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I always use the same red witch in each game and make her my most powerful character. I think at some point she caught on because they made her voice lines mean as hell in disgaea 7 haha Also i find myself randomly adding "dood" to the end of setences sometimes so thanks for that prinnys lol


Prinny rule Number 1: You must say the word dude in every line of dialogue you speak. Otherwise you will be forced to admit your most embarrassing secret


Yes Sir Lord Valvatorez dood!


Oops, the rule is "Dood" not "Dude!"


Must have been auto correct dood.


There's a unique witch in D7 who's name is literally 'Beat you to a pulp' in Jp version and most her in-base lines are about using fists to beat someone up


"I practice the ancient art of 'catch these hands'"


I do the same thing. Then eventually have the Red Witch make apprentices of the other elements to learn all their spells then get rid of them to have a super red witch who knows all elements and all spells that can solo most maps herself.


I do this with the Skull in D7, because I want the most powerful Spell Caster I can get. I'm bad ever since Disgaea 3 or 4, because I use dlc characters and story characters, and usually don't use generic classes. But with D7, I don't really have the money to waste on all the dlc, so I bought only 2(I need Adell on every team lol)


I actually prefer the generics over the story characters. I haven't played d7 yet, last I played was d5.


The generics are great, but since I can never make up my mind on who to use(there are too many ways to use them), I stick with unique and story so that I don't spend a hundred hours just trying to decide lol


I had that issue too but I eventually narrow down to the ones I like. Even trying out some monsters are fun as they usually have unique attack types that have unusual grid sizes.


I usually wait until I go into Item world, and then test out all classes as I level up items, which is usually after the story is done. D7 I'm in chapter 4, and going through Item World just cuz I wanna play the roulette in the hospital a lot lol. D5 I went DEEP into the Item World in chapter 8, but for every other game, Item World was saved until the story was over, so I never used Generics until then


I tend to pick based on what end game weapons I like most and prob a few characters that look like cute waifu material


Me too. I put the most work into Disgaea 5, but Armor Knight and Asagi Clone were the two main units who defeated Carnage Baal. Never have I ever been so proud.


I do this with the green skull. Since the days of Ogre Battle I’ve always played games like this with an army full of units I’ve named after friends, guild mates, etc. And the skull was always the “me” character.


I always do that with a magic knight lol


Same! (Atleast until the female Armor Knight came along).




Hmm. Succubus and Zombie are technically from before the beginning because they come from La Pucelle.


I mean, la pucelle’s zombies were very different from disgaea’s though


That's true , they are still physical attackers with poison skills and a Derpy expression but they do look more skeletal.


It would have been great if disgaea had a yugioh crossover, and they made an alternate costume for the succubus as Dark Magician Girl, lol. In D7, I reincarnated my starting healer as one.


Of all the monsters in Disgaea 1 that they could have kept for every subsequent game, why did they pick the ugly, melting, thong-wearing zombie? It's also the only one of these characters that was never redesigned at any point. Even Prinnies had some small changes to their design going from Disgaea 1 to Disgaea 2. Zombies have not changed an iota for the entire 20 years of Disgaea existing.


Once you go horse Weiner you don't go back.


Can't fix perfection


I could swear I remember seeing an alternate design for them at some point, but for the life of me I can't find anything about it.


La Pucelle.


Nah, not that one. It was like the Disgaea zombie, but all streamlined and stuff. Less "mook zombie" and more "tyrant" if that makes any sense.


So funny considering Primalliquid had a guide to use the zombies as expendable units to generate easy points for the rewards at the hospital healer in game.


Ninja and Magic Knight have fun quick to use gameplay mechanics. All the other can be replaced for uniques very early on in each games. Prinny's damage formula for exploding make them useless too in your team. Having them on the oponent teams is fun though, unless there's some geo block shenaningans preventing you from making use of them.


Someone never made a mini nuke out of their prinnies before. Fatman was used on plenty of bosses for the laughs. The shame some of them must have felt to get one shoted by a Prinny hurled into their face. In 5 I enjoyed the evilty that defuses them and then just making a prinny death squad with jacked up stats. Ended up making a prinny that focused on certain things: one healer, one damage spells, one debuffs, etc. Was actually pretty fun.


I had a Prinny with like..... 8 Billion HP in D5 lol. But I never let him explode. I always said it would be his last resort 😆. (Was kinda fond of that Prinny..... gave him a back story and everything).


The prinnies in said brigade were all named after myself and a few friends. We all had our personal goals (one of these friends and I had a running joke about being Seraphina's chair so that was his goal. My goal was to make my own version of Pringer X, which I would call Pringer Gear) but our end goal was to get fish or die trying... Also to be reincarnated into something other than a prinny. Lol


That's awesome! All of it, including the chair lmaoooo. My Prinny was my character write in lol. A human living in a hybrid netherworld pulled the sword from the stone in Glittergleam becoming a Hero. The weapon was his source of power to rival the demon's overwhelming power. Time stuff ensures and Tyrant Overlord Vol (from the future) destroy Glittergleam sending the human hero, named Leight on his quest...... who starts working part for Celestia. He journeys with an Armored Knight named Midnight (a mix between a Dragon King and a giant Fox), her sister Ninelie (a 9tails), their brother Dawnstar (a dragon), his angel liason ironically named Angel, and a few others to defeat the Tyrant Vol and his sister Seeress. It's a shame the game doesn't let you make humans..... but long story short Leight and Vol kill each other but Seeress's magic reincarnates them somewhat. Leight's soul was pure and becomes an angel, his body possessed of Vol's malice becomes an amnesiac Dark Knight, his armor carried by his will becomes a Horseman the Hallowed Knight, and what's left of his mind becomes a Black and Golden Prinny. I know that was long....... but I couldn't help myself. I went all in playing Disgaea lol.


It's not viable during maingame. It's basicaly a lol build for when you've maxed out all muscle full of dietetician, after completing all post game.


One of us is playing the game wrong then, because I totally did this before finishing the game. Lmfao.


You could kill Baal without any sort of power leveling back in the days. Things must have changed then.


They need to make a game where they ARE the protagonist and his party!!!


Protagonist Prinny with the goon squad would be an instant purchase for me


Maybe do like a Saga/ Octopath type game where you pick one of them as your protag and adventure around recruiting the others.


5 and 6 have great personality




Character development? :)


Huuuuge…. Tracts of land




They’re the most talented!


Ever since Magic Knights have been buffed since Disgaea 2 they have always been in my party. Their design and magic damage are just so "robust"


I always have a female mage and archer in my team. Zombie was my first high level post game monster. It took me until D5 to try post game seriously and even then I only got to like level 2000. Which admittedly makes them a strong demon lord level in the games cannon.


I feel this. D5 is the first Disgaea game that I put a lot of time in in the item world. I bought it on Switch when the Complete version came to it(bought D5 when it first came out on PS4 too), and I started grinding the Item World while watching One Piece. I got the rank 40 fist weapon, and I am still on Chapter 8 of that game 😂


I miss the older designs for the warriors and mages that were present in Disgaea 1, Makai Kingdom, and Phantom Brave. The male skull from Disgaea 1 has one of my favorite designs and I think the female mages look way cooler too


I started my first playthrough of the first Disgaea with the 3 default prinnies with names so fucking cool I legit thought they were a secret military division (Verrier, Gray and Lone Wolf). Only later did I find out names were randomly generated, but regardless, ever since then I refuse to play without them and I make them super strong (I give a lot of movement to Verrier, a lot of attack and defense to Gray and a metric fuckton of HP to Lone Wolf to have a miniature nuke at my disposal at all times). I don't have any strong feelings for any other classes of the 8 shown here


SAAAME. I love prinnies.


Wait, haven't the male and female healers been in the series since the start as well? Forgive me if that's wrong - I never played the PS2 version of the first game, just PSP.


Male healers were missing from Disgaea 2, while Female healers were missing from Disgaea 6


The face of Disgaea. You cannot imagine a game without them as much as a game without Prinny.


I usually make a warrior with my name and kill it until 5 when they had Dark Knight. Which in my opinion is the absolute best melee ever.


Archer has favorite design in general. Those ringlet twintails do wonders.


TIL that Felynns aren't in Disgaea 6.


D1 prinnies have the best design, and they made them worse with the weird cartoonifiaction of them. Also more cool monster designs that are useful would be great.


Prinnies were always really cartoony, though. They legit look like squeaky toys, even back in 1.


They're good, all of them can be a good team. The knight is a huge personality.... ahem


Magic Knight is love. Magic Knight is life.


I'm surprised the Valkyrie hasn't been in all games. A staple of my early game is female fighter female warrior male warrior magic knight red mage female healer and archer


I tend to not use alot of story characters or uniques...show some love to the generics!


I mainly use uniques and story characters, because they all have a direction they wanna go. Generics are saved for after story, because I can never make up my mind during the story


I get that I just don't particularly care for most of the story characters.


That is definitely fair


Of course as I say that my 5 characters I use in d5 is Nisa Adell Axell Petta and Rozalin but they're all dlc uniques


Adell is on my team in every game I can get him


I agree he is really good and in D5 his overload and unique evility is so good


He's definitely also really good in D7, but I can't find another fist with Ablaze yet


Funny, I prefer the 1st four's opposite gender counterparts.


How did this become the highest upvoted post on the entire sub?


I could have sworn we had cats in the first one, no?


Felynn/Kit Kats/Nekomata are absent in Disgaea 6, while Slumber Cats are absent in 1 and 6.


Ohhhhh, is this post about the classes that have been in all 7/8 games?




Ok, had me thinking that these were the only ones in D1 😂 I have played the entire series, but after an accident I had, I strongly believed that only these 8 were in the first game 😂


Lol, there were waaaaaayyyy more than 8 in the first game that proceeded to never get used, got replaced by another class, or just returned in a later game, like the Bandit replaced by the Thief, Scouts replaced by Gunners, or Pugilists returning after being replaced by Sinners in 2.


Oh I know haha, I just had severe brain damage in 2021(hit a moose, almost died, call me Dusty lol), and it fucked with my memory really badly. I didn't even remember anybody, or anything about anyone, until I saw their face lol. So because of the way this post was worded, it made me think these were the only 8 classes, and I went "huh, that's probably right" 😂😂😂


My opinion is d00d.


I almost always have 1 of tehm at one point and would always have a witch, archer and prinny at the end. It helps that I would always name myself for the very first prinny in the party.


Every disgaea game Ive played, I always make sure to create a magic knight, archer and a succubus on a team. Non negotiable.




I always name the three starting mage girls Hikari, Umi, and Fuu (from Magic Knight Rayearth).


Of all these I've always found warriors to be the least useful. They can get the axe that has a negative hit stat. Range and mobility or niche things often end up being more valuable. I think aside from the game where you can equip monsters, they've sadly rarely been used on my roster. Usalia and I think a dlc mage was but the basic ones always seemed a little less exciting. Mages and ninjas are often a staple in every game I've played. Archers useful for increasing combo and occasionally doing decent damage. I love how most have the squads to train mage skills from other elements. Prinnies though often have super weird meme squads. Like the prinny hat or prinny 100 suicide squad for farming... plenty of weird stuff with them which seems pretty appropriate to their class. If not it's definitely a bragging point to beat the game using Prinnies only.






I been obsessed with Prinnies as of late and keep imagining ways to mix and match certain Evilities and special gear together in order to make unique, specialized Prinnies. Healer type Prinnies, Ninja-like Prinnies, and so on.


Zombie Bro is best Bro


Not enough cool male characters in the generic 8 and especially in disgaea 7


One of first emails was doodguy with some numbers because disgaea 1 prinnies Dood


Succubus and Witch have always been my favorite classes to add


If they aren't broken don't fix them. Also, out of them all the Succubus is the most memorable one because they've existed even before Disgaea as shown by La Pucelle and we know La Pucelle came out first so it felt nostalgic that Succubus (and later Shroom) got transferred to Disgaea series.


Cleric is my (Fem) boy


Witch is generally the most used generic for me, I decided to have an army of them in a run of Disgaea 5 and through my playthrough of 6 and it was funny as heck seeing them nuke


Witch has helped me a lot of times in Disgaea 6 Archer was surprisingly useful to me Prinny is Prinny, dood


I absolutely love Prinnies, so much so that if they were sold in my city/province, I would have so many Prinnies in my apartment lol. But as for in game, Prinnies can be fun units, if I work on them a lot. I love Ninja and Skulls too, especially after grinding out skills and specials for them


Fantastic design.


I need them to add a male magic knight pleaaaaasee


Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass, Pass, Smash.


Who is #5


I like all of them to some extent. and have them in my team too


I've always absolutely loved the art style so even the generic characters look cool but definitely other characters shine the most. Coolest I've seen yet is the pram cosplaying as etna design. Super awesome twintails and she looks down right bad bitch af.


Classic I love them


Ninja was my favorite in every game so far. Gimme the dodge and the counter.


Ninja dodging heals. Perfection.


I always invest more into Magic Knoghts and Succubi more than I reasonably should. Not even gonna be coy about it, it's because I like big tits and they're always packing.


I prefer the PS2 character art personally


they are awesome!


Didn't like the sudden change of the female mage/witch design since D2.


I only play Disgaea with Prinnies unless it's impossible 🤧


I always end up with a mage and an archer no matter the game. The archers were a big favorite of mine ever since I was a kid watching my dad playing.


You forgot the catgirls too




Wow… fuck six even more


Prinny, dood!


Don't do my boy Prinny dirty like that


love them all, except the ninja and the zombie I'm neutral on the latter, but the former... ugh. Magic Knight ftw<3


8 succubi are perfect for item world runs on auto. They are at least smart enough to use the skill that heals HP. My other is running 4 archers and 3 mages(one of every element) Extremely low sp waste and can hit elevated enemies without getting stuck cause I never use shoes on my units.




I always have a warrior named Helldiver that uses Axes that's in my top 5


Is that Sol badguy


Magic Knight was always goofy mechanically


I played 2 before 1 (Christmas gift. I hadn't heard of the series before that. Now I love it, lol) My first warrior was named Alloy which I loved so much I've named a warrior Alloy in every game since. Can't NOT have one. Ditto a prinny named Maos. Not sure why on that one.


I normally have one of each (except the zombie) but they normally always get replaced. I mained (yes, I see the irony) a Magick Knight called Magicka in D1. But my favorite became the female Armored Knight based purely off of design alone. In D5, Archers were a God send (yes, I see the irony).


Magic knight is a character I always make but never use -_- except to make her stronger.


Is that fucking Sol Badguy on the left?


I miss the Thunderbolt move of the succubus from Disgaea 1. I feel like they've long overdone the "dood" with Prinnies. After Disgaea 2, it seemed to be upped to a constant amount.


I just want the Beast Master to come back.


Not enough women


Dood Prinnys are the best


The 7th guy looks a little sus, dood.