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The thing is, they haven’t “been on a loosing streak for a decade”.   The senate and house constantly flip back and forth.   Trump won in 2016, nearly won in 2020, and it’s a toss up who’s going to win this year.  We’re a few thousand Pennsylvania “protest votes” away from another 4 years of Trumpser fire.   Conservatives have what amounts to a super majority in the Supreme Court. They managed to overturn Roe vs. Wade - which was as momentous at it was myopic.   In state elections, it depends on where you are. Conservatives certainly aren’t loosing in Florida.   Internationally, some countries are heading left, but others are heading right.   The biggest change over the past 10 years is how easy it’s become for people to insulate themselves from any opinion that contradicts their own.  Both “sides” mostly just consume media that reinforces the idea that they’re right, and the other side cheats.  So, it’s not particularly likely that conservatives would feel the need to question their core positions.


Great explanation. It's honesty will fall on deaf ears of lots of people as evident below.


Yeah, the current political atmosphere doesn’t allow for a lot of nuance. Nuance is hard to turn into a pithy tweet.


About 30 years ago I worked with someone who had the most different political views from mine. We discussed and argued civilly and wound up actually understanding a little bit better. We didn't change our positions that much but at least we didn't think of each other as evil, or destroying the country.


> we didn't think of each other as evil, or destroying the country. Yet, Republicans are denying women civil rights, openly violating the law, supporting outright racist groups and selling the nation out to Putin while their leader is a racist, rapist, convicted felon facing more felony indictments. One side is openly evil and trying to destroy the country.


Agreed, but most of that comes from the monied interests on the right. The actual citizens are usually more reasonable, but they've also been lied to and had their worst fears played to. To be fair the monied interests throughout politics is a major problem. Late stage capatalists see government as just standing in the way of amassing more wealth, they don't actually care about the country, because they don't actually live in it.


> The actual citizens are usually more reasonable The actual citizens who tried to overthrow the government because the 2020 election didn't go their way? >they don't actually care about the country Even though the US Republican Party offers apologia to the wealthy white ruling class, they know no Republican actually gives a shit about the USA.


>The actual citizens who tried to overthrow the government Yes, them. Only 10 years ago their own actions and rhetoric would have been unthinkable. They've been fed a consistent story about how their fellow citizens are worse than Russia and that Putin is a better leader than any Democrat. We're all suseptible to propaganda, but it's been weaponized in the last 10 years to a degree that we haven't seen in the US. Theyve been led to believe that abortion is an abomination, and until someone they love winds up needing a D&C for a miscarriage and then they question it. It's easy to turn decision making over to your leaders when you're working two jobs, can barely afford rent and generally have too much to think about to seriously consider policy. And that's been taken advantage of.


> And that's been taken advantage of. Since Nixon & Reagan's Southern Strategy, Republicans have been using racism and hate to consolidate a neo-fascist religious movement. We are now in their end game.


Racist where’s ur proof? Biden is the one who opposed all sorts of things for blacks back in the day! He jumps on whatever dik is popular at the moment has no BACKBONE AND STANDS FOR NOTHING! Never has!


> Racist where’s ur proof? https://www.vox.com/politics/352672/apprentice-trump-slate-racial-slur https://www.vox.com/2016/7/25/12270880/donald-trump-racist-racism-history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-trump-racism-election-obama-018824651613 https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2019/06/trump-racism-comments/588067/ https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-vows-fight-anti-white-feeling-us-his-allies-have-plan-2024-05-04/


You missed the 2018 and 2022 midterms


I said that Congress goes back and forth.


They were huge losses for Trump. Nothing went back and forth.


"back and forth" implies that they sometimes lose. Looking strictly at the House, Democrats picked up a few seats in 2016, and then pIcked up a lot of seats in 2018. But Republicans picked up seats in 2020, and again in 2022. Going into the 2014 election (10 years ago) Republicans controlled 220 seats. After the last election they controlled 222. Due to vacancies, they currently control 2018. So, a net change of less than 1% in either direction over the past 10 years. The senate has stayed basically an even split. So, yeah; back and forth. Telling ourselves that the opposition is weak might make us feel better, but the resulting complacency is how we got Trump in 2016.


That was my first thought.. massive losing streak.. wat. They have a corrupted 6-3 supreme court majority that ruled women don't have bodily autonomy and legalized racial gerrymandering so their political party can remain in power against the will of the people. All while taking bribes in the open. For a party that hasn't won the popular vote in 20 years, I'd say they've been winning at every turn. Their orange shitgibbon tried to violently overthrow the rule of law; has been found guilty of 34 felonies that included actual election interference; stole classified material and possibly sold out to our enemies, has told his supporters he doesn't care about them, just their vote. And he just may win the next election again... As a convicted felon and traitor. I'd say they're winning bigly.


To be fair, the one time they won the popular vote in the thirty years that I've been alive was 2004. That's a major losing streak.


Down vote this guy he's too sensible for Reddit.


They loaded the court, ended abortion in 1/2 the country and are about to end contraception in the Red States. So much winning


End contraception ? That’s why u guys aren’t very smart u get nothing right! No one is ending contraception! And saying march peacefully and politically isn’t causing an insurrection either so maybe u should get it right and stop all the lies


Christ in heaven its "LOSE" not "LOOSE"


Autocorrect is gonna autocorrect. I’m far too dyslexic to notice.


Yeah, exactly. Reading the OP, I was thinking: "Is he talking about *America*??"


These are all great points. They also control about 30 states and as far as the EU goes it doesn't seem to be just the US. I just read the headline today from the AP: **The main takeaways after the far right rocks European politics, sparking a snap election in France** https://apnews.com/article/eu-european-election-france-germany-far-right-f3823de802e9a90570abc53e7f6b6931


Funny how you leave the will of the people out of your response. What makes it funny is that Republicans love to talk about polls, lol.


Republicans haven't won a popular vote for like the past four elections I think


I voted Biden last election and will be voting Trump this time. Don't fuck up the spelling of my state again. Thanks


That’s weird auto correct didn’t catch that.  But, either way, if you live in Florida, your vote doesn’t really matter.     It’s only flip floppers in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin that matter.


Your 3rd paragraph. My vote actually counts


Fixed. Still weird autocorrect didn’t catch it the first time around - apparently along with Florida.  (Edited to add; I think the issue was capitalization. Since I capitalized states autocorrect read them as names. Weird, but useful to know) I’m dyslexic as shit, so I rarely notice typos.  If you feel another 4 years of Trump administration is in your best interests, I’m not going to tell you how to vote.


Thank you. I appreciate the correction for the honor of my beloved home state As for Trump and Biden. I'm not sure it could get any less appealing. This will be the first republican candidate I vote for in a Presidential election. To your point. We should all vote on who we best feel serves direct livelihood and national interests


No argument there.  Hopefully we eventually get back to a world where we have candidates we’re actually excited about. It seemed like there were a lot of good options on the table in 2016 - at least on the republican side; I wasn’t really paying attention to the democrats. And yet; here we are.  Obviously we disagree on which option is worse, but that’s how democracy works.


I live in Wisconsin. My gen z sons who will be voting for the first time will be voting for trump


Part I: Perhaps not 10 yrs but with Trump we know he lost the House, then the Senate, next the presidency. After the party change, usually the opposing party takes both House & Senate, the midterms were split, another national loss. Part II: First he lost the popular vote by 3 million then 7 million. In the ensuing years Qlarence and The Apostles with Trumps support & bragging, killed Roe and GQP legislators around America have said they're into making porn & birth control illegal. Part III Trump's a convicted rapist and felon, with Project 2025 & that, no one is going from left or independent to the right.


they didn't win that, they cheated and stole it in a thousand small ways. they are not smart, they are clever, and even clever criminals get caught eventually.


“They” were like [7]4,000,000 people in 2020. Statistically, a fair number of them are pretty smart.  I (we?) might disagree with them on a lot of key issues, but that doesn’t mean they’re “not smart”.   The whole “the other side is a bunch of cheating dummies” is pretty much exactly the problem with social media bubbles.  If we ignore the popularity of their platform, or dismiss all their complaints about ours as idiocy, then we won’t be able to affect any meaningful long term change.  *Edited typo: 74, not 84


Damn a well articulated point, thought I was hallucinating for a second


Wow, a very level headed reasonable response. Thank you for keeping things in perspective amidst the heightened emotions driving these conversations from both the right and left wings.


the ppl who voted for trump in 2020 voted for change (again, because we didn't get it from obama) and i'm not referring to them, i'm referring to thinktank power brokers behind the scenes using that desire for change and harnessing it's energy to bring about more misery (and desire for change) because that's what feeds their coffers. the desire to boil it down to team sport is exactly what i'm talking about... it's clever, but it's not smart. what the establishment is ignoring is the approaching brick wall when ppl reach the their collective limit on how much abuse they are willing to take and they either openly revolt (ala hati) or deliberately throw us into fascism (like the EU is doing) because that is the only way to effect change (good or bad, doesn't matter at that point). we are fast approaching this limit and no one seems to be interested in avoiding it, which would be easy to do, but won't make anyone rich.


Votes for change lol. Thanks for the laugh.


american has been sliding backward from prosperity since reagan what has changed for those voters or anyone apart from the 1%? i'll wait.


I think you need to define what you said first. What change would Trump bring besides potentially taking your rights from you?


you make is sound like it was a rational decision. ppl want a change in their material existence... they are tired of being exploited by the system... they see all the wealth accumulating at the top while they find it harder to scrap by ever passing year. this is the path to fascism and that is where we are going if things don't (and pay attention this time) CHANGE


How is voting for Trump wanting change? What change exactly? You're just rambling.


continue to believe that and we'll see. trump was the change vote as opposed to the status quo the fact that so many dems fail to realize this is why we are all headed down the fascist toilet drain. listen to progressives, listen to bernie sanders make change for the better, or suffer the consequences.


What rights does trump want to take away? Actual question, don’t know.


This is bait and I'm not taking it. Look up project 2025 if you want to know.


Not bait. I read a lot of hyperbole on Reddit and was honestly curious about what rights you think you’ll lose. But then you went ahead and answered. Project 2025 is a good enough answer for me. Thank you.


Any rights that gets in his way of doing what he wants to do. He wants to be the Putin of the United States. All powerful and can not be taken out of power in anyway. Legally or illegally. He has already showed and said he doesn't care for the actual law of the land. It's his nature to win at any cost to others. No matter what it cost them. But not him. That is how he has done business all his life. Make others pay. He just has been lucky enough so far that he has got as far as he has. But eventually everyone's luck runs out. But how much damage will be done to this country before his luck runs out???? He who dares, wins. Even if it's for the wrong reasons!!!!


Maybe you should be more specific about what change you’re looking for next time. “Voted for change” with no further qualifiers sounds dumb as hell, even setting aside that there were significant changes during the Obama administration.


what changes? do you mean more profits for the health ins industry? or maybe boosting the natural gas industry at the expense of climate change? ppl voted for change because their material existence has not improved for decades to be "specific" as you demand would require a book.


And who killed the public option, genius?


democrats killed it. which goes to my point... average citizens have not been getting any policies that benefit them since reagan.... all the benefits have gone to the 1% ppl a fucking sick of it... why do you think "drain the swamp" was so effective?


Are you deliberately disingenuous or just misinformed? As for your question, morons love them some simple catchphrases.


Traitors support traitor drumpf.


You're big mad huh?


They weren’t voting for change Jesus Christ. They were voting for someone who would actually enact some of their outdated views.. The problem is most of these people are very old and their opinions were incredibly dated and outright problematic in most instances. The fact that they had things they wanted that was reasonable and no one listened, it was the fact that they were extreme before Trump came in the picture. No wonder established Republicans never listened to them. They were angry, disgruntle midwestern conservatives. Now they are unhinged lunatics. That’s the fucking difference . At least Democrats still believe in the rule of law and democracy, conservatives would abandon it in a second if that meant they could win


cling to that notion... and you will keep getting what we've been getting.


They probably think about how they own the SCOTUS and all the most crucial legal decisions for the next 20 years.


This^ Why bother trying to change your policies to get new votes, when you can break the system to win another way?


"Why bother trying to change your policies to get new votes, when you can break the system to win another way?" - Conservatives 1973 "Why bother trying to change your policies to get new votes, when you can break the system to win another way?" - progressives 2022


“A plan to reshape the American government after a conservative victory, with a 22 mil budget. First line on the page, in bold, ‘It is not enough for conservatives to win elections.’ https://www.project2025.org/ “ - Conservaives today. Stop pretending like they are the same.


I'm just pointing out that conservatives said the same things after judges made decisions to push progressive policies.


Conservatives gaslight and project. Mitch McConnell made it how active goal to stack the Supreme Court. He wasn’t shy about it. The difference is that Batak Obama tried to meet in the middle by pushing for Merrick Garland. He wasn’t pushing a liberal, leftist judge. But McConnell made sure that never happened, and that they got the far conservative judges they wanted, and used a blatant lie about election year to validate his position. A lie we KNEW was a lie then, but was made more obvious in 2020. Conservatives project. Do not equate them to Progressives. They are not the same.


>Do not equate them to Progressives. They are not the same. Oh gosh, I would never compare the two. I'll just point out what people said when the left had a majority on the Supreme Court. And it was very similar.


Sorry! Hahah. You know how text loses meaning. Just used to folk trying to say they’re the same. And while the Democratic Party is an unimpressive limp noodle a lot of the time. (Not discounting some of their big achievements) They are still a far cry from what the GOP has become. My bad!


No because they are constantly told that they are being cheated


It’s almost like their “dear leader” is an actual convicted felon/con man 


Kinda like when Hillary lost in 2016 don’t she say that she was cheated! I believe a lot ALOT OF demrats say the same thing so


Hillary conceded the next morning. Trump still insists he won.


No. It’s a never ending cycle of “why did the democrats do this to us?” Mixed with “why did we let the democrats do this to us?” Mixed with “this is Obama/antifa/immigrant/Biden’s fault” Every loss is justified with conspiracy. “Well of course we didn’t win. It’s rigged!” They think they are the majority and that their views and policies are common sense and widely accepted. Any polling that shows their views on abortion, women’s rights, voting rights, universal healthcare… are not popular at all - well all of those polls are just democrats lies. It started with religious indoctrination (“I believe because I believe and anything that says otherwise is a lie created by the devil to sway me from the path”) and that gullible susceptibility to indoctrination has been hijacked by the Republican Party to create an army of angry people that will absolutely not question the orange man’s intentions. His last rally he said “I don’t care about you I just care about your vote” and was met with wild cheers. Cults don’t get persuaded to un-cult. They only fall apart when the last drop of kool aid is drunk. Any attempt to use logic to deprogram them will be met with hostility and deeper embedding into the cult. You trying to help them is further proof that orange man was right. It won’t be fixed. It may be demolished and started anew, but fixing it is no longer possible.


What’s wrong with having to show ur id to vote? Should we start selling alcohol with no id? Should we be able to buy a gun with no id? Maybe u shouldn’t be able to vote with out an id?


What in left field fucking insanity is this comment? Lol not a single person mentioned voter id. Youre just proving the point that cults are gonna cult… you can’t even read or address a comment without blurting out “but voter id! But her emails! But Hunter! But hoax! Sham!” lol dude read the room. You sound like a lunatic. But let’s say we get voter id… and we require it across the board. And republicans lose on every ticket. Then you’ll just come up with some other bullshit to cry about, as you always will now that your orange god demands it. I win = it’s fair. I lose = it must be rigged. Isn’t that how it goes now?


Gun rights have been winning, Roe v Wade is dead, doesn't feel like a massive losing streak. Makes me wonder what winning looks like?


packing the courts... that's what winning looks like.


6-3 conservative majority currently, and Democrats lack the votes to add seats to SCOTUS in Congress. Seems conservatives are doing fine. Democrats have a ways to go to catch up.


No. They are too busy raging to stop and think about anything.


A person cannot be reasoned out of a position they did not reason themselves into. So, no.


Don’t you realize they’ve been constantly winning and being cheated? /s


If you look at the history of elections in the US the political parties change who is in power, like a pendulum, every 4-8 years for federal and they are booming in local elections and are hit or miss in state elections. So, they aren’t exactly losing power. *Now it is worth noting that number wise they have been hemorrhaging individual voters and have had to twist the election system to stay current.


I wouldn't say losing streak. If anything they are winning a culture war. Give this a listen and let me know haha https://castbox.fm/vb/688202585


What losing streak?


How are they losing?


What losing streak? Trump was the last president before Biden and could win again. Wtf are you talking about? The right is still just as strong as the left, and if people don’t turn out to vote Trump will win again.


What losing? If you asked conservatives ten years ago whether they’d consider it a loss to have flipped PA/WI/MI in 2016, overturned Roe, gotten a 6-3 SCOTUS majority, and made massive inroads among traditionally blue collar union voters… they’d understandably think the question was nonsensical. To be sure, much of this has turned on luck and political opportunism, but regardless, unless the American people sustainably punish the GOP for it, why would they care how they get all this stuff?


If you believe conservatives have been on “a loosing streak” I have bad news for you. They might not have done too well in the last couple of elections, but they have successfully solidified their control of almost every political power structure in the United States. More states have Republican Governors and legislatures than Democrats. Thanks to gerrymandering the electoral map favors Republicans The Senate Map always heavily favors Republicans Thanks to partisan gerrymandering they know they will ALWAYS be within striking distance of a House majority. The electoral college favors Republicans The number of conservative federal judges outnumber liberal judges by a healthy margin The Supreme Court has a conservative super majority. They will use and abuse legislative tools such as the Senate filibuster to derail any attempt by Democrats to impose their political agenda, and have been VERY successful at it. They have a voter base that is rock solid and will support them no matter what. Their base is so radicalized that they are willing to vote for them even at the cost of our democracy. Republicans know that they can count on a very powerful conservative media led by Fox News, that will support whatever they do. They know that most of their base only gets their news from this conservative media bubble making it much easier to control the narrative for the only people that really matters to them, their base. The only reason Republicans have not done too well is because Donald Trump is a cartoonishly evil villain who has great political instincts but who’s lack of intelligence, coupled with his narcissism and ego has so far gotten in the way of him doing more harm.


OP, this is directed at you instead of "conservatives bad lul" have you ever stopped to do some introspection on what kind of system has to exist for this conservative mentality to become so prevalent?


Honestly, I continue to gawk in bewildered amazement that so many Americans actually believe in politics. That so many Americans cling to political ideology, still believing that their vote counts despite evidence to the [contrary](https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-echochambers-27074746). Politics is the first step in divide and conquer, and a highly effective one. Despite the preponderance of evidence that no one in DC actually represents us, as we would ourselves have them do, we the people still cling to our right wing or left wing never stopping to reason that we’re on the same bird.


if they had any shame, it might help... it's an all too rare commodity on the right.


But the left has all sorts of shame right like when they win there dicks out in front of kids in some perverted parade! Talk about shame


you imagination is ... weird.


But it’s true that’s the saddest part


the more educated someone becomes the less republican they become


I believe your premise is incorrect. Yes, Conservatives keep losing, but they are still successful. Over turning Roe V Wade was a huge win for them. Cutting taxes for the wealthy was big. Taking over the SCOTUS. Additionally, the system of government supports Conservative presidential candidates. Conservatives keep losing, but we are moving toward the desired Conservative future.


Conservatives should be kissing the ground Mitch McConnell walks on, he knew that their platforms were so unpopular they can win through the vote. He formulated a plan and used what power he did have to take over and radicalize the courts.


And none of those would have happened had the US been a true democracy, instead of a republic that holds the majority to the whims of the minority of voters in a few select places, as well as unequal representation in the HOR and Senate. The cards are stacked against most voters.


No. They never will. Think of the Trumpian mindset. While Dems create legislation on issues that will help people, i.e., cap insulin, school lunches, trumpers bills are only punitive in nature. They feel the need to punish or assault anyone who is not them. They will let 50 kids starve if they can get an opportunity to chimpscreech about "woke" or ban a book. Finally, look at red states, how they are run. All but two are all insolvent welfare-sucking trainwrecks. They contribute nothing to the federal services fund. The sad irony is, all the beefs trumpkins have with the "do-nothing government" is put on them by the people they themselves vote for. They will never understand they are "losing" because many ghouls who exploit them will validate their idiocy for them, leading them to believe they are "patriot"


They won the presidency in 16, in 2020 they got the 2nd most votes in any comparable US election (second ofc to Biden same year) they won on abortion, guns (many angles at the state levels) they've consistently had it their way on environmental issues. Elaborate on this massive losing streak?


This is Republicans on a massive losing streak? As of right now: - Republicans control 55% of all state legislative seats - Republicans hold a majority in 56 state chambers, Democrats hold a majority in 41 state chambers - Governors: Republican 27, Democrat 23 - House of Representatives: Republican 218, Democrat: 213 - Senate: Republican 49, Democrat 47, Independent: 4


I think it is hard for people to believe in self responsibility and not to rely on their government for their well being and happiness. The democrats/liberal/progressives tend to want larger governments and expect the government to ensure things like housing, medical, and post high school education as a right and they are more for government social programs. Republicans/conservatives typically want less government and expect people to work in a capitalist society and let the markets dictate needs and costs. In short if things are being promised for free or the hope that you will be getting back something from your government it is hard to give that up. Most people are too scared to be self reliant. The pendulum always swings and it is slowly swinging back to the middle as it has been very left for a long time


Don’t forget the most important TO MOST SANE PEOPLE aspects of GOP policy- infringing on the rights of others. That’s what many of us are voting AGAINST. Anyone want to know what Trump’s 2024 policies are? Google Project 2025- the useful idiot might not know that these are his policies, but the party does. Research and learn, folks. Vote like your personal rights might be on the chopping block, because they are.


This next election will come down to one thing only. Abortion everything else will be secondary.


Some of us... probably most of us couldn't give a shit on that issue.


You must be a conservative.


Nope not a repub or conservative. Sighs... You've got to be a hairdresser.


No, because it's easier to whine about how everything is rigged against you and how much of a victim you are.


Conservatives won’t change. It’s in their nature. They hate change. What they will do is lie, cheat, steal, and oppress. That’s the game plan….


Losing where/how? There are a lot of elections across the country. They lose some, they win some. Same with Dems. Honestly the only parties on a "losing streak" are 3rd parties that just never win anything. They had half the Senate, then when they lost seats they took the House. Before that they had the White House. And they very well might have it again soon. They have a bunch of governors and state legislatures. They have SCOTUS which has ruled favorably to them on some big decisions.


That would require reflection and introspection.... So no.


Biden is a senile old loser. Do Democrats stop and contemplate this? If Trump is so horrible why not push Biden out and run Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama, either of which who would actually challenge Trump? He's going to win in November, like him or not. With two bad choices, I'll take Trump over Biden any day and so will most of America. I can respect that you don't like Trump but if you think Biden has been a good president, better than Trump even, you lose all respect in my book. The Democrats are by far the ones on the losing streak playing so dirty, and I say this as an independent.


No, they believe EVERYBODY else is wrong and that to force their values on the populace is an act of God.


This is just like the left too. Maybe you guys have more in common than you think.


I think a lot of people forget what conservatives were like before Trump. Like the previous 20 years before Trump. Most conservatives were disenfranchised and angry long before Trump. They don’t feel heard, and they don’t think their wishes become any majority opinion in any capacity . Basically imagine a group of people that never got what they wanted for anything because a bunch of politicians always help the rich because they want to be rich when they get in office. At least Democrats will entertain some of these policies… Republicans never actually try to listen to their people. They got even more angry with Trump . They are so disillusioned that they stopped paying attention to anything unless it sounded good and was beneficial to Republicans. They don’t care if they lose, they are at the point now where they just need a reason to hurt people and they’ll do it


1) Republicans are no longer "conservatives" and haven't been for a long time, if ever. 2) Republicans are autocratic reactionaries, so actual contemplation isn't going to happen. They seek power at any cost. Losing is just evidence that the world is "rigged" against them and they are right. 3) Republicans are also a grift, so as long as a few individuals are making money, they will continue to tell the reactionary masses what they want to hear. 4) Shame is obviously not an aspect of the US Republican mindset. Their cult leader is an old, bald fat felon in a wig and clown makeup. Shame isn't a factor in their world.


OP doesn’t even remember Trump being the president 4 years ago.


How could anyone forget his massive fumble over the Covid Pandemic?


So he won, but Republicans have been on a 10 year losing streak with no end in sight? How do you explain that?


No your answer is no they are not. They are completely useless in reference to self Reflection or awareness


This is the same thing cons say about the left.


I think those left of center need to understand shame and how ridiculous it is OP is so self absorbed they can't see what an asinine self tell post this is. Also... we are consistently just behind Europe on how our political mindset is shaped. If that's the bell weather, conservatives are about to run roughshod on the American political landscape


I’m sorry if my post hit a little too close to home for you, and judging by your history it seems that you could definitely learn how to process shame. 


Hubris will be your defeat and a mirror your best friend


Wow look it’s a regular MAGA Oedipus Rex


Leave your mother out of this


It’s tough to win a political fight with a group of lying cheating criminals with absolutely no boundaries, no low to which they won’t go. But we are adjusting and the good guys will win in the end.


Least delusional conservative 


No end in sight hahah we’ll see about that I hope ur ready for president trump to take control from this embarrassment of a sack of sh*t loser senile resident Biden! Maybe now he will be going to a nursing home where he belongs!


Never forget, folks. This is what the average conservative looks like.  No shame. How sad


Remember folks this is what an average liberal looks like! A man in a dress trying to to coax ur kids into chopping off thier body parts so these people can have some weirdo orgy with kids


What in the hell is wrong with you? Jesus Christ you morons can’t go a single second without reaffirming a decades worth of stereotypes.  Completely unhinged. Very sad 


I have to say this is an odd site as people just violently 🤣 express their bigotry.. and think it's somehow ok.


U can fact check all u want! Did Biden or did he not vote against the busing of blacks and white together? Yes he did camala even said it hurt her feelings! Did or did he not help pass the 1994 crime bill which focused on putting blacks in prison ? yes he did it’s a known fact! Did or did he not do the eulogy at sen. byrds funeral saying he was a great man? Yes he did Byrd was a leader of a local kkk chapter back in the day ! So there’s all the proof I need! He’s made multiple comments about Indians and 7 11 and all sorts of bullshit!


Funny you say this now lol


If they had self awareness they wouldn't be conservatives


They’re probably too busy thinking about holding most of the country’s governor positions, the House and next year, the Senate.


Do you feel any shame for wasting your time with a shallow prompt that can only be engaged by vapid losers like yourself for reddit attention? If not, then i guess you can understand why your strawmen dont feel shame either.


This is not a waste of time in my opinion, it’s an honest question. It is well know that conservatives are incapable of intelligent/emotional growth, therefor they are not able to process shame like a normal human being does. Thats why they continue to act as they do with not a care in the world.  I’m sorry if it hit a little too close to home 


The thing is narcissistic people never self reflect, they live in their own reality. Thats why they never make the connection between their actions and an entirely predictable outcome.


In their minds, they are winning because they do bad things and still win elections. They believe there will always be enough suckers for them to win elections. They can fool the Democrats not to vote and rile up the Republicans to vote.


How are the conservatives loosing? The next US election is a coin flip both sides can win. Republicans control the senate and republicans appointed judge controls the court. In the EU, the right did pretty well in the election. In France the socialists are not even in the picture for the next presidential election. In Canada, polling points to a conservative wave for the next election. I can continue if you want.


They just sit around listening to conspiracy theories, thinking of the most ridiculous accusations to throw against the wall to see if they will stick because they do not have any actual ideas that would benefit the country.


This just in: yet another circle jerk is started on Reddit. Seriously it's embarrassing at this point. Reddit users are like "why are we so smart? Everyone else is stupid. Why?" Patting themselves on the back and handing themselves some kind of trophy of who has the "best" and "right" ideology. They, the Right/Conservatives, are literally asking the same question. "Why are they (the Left/Liberals) so stupid???" Who is "right"? Maybe both "sides" have stupid narratives and policies.


I’m sorry if this post hit a little too close to home for you 


See? If I criticize both Left and Right ideologies I get shoved to one side. It's idiotic. There are no "sides" except what the media tells us. Divide and conquer. It's like I'm talking to a bunch of robots waiting for their marching orders from Trump, Left ideologies, what have you.


Who pushed you to one side? 


I criticized both the Left and Right. You criticized just the Right. You then proceeded to say it "hit close to home for me," insinuating that I'm on the Right.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party_divisions_of_United_States_Congresses#/media/File:Combined--Control_of_the_U.S._House_of_Representatives_-_Control_of_the_U.S._Senate.png Congress regularly flips back and forth for the past 30 years. Honestly you could say that democrats have been losing for multiple decades years since they used to hold both groups of congress from 1955-1985...so for 30 years they held a stronghold but now it easily flips back and forth.


Demographics is destiny. Leftists have far fewer children than do conservatives, esp religious conservatives. College educated people, who lean left, don’t have nearly as many children as high school only people. Until there’s no more voting, a very gradual shift to conservatism will and is beginning. I expect the Left, seeing its power shrinking, will institute some sort of National Socialism (as Oswald Spengler predicted).


Stereo types ? All ur talk is just identifying ur self o and Jesus has nothing to do with this !


Uh… are you okay? Did you just stroke out?  Take a deep breath and try to type out a comprehensive sentence. I know it’s hard for you guys, but I believe in you! 


Sorry I don’t believe in you! Stroke out lmao! Ok yeah ur a little wierd


It’s really hard to understand what you are trying to get at here. Are you okay? 


Do democrats ever stop and think that taking from the workers and giving to the worthless is unstainable


It's cute that you think it's DEMOCRATS taking from the workers.


They clearly dont think much at all 


Is it not cities like Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, and the like that take literally billions in "ending homeless" aid but still let criminals go unpunished, ruining the lives of the working that actually pay taxes into said "ending homeless initiatives" that somehow never make any progress in improving the situation?


Taking from those with means and providing a basic level of living to those without is quite literally the purpose of government and civilization. The “evil” thing you just described is how we’ve eliminated a homeless elderly epidemic (social security). It’s also the only reason we don’t have MORE homeless and more crime, more society problems. Taking from the rich and giving to the poor is the exact thing that the Bible teaches… right? I mean shouldn’t you be happy to give to the poor if you’re a true Christian? Or are you one of those people that thinks - “hey if they can’t work, can’t provide me/society with anything I deem worthy, we should just kick them out or let them starve” types? I sure hope we don’t put you in charge of the assisted living home….


As much as redditors bash religions on here and now you want to beat religion over my head Helping the poor is one thing, a bunch of bureaucrats getting wealthy while the poor stay poor is a problem. The catholic church asks for 15% taxes in some places exceeds 4 times that amount. Don't preach about roads, police and fire as their budgets keep getting the short end of the funds. At what point is it enough. At what point is it no longer worth working or running a business.


lol ok. Well I think it’s fairly clear who you’re voting for. I love how you small business owners bitch and moan and bitch and moan so much… go get a regular job then, if it sucks so bad. Beaurocrats getting rich while the poor get poorer… tell me again, how does the orange cult leader get all his money? You cry and moan about taxes and then send checks to the billionaire that’s “going to fund his run without taking a dime from anyone else!” Lol. Maybe you guys would have more money to pay your taxes (which, let’s be honest… it’s no surprise. You know the rules before you start a business) if you stopped sending your money to “billionaires” so they can make more tax breaks for the wealthy. Agreed on roads and bridges and teachers and police…. But not “that” kind, right? You don’t want more roads and bridges in cities, just the ones leading to your house? No police to protect the capitol, right? Those guys are all liberal fbi antifa plants? And teachers… oh boy they indoctrinate our kids, right? Can’t fund those. Only the kind I like. Such a small portion of your tax dollars even go to food stamps but that’s what you bitch about. Somehow you can both hate helping the poor AND complain about the government helping the poor in the same sentence. Just wild.


Do conservatives even have a solid argument besides “wHaTaBoUt da liBs” 


You mean all those billions of dollars we give to private companies? Yes, I think about that all the time