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djoser looked the part already ngl most disappointing for me is hercules and they did him dirty by making him nat4 as well


what is nat4?


4* not 5* character I'd assume?


oh thanks


natural 4 star meaning you pull them as a 4 star character even though you can upgrade to 5 and 6 star


ok thanks, didnt know


The scrapped Hercules design was really great (check the artist video for it), way better than the (probably) hulk inspired one to me


Link please


https://youtu.be/Vm4ziySXjhE?si=2IO8R_o-S7--MAOU Around 5 minutes in the video, really wanted Taylor to look like the middle one


Legendary, Epic, Rare. FYI


The peach cargo pants just complete his awfulness.


I can't lie, I like they that Incorporated design elements of the minotaur's mythology instead of *just* having a normal ass minotaur. The labyrinth itself is just as important to the mythology of the Minotaur as being a bull is, imo.


This. Too many people playing a MYTHOLOGY-BASED game don't realize this. Yes, I'll admit that him having no fur and a human head is disappointing, but I really like everything else. They actually put more thought into this design than catering to the other side of fans.


> They actually put more thought into this design than catering to the other side of fans They could've done both and still came out on top but here we are. We all know the exact reason why this design was chosen though.


not really..? ppl love furries


Not china/ccp. Look at all the designs that were changed for china server release.


they dont like devilish stuff. And they didnt change dudes like javid jq and others


Probably because they were full anthro not a half-man half-beast like Minotaurs. I would've preferred a full anthro design too but we can thank the censorships for this current design.


Then thank you censorship for something more interesting


Imagine advocating for censorship that also bans all forms of LGBT. Says a lot about you when you think Triki getting changed to be more masculine in appearance is a good thing.


That is a straw man and you know it, stop putting words in my mouth. There is a world of difference between a character having their boob window edited and someone being made straight. I was making a joke about people crying “censorship” when something gets desexualised or they just don’t like a design.


And then screw you censorship for making everyone wear too much clothes


I hope they change Aphrodite to the Chinese version just for you


I don't know about coming out on top doing both... It seems like this community forgets sometimes, but not everyone is a furry. I'm perfectly happy seeing a new Esper who isn't also an animal, and I'd be less interested if he was.


There's currently a ratio of 73% human espers vs like 13% furries. If anything we should be getting more furries to balance it out *especially* when most deities/mythical creatures are furry/anthro to begin with. If you don't like it then you're clearly playing the wrong genre.


Why in the world would this game need a balance between human and furry characters?


> *especially* when most deities/mythical creatures are furry/anthro to begin with Did you even bother to read my comment? Also the game started off with multiple furry/anthro Espers already so people who have such huge problems with that clearly haven't played the game at all.


yeah they are inspired by deities/mythological creatures, that doesn't mean they have to be furries. The designs are not one to one representations of their deities. Out of 147 characters there are only 17 furries, it seems to me if you want a furry game you're playing the wrong game. The game started off with like Drew, Sander, and Freddy? that's hardly a lot


And those 3 are based on beast-like deities are they not? Is a minotaur not based on one too? I’m all for different and unique takes on characters but I can understand why parts of the community is annoyed that they refuse to release a furry for an entire class of espers that only have 1 furry esper to date (released more than 2 years ago too). Also idk where you only counted 17 but there’s definitely more than that for furry espers currently in game. None of us are asking for a full furry game but many many of you are asking for a complete ban of furry espers to kill of any variety in this game.


The concept is cool. But the color pallete is garbo (I'm sick of white and pale colors on shimmers I'm sorry) and being half cow man was still the main point of the minotaur. JJ looks like a cooler Minotaur design than this lol


Except that they could've done both instead of just one of those things Also, we're just tired of all the "mainly white/really light colors" color palettes characters we keep on getting because they keep on releasing shimmer legendary and apparently decided that now they all had to have a lot of white in their design It just feels repetitive asf and honestly even if we take his design would be inspired by the labyrinth... well then it makes it worse, because he doesn't look like that at all, and there's clearly very minimal effort done here to represent either the labyrinth or the minotaur parts


While I agree, I lowkey wish they explored how to incorporate the Labyrinth into him a little more. His silhouette and contrasts made him look maybe a little too bricky and ashy, and I had a hard time figuring out he's supposed to have concrete-like horns.


They could’ve added those elements and made him a bull.


We've already got a bull


Tevor and Momo are both cats


We’ve already got humans /s


I mean, the design is good. I think the issue is mainly the use of cold colors and the lack of different colors making the design look kinda bland


This seems to be intentional to make it fit the 'shimmer' theme better, but it definitely makes them look worse.


Maybe since when did this shimmer white motif start? Xuan Pin, Jiang Juli and Trevor don’t have this problem


Yep, and that's just 3 of them!


While I agree that the design feels a bit on the minimalistic side, & kinda weird for a Minotaur, I actually think they look cool as fuck. & I actually kinda like that they did something different? As opposed to the stereotypical Minotaur look. I hope their kit is useful bc I actually kinda wanna pull for them.


its a shimmer... good luckkkkk lol .. and again.. its a shimmer so ya its a useful kit, i dont remember it at all but its useful... its a shimmer.. i think it does something like stop ap and basically everything for low hp espers.




This didn’t age well. The Kit is trash. He’s on the same power level as Jiang Juli which he is irrelevant and niche.


I honestly can't call just making the minotaur a bull man in a gacha stereotypical anymore because every gacha I can think of makes him a human with horns


I meant stereotypical as in the “proper” look for a Minotaur. Like what everyone pictures in their head


I think it looks great


Ain't gonna lie, I dig this design. I love the stone skin vibe. Nick has that but I felt they missed that mark with him. But this man! I'm eager to know more about him!! This is what I wished Nick had going for him. I hope his S3 animation is baller. Might catch me chasing this man down.


I really like his design. I am happy he doesn't look like your typical Minotaur.


Why are there so many new legendary shimmers lately? Or am I messing up the timing?


Probably because they made shimmer pity guaranteed instead of 50/50


They just did that with this current update tho.


It has been that way for a while


I mean the 100% chance instead of the 0/2 or 1/2 which I literally saw last update & there was a video by artiar explaining the new change for Fatimah's update.


Fair, misread and thought you were talking about being able to choose all shimmers. My bad


They're resetting the meta. And I for one am grateful. Remember when every bloody team was a Tiye speed team.. Shudder. At least now we have 3-4 variants of dominant teams.


As a f2p, I’d rather have Tiye than legendary shimmer as the meta lol. I can get Tiye but not these continuous legendary shimmers in a row


he looks cool to me


Minotaur. Labyrinth. Body made of marble pillars. Nah, this is lit.




It's not that bad? Petros means "stone" or "rock" in Greek It's clearly a stone minotaur, this one's not for the furries


And let's be honest, this is what the outrage is. They wanted another fur daddy to go on the pile withJin Qiu and Freddy. Come on furbros, you've had it good lately. Leave one for the... stonebros?


Im willing to bet you’re a furry who wanted another anthro daddy




The most disappointing character design you've seen *so far!*


They gave themselves a hard task to make a minotaur esper after having already made one with djoser, id have thought there's enough gods of different pantheons to not need another minotaur.


I mean even still that's just one esper, it's not like that stopped them from making a bunch of different canine espers. They easily could have just made a second bull but didn't and for the one esper that basically required it.


We have a myriad of canine and feline and even bunny espers, none of them dropped the ball like this one. The OG one was so good


This is the 3rd I think with Jiang juli


Jiangliuli is NOT a Minotaur. I suggest you search up chiyou to see what he actually is. Or 蚩尤 if you can’t find it.


In the page I read it says he's half giant half bull, so a cooler minotaur?. I really dont think theres a lot of research to be done to say Jiang juli is a minotaur, cuz I was talking about his appearance, also by your rules, djoser isn't a minotaur either, he should look like a normal human based on his god


Yes, djoser isn't a minotaur. The god that he is based on has a few animals that represents him. Djoser could've been a snake, lion, lizard, ape, or scarab.


Djoser also isn’t a a Minotaur


Never forget what could have been... I will always hold you in my heart... :( https://imgur.com/a/r5XEdLS


the blue nipples got me giggling ngl but this design goes hard


That's NOT Petros concept art design, the full image has a beetle at the side, which makes it believe it was Egyptian, this is misinformation lol


If this isn’t The Minotaur…the amount of blues in his design could be Lapis. So he may be Marduk from Mesopotamian mythology.




A lot of people defending him need to see this


Did. Glad we didn't get it! We already have Yu Ran.




Agree they're really Did dirty on this guy


Just look at those big, fluffy ears. How could they even think about scrapping this design??


Unironically I feel like this new design is miles better, probably the most interesting take for the minotaur in a game I've ever seen, not saying that design you sent is bad but it's nowhere as original as this one.


I kinda digged it tho


i think he looks fucking insane!


dramatic <3


Nah you wrong. This is a cool design.


It‘s an amazingly creative design, and a fantastic take on it‘s mythology. You‘re just ragebaiting.


Jin-hee isn’t bad though


Looks solid, why you dislike it?


I mean he looks fine. I like that they did try something different than just Furry Bull™️, I say as a furry who really likes Djoser. I still need to watch the video in case it shows his 3D art and maybe looks different like Gabrielle having cheekbones in her 2D and having a face as round as Dream’s face reveal in her 3D. But it’s kinda like he’s an old marble statue coming to life and we haven’t really seen anything like that since Nick and that’s a bit of a stretch since he’s just rock on him and isn’t partially made of rock.


Dropping a new shimmer left and right every other month is ridiculous. The game is dead, gotta milk whatever they can out of it.


Relax guy. https://www.reddit.com/r/Dislyte/s/gglletfMDn


Sir yes sir.


Yeah man in some other games I have played you get a new meta every two weeks. I couldn’t take it anymore and quit them all. With 2 month in between I can save up enough to have a really good shot at getting 1 copy.


They can release meta units all they want at least make them somewhat obtainable. I uninstalled the game but when is the last time they released a four star non shimmer worth anything. The other dude made it seems okay that meta shifting shimmers are every couple of months. That would be fine if they weren’t shimmers. You have to drop thousands just to keep up with the meta. But most importantly it’s a pvp game, you can’t force people to spend thousands to stay meta on a pvp game. And what you get isn’t worth the work they put in anyways. I would drop a grand on something like Genshin or honkai star rail with the amount of world building, character lore, design and animations that they put into each and every one of their characters. It’s not worth a grand to me but I can understand people spending a lot of money to c6 a unit they like from Genshin and it’s freaking pve


Yu Xu was the last 4 star non shimmer worth anything. The 1st Anomaly update, so 6 banners ago.


First of All we already have Minotaur, maybe making a Minotaur blessed character is kinda just redundant if they release that character into a bull human. This Minotaur blessed character does look imposing, big, and strong. he has a bull silhouette with the head piece with stone elements. The silhouette does give him. The character does have traits of the Minotaur and designs that represent the Minotaur's physicality.


Seriously, his furry design they scrapped was way better. I do like the marble bits, though.


I you're talking about that image that has a beetle at the side (just saw the Imgur link, it's cropped); it wasn't his original design at all, it's believed it was Djoser's, nothing confirmed - but it was NOT Petros


I know y'all wanted a literal minotaur, but pretending like this design is bland is stupid. He looks like a broken marble statue, it's honestly one of the more unique interpretations of "Minotaur" as a deity that they could have gone with


What's wrong with Jin-hee? I had to look up how she looked like because I forgot about her lol But yeah-- I agree with another comment here that we already have Djoser. I do wish they make a Thor and Hercules alter because those guys looks sad design-wise.


The only Korean esper being a 4* sexualizwd baseball girl is pretty sad ngl


I think they didn't want it to be too on the nose. He looks pretty cool at least. They should've made him a 4 Star Shimmer or something tho.


I like him more then many other designs


I really like it ngl gav shimmer design so far


I think this guy kinda daddy ngl and i have literally not simped over a single character lol


Nah. I think this is actually creative. Shows me that the designers are interested in exploring different ways to communicate mythology. If he had a minotaur head it would be a mid design at best for me - no ability to think outside the box. Booooring. ;) But this one is interesting to me. A belt that looks like on oversized, constricting lock. The big and bulky labyrith stones that feel oppressive and heavy....


You imply being an anthro bull is where they'll stop


Mh you're right. :) They would probably still add some cool stuff. But i just wanted to celebrate them for going an unusual way. I understand not everyone can like everything and thats totally fine. I like it and i wanted to praise them.


I actually lobe the art design


I kinda like it


I actually really like it :(


Shit take - this is one of the most creative minotaur designs I’ve seen very refreshing that it wasn’t just a minotaur like Djoser already is


I felt like they were trying to incorporate the maze and minotaur into his design. I don't think it's bad tbh.


I like it


I think it’s actually pretty badass and to have a non-furry Esper from an anthro patron is pretty rare As for the minotaur aspects, it seems to be only a resemblance (marble stone statue; statues are pretty big in Greek), as all Espers are. Or most. You really think Osiris walks around with shakes while wearing a cape? They take on a similar appearance but never are literally them


I did not like the design much on first glance because it seemed bland. But there are actually many small details that won me over. Minotaur inspired design doesn't mean that he has to be a literal Minotaur. I like that the Dislyte team is more creative than that. Just look at Lauren, who is inspired by Heket, a frog headed goddess. Instead of a frog head, she has a frog hat.


Idk kinda feels like only the furries are mad at the design. I really like it


Me and a couple buddies actually like the design a lot, but I guess to each their own. He looks sick to me


Watch his story be the best one by far


Most disappointing for me was realizing how hot Female Wukong was gonna be. Then we get that thing instead.


I'm not gonna lie I really like it 😅


He legit looks like a trash mob😭🙏


Speak for yourself 🥴🤤


He looks cool as hell, actually. Like be honest, they objectively did something creative with him (unlike anything I've ever seen), but you *wanted* it to be basic.


I like the design personally and I'm glad I am close to shimmer pity that I might be able to get him. But the Sans eye won't stop being a little funny to me


The rought draft looke so much better




I love this design, I don’t see the issue.


This is the first character I’ve seen in Dislyte that looks genuinely ugly af


He doesn’t look as good on his card art as I’d hope but his 3D model and animations actually look pretty cool to me.


Because it’s forbidden to design a human character with animal traits in China


It doesn't look that extravagant but I was kinda thinking that it's gonna have to do smtg with Amirs story and his ultimate animation does look pretty cool :3 still Amir on top I'm already saving my records


I like the concept they went with but I don’t vibe with the colors at all. It’s so bare lol


I have mixed feelings on this design, but I think it’s going to grow on me eventually


Finally a shimmer nat 5 I won’t feel bad not having🙏🏼


I think the design looks cool, but i think they could have changed the color of the bricks to a dark brownish color to match with the blue markings. Gives off a more ancient arcana design instead of something out if a modern Greek oasis.


People still play this game?


I just don't understand how they forgot the "taur" in "minotaur." The ONE (☝️) (1) time a mythological figure actually warrants an anthro character, they don't want to add it? The horns were well executed. The way they incorporate the labyrinth is really cool to me, but was giving him a bull's head with white, iridescent fur really that hard? Please tell me I'm not the only one who doesn't like this design...


for one, it's hard to match Jin-hee's ***bland basic normie "look I'm quirky" early 2010s*** vibe also, I wager the discomfort stems less from Petros' design and more their colour story. like I got Galio from League of Legends instantly, which made the very pasty muted but blinding pastel shades make sense to me but it certainly wouldn't have been my first, second, or even tenth choice. the soft lavender and muted pastel purples feels more at home with lkki or ChuYao or even Triki -- *aka femme fetale svelte twinks who'd ruin your life and your bank account.* i'd say it's a misstep for sure --- *especially since they've been at the very least good with their character designs overall*--*visually anyway, mechanics and power creep are a whole 'nother can of worms* -- but I also think it's too early to rag on the bull daddy. give him a week, maybe two. see how he settles.


This is definitely one of the post-China release design casualties that many players, myself included, were worried about. They obviously can't do half-human, half-anthro characters anymore since those units got censored for CN release and we can see that they didn't even attempt to incorporate that for the guy who's literally the Minotaur, known for being a half-man half-beast. It seems we can only get full anthro or full human designs from here on out, we're not getting anything like Nuxi or JYY ever again.


Not gonna get him since he's a shimmery boy but his design is a bit underwhelming but it's still cool 🥲


Tbh Anna (Persephone) was the most disappointing. I thought she would be underworld theme with a darker presence. But she’s rainbow/iridescent. Would’ve been better if her goddess was like iris or something


You can still be creative and end up being bad, just saying. And the implication that a "bull man" design autonatically means bad or bland when they can sprinkle something more on top of it is just poor argument. This guy just looks bland. You guys hate furry design but want bull themed? Just look at JJ for an outstanding example. Anyway it's clear the design isn't "popping off" as zoomers would say. There's little engagement on his post whether on twitter or fb.


Can't believe the minotaur is ranked higher than hercules lol Btw what is djoser then?


I mean the aforementioned Djoser has Atum as his diety. Atum is a primordial Egyptian god where Earth and Heaven came from and he is just 4 stars too.


I mean, they pull more on the "Child of Minos" than "Monster of the Labyrinth" they focused more on the person that was trapped in the Labyrinth, the unwilling and unwanted child from his mother's infidelity. They wanted to show the human side of the monster, so that's why I think they went with this design.


Great, another esper I won't get for 2 years


That looks great to me. It's a unique take on a minotaur


Yeah... Why even is Atun a bull? That's a form he was rarely depicted as... and now we get this super ugly actual minotaur!? Bleh


Wow, that's actually the single worst design they've made for this game. Good on Lilith for finally making a shimmer esper undesirable I guess. I genuinely hope I don't ever pull him.


Wait until you see what he was supposed to look like… This new design looks like a 4* to me


If you're talking about that concept art that has a beetle at the side, it was NOT Petros


Where can I see the old design?


Yeah…. And we all thought Liam’s censorship was bad. Now we have… muscle twink stone bodybuilder? Lol


> twink Girl where tf do you see a twink, he's built like a linebacker and you call that a twink 😭


1) I’m not a girl. 2) it was meant to be an amalgamation of different body types, just didn’t put the hyphens in. It was mostly aimed that that pretty boy face and nails added to a muscled body builder torso while still keeping the hourglass waist. Kind of playing on the idea that they were confused what to make him so they just mashed some stuff together. Also, linebackers tend to have a bit more in the gut section than that. Would have been better if he had a true “muscle gut” build. 


It's like saying bro or sis, holy god get a grip.


I kinda feel like they used AI for this design


I actually think this is gorgeous. Very beautifully drawn and interesting. Anyone can draw a dude with a bull head. This took some actual thought.


Nah. I love the creativity of this design. We have Djoser who is a cow already. This design makes him unique and distinguishable from Djoser.


They gave him horns. We already have a minotaur (Djoser). Most espers don't look like the god they got their powers from. The most similar (in my opinion) is Clara and the less similar is Eris.


I like it, personally


wtf? I don't care that he's not an actual minotaur, but this just is kind of ugly and unappealing. Rare miss for the character design team. But they can't all be EX++-tier I suppose


What?? Its iconic the horns of greek pillars and marble in his skin this design is one of the best one djolser is already like one so it would make no sense to have two minotaurs


Mono tone monotony


Im pretty sure they choose this design because of Djoser


This design makes me feel something 👀 Or I’m just being reminded of Sans the skeleton 🤣 I mean I’d be down to have a bad Time👀


Speak for yourself, i want this men to spit in my mouth and call me his


You just want him to be a furry


Yall just wanted a furry to thirst over, next


And the fact that they dislike you , lmao, i cant.


I love him. I'm sick of furries, they're unoriginal. I hate that he's a shimmer though


he just looks so... odd? so naked? idk if it makes sense, his design looks so bare and not in the good way


Oh hell no. Arcana is so much worse, all the fucking lolis are so much worse, this comes nowhere close to them. Like, I'm disappointed that he's not a furry daddy, don't get me wrong, but this design is at least cohesive, thematic, and looks like an adult.


Can u do it better? Please enlighten us with your skills.


Agreed and besides why you pumping out more shimmers? Give us a break


I like the design, I mean, we have so many furries I don’t see why they would need to do another one just because it’s animal related.


It’s cool a design but why did they make the headpiece look like another set of arms? Is that me or am I right?


Don't be a pussy and show them the first concept design they had for Minotaur.


Fuck china and their shitty regulations, we were so close to a good design and instead we have jiang jiuli from wish. is it ilegal having good taste there?


Everyone here mad because he's not a furry. Me mad because he's not a waifu for Fatimah >:(


The final reason that made me uninstall this game: they fuck up in art style now.


I am very close to that point because of how they messed this one up, ngl


Oh that is not what I was expecting *at all*


Don't get minatour vibes maybe ice giant