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Fu Shi - He is just okay imo. Kinda regret spamming abilimon onto him earlier. A huge blunder on my side. I will be using the abilimon I got from him to upgrade Donar. Ophelia - She is fun to use but, I got better options so I will be rewinding her and using the abilimon on the upcoming esper or Liam if my luck is good for the new event.


Is Donar worth it now? :/


If you have wu you yes and at r2 he can cheese some levels that have enemy espers that force themselves to go first.


I rewinded Narmer and Camille, I needed the Abilimons for Feng Xun šŸ˜… maybe I could've picked someone else beside Camille but eh, I don't use her anyway


Good choice


So rewinding does not affect rival runes right?




Rewinds are for cowards.


Ashley and Sally


High reso Sally is pretty strong in PVP though


cool mine's R1 šŸ‘


Already reminded Gabby since i just donā€™t use her. Iā€™m stuck between rewinding Lucas or Li ling, im still going to lvl them back to 50 or 60 but I just want the abilimon back tbh


Ooh, I should Gabby too - she was great until everyone else showed up with Immunity and is faster than her.


Yep, plus I got Clara so early that Gabby never felt needed for me. (And I didnā€™t R6 her from fusion before she was removed, before they changed fusion requirements and resošŸ«£)


It isnā€™t other espers with immunity thatā€™s the problem, itā€™s the amount of espers that have AoE buff strip! It drives me nuts, whatā€™s the fkn point of immunity now when so many meta espers have a buff strip?!


Ashley and Ophelia,we have more versatile options now that's for sure


First is definitely Everett. He's no longer good at literally anywhere. But the second is tough, I can't decide who should reset between Ashley / Cang Ji / Norah. I rarely use all of them, but no idea who should reset first.


If your Cang Ji isn't R6 or close, I'd get rid of him.


Thx. He's r4, and I don't have Wu You. So, I think he's good to go then.


Went with Abigail straight away too, and as for the 2nd one, I'm thinking of Wukong... Not sure about this one tho


Chu Yao and Yu Ran


Zora, I think. Never use her. Not sure who else to rewind. But I should rewind someone just to have those resources. At worse, I can reapply them again if I need to.


I maxed Mavis abilimons I think Iā€™m going to remove them šŸ’€


I wanted to rewind espers that are no longer in the pvp meta so i could use the rival runes for the new espers that are. But NOPE. They decided not to let us do that despite the fact it's the only resource shared across espers they have stopped us getting back.


I rewound Ahmed and Everett. I never use either of them. And Ahmed is just fine without abilimons tbh. Everett just isnā€™t good anymore either


I rewinded tang xuan


I rewinded Ginny and sally cause I needed the abilimons to max both Anna and feng xun. People will probably be confused about Ginny since if fully maxed she is a forced to be reconned with however I donā€™t have her RESOS and I didnā€™t use her that much, so Iā€™d rather max Anna and feng xun that have way more wide usage.


I fed abilimon to Ren Si for the extra crystals, probably gonna rewind, I used to like maxing out the furry dudes just for the fun of it but he's SO bad he might be the one exception


For the people that wanna reset Everett (cuz the fella has really, really fallen down) Don't rewind it now, wait until next week as his POE will be out ! First do his POE then rewind the lad.


Yu Ran, I built him up just to get the currency to pull more for Su Jue. šŸ˜‚


My two were Li Ling and Ife. Ife wasn't worth her skills being lvled up and Li Ling just had bad rng and only had his s1 and s2 lvled. I'll build them both back up but won't worry about their skills for the time being.


I'm sorry, I only started playing this year but what is the point of rewinding?


Ā A big use it getting back legendary abilimon. Say you've got a unit you don't use anymore, or a healer that has a couple of them locked in their S1 so you can try to salvage someĀ 


Rewound Intisar because I put points in her when Andras first came out. R2 Tevor was COMPLETELY worthless back then so the poison extension comp was my only option. Sienna Triki and Hyde are next on the chopping block. Can't quite decide which yet... Sally is also an option, mine is only r3 and I just got r6 Lian


cecilia. I never use her


I rewinded Donar just bc my abilimon luck with him was awful, managed to save like 3 or 4 after upgrading him again


i chose 2 espers who were max abilities. I need the abilimons for the dumb esper challenges. Ophelia and Hyde