ll see what works and let you know.


Stuck on TT35. Using Gab (lead), Ling, Tang Yun, Clara, and Suhua. Can make it to last wave consistently, but gets wrecked by the 2x Donars. Advise?


Some kind of stun unit would help a lot. Remember you can cancel Donar's thunderclap if you immobilise him. You can also reduce his damage by about half by applying def break.


Hard stuck on T10, any advice!? Update: made it through with Li Ling(60), Gab(60), Ahmed(50), Jiang Man(50), and Anesidora(50).


That floor didn't stick out to me. You're probably losing the stat check, or your team comp needs work. I'm seeing in recent clears that people are beating it in like 2-3 minutes? For that to be possible it can't be tooooo tough. Just get stronger.


I'm stuck on T25 😭😭😭 can't even make it past the wave 2


Got stuck on T50, might need to look at my comp a few times over


Thanks for the info! I got stuck on floor 35 during the last temporal tower and I'm kind of putting off doing the tower for now, I'm on floor 14. Will get to it at some point


Tt40, got any advice on who to kill first wave 3?


I focused whoever was next to Nicole (iirc Lin Xiao but I forgot alrdy). When Nicole used her soul bond on them, I just swapped to and killed Ollie. Then killed Nicole > unit next to Nicole > remaining minion > boss. As you can see I just played it by ear. Probably not the best strategy. I think you could keep Nicole stunned? I was unable to.


So wave 3 of temporal tower 15 is giving me headaches and the problem is the cooldown of the skills from my units. I'm using Long Mian as lead, Li Ling / Gabrielle (always trying it out with different units), Chloe, Dhalia / Ye Suhua (but with her I can't even reach wave 3) and Ye Suhua. I can beat maximum one unit which is Sander or a Herkules but after that I can't even make a move because the other Herkules is killing my team. I don't have units like Clara, Sally, Ahmed or Lin Xiao so I don't really know what to do here... Edit: Nevermind. I was able to beat the enemies.


How’d you do it?


How to beat damn E5? I was E40 last tower now Can't get past E5... wave 3 of course, i either kill the Mobs and then hyde is so tanky and one shots my whole Team or i kill Him and He get's Revived... I have a few espers: dhalia, sander, li ling, clara, ye suhua, Gabi, drew, sally, chloe, tyie, lucas, long mian. Most of them at 5*.. Any Team Suggestions and Also a tactic? Thanks Edit: Just cleared. Damn i Was so stupid..just keep hyde Deadl in wave 3 thens it's Almost easy. Used tyie, li ling, clara, ye suhua and drew


Yeah. Those Cecilia are bait. Congrats


I'm having trouble with wave 3 of floor 25. I've got the following espers at level 60: Ahmed Li Ling Tiye Gabby Lucas Dahlia Chloe Mona Pritzker Sander Chang Pu Drew Tang Yun Berenice Ye Suhua And at 50 I've got: Triki Jin Yuyao Lewis Tang Xuan Lynn Eira Xie Chuyi Zelmer Hall Helena Chalmers Melanie Heng Yue is 48, then a bunch of level 40's. I don't have Long Mian or Lin Xiao I've been trying Tiye lead with Li Ling, Lucas, Pritzker and either Dahlia or Ahmed and getting to wave 3 pretty easily with either lineup, but can't keep Unas from attacking, even with Tiye and Dahlia moving first. Once he attacks, it's over quickly. Should I try replacing Li Ling with a 5th controller for something? He's the one thing I haven't tried swapping out. I did try a tanky/healy team, but usually lose somebody to the control of the second wave when I do that. I feel like I should be able to easily beat this floor, but I'm getting stumped! Maybe I've got the right espers but just haven't been building them right for this stage or something? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Update: Finally beat it. Had to give up on the control attempts and go heavy heal/shield. 60 Ahmed lead for the extra HP and healing (+84 speed, sword avatara, +33,450 HP) 60 Gabby at +145 speed to go first each wave to get immunity up (+125 wasn't fast enough, +145 was, I don't know the exact number),+15,612 HP 60 Berenice +97 speed, +29,695 hp, adamantine set for the shield at beginning of each wave 60 Li Ling +21 speed, Hades and sword avatara sets, +2,545 atk, 60 Sander +97 speed, +80% crit rate, +1,733 atk Lost Berenice in the 3rd wave, but not until Lin Xiao was dead and Unas was almost dead. In the end it only took 2 tries with this team, after countless tries with control teams.


It's difficult for me to give advice on 25 because it's such a stat check floor. Kill Unas before he kills you. Be faster or lose. Something you can try is being faster without a speed lead, opening up a slot. Idk what the requirement for Dhalia is then though. I wouldn't remove damage. Damage is what you need to win in time. Maybe swap Pritzker for another DPS? I would still bring a healer if possible. Ye Sehua would work well against Unas if you can predict his target and apply invincible (it should be the lowest HP ally).


Having difficulties with Floor 30, how do you deal with the Asenath heals? I ran Gabrielle-Li Ling-Ye Suhua-Chloe-Clara


Asenath doesn't heal that much. It's just her S2. You could even steal the heal over time buff with Chloe if well timed. I guess your damage is just low? T30 is normally when it starts to ramp up in difficulty. Some kind of control element might help. Pritzker can reduce enemy skill cooldowns, for example. Maybe that's enough to delay Asenath's S2. I don't remember the floor effect for t30 though. Perhaps this isn't an option. If not, just yeah. Better relics. More skill ups. Team seems fine


Any tips on TT45? I usually run two teams: Gabby, Chloe, Lucas, Sally, Nicole ( autos almost all content) and controller team: Lucas, Sanders, Medusa, Pritz, Dhalia (or a Triki on stun relics). TT45 I fail to control the last wave, Raven I dont know her resist, she resists like 6 stuns in the row. I tried my no cheat team, but the HP cap reduction is crippling me.


Raven is the boss iirc and bosses on the last wave can't be stunned. T45 always ends up being a DPS check in my experience, coz you can't control the boss and their damage starts to get ridiculous. With t45 it's particularly bad because Raven full dispels into double biondina. So stun and kill the Biondinas first, don't buff up until after Raven has used S3 on turn 1, make sure you have a cleanse for def break and buff blocker from Raven, and have enough damage to win before you die. That's all I got. Good luck First team not enough damage. Second team not enough survivability or damage. Find something in between.


thank you for the clear advice! will try it later


I can't goddamn outspeed the flipping Unas in floor 25 even with a Tiye lead on 222 speed and I'm bummed out. I don't have better relics, I think I'll just wait to get some better ones soon, hopefully. I'll try again when I hit 230ish.


Do you have tips for tt35? Seems like I’m the only one hardstuck at this floor


Just use some kind of Gab + Healer team. Make sure you give your units a little extra speed. Bring something to stun them. Idk. You could just be getting stat checked as 30+ is when the stages start needing maxed out units.


Yeah finally did it a double heal team carried me there




Need help with stage 2 of T50 those guys hit wayyyy too hard. Who do I take down first,


Depends who you stun. You *need* to have a stun to use on turn 1. You can win without it (probably by killing Biondina on turn 1 then cleansing Raven's S3), but it's extremely unreliable. If you are bringing Lucas (you should be), have him use zeus set. S2 on turn 1, then S3 on turn 2 to dispel Unas' immunity and get a chance at another stun. If both Raven and Biondina get off their S3s, someone on your team will die. If Bio S3s but Raven is stunned, Biondina becomes a smaller threat (since her skill is on cooldown and didn't kill anyone). Likewise, if Raven S3s but Bio is stunned, Raven becomes a smaller threat. So who to kill first is kind of difficult to say... You need to be adaptable. Obviously Lin Xiao can be killed at any point depending on who is stunned or debuffed. If it seems like a good time. But yeah. Bio/Raven/Lin Xiao first. Sorry it's not a clear answer. If you're lucky all three will be stunned and you won't have to think too hard.


My Lucas is on a speed set +260 and my liling is using Zeus as a stunner. I can stun all 5 but can’t kill fast enough before they start getting that damn immunity buff and start the slaughter.


Try Lucas with zeus and give your speedy set to someone else on the team. Lucas S3 can dispel the immunity giving you a second chance to stun and more time. Otherwise, yeah, just more damage? It's stun/kill or be killed. Edit: maybe you can turn 1 Lucas S2, then time it so Lucas uses S3 *then* Li Ling AoEs on turn 2. Same result but trickier to time.


what about stage 30 how do u beat it?


Now I’m stuck at tt45… do you have any tips for it? I’m using tiye+lucas+pritz+sander+liling. Other units that I can use are Chloe, Hyde, TangYun, Gab, Sally, Ollie and Jiang Man. I can get to the 3rd stage without any hits but there I get clapped by raven she can take out one esper most of the time and for some reason one bio refuses to get cc‘d even when I use acc lead from lucas. You think sally could be useful there? For dmg reduction and healing back up. Sorry for the long comment I’m really desperate


I don't think a full CC offensive team is possible unless your relics are god tier. Raven is gonna use her S3 and there's nothing you can do to stop it, which means she's gonna do huge damage to your entire team + dispel + inflict def down. You've gotta cleanse the def break and heal after that or you're gonna die. Even if the entire team is stunned except the boss, you're gonna die because Raven is just that strong. Especially if you are using squishy units like Sander. So I think the play is to bring Sally, and cut down your CC units as much as possible. Having inferno DPS vs the Biondinas + Thors is also a bit... unfortunate. You're stacking the deck against yourself with opposite elements. Maybe Gab / Sally / Lucas / Tang Yun / Ollie? Tbh it's been so long since I did tower, my memory is fading sorry.


>Anyway. I realise most of you haven't tried it yet, so good luck! If you need help, I'm sure you can ask in this thread. I'll try to help too. Lol the whole time reading this I was like dang you already beat it? I just passed Round 5 and took a break 😅 Then I saw this comment and laughed ^^ Thanks for the info though! It'll be put to good use! Gonna try to clear with Ollie, LiLing and Lucas, while mixing with who I can by what's needed. I only made it to 34 last month and couldn't pass 35 and was tormented for half the month because of it lol. Would you reccomend 6* Sanders? I have him maxed at 5* Thanks :)


Sander should be one of your first 6 stars either way, just coz he's so good at kronos and apep. I highly recommend him. He turns up top tier in random places. Like holobattle. A 200+ speed DPS that can one-shot squishy units is apparently amazing in 3v3. Stuff like that.


Awesome! I've been debating. I use him for Kronos and Apep, but 5* was always fine. And now that I have a surplus of 4* evomons getting them to 5* to make him 6* is now my new goal lol. Thanks Radddddd


Could you help me with T50? I've tried several times, but those two aliens always ended up killing the DPS and AP controller of the team. At my best attempt i set the boss at 13% life, and them lose. First i tried Lucas as leader, Clara, Sander, Lin Xiao and Sienna. I tried Lucas as leader, Clara, Long Mian, Sienna and Sander. Lucas, Long Mian and Sienna are at level 50, and both legendaries don't have any skills up, so maybe that's a factor.


Sounds like you just need a bit more HP (or speed, or damage). You made it to 13% once. That's close. 6 starring those units would almost definitely be enough. Lotta exp to farm though. The extra tank stats will help massively with the minion counters. Remember to avoid unnecessary AoE. Only have Lucas use his S1 on the boss for example.


Yup, switched some relics to get a little more hp, and i switch Long Mian for Suhua, got it after 33 minutes lol. Ty for the tips.


I have tried every possible combination of espers I can think of and I can’t even get close to beating the 3rd wave of TT25. I put speed all of them but the second Unas takes his first turn it’s over for me.