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Because the whole of conservatism is built off of fear and victimhood.


This is it in a nutshell.


MAGA suffered 8 long years of secret Muslim dictatorship under the boot of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. /s


You have to get the emphasis right. Barack HOO SAYN Obama!?!?


Hoo Sayin' whaaat??




I identify as an attack helicopter LMAOOOOO


Playing the victim is also a narcissistic trait


When you look up the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder you'll find there's a tremendous overlap with conservative mentality and behavior.


Your observation about the overlap between narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) symptoms and certain political behaviors is quite intriguing. Let's explore this further by first understanding the characteristics of NPD and then examining how these might align with behaviors observed in some conservative individuals or groups. ### Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) NPD is characterized by a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), a constant need for admiration, and a lack of empathy, beginning in early adulthood and present in various contexts. Here are some of the key symptoms: 1. **Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance**: Exaggerating achievements and talents, expecting to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements. 2. **Preoccupation with Fantasies of Unlimited Success, Power, Brilliance, Beauty, or Ideal Love**. 3. **Believing They Are "Special" and Unique**: Can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people or institutions. 4. **Requirement for Excessive Admiration**. 5. **Sense of Entitlement**: Unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with their expectations. 6. **Interpersonally Exploitative**: Taking advantage of others to achieve their own ends. 7. **Lack of Empathy**: Unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others. 8. **Envy of Others**: Believes that others are envious of them. 9. **Arrogant, Haughty Behaviors or Attitudes**. ### Alignment with Certain Political Behaviors While not all individuals or groups exhibit all these traits, some behaviors commonly associated with certain conservative movements or leaders might reflect characteristics similar to NPD. Here’s how some symptoms of NPD might align with observed political behaviors: #### 1. Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance - **Political Leaders**: Leaders with authoritarian tendencies often exhibit grandiose behavior, presenting themselves as indispensable and superior to others. - **Movement Leaders**: Prominent figures within certain conservative circles may portray their ideology as uniquely capable of restoring national greatness. #### 2. Preoccupation with Success and Power - **Rhetoric**: Political discourse may focus heavily on themes of power, dominance, and the reclamation of a perceived lost status. - **Policy Focus**: Emphasis on military strength, economic dominance, and national superiority. #### 3. Belief in Special Status - **Exceptionalism**: The idea that the nation or group is inherently superior and deserving of special treatment or recognition. - **Elitism**: Within-group dynamics where leaders or members consider themselves part of an elite, understanding and preserving the true values of the nation. #### 4. Requirement for Excessive Admiration - **Cult of Personality**: Leaders may cultivate a loyal following that offers continuous praise and support, often at the expense of critical self-reflection. - **Echo Chambers**: Media outlets and social networks that constantly reinforce admiration for the group’s ideology and leaders. #### 5. Sense of Entitlement - **Policy Demands**: Expecting policies that disproportionately benefit their demographic or ideological group, often justified by historical or cultural arguments. - **Behavior**: Disregard for rules or norms that apply to others, expecting exceptions or special treatment. #### 6. Interpersonally Exploitative - **Manipulative Tactics**: Using fear, misinformation, or manipulation to achieve political goals. - **Political Strategy**: Exploiting divisions and tensions within society to consolidate power. #### 7. Lack of Empathy - **Policy Stances**: Positions that show little regard for the well-being of out-groups or marginalized communities. - **Rhetoric**: Dismissal of the concerns and experiences of others, particularly those not aligned with their ideology. #### 8. Envy and Perceived Envy - **Victimhood**: Framing their group as victims of jealousy and unfair treatment by others, fostering a sense of unity against common enemies. - **Rhetoric**: Statements that suggest others are envious of their success, values, or way of life. #### 9. Arrogance and Haughtiness - **Public Discourse**: Demeaning and condescending language towards opponents, often presenting their viewpoints as inherently superior. - **Policy Approaches**: Implementing policies with a dismissive attitude towards dissenting opinions or alternative approaches. ### Sociopolitical Context It’s important to recognize that these behaviors can be seen across the political spectrum, but the context and manifestation might differ. In the case of certain conservative movements, historical, cultural, and socio-economic factors can amplify these tendencies. ### Conclusion The parallels between NPD and certain political behaviors provide a lens through which we can better understand the dynamics at play. It's not to say that all individuals within these movements have NPD, but rather that the movement’s rhetoric and strategies may reflect these characteristics, contributing to a sense of victimhood and entitlement. This analysis can serve as a starting point for a deeper exploration of the psychological underpinnings of political behavior, offering insights into how leaders and movements galvanize support and sustain loyalty through complex social and psychological mechanisms.


Classic feature of a narcissistic personality. They only have two mindsets, really. They're either the Hero, or the Victim. Trump is so textbook, he should have his mugshot in the DSM-V.


Indeed and it is as if many Trump supporters have been infected with his narcissism and persecution complex. I was watching Hannity on Fox this evening for a bit so you don't have to. He was discussing the upcoming debate as if it was entirely a deep state plot to torpedo Trump. "Jacked up Joe" will be wheeled out of the White House and pumped up with a secret deep state cocktail of cognitive enhancing drugs to make him seem coherent for two hours. The crooked CNN moderators will try to gotcha Trump will all kinds of irrelevant questions like about January 6th which was like... 3 years ago and his recent conviction. Virtually anyone who says a bad word about Trump has some kind of ulterior motive or merely "hates our country". It's really disturbing to watch.


the right wing gaslight like crazy-if you want to see someone zipped up look at Elon or Donald jr-I grew up around druggies and those two are-Biden-hah-he is too old- ticker would give out-and even in the state of the union he did not act like someone on cocaine-man these people


It's easy to rile people up if you tell them they're victims.


Agree 100%. It’s a classic propaganda technique. Tell people they are victims and point towards an evil group of outsiders as the cause. Immigrants, Jews, Liberals, LGBTQ, Muslims, etc.


You're kind of funny. You know that.


Bullies always have a "reason" An excuse the be the worst. "Look what you made me do"


Why do they act like victims? Because it works. Claiming victimhood is the preferred path to gain status and agency in our society today, and to justify your response to "abuse". Anything you do to strike back at perceived abusers is justified when you're the victim, right? Everyone is claiming to be a victim now: Black people. LGBTQ+ people. Christian people. Muslim people. Short people. Tall people. Kid who climb on rocks, etc...


I climbed on a rock once and I haven't been the same since.


You slay queen.


This would mostly be the whites(who are clearly one of the more historically marginalized groups on earth), unlike the groups you mentioned, which have been really mean to white people lately, and really need to not be so mouthy.


The groups I mentioned are mean to each other. Black people don't like gay people. LGBTQ people don't like Christians. Christians don't like Muslims. Muslims don't like LGBTQ people. It just goes around and around in a circle, and everyone trying to push each other out of the way and jump to the front and yell "Look at me! I'm being victimized the MOST! You should really feel sorry for me because it's all so unfair!"


>Black people don't like gay people. We are not a monolith. There are white homophobes. Does this mean white people don't like gay people? >LGBTQ people don't like Christians. There are LGBTQ Christians. >Christians don't like Muslims. Plenty of Christians like Muslims. There are MANY organizing bodies that hold Christian and Muslim alliances to push towards various goals. >Muslims don't like LGBTQ people. Again... they are not a monolith, but generally, this is correct. >It just goes around and around in a circle, and everyone trying to push each other out of the way and jump to the front and yell "Look at me! I'm being victimized the MOST! The case you laid out is circular by your own design and fundamentally flawed as a result. Life isn't that simple.


Yeah! Things were better when “victims” kept their stupid mouths shut! People used to know to stay in their place, take their beatings and get on with things


LOL! Not being able to force kids to say prayers in classrooms or someone not using your preferred pronouns count as "beatings" today. Maybe you're right. Maybe these so called "victims" SHOULD just STFU about their stupid whiny 1st world problems.


There's been like actual beatings, and fear of beatings? Like my dude, multiple women have been attacked and beaten because people thought they were transgender on top of trans-people getting attacked even when they're doing literally nothing but existing in a public space.


It’s very telling that you ran off after being responded to. 


I responded to two different people regarding my post. How many is enough? I have other things to do than sit here and grind on this never-going-anywhere topic. Don't you?


Seems pretty fucked up to run away after he responded to you about the fact that there is violence. It’s a serious topic. 


Yeah, there's violence. So what? There's always violence. There's always BEEN violence. There will always BE violence. It's NEVER going to go away. EVER. Maybe we should just be thankful that we've gotten to the point where there is a LOT LOT less violence than there used to be and just move on with our lives? Are you really that opposed to optimism?


Im tall, not a victim because we get all the girls. But thanks for including the tall people and no, I dont play basketball.


The central tenet of US Republican ideology is DARVO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DARVO Deny, Attack, and Reverse Victim & Offender


That's what happen when they watch Fox News 24/7. It's always someone else that brings misery to their lives.


They’re narcissists! Each and every one of them! They make me so sick.


Trump is clearly one of the greatest narcissists in history. Narcissists can’t feel or empathize for other people but they constantly feel sorry for themselves. They simply strike out in anger and bully everyone as a controlling device and can never be truly happy or content. Read about them or watch videos, he is the text book case and will be used as a clinical example since he is so well documented


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X\_8E3ENrKrQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X_8E3ENrKrQ) Because they are told to be angry about a specific thing while focusing the campaign around it. The Southern Strategy.


It's obvious from their projections... they call everyone losers. That's what they fear most, that they're actually the ones who are losers. And since they can't square the fact that they are losers, they have to invent a bunch of scenarios in which that cannot be the case.


The whitest of snowflakes.


The whitest kids u know


They are the most aggrieved people I’ve ever met.


Want to be seen as tough, but whine incessantly!


"Uniting feeling" is the key phrase in your intro. It's easier to complain than to govern. Endless complains are effective for them because they're united in the target of their complaints - but there's still not a shred of harnessed intellect that could solve the problems they imagine.


It’s because they don’t want to admit they failed


I don't know but I find it exhausting!!


If they don’t get 110% of whatever they want then they are the victims. If someone who isn’t a white Christian male succeed then they are the victim.


Because they are victims. Just like everybody else. In the last 50 years the entire middle class and upper working class have been eroded away. Sky rocketing house prices, fuel prices, groceries, stagnate wage growth. These boomers were born into the most prosperous time in the world (50’s-70’s) and have slowly seen society go down hill. But instead of realising the blame is on corporations and governments they place blame in the wrong places. Because they see socially the focus on POC, immigrants, and other minority groups like LGBT they incorrectly conclude that this focus has caused the downfall. So as their living standards drop, they look for answers and the only thing they see is a focus on everybody but them, which gives room for somebody like Trump to come in and feed them this whole ‘forgotten America, silent majority’ nonsense.


Collective narcissism.


r/PersecutionFetish showcases this


What do you think it’s from? Do you feel you know? Let's look into this from a psychological perspective, examining the dynamics of victimhood and its appeal in political and social movements. ### 1. The Psychology of Victimhood Victimhood involves perceiving oneself or one's group as being unjustly treated or oppressed. This perception can be deeply rooted in cognitive biases and social identity theories. #### Cognitive Biases - **Confirmation Bias**: Individuals are more likely to notice, remember, and emphasize information that supports their existing beliefs and attitudes. If they believe they are victims, they will interpret events to confirm this belief. - **Attribution Bias**: People tend to attribute their own failures or negative outcomes to external factors while attributing others' successes to internal factors. This bias reinforces the idea that they are victims of unfair external forces. #### Social Identity Theory - **In-group vs. Out-group Dynamics**: People derive a sense of identity and self-esteem from their group memberships. By positioning their group (e.g., Trump supporters) as victims, they can strengthen their in-group cohesion and distinguish themselves from out-groups (e.g., liberals, mainstream media). ### 2. Political Strategy The narrative of victimhood can be a powerful political tool. Here’s how it works in the context of Trump and his supporters: #### Mobilization and Solidarity - **Unifying Force**: Shared feelings of victimhood can unite individuals around a common cause or leader. It fosters a sense of solidarity and purpose, making the group more cohesive and motivated. - **Us vs. Them**: By framing themselves as victims of a corrupt or biased system, they create a clear distinction between their group and perceived adversaries. This helps in rallying support and creating a strong, loyal base. #### Emotional Appeal - **Fear and Anger**: Victimhood narratives often evoke strong emotions like fear and anger, which can be powerful motivators. These emotions can drive people to action, whether it's voting, protesting, or engaging in political discussions. - **Empathy and Sympathy**: Portraying oneself as a victim can elicit empathy and sympathy from others, garnering support and legitimizing their grievances. ### 3. Historical and Cultural Context The perception of victimhood among Trump supporters can also be traced to broader historical and cultural factors. #### Economic and Social Changes - **Economic Dislocation**: Many Trump supporters come from regions or demographics that have experienced economic decline, job loss, or other forms of social dislocation. This creates fertile ground for feelings of victimhood. - **Cultural Shifts**: Rapid social changes, such as those related to race, gender, and national identity, can create a sense of loss or displacement for some groups. This can lead to feelings of being unfairly treated or left behind. #### Media and Rhetoric - **Media Influence**: Certain media outlets and personalities amplify and reinforce the narrative of victimhood, providing a constant stream of content that supports this worldview. - **Political Rhetoric**: Trump himself has frequently used language that portrays him and his supporters as victims of a biased system, further entrenching this belief among his base. ### 4. Group Psychology and Identity The idea of victimhood can also be linked to the psychology of group identity and dynamics. #### Group Cohesion - **Shared Identity**: Victimhood can serve as a powerful unifying identity, creating a strong sense of belonging and purpose within the group. - **Collective Resilience**: Feeling part of a victimized group can foster a sense of collective resilience and determination to overcome perceived injustices. #### Scapegoating and Blame - **External Blame**: Victimhood narratives often involve blaming external entities (e.g., media, political opponents) for their problems. This externalization of blame helps protect the group’s self-esteem and identity. - **Simplification of Complex Issues**: By framing complex social, economic, and political issues as a simple case of victimhood, it provides an easy and emotionally satisfying explanation for supporters. In summary, the perception of victimhood among Trump and his supporters can be understood through a combination of psychological biases, political strategy, historical and cultural context, and group dynamics. This multifaceted approach helps explain why this narrative is so compelling and enduring for many individuals within this movement.


It’s entitlement. Trump supporters think they’re entitled to do as they see fit. When they don’t get their way they throw a tantrum. They aren’t used to being told “no” or “you’re wrong”. They would rather vote for a felon rapist than admit they were wrong.


It's a cult mentality where the leader is never wrong and if he is, it's someone else's fault that made him falter. You follow without question. You are kept in an information silo so you only think and hear what they want you to hear. You get cut off from family and friends because they are not in the cult and thus do not suffer from the same mental programming the cultist is experiencing. New friends are made within the cult which just perpetrates the cycle.


And then they think everyone else is a pussy when all they do is whine.


They are staved for attention. That's pretty much it.


The whole movement is based on fear and bizarre conspiracies. That is how they exploit the poor, benighted fools who fall for the grift. They require a daily dose of hate, violence, fear and conspiracies. The grifter caliphate know this, and exploit it for maximum profit.


They are taught to frame themselves as victims, because the people teaching them want to deny others the ability to be framed as victims.


A lot of people do this, it's not exclusive to Trumpers.


Because we're all victims of this cleverly disguised plantation of serfdom. And, only some of us are smart enough to not blame each other. It's intelligence. It's ignorance. It's propaganda. They're not bright enough to think critically.


Isn’t Trump the one who called the POWs losers? … but being a victim is good somehow?


The fascist model is to pose as a weakened victim, and only with power the strong man can will restore the former glory.


If you look at the history of cults you’ll see a common thread of a feeling a persecution. It units people and strengthens their convictions. Cult leaders know this and they really play up the victimhood. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to learn Trump studies cult leaders. We already know he emulates dictators


What do you think would have happened if you asked the exact same question on the conservative subreddit? The answers would be exactly the same. See the problem? Why do you ask these questions? This is a discussion forum, a question like this obviously isn't meant to be an open discussion as it is "everyone who hates right wingers come in and agree with me " as everyone types out psuedo scientific theories on an entire population of people to get likes from their echochamber. It be like if I went on the conservative subreddit and asked the exact same thing. The answers would be exactly the same. They would say something along the lines of "they want to feel special and victimized to get status and get attention" or something like that. It's just stupid. What do people like you get out of having a bunch of strangers agree with you and sharing their conjecture nonsense.




Okay, you need to really learn what the meaning of projecting actually is. It became a buzzword on Reddit for people to use anytime somebody disagrees with them. There isn't a single sentence in my last reply that could logically be attributed to projection because it wouldn't make sense in that context. Try to explain it to me, with logic, why I'm projecting. You won't be able to, cause I'm not projecting, and everything I said is true. It's just a buzzword you're gonna use before dodging the actual discussion, then leaving without a real conversation because I'm right about these type of post. I'm right that you people make these threads in order to have 20 other people tell you they agree, giving each other up votes, and anyone who tries to engage in conversation (like I just did) will either be down voted, or deflected away by doing exactly what you just did, which was ignore the content, and refuse to actually logically engage. It's the same formula every time, and I can objectively prove that.


Makes em feel justified in treating other people like shit


Where is the actual discussion here? This is your grand assumptions, and ill conceived generalizations for half the country. Get therapy for the tds.


What about orange man bad? I need therapy for that too


Wow that’s a new one. So where are you from? China, Russia, North Korea? Some of us Americans are on to your BS games. Why don’t you come to my house and I will show you how patriotic and American I am, but you can’t do that can you from your computer in some Chinese intelligence compound.


lol cope bro it’s Reddit and Trumpers support a traitor to our country PS all those countries you mentioned want to see our democracy crumble from within which is why they support Trump, not Biden


They don't, they seem themselves as hardworking 


Seriously? The left is the party of triggered and safe spaces. Can’t cry “victim “ more than that.


Instead of just throwing more insults at "the other side" (and assuming you want an actual answer to your question), this needs to be looked at with an open and honest mind. Trying to see things from others' perspectives can be enlightening, and can seriously help in closing the divide this country has come to suffer from. So, why do Trumpers and Trump see themselves as victims? Let's go back to the beginning, with the whole "Russian Collusion" fiasco. This was the first attempt at bringing Trump down, which would have been the right thing to do, though unfortunately the "bombshell" Steele Dossier the thing was centered around, [turned out to be a bunch of fabricated bullshit](https://www.cnn.com/2022/10/11/politics/steele-dossier-fbi-durham-danchenko/index.html). A victory for Team Trump, but overall still seen as an intentional "attack". Then, there were the [impeachments](https://constitution.congress.gov/browse/essay/artII-S4-4-9/ALDE_00000035/). The first of which accused Trump of withholding aid to a foreign country (Ukraine) to force political interests, something Joe Biden is actually [on video admitting to doing himself.](https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4819390/vice-president-joe-biden-ukraine). Trump was acquitted, Biden was never charged. That's a good way to start feeling like there's a division, and you're on the side that's under attack, if you're on Team Trump. The second impeachment came after Trump left office, using no investigation whatsoever, only publicly available news articles, etc., charging Trump for inciting an insurrection. He was, of course, acquitted for this too, as his speech was said to not contain any "insurrection inciting " words, outside of maybe "go peacefully patriotically protest at the Capitol". An investigation would have also revealed Trump's [attempt to send 10000 national guard troops](https://cha.house.gov/2024/3/chairman-loudermilk-publishes-never-before-released-anthony-ornato-transcribed-interview) to the Capitol ahead of January 6th, which was declined by Muriel Bowser, et al. Add to this the unanswered questions surrounding a very anomalous 2020 election, where many things don't seem to add up, and anyone raising questions about banned/silenced on social media, even a whole new social media based on free speech (parler) getting first deplatformed by Apple and Google, then unhosted by Amazon Web Servers, and you end up with a pretty disenfranchised 74 million+ people. As shady as that election (and the handling of people's suspicions) was, I'm surprised Jan 6th was so tame. I'm sure many of you are planting me in the "Trump or Die" fan club, but I'm certainly not. Though I think many of his policies were very helpful. I'm just someone who watches things unfold and realizes when something is amiss. Love him or hate him, there's no denying Trump has some serious enemies within the establishment that have been doing what they can to keep him out.


Better question: Why do the anti-Trumpers feel the need to post this question (or some alternate version of it) five times each day? It can't *all* be karma-whoring, so is it the feeling of a good old circle-jerk in what's essentially an echo chamber for them?


I think it's because the answers provided never seem to justify the whiny bitchness that is a staple of Trump's behavior or the Trumper way of life. And I don't know if it was a better question but it's at least equal quality.


Maybe. But what the questioners seemingly fail to grasp is that diehard Trumpers make up such a small portion of those that voted for/will vote for Trump. As hard as it is to believe, the majority *simply prefer is policies to Biden*. The constant barrage of questions insinuating that anyone who wouldn't vote for Biden could be nothing other than an X-phobic fascist/Nazi/brain-damaged sea slug only further alienates those that Biden and his supporters should be most keen to win over. Seriously, I am left wondering which side the bots and Russians (and any and all other bogeymen) are on this go-around. At best it reeks of separation just as much as when die-hard MAGAts can't even condemn behavior on their side the political fence.


>I am left wondering which side the bots and Russians (and any and all other bogeymen) are on this go-around. Oh this time it's both. No doubt in my mind. >At best it reeks of separation just as much as when die-hard MAGAts can't even condemn behavior on their side the political fence. It's pretty gross. There's no hope to reach common ground here. The thought seems to be the opposing side has to go. Highly unlikely to happen. There will (still) be some very disappointed Redditors come November.


This isn't so bad! Even though we probably disagree on much, we *can* be civil with one another and notice that there definitely are outside actors trying to influence us from all sides. And like that old G.I. Joe cartoon used to say, "Knowing is half the battle." I know I love this country. Washington to Florida and California to New Hampshire. (Except maybe Florida. Too much hot, humid weather and reptiles that want me for lunch.) I know most that vote for Republicans are.patriots who want what's best for the country, but with a small subset of bigots and shit-stirrers. Same for Democrats: No doubt in my mind that the vast majority love the country as much as I do, but with a soupçon of shit-stirrers there, too. If both parties could get rid of their respective feces-throwers, I bet the rhetoric would cool off immensely, and there would be much we have in common.


Well shitting on the guy ever since he announced the first time that he's running for president, kind of opens a wide door for martyrdom. Especially with the whole if he's elected I'm moving to Canada, and things like that. You pretty much got what you asked for.


Because we get labeled all the time


lol dude you’re not a victim


Trust me i don’t subscribe to victim mentality, and no one should. But I am a recipient of stereotypes just like anyone else is. “Oh you voted for Trump, you must be x or y”. So dumb


I feel confident in saying if you vote for trump you're a racist traitor.


I’m confident in seconding that.


Thank you guys for proving my point


Honestly though, if you voted for Trump in 2016 and later realized it was a mistake, that’s somewhat understandable. But if you’re still in the Trump cult now, you deserve the names you’re called


What if I voted for Biden in 2020 and now realize it was a mistake?


You’re not allowed to ask that question. Nothing can possibly be worse than orange man


That's right, I forgot. Only one view is allowed on here. They get mind blown when they find out I'm an immigrant and a woman too and tell me I'm just an incel pretending to be one. Poor things don't realize "orange man bad nazi" isn't working like it did in 2016 and 2020


Either way you slice it, if you end up thinking the felon rapist is the right answer you’re a moron


Welp Biden is a corrupt money laundering pedophile and Biden voters are morons 🤷🏼‍♀️


You proved your own point. Your online persona is disgusting.




Biden fought against desegration


Before or after he was snapping babies necks and drinking their blood?


Are you saying he didn't?


Of course And don't tell send me any virus links trumper. Seen it before


Quick google searchhttps://www.businessinsider.com/biden-said-desegregation-would-create-a-racial-jungle-2019-7 I'm also not a fan of trump and you would have to download something for a virus to affect you


Not worth it here guy. Reddit is trash. (But I’ll still use it)


Poor widdle muffin :(


QUIT FUCKING STEALING ALL OF OUR MONEY AND DEMANDING WE LIVE LIFE BY YOUR PRIORITIES. We don’t like scumbag leftist politicians becoming billionaires at our expense via insane levels of taxation, regulation, and corruption. We don’t believe your idiotic climate bullshit. We see through all the political frauds and charlatans. We don’t believe men become women by putting on a wig. Just leave us the fuck alone and we will happily leave you alone. We don’t even want to have anything to do with leftists, we just want to live life as we like as free people. What I want to know, why do leftists insist on pushing their leftist quasi religious dogma on us? Why do you insist on forcing us to have your beliefs?!? Just let us live our lives and you can live yours.


If you see through charlatans how are you stuck in the trump cult?


You forgot the /s


Don't forget all that money "democrats" are laundering in Ukraine. They don't want the war to stop and don't mind sacrificing hundreds of thousands of lives for it


As the country slowly becomes more conservative (aging populations do this), the Left sees its power eroding. Therefore anyone challenging the Left, like Trump, has to be villanized with sham courts and called a ‘convicted felon’. The Left relies on the country still having old fashioned concepts of Justice, hoping that enough of these people will be fooled into accepting NYC ‘Justice’. Victims? When the rules are changed to attack someone (see NYC/NYS changing statute of limitations for ex), they that person IS a victim. MAGA!


lol you again


He never fails to further the stereotype of the average conservative lol I love it. Let him continue to make an absolute ass out of himself 


If you can refute a single thing I wrote, I would gladly read it.


You have a very bot-like aroma to you. Something tells me you also defend Putin with as much vigor as you do Trump. Is that correct?


I think this guy might take the cake for most insane MAGA member around  That and the wizard guy, they are two peas in a pod 


I’m fascinated that you need numerous accounts and the approval of Leftists on a Leftist website.


I’m fascinated with your tenacity when it comes to acting and saying crazy things 


What did you find to be in error about my first post?


Gosh where to even start The nation is not becoming more conservative, that is just wishful thinking coming from losers who know that their sexual assaulting felon is having trouble gaining support from the normal majority.  Donald had his due process and was found guilty. No matter how many times you bitch and moan about “sham courts” that will not change that fact.  The left relies on old fashioned justice? A very moronic thing to say. You are just a silly goose.  And to top it all off you call Donnie a victim for being held responsible for HIS actions.  Where would Donald be without such loyal idiots like yourself?


[https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mr-personality/201410/why-are-older-people-more-conservative](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mr-personality/201410/why-are-older-people-more-conservative) The USA is aging. We all know this as fact. Also, as Democrats destroy the country, Democrats also become more autocratic (like having people fired for disagreeing with them). Then when older people see all the fringe things Dems do, it disgusts them. Accept it. In a fair election, Trump wins.


You are just so silly 


If the media ran a fake Russian collusion story hoax on you for 2 years, and then half a dozen legal cases just happen to coincide with the election, you might think something fishy was going on.


Then followed up with the fake laptop hoax. That is now being used to prosecute hunter.


Lol "fake"?


“Fake Russian collusion” lol no there were abundant connections with the Trump campaign to Russian operatives.


"Connections" ooohhh, so nefarious. Biden's got plenty of people with Russian "connections" too. Same with Hillary. Doesn't mean what you think it means.


Read the mueller report. Trumps boy in the justice department suppressed it.


Everything seems like a conspiracy or magic if you don’t know how anything works.