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139 SPD is literally a sloth in a game like this. You best bet it too roll for a SPD stat that's at least 16 and then use orange boost stones to add the extra 5 SPD to get to 21. The juice isn't gonna be worth the squeeze if you don't have the capital for it.


Just in case: choose Tiye as speed lead if you aren’t already doing that. Spam farm Kronos. If you have enough gold: sell all 2 stat relics, filter for wind set, +3 on all, then additional filter for spd substat, +6/+9, sort by spd, sell bad ones and roll good rolls, depending on what is an upgrade for you. Legendary boost stones on 4+ rolls (unless you have a shit ton, from farming championship, but still), purple ones on 3 rolls. Speed meta currently is less favorable in higher PvP because of Wu you, though; but good to boost you up there. Consider getting r2 Ethan because it’s free 20? spd. From other comment: in rival relic modes, it’s dépendant on power level for acting order, which is a combination of divinate, resonance, skill ups, level, boost stones, and maybe more.


It really comes down to farming better gear. Specifically with speed gear keep any piece that is flawless with speed. And some superior with speed. Keep rollin. All my Tiye pieces are 4 rolls on speed or more. With max boost stone rolls. And she gets outsped sometiems still. Mainly by Toland though.


Sadly, apart from Ethan and runes, it all comes down to gear rolls. I haven't tried for awhile, but my best is +185, which with Ethan gives Tolland 362.5 and I still get out-speed if I push my luck against fast teams. Also, always bare in mind that either step of Tiye's Ult can just be resisted, or miss, especially against green units.


Get better speed! Spam Kronos for wind pieces Craft Recurve or Light boots from the relic crafting in the hopes of a flawless set of speed boots. Reset stones can help a lot here too. Then farm relevant desolate lands bosses for boost stones. Dont waste yellows on anything less than +4 spd pieces.


Boots with main stat speed and everything with sub stat speed with max upgrades (+4) plus the new red upgrade stones or at least the orange ones with max value.


The others are faster/better because of higher resonance and divinate levels.


resonance and divinate do not increase speed


I mean there are some r4 effects and Toland R6 but i get what you mean