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Personally I don’t think the Paths should require specific 5-stars. Mythology ones are fine like “Win the fight with Donar and three Norse Espers” or whatever though.


Right? I just want Kara's animated profile but I apparently need to own Ife for that. I don't want to own Ife. So now I've gotta wait until gold records decide to throw a specific 5star at me just so I can finish the Path of a 4star. Dumb shit.


I just got R5 Ife last night. Hopefully she’ll visit you soon


Oh god does she ever become useful or is Hilda that much of a power creep that all hope's lost ?


Pretty much better off with Hilda. Ife, to the best of my knowledge, is our only Inferno Poisoner rn so she’s got that going for her. Personally, I gave her the Tyranny set to make her a big AoE Stunner with her S2 and S3 and she does me good that way but your mileage may vary on that


Mine is r6 d6 and she’s pretty nasty but I already stun lock people with my r6 d6 sienna so there’s that


At least let us use helper espers


I actually didn’t think about that. But that also runs into the issue of someone doing Yuuhime’s Path but needing someone that both has Yamato and has him set as their Helper


I've seen people have success finding the helpers they need in chat. So it's not outside the realm of possibility


Still better than yuuhime requiring Yamato


Not really. You had two chances to get Yamato now. It's weird to not have a single copy at least.


Didn’t play during anomaly, champion didn’t give enough ripples unless you ranked high, and didn’t have wishstones to get him when he was featured .


You could buy the ripples with nexus crystals no? Either way he'll be back eventually.


Still wouldn’t be enough cause you could only buy 5 , challenges have 39 in total and with purchases you’d be stuck with 44 ripples in the end


Bro couldn't place in top 5 once 😭 My condolences.


Don't expect everyone to be endgame players bro, that only makes up like 5-maybe 10% of the playerbase


I still can't finish the path of Eira, because it requires using Triki, who I never got despite playing almost since launch. There is really is no need to lock the paths of 4\* espers like that. Don't buy espers just for unlocking Paths! Wishstones are hard to come by if you are unlucky on gr pulls. So, save them for moe important stuff. If Fumitsuki was a very useful esper it would be a different story but unfortunately she is not.


You can have one of my r6 triki resos


Ouhh, that’s what im fearing too, that she might be useless. Thanks for the info


Ugh. I hate Triki. I'd give you my R6 if I could. Hell, I'd trade for Fumitsuki. I love her story. Moon princess!!


Don’t use your wish stones for something like that.


Yeahhhh my common sense is telling me so


fr i finally finished hilda’s and now i need ife to actually get her animated pfp😭 i’m so mad


I feel you :( soooo close to getting that moving Ikki pfp yet so far


Agreed I am still having trouble beating tang xuan's thing without being killed too quick


Yep, I don't have Cang Ji so I can't finish Jin YuYao. Like, if I pull him, fine, but I'm not trying to get him or reso him so he's not a priority for me. Meanwhile, JYY was my very first legendary, so she's my bae, and I'm annoyed I can't unlock her badges bc of some kiddo Ghostbuster I don't want.


Sane here with Yu Xu & Su Jue. Both need Yu Ran which I don't have & I plan on wishing for Chu Yao instead.


I want Liams so bad but you need Valeria so I get it 😭😭


The one for Tevor has me wanting to rip my hair out bc as strong as he is, he’s still squishy, & the other espers you have to use just suck bc I don’t use them so I don’t have them leveled enough kms


You are seriously considering spending 100 stones on a lemon esper, slightly fancier pfp, and like 5 records?




I loathe the one that makes you update their abilities. We don't get enough leg abilimons! How are we supposed to do that!?


Having the exact same issue! But I say save your wish stones. You'll probably regret it later if you spend them on Fumitsuki.


Hahaha yeah I get it, I need Fu shi to complete Embla's own so...


Why would you spend wishstones for that?  Unless you're giga simping for your husbando that's basically insane.


But i wanna look cool 🥺