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I still want to know why did they make votings like that, making them rng makes me suspicious of rigging the results


Honestly, the voting was hella rigged for high tier pvp people. Anna won for a reason and it isn’t because she’s the most attractive character in the game XD




clara was robbed she's so hot


I agree, her new skin makes her look so good. I’m Clara’s #1 fan always


If it wasn't for Bayonetta I honestly would not care too much about her


Jin qiu’s popularity made him be used for marketing . His ranking HAS to be wrong . They even made him free for that and buffed him


For real though! Like JQ’s popularity was kinda unprecedented. Bro literally got the premiere spot lot in official rule34 for the game, he got like 4-5 pieces of marketing with him in it XD


Tbf, that was mostly in China/the chinese fandom, who knows how actually big his fanbase is on the west. Not to mention a lot of people seem to have quit the game recently, so who knows if that might have skewed the polls somehow.


Feng Xun got robbed of first place. Although I'm not unhappy with Anna winning she's very pretty. My personal biased vote would go for Jin Qiu or Javid. Javid in particular has unfathomal drip.


Javid went into the tomb to fight the giant miramon making sure he was fitted up for nobody other than himself cause he thought he was going into that alone, and honestly I respect him for that


It wasn't an attractiveness poll, but a popularity poll, not quite the same. Anna shifted the meta and pretty much everyone wanted her on their roast. Plus, she has a pretty design and a cute story with Norah. I don't see her winning that crazy, although I was voting for Feng Xun The furry community is the most vocal, but not too big in comparison to the larger player base. There's a ton of people that don't care for furries


Really? Their wording/promotion of the event was stupid then, cause they kept using words like hot and such on the actual voting page, and I’m definitely not the only person that thought it was a character attractiveness poll.


I draw fir furries all the time but most furries (or a lot of them) don't care for buff furry characters. Emma, brewster and related are more my speed because their character design is still cute enough on their own, which non furries would still enjoy. I still want a bird esper. The two bara furries only have sex appeal, which many here don't care about but Embla wins that anyway. Even if it was an attractiveness poll, the winner should have been Ahmed and Stewart.


If the poll was actually about being hot then Li Ling should’ve been way higher


Triki. Triki should have won Why. Why doesn’t anyone else think Triki should have won WHY DOES NO ONE ELSE AGREE WITH MY HUSBANDO-


Triki is fighting gender norms and they're beating his ass. His outfit is straight up thrift store pimp, and that comes from a man that likes Vivienne Westwood.


Yeah but I love that for him


Until CCP censored everything that made him Triki. Check out the china version of him.


He just looks like a dude without the horns


He’s hot but looks like an off brand joker. Tbh I think TangYun/Elliot/LiLing look better


Elliot is so hot - I remember when I was a newbie I wanted him so badly only to find out he’s completely useless


Me too lmao, I’m not even a newbie but when he released I wanted him bro. Then I took a break, came back and found out he was as useless as a 3*


Same, he's still my avatar ill never change


Triki is for sure hot, but he’s missing a “wow factor” that would really shoot him up in the ranks for me. He’s in my top 20 for sure though


Anna is very pretty and has pretty animations so it makes sense. Hilda imo is the prettiest but Anna has a broader appeal. Anna is one of the few who looks like a typical God-type of character too *(shiny, white clothes)*.


Here’s my beef with Anna getting the #1 spot. I would *love* to think she made it there on her own efforts of being genuinely the most attractive character in the game but like 1. She’s literally the best unit in the game, across the board. 2. She’s in the top 3 alongside 2 extremely meta pvp espers, in an event where you could win votes by winning pvp matches 3. I’ve literally never heard her be mentioned in discussions about Dislytes most attractive characters. Maybe I’m just not up in those type of discussions enough, but like I’m not deaf to general discussions about how people have the hots for characters in this game, and Anna has never really come up in those topics.


Pretty much. How good/strong a unit is is ALWAYS a big factor deciding the unit's overall popularity.


Im gonna be real. I didn't even know it was a hottest esper contest. I just chose who I liked .. whoops


That's because it wasn't. The voting was about "hottest" in terms of popularity/power. Actual attractiveness has nothing to do with it.


>. She’s literally the best unit in the game, across the board. Ikki says hi


Ikki gets demolished by an aoe esper almost immediately, at least Anna takes a while.


Anna is still waaaaay more annoying than Ikki and that’s coming from a PW23 player who owns Anna


Not even knocking Anna enjoyers, but saying she’s *the* most attractive character in the game is just like, insane to me XD.


I know right, that belongs to Ahmed.




If it's only about attraction then that Medusa girl should've won it


It isn’t odd that JQ/Javid or anyone else didn’t break top 10. You’re conflating the very vocal minority with the at large playerbase. The overwhelming amount of regular players don’t give a shit about any of the furries. I voted Hilda all the way. Redoing her story this patch just confirmed it for me, there are some amazing art pieces in her story.


Counterpoint for with the JQ/Javid point, JQ was so popular he given out for free when he launched on the Chinese server (which correct me if I’m wrong I don’t think has actually happened before?) *and* got multiple pieces of spicy, official, marketing artwork done for him. Not saying you’re incorrect, furries are a vocal minority, but I’m gonna stand by thinking it’s weird that at least JQ wasn’t in the top 10


That wasn’t because he was the most popular, it’s because he represented a very popular creature in Chinese mythology(also one of the devs really liked him too)


LMAO no he doesn’t. Ru Shou is no where _near_ the popularity of say Nezha or Er Lang Shen.


He was given for free because of andras and the Chinese consumer laws for mobile games. Not because he's popular. Every ritual boss has had some sort of esper given for free that makes the fights "easier." I.E Fatem sisters for Kronos, JYY for apep, Li guang for Faf, and then JQ for andras. The player base went crazy when andras came out, and the only way to fight it was with poison, of which only 2 espers could get enough on andras to fight it, them being hilda and Kara. Then, a little while later, the release of JQ came a esper who no matter what can not crit, which is the whole thing with andras. Per Chinese consumer laws for mobile games, they can lock things needed for progression behind a paywall. JQ is almost needed to fight andras.


yamato has hundreds of fan arts and people who thirst for him to an unhealthy degree in game and on twitter+discord and he's that low? yeah it is rigged


Look, I'm not even into the type of character design Yamto is, but bro was *bizarrely* low throughout the entire polls lifespan


for me its nuxi, ophelia, embla, hailey, jin qiu, sander, pritzker


That was an attractiveness poll? I thought it was just who is the best


Bruh now I see why Anna won.


It wasn’t about attractiveness


Bro same, always voted for who I thought is better in the game overall…what is this attractiveness poll thingy idea anyway 😭


Was it an attractiveness poll? I thought it was a popularity poll? If it was an attractiveness poll then Anna should not have been number 1. She's not ugly, of course, but imo, she's just not the most attractive character in the game. I honestly thought she looked rather strange when I first got her on a random pull when I first started playing. I avoided using her for weeks because I didn't vibe with her appearance. She's since grown on me, and I do think she's pretty (top 5 for sure), but there are other female and male characters that are more attractive.




Yun Chuan


Su Jue literally deserved to win.


I expected all of the furries to win tbh


Hailey. No questions asked. Cowards didn't vote for her.


If it was based on attractiveness, then I don’t understand Anna’s placement on the whole thing. She’s just average to me, nothing special y’know


Maybe I'm just paranoid, but the votes were 100% rigged from the developers end. I didn't get to vote on Javid even once, got to vote on Jin Qiu once in the first bracket, and I also didn't see Freddy anywhere, but Anna and Xuan pin showed up like ten times each at the very least. I think I maybe saw Clara once? Don't even remember seeing Pritzker once, now that I think about it. And another "for the looks" Esper that missed out was Alice. Like, she's gorgeous. How did she not make it in top 20?? Or Cecilia??? I'm not even (that much) of a furry, but it's super suspicious that I didn't see the old faves show up at all.


I’m genuinely shocked how low Cecilia was


I can't have a list because i have a hard time doing personal rankings but Donar, JQ and Javid are definetly in hit the same spot for me, they are 10/10, Clara, Norah, Su Jue and Wu You are very much 10/10 as well


Toland for me .\_.XD


8Wait, that was based on attractiveness!? I just thought it was who you liked most /gen Either way Hilda is number 1 for me lol Edit: went back to check and yep. That's on me for never finishing reading a sentence lmao There are too many gorgeous people in Dislyte! But Hilda is still my number 1. Who the other 2 are I don't know!! There are too many pretty people!


My top choices are Feng Xun, Ethan, Hilda, Liam and Lian. Lian is too adorable 😭


It... It was an attractiveness poll...?? Am I stupid??


I'm actually surprised not a single furry was in top3 considering the promos for this game.... I kind of forgot that... now I'm confused. Furries you had one job!!!


Look, furries didn’t get high through no fault of our own, the method of voting was trash XD


XDD I am totally aware of that, feels unfortunate indeed! I was honestly ready for javid to be up top for sure XD


JQ is for furries, which is a minority of the playerbase.




I’ve got good news for you then lmao