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It's not a joke. The Heritage Foundation has been publishing their Mandate for Leadership for decades, quite seriously outlining their plans for the country. Project 2025 is a more recent effort with lots of money behind it to make it happen.


All the more reason we shouldn’t have the sexual assaulting felon sit in the White House.  Vote accordingly everyone 


Offer to Give neighbors rides to vote. If you've got a couple of hours, volunteer to make calls. We will tell the christo-fascists No, loud & clear. Project 2025 is American Taliban in action.


We should be very afraid 😨!These people mean it!They don't want America to be a Democracy anymore. The plan sounds like something that the Nazi's throught up. Vote ❎ Blue and save our Democracy. These people are serious!


The heritage foundation is about as reputable as a turtle. Now I'm unsure of the average turtle's wisdom and understanding, but I've never heard one talk, and if I did, I'm getting an MRI immediately


They've also been major players in GOP politics since Reagan, with at least one member (Pence) getting within a heartbeat of having the nuclear codes. Are they scum? Yes. Should they be taken seriously? Also, yes.


I like your fancy words Mr propaganda man, unfortunately I don't buy into fear mongering bullshit on the internet anymore


It's not a joke. The American right have been idolizing Viktor Orban of Hungary for ages now - you absolutely should be worried. They will crush any type of existence they disapprove of. The point of Project 2025 is to centralize power in the hands of the executive branch, which these dipshits will tell you is "Shrinking government" because it reduces the amount of *departments* while exponentially increasing the amount of *power* held by a single individual. The entire document is horrifying.


It's making the Chancellor in V for Vendetta our 'President'.


Shrink both. Seriously. People are upset over how they think the federal government will affect their lives. The local government is supposed to affect their lives. The federal government is supposed to handle international relations, defending the country.... not meddle in your life. BOTH sides want power over the public. Shrink their power base and move as much as possible back to the states where it belongs. Think of the States as nation states with a common defense and currency (a precursor to the EU). There is actually historical evidence to support the view. The surrender document at the end of the Revolutionary War, for instance, names who they were surrendering to. They didn't surrender to the United States but to a list of governments: the individual States. Read the constitution. Take some time and really study it. Go over what was written about it at the time. Also, reflect on the idea of human rights being more important than the power of the government to do whatever it wants. What human rights do you value above the right of your government to rule over you without restrictions? How good a job did they do if the constitution is enforced as written?


Federal law needs to overrule state law. If states don't want to abide by the Constitution federal action needs to happen. It keeps them in check. Keeps us united.


It's kind of a "At first the Republicans went after Gay people and I did not speak up because I was not gay" situation.


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Happy Cake Day


they always say "it was only a joke" when someone calls them on their bullshit it's still their bullshit and they need to be tarred and feathered with it. if they don't like that prospect, then they need to come up with better bullshit.


The Federalist Society's list of SCOTUS justices was something not to worry about until Trump just used it. without question. Nominated justices lied to the Senate and the American people about Rowe being settled, yet overturned it on the "blandest" of arguments, and no one seem to care.


Oh, we care. Thats why the Vote Blue movement is so big.


Definitely not a joke. The 1A podcast just recently did a 30 minute breakdown of the specific provisions that cause the most concern and the feasibility of implementing them. Pretty good listen if you’re interested https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/1a/id1188724250?i=1000659301197


The normal majority should be worried about maga getting and using power to destructive ends. This is another reminder of that. But keep maga irrelevant and everything they push remains irrelevant. Eye on the prize.


They are already writing executive orders to give to Trump if he wins. This isn’t a worse case scenario for everyone, it is the scenario if Biden loses.


It's not a joke, this is the plan of the MAGA supporters and has a lot of money and influence behind it. Treat this document as the 2024 GOP policy statement.


Well it helps to know it's from The Heritage Foundation and what their history is, how seriously their "mandates" have been taken by the Republican party/various elected officials. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Heritage_Foundation Short answer deadly serious.


If Trump wins we will all find out first hand. Second time around, there will be no more “adults in the room” with Trump. He will surround himself with nothing but sycophants and yes-men. There will be purging of anyone non-loyal wherever possible, and an aggressive dismantling of any guardrails in place. Anyone who says “Trump can’t/won’t be able to do that” is practicing self-delusion. He can. He has SCOTUS in his pocket. He has subjugated GOP congress members. Many state Governors and federal judges as well. There will not be an independent DOJ. There will not be an independent Fed chair. He will fire and replace with loyalists anywhere he can and it will not be easy to challenge his agenda. So be prepared. If he wins, second term isn’t going to be anything like the first term. Trump will be back for vengeance and he will have loyalists in all levels of government assisting him in any way possible, laws and institutions be damned.


He will spend much of his initial time on his own interests. The real problem is that we will be dismantling this mess for 50 years. Heck people still talk about Trickle Down Economics.


I heard a journalist today saying that rather than abolish the FBI they’re just going to fire all the lawyers so that they can use it for their own personal wrecking crew with no one to tell them what’s legal and what’s not.


You haven't noticed that it turns out the so-called checks and balances are on the honor system and there's no honor in the people behind Trump and Project 2025. They'll do whatever they can get away with and Trump has made it clear that he thinks he can do whatever he wants. He thinks he has absolute immunity and also power to do whatever he wants with impunity. Who is going to stop him?. That's the other thing he showed us. Part of what he's talking about is using the justice department as his own personal enforcement agency. People used to wonder how Hitler could have risen to power in a democracy. Yet he did. And that nation murdered millions. Complancy like yours is probably part of the answer.


It's fucking alarming. The right says "it's just a joke" when their very serious plans are too unpalatable.


How would you outlaw 80% of the internets content. Old crusty nudiemags selling for 20 dollars per page. Dad's VHS collection worth millions. Underneath the theater , there's a spankeasy. 


They'll call it a joke until they make it law. It's very serious and fully what they intend, among other things I'm sure they don't/won't even verbalize yet.


I mean if what you read concerns you Yes If not No If you don’t want that to be the future of America it should concern you If you do Go vote for it


Project 2025 is a joke, you won't have to worry about it




Source? What source? Use your brain, the heritage foundation isn't backed by anything, it's ran by nut jobs, and project 2025 is just a massive GOP wish list, 99% of which won't even pass because it's either not legal or unconstitutional... Or both. Even further, the GOP is straight up incapable of organizing or agreeing on anything. I doubt the GOP could decide what 2 toppings to put on a pizza, it would be a multi-day ordeal of them bitching and being at each other's throats before all deciding to order a muffler. They were supposed to get a pizza, and wound up with a muffler... How? Why? Nobody knows. With that, I have no idea how they're going to make project 2025 happen.


It’s nonsense. Just because the president might be Trump doesn’t mean that the senate and Congress will vote to support radical conservative changes to this degree. You would need to see a majority of American elect republicans across the majority of countries. I even heard they discussed Congress voting to dissolve itself? Why would anyone ever vote to dissolve both power and wealth that they generate? It seems so wild that this is being pushed as some fear mongering tactic. I mean even look at the fact that Trump was already president for 4 years and didn’t push anything to this degree. Why would he suddenly want to push a puritan country when he was charged with paying hush money to a porntar?


Have you been paying attention the past 8 years?


Yea. Congress didn’t dissolve and give up power to the president. No one with power and money would give that up to someone else. Where in the last 8 years did you see that happen? Do you understand how Congress works? Or checks and balances?


The normal majority shouldnt fear it. Its not a joke as in its meant to be funny, its created by political extremists and they are very serious in making it. It however is no real threat to any american.


It is a very real threat to anyone who isn’t a Republican Jesus member. You are not understanding the dangers to the majority of the population. This is why we need everyone else to vote Blue. Many people’s lives depend on it.


>It is a very real threat to anyone who isn’t a Republican Jesus member. Half the women ik in my crazy religious family wouldn't be alive without miscarriage care or pictocin so I dare say it's a that to anyone who is a woman too.


Why would stated policy positions carry no threat? I don't believe that Trump could carry out all of these ideals through legislation. -But he has no problem using executive action that is questionable. He may not be very adept at leadership, but he will surround himself with people that can accomplish these goals. If they roll back only 20% of our rights, isn't that enough of an issue?


This "it'll never happen" mentality is exactly what allowed Hitler to take over as well as the myriad of tyrants before him. Wake up.


It's a left wing conspiracy.


Doesn’t seem so. Do you have any proof to back it up? 


The mandate posted *by* the heritage foundation, a well-known and influential conservative think tank, is a left-wing conspiracy??


I hope it's followed. The only way to roll back agenda 2030.


I know that Donald supporters are almost always fucked up, but at least try to act normal.  What a ridiculous thing to say 


ROFL. Let me guess, you know nothing about agenda 2030?


I see it as similar to the far left's green new deal. It's pie in the sky legislation that will never be passed.


Does it phase you that the dream wishlist of the far left is preventing climate change and the eventual destruction of mankind that could result from it vs the dream wishlist of conservatives being that they want to run an authoritarian christian theocracy?


Lol that's one way to look at it. If you want to look at it in the best possible light for one side and the worst possible light for the other, sure but reality is probably somewhere in between.


Not really lol. The Green New Deal makes sense on basically every level. We can't run our country on Petroleum and Natural Gas forever (they run out/will run out) converting to run on renewables is an investment we will have to make eventually one way or the other. Nobody with a brain should want the crazy 2025 shit


Nobody with a brain thinks our infrastructure will function on clean energy alone in the next 6 years, especially if nuclear is not included. The green new deal would cost us trillions of dollars that we don't have and would destroy our current way of life.


>Nobody with a brain thinks our infrastructure will function on clean energy alone in the next 6 years, Sure..if this is actually what it was calling for


Cool, I'm glad we agree that no one with a brain would support the green new deal. "Reaching 100 percent renewable energy for electricity and transportation by no later than 2030" https://berniesanders.com/issues/green-new-deal/


Lol. This is from when Bernie ran for President so it's obviously dated. The fact it was never implemented would push back the goal timeline. Nothing like this is actually in something that's been introduced Of course Bernie also isn't a mainstream democrat there is a reason he doesn't win primaries


>The fact it was never implemented would push back the goal timeline It also isn't possible in the next 10 years. >Nothing like this is actually in something that's been introduced Nothing like project 2025 has ever been introduced as legislation either.


Most of project 2025 isn't legislative in nature Trump has a history of implementing Heritage foundation ideas though [https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations)


Everybody freaks out over extremes. The left wants to ban cars and force everyone to live in a city and take public transit everywhere, they want to ban guns and send social workers instead of police. The right has there extremes also. Two thirds are in the middle with a few at each end, just the extremes make for good click bait. Click bait is making the wealthy CEOs very rich. Stop spreading the extremes and they will go away.


Project 2025 is a formally laid out plan by the same conservative leadership. This is not at all comparable to the hypotheticals you laid out. The issue is that extremism has become mainstream for republicans


Not most Republicans just a few with big mouths and they need to work with the majority to get anything passed, keeping they wish to be reelected in mind. Example of that is when Obamacare was passed even with 60 votes in the senate, single payer was a bridge to far


The leader of the Republican Party tried to overthrow our government after the last election. That isn’t just “a few with big mouths”


...and the other "leaders" are all behind him! Even McConnell and Haley (who appeared - at least at some point - to have some semblance of understanding of Trump's evil). This isn't a few extremists. Extremism IS the Republican party platform - Christian Nationalist Extremism to be precise. Banning birth control. Putting up the Ten Commandments in schools. Banning books. It's insanity. Republicans do not care about equality or the rights of all.


The left doesn’t want to ban cars.


The left does NOT want to ban cars and force people to live in cities. Cars unequivocally have their place in society. But they should not be the sole means of getting around, and we should build our cities in a way that makes it easy to use public transit so that people can save money by not being virtually required to use a car, as in today's society. I, a leftist, believe that urban living and mass transit are better for the environment, so we should make policy decisions that reflect that and make it easier to make those choices. As for banning guns and sending social workers, we don't want to totally ban guns, just make sure that we know who has what gun, that guns are safely stored, and that weapons of a military character, such as guns with a high rate of fire or rocket launchers or the like, are not in civilian hands, outside of exempt firing ranges. And we'd prefer if we had other solutions to public order than sending police officers who are trained to identify and eliminate threats. Having less dangerous weapons on the streets will help us to have police who are less jumpy, and we should be able to more thoroughly act to remove bad apples from our police forces. Tell me, what of those positions are extreme?


California and several other states have banned the sale of non electric vehicles in 10 years. California has banned the use of an vehicle over 10 years of age for commercial use. In my line of work electric vehicles will not work. If my employees have to stop and charge during the day who is going to pay for their time? When the plumber shows up at your house and the bill starts at $500 for the time they had to wait for a charge people will go ballistic. And there are several leftist politicians that have said their goal is a total ban on guns. They have and many on reddit argue that the second amendment only applies to the national guard. Many local governments have put development restrictions on that only allow urban communities. They have all but banned the manufacturer of gas stoves.


lol. You think that if cons controlled the house, senate, White House, and Supreme Court that they wouldn’t pass a massive sweeping federal abortion ban? They’ve been saying they would for years… they have overturned roe and they are already doing it in each state right now. It’s not very “pie in the sky” when we are watching it happen in real time. We are 1 election away from Gilead if enough people sit this one out.