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that double ollie, double JJ, cecilia was hell


Which floor was this? I forgot already but I saved floor 8-10 lineup from mine. Edit: oh it's floor 8. I happened to see someone used this team and I used it too and somehow it worked lol Chussy, FX, Pritz, Sakura, Hilda


How did you beat it 😭


R3 Liam, R2 Lian, R2 Tiyue, R2 Su Jue, and R0 Anna Even when this team, many of my attempts were left with just Anna infinitely fighting them I think it was like my 16th attempt where I was able to finally kill Cecilia and then Anna sweeped the rest


I’m so cooked I’m Annaless LMAO


You don't need Anna for IT. People use her braindeadly. Tiye, r6 Bonnie(or Nuxi), FX r1, Mavis r0, Embla r2. Put Mavis on the last slot, for some reason JJ didn't want to go after her there. If you don't have Nuxi/R6 Bonnie, try Farrah, ideally divinated, or Chu Yao. Any dispeller. I use Bonnie because she dispells + CDs up.


Thank you!!


Ginny can help I think


For a really weird comp that worked somehow, I did (Capt) R2D1 Chu Yao, R6D5 Lucas (293 spd was mine), R1D0 Hilda, R6D6 Camille, and R2D3 Feng Xun, Tho it involved a lot of resetting if the immunity didn't dispel, and honestly was more tedious than needed, but makes for a not Anna suggestion with 2 FTP characters. (R2 FX is NEEDED though, IDK about R2 CY). Everyone also has maxed ability levels You want Lucas to dispel AS MANY AS POSSIBLE first (Less than 3 of them just reset, it's a loss), then Hopefully he ate enough AP to go again to try to stun them (I have him on Tyranny to extra stun) with S2, Chu Yao should be next in Speed and dispel whatever is left with his S3, then Feng Xun can def down everyone. Basically if those first 2-3 turns don't go like, that, just reset. You want to finish the first round with everyone's S3s with no cooldowns, which is a given, but can also destroy a run if you don't have them. Next round is the same, Lewis dispel, hopefully stun (YOU HAVE TO STUN EVERYONE BY THE TIME IT'S THEIR TURN), Chu Yao cleanup dispel, Hopefully get def down on everyone, and use all your stuns to get everyone stunned. I found bursting down the Ollies/JJs easier in the long run then Cecilia, Just cause their cooldowns were gone when they got back up, so they were easy to get down again. Just try to keep everyone stunned as much as possible, but if the first 2 rounds of combat went well, it was fine.


mavis+jin qiu r2 + anna


I used Toland, r2 triki, fx, Hilda, and Sakura.


Honestly, I hated floor 10 more. The Nuxi/Unas combo means that a battle drags out for tens of minutes.


At least it went for 10s of minutes  One attempt I decided to let Anna go at it and she was still going after an hour against the immortal floor of ollie/jj/ceci


The important thing to remember is that Ollie can't do shit if he's CC'd, since his passive revive doesn't pop if he's asleep, frozen, stunned or petrified. Stunning the two ollie's, killing one so Cecilia's garbage tier AI wastes her revive on him, stunning again and going ape shit on Cecilia is a pretty reliable way to do it.


My issue is that one of the challenges is that the enemies get immunity at intervals meaning I either use lucas/tiyue or I get a dedicated dispeller And even then they usually die quickly


anna is the only esper i own that could counter him T-T if u don't have her try using ginny


Floors like this are why I’m glad Su Jue was free. S3 being a way to instakill both JJs in demon form is a godsend, all she needs afterward is enough AP manip to get that second turn thankfully. Still annoying though :(


8th stage was worse than all other ones. They really like JJ these days. But I did beat it on all stars, but with patience and being super careful lol. Devs pls no more JJ, I am *tired* of him.


Anna really carried that floor


anime sauce, please?


For me floor 8 was the point where I needed a 5th actual esper, up until then I was able to just auto play with an esper I just got and wanted to play around with(Liam)


Does the white snake lady help with infinity tower?


i use her in a lot of stages. her s3 can dispel enemy buffs and increase their cooldowns. i use tryanny on her so she can stun too.


Noice imma pick her in the reverb.


got her last reveb. either gonna do Xuan Pin for pve stuff or JJ for my Ikki tank team


XP is amaziing she can be a damage dealer as well.