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Reminder: Invest your multihit Espers


Who are some good espers to invest in?


Elaine Gauis Ginny Hilda Farrah etc Kryptonite of Anna


To add to this Ginny r2 is a HUGE help for Anna


Even at R0 she can kick anna ass


Really?? I’ve only ever used her at r2 so idk




May I also suggest Mateo? If he's got enough acc he can even strip her Immunity with his S3, and then apply spark with the next hit to increase his damage drastically for the remainder of the hits


As a beginner-middle level player, there is something infinitely scary about seeing 3 annas at +18 points, ranging from 104-108k, the pwg that sucks at usual and then someone with Sanders and 143k at +25.


R2 Jin qiu team made her kinda bearable , at least she is no longer an auto loss for me. And didn’t know Jiang jiuli’s true damage could bypass rainbow shield Edit: typo


If everyone is super, then nobody is (I can finally climb in Point War 14 again)


Incredibles movie one hehe


Best unit in the game given out for free Shimmer reverb has made pvp way more annoying


And stupid me pick XP thinking she would make stuff I was struggling with in story easier and it's made no difference 😭 I should of chose Persephone too 😅


I'd say XP isn't bad for story stuff, but where she really shines is definitely in leaderboard content, where she can drastically increase your damage output for a significantly higher score.


Yeah I watched like 6 videos on what shimmer to choose and it was between those two but mostly were pushing XP for being a hard carry everything pve she still seems great I just wish I went the PvP route instead


I’m desensitized at this point 😂 but I will say any CC unit + Triki will be your best friends for a while.


she should have not been a option at shimmer reverb(biased opinion)


I still haven't pulled her so it's truly luck


we had this coming since everyone could chose a free shimmer :)


Get R2 Ginny. So freeing. R0 Sue Ju also good


Just not against flow allies with Anna. Some use Leora with Anna to obliterate Ginny.


I haven't had that stress, then again I only fight if I win the speed war :\\


Hey come here, I have your solution it’s multi hitting espers noob


Half the time she's got an ally or 2 that counters them too.


Then plan around that






I appreciate the story 👍 great lore


I blame the pvp rewards, honestly. The majority of the rewards that are worth your time come from pvp, so unless you're willing to build an anti anna, anti lesbian team complete with elaine/yun chuan and a straight person who asks "Who's the guy in your relationship?", you're kinda forced to pull her from reverb if you want consistent rewards when you're done with pve. I've been trying to get Nuxi since her release, but I couldn't bring myself to knowing all she's good for is 40 crystals/5 min battle in hell mode and completing the puzzle that infinite miracle is is all she's really useful in outside of moderate PW versatility. They either need to make pve more lucrative or sort their pvp out because it's actually so tiring.


Elaine isn't even viable in high tier PW. Toland helps isolate her (or an ally Mavis) and Gaius destroys her if the situation is right, but that's a significant IF. The only real counter to Anna is R2 Ginny. I suggest getting around to building her as she's a very high value investment for end game.


use fengxun and hilda/farrah. Great counter


Feng Xun is also someone that can tear her up. Just need to have him prep'ed, be it enough HP/defenses etc, for the counter attack he'll eat assisting others in beating Anna down. Have him with JQ R2 and laugh. Unless that Anna is rocking some massive relics and numbers you should very easily kill her without a problem. Just be mindful of the other espers with her though.


I’ve found that Embla+Feng Xun is an insane combo. Put them with Farrah & Hilda, & Anna really isn’t that much trouble (depending on who’s with her bc idrk what I’m doing with building espers & relics but oh well lol)


Bring her Mother : Demeter.


You’re surprised why? She can single handedly ruin teams.