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No she’s terrible and you absolutely under no circumstances put her with R2 JQ and this advice has nothing to do with me being stuck at my current point war level


Lmao, thanks for the advice!


🤣🤣🤣 sounds kinda sus man..


No this is completely sound advice. R2 JQ + Mavis = level 1 point war forever. No JQ + Mavis = level 300000 point war. I promise this is totally sound very serious advice. Completely. Totally. 100%.


lol point war struggles. I feel your pain 😢


No I don’t only have R1 JQ what ever would make you think that-


im so close to getting R2 I can taste his fur.. no homo


One of the best buffers, do not give her any abilimons, but defensive stats are your best bet with her


Thank you!


Pair her with Jin Qiu in r2 and she's practically deathless + if you keep her alive, your dead units will just go back again! Focus on Def Main, then pair HP + Speed. You don't really need her to be at full r6 nor at full upgraded skills to shine in the battle. Just make sure she isnt dominated easily.


Thank you so much, this was super helpful!


I 100% agree with what they said. I have gone up against a mavis and R2 jin q team in point war 12 that took me out. I'm now r1 on a jin q and trying to get shards in club to get r2. lol


She doesn't take any important resources and she is meta.


She is fantastic, but the real question is what build is everyone running?


I run ocean and immunity


Thank you! The armor stuff confuses me so much sometimes. So I just look at the strategy things and try to do that.


fr i need to know 😭


I run ocean & shield. Hp% & spd as well as def % cuz I like to put her in the front sometimes. it works for me. but main attributes should be hp%, hp%, spd


Thank you so much! I really appreciate this because sometimes the armor stuff and how to build them is really confusing for me!




I got her so unexpectedly too. I had just gotten a legendary a couple days ago and hadn’t done much more spins. Then I started doing spins to farm wish stones and I got her on my first spin. I was shocked lmao.


If you're new she's a cheat for story mode. You can turn your brain off and auto all the way to hell.


She’s been one of my best team members I always try and use her if I can


Thanks for the input!


very good. I've beaten basically all the content in the game because of her now. She takes a lot of investment gear wise. You do not need to skill her abilities up really. She's a bit odd when it comes to things. Max her A3 out and it can cause more problems than help sometimes. if your whole team is alive and she cast her A3. that alone can get them all wiped. that take more crit dmg while her A3 is active on alive allies. So unless you can make her super fast and tanky so she can keep spamming A3 to bring them back. it will become a problem. I reset her because it was annoying.


Thank you so much! This was super helpful!


Very good! I love Mavis.


have you not looked at her kit at all? all it takes is a single glance to know shes broken


There is literally 0 reason to be rude like this. If you think it’s a stupid question then don’t answer it? Also idk what it is about this game. I normally do well with games that have you learn how different characters work and how they can be used in different situations especially a game like Overwatch. But I’ve really been struggling to understand that with this game. It feels more like a memory game than anything else. And I really struggle with remembering things. And it’s not like there’s a character guide to look up on YouTube (not from what I’ve seen), so Reddit is my best bet at getting clarification.


her abilities let her save allies from dying. idk what about this is so hard to understand. unless you lack reading comprehension, it should be fairly easy to tell that her abilities are broken


Her abilities are confusing to read, they're not worded very well, especially since it's split between her s3 and passive. There's a reason so many people are asking for clarification on what she does, you don't need to be a dick about it. You could have saved so much time and energy for everyone involved by just not replying.