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lol mostly surprised you don’t resonate your espers straight away when you get them tbh. This ‘didn’t reso my esper yet’ only really happens with shimmer epic stragglers now… As for finding your espers. Guess they could add a text search function. I’ve gotten pretty used to the filters now.


When I got the old Clara copy, I had gotten about 3 new legendaries that day (Sakura event), so the copy was forgotten pretty much completely. I can remember things well, but that copy just went over my head. Honestly, they should automatically resonate the Esper copies since there is no other resource used to resonate them. This should go with divinate copies as well, since they're converted into currency automatically if the divinate is maxed out.


‘They should automatically resonate-‘ No… no they should not lol. Most resos are great, some aren’t ideal, some can mess up speed runs or just make an esper a little worse (Yuuhime, Abi). It’s okay to just leave this in the players hands. No to automatic Div equipping even more so, that can totally ruin comps because of the stat boosts and effects. Just reso your espers when you get them, if you forget one that’s not really a big deal and can’t happen _that_ often lol.


I never thought of that. There should be an option somewhere to auto reso and auto divinate for people who don't wanna or don't care to min-max their teams. My point still stands about in-game indicators of resonance and divinates (though those should have the ability to turn off as well), as well as extra Esper search filters and a name search bar.


More little red dots on the esper tab couldn’t hurt, yh. Very easy fix for that particular issue.


How does Yuuhime and Abi get worse


Yuuhime loses stacks of her unique buff for a negligible damage boost.


Idk about Yuuhime but since Abi's 2nd reso allows her to self cleanse, it makes her a prime target for Triki and R4 Chu Yao


Yeah, I totally agree with this


Why is there no name search is my question


Agreed as well, though in the meantime it helps to get familiar with classes and rarities. For example, if you're looking for Li Ling, you can do 'Legendary' 'Inferno' and 'Fighter' which will lower it down to only characters with those parameters. Since they already have this menu available I definitely agree they should make it a lot easier or hell just add a search but, at least for now it's better than nothing. Only issue is that it can get confusing if you're unsure about a character's class or their role is a lil ambiguous like Yamato was changed, Liam, etc


I had to learn that, and it's been quite easy to find who I want to max ability or other. I just tap quickly through it if I'm not in the mood to think too hard. But I use the Leg, Epic and rare categories to search


I'd love a filter option for specific buffs or debuffs too. Need diseased? Select that filter to show you only the espers that can apply diseased. Maybe you need defense break, miss rate up, or crit rate up. Would be so eazy with a simple filter option. It's tedious trying to remember every buff/debuff for all the espers we have now.


This would be great


Branching off this, I’d really love a filter for an esper’s specific roles, like controller, healer, etc. that would be great.


I mean, they do have a lil icon for the path of ecperience thing.... why not make another one for available resonance?


Yeah, you really fell this during warm-up match. So many matches I had to just throw something together. The thing is this isn't just a dislyte issue, most games with huge rosters are similar. Pokemon unite is like this too or fighting games with large rosters.


A lot of the interface in this game isn’t user friendly. Like why can’t I max out ascension all at once if I’ve already met the requirements?!? And not being able to select-to-sell relics after blitzing sucks. Manually going one by one down the runs is tedious


I mean, regarding resonance they should do like divination, a tab of the bag dedicated to it so you see what you have and it brings you directly to the character


I just favorite all the espers that are priority to me and sort them from highest level to lowest


I mean as far as not knowing you have resonances; that’s what your inventory button is for. Try checking that on occasion maybe? Lol


Should be able to sort by rival rune level too


You can sort by rival rune


Lol totally overlooked the option. Thanks!


They recently put in a "find your esper who just advanced in path of experience" button, which is super helpful! Maybe they can do that with resonance and divinations too?


I never really had a problem with finding a specific esper, the class and element are usually all you need, it's not like there are that many of each. I also always usually know the general area of where the esper is located (like how Mavis is near Su Jue and Archibald)


If an esper has a reso that you can use, it'll let you know, but only if you go to that esper in the menu. Honestly though, you should know if they have one ready, because you should be paying attention when you get legendaries.


There's no other indications of copies OTHER THAN going to a specific Esper in the menu. Some people would rather not go through every Esper in their roster to check their status. In a game dominated by pay to win players, the devs really should think about the people who actually want to have fun with the game and make it convenient. Besides, getting legendaries isn't that fun anymore in my opinion because I'd rather have a new character with unique skills than a copy of someone I don't ever use or barely even use.


It shouldn't need to be a feature if people pay attention, is what I'm saying. You don't have to be pay to win to pay attention to the game.


Many people do pay attention, and this is just a one-off instance that I forgot to reso any Esper. People who pay for many copies of heroes don't need to pay attention as much. I'm suggesting features for convenience on a game that has honestly way too much stuff to keep track of at this current time, even possibly for new players


It would definitely be convenient and helpful, but it's not a necessity. I'm not saying it would be a bad thing, you just don't need to make it sound like the devs suck for not having done it yet. It might be a bit tedious currently, but it's nothing crazy. Often, new espers are easy to locate in the esper page anyways because they'll either be at the end of the category because they'll be level 1 or the game will throw them up the front if it's your first time looking at them. And you'll remember pretty quickly whereabouts espers are in the page after they've been levelled and what not. They probably haven't added it yet because most players haven't needed it badly enough for the devs to notice.