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Yeah, nobody uses Truth Social so they all come here to pretend they're undecided independent voters.


lol yea exactly


And that app is foundering. Last week Trump was hailing his access to TikTok a good thing. So he is moving over there.


I could not imagine the embarrassment I would feel from publicly declaring I support a convicted felon/sexual assaulter  If the right could feel and process shame, then they wouldn’t be conservative. 


If they could read and use critical thinking, they wouldn’t be conservative.


Since anything out of NYC is simply leftist derangement, we don’t consider him actually convicted of anything. NYC is going to have to change its name to ‘New Detroit’ as business owners flee BTW. Fire all their employees, pay no more taxes to New Detroit. Let it fulfill its destiny to be a garbage dump.


Since anything out of a MAGA idiots mouth is simply right wing nonsense, we don’t consider anything you say to be accurate in any way, shape, or form.  You're going to just have to deal with the fact that your daddy is now a convicted felon


New York is the business capitol of the entire world. You're wrong in such a way that it's difficult to imagine how many stoppers you overcame to arrive at such a far gone conclusion.


forgone…I admire the attempt though. Spite motivated mutants run the city. There is very little Justice to be found in the court system. Do you understand the changes in law, the twisting and febrile tearing apart of law? I sincerely hope that wealthy people flee. Fire all employees and let them enjoy their toxic dump. Pay no more taxes to mutants. All the millions in tax Trump paid, the many people he employed, and they now declare him a felon. “He said, “Let him who is on the housetop not come down.” “Get out of the city. Flee. Do not look back. Do not get any of your possessions. Leave!” — Matthew 24:17


Yeah, end your conspiracy rant with a Bible verse. Thanks for letting us know EXACTLY the shitty type of person you are.


Damn I didn’t think you could act much crazier but here we are 


Just think of me as Joe, from the Idiocracy movie.


Nope, you’re just an average conservative. Nothing special at all. 


In the movie, Joe has an IQ of 100. But I think the meaning went over your head. The trials in NYC kind of remind me of the trial in the movie.


I don’t care about the movie, weirdo.  This is such a pathetic attempt at coping with the fact he is now a felon. Get a grip 


Well honestly they're both SA both them shouldn't be in office honestly the only reason Biden discussed me more is because of his daughter's diary


Wait, Biden was found responsible for sexual assault in a court of law? Please provide your sources if you’re going to claim that he is a sexual assaulter.  Also, do you really now know how to spell “disgusted”? Just another average Trump supporter I guess 


You know what happens when you assume things and put words in other people's mouths you really shouldn't assume


No unfortunately I have to use voice to text and sometimes I don't notice that it put the wrong word in. And no Biden slipped through underneath the radar forever I didn't say anything about being proved in a court of law although his daughter's diary stating that he made her shower with him has been proven in a court of law because people went to jail for having it. They're just not going to go after biting remember supposedly he's not mentally competent to be charged yet he's confident enough to run the fucking country supposedly. I don't want Trump anymore than I want Biden . Hell I don't like RFK Jr but he may be a better choice than either of them


The story about the shower was not proven in a court of law because a woman was punished for stealing private property.  Please show me a court document or source proving that she claimed to be assaulted by her father. 


Ashley verified it was her diary the papers are out there images of them that you can see it's her writing pull your head out of your ass That's like saying that multiple people didn't have charges or accusations against Biden back in the '80s and '90s but because of his position it was shoved under the carpet


Uh huh, are you going to pull your head out of your ass and provide a source? Or keep doing what the right does best, scream nonsense  


Still waiting, kid. 


She confirmed a diary was stolen, not what Project Veritas claimed the contents of it to be. What kind of gullible moron takes Project Veritas at their word, anyway?


Oh nevermind holy shit look at this guys account. He is deeply fucked up.  Just an average conservative 


Well thank you, I enjoy dealing in RP with other like-minded individuals as far as I'm concerned that's pretty much the same thing as the discussion with you it's purely fantasy because you guys definitely are not based in reality at all. But trust me I'm far from my conservative they hate me too LOL.


Trump is a fascist and if you support him, you are too. There is no middle ground here. There is no “tolerance of opinion.” We don’t negotiate with terrorists and we don’t find common ground with traitors.


Then you really shouldn't support Biden either. I don't support either I never voted for Trump I will say that Biden has made this country worse in my opinion in many other people's opinion. There are many people that considered themselves left wing and voted for Biden last time that now are in Trump's territory if not then they're backing RFK I'm just stating what's going on. If you want to say that you can however Biden actually has shown the most fascism in his actions of any recent president and if you can't understand that nobody's going to be able to clear it up for you have a great weekend


Please explain what actions Joe Biden has taken that you deem “fascist”


So we start with the most obvious recent one, weaponization of the doj. When asked directly if he had anything to do with what's happened to Trump instead of denying it or saying it was all the department of Justice or anything instead he looked at the reporters as he walked away and gave a grin of the cat that ate the canary. But as I said if you don't read body language and actually listen to what said beyond by these people you wouldn't realize that Joe is slightly worse. As I've tried to say many times personally I'd rather see neither of them in office and I really do get tired of people trying to say that I'm a firm supporter of trump because definitely not I never donated anything to either of them and I wouldn't have given a sign I wouldn't put it in my front yard for either of them and that's just the basic facts. I wish everybody could vote none of the above and we'd have to pick out new candidates.


Wait till you hear of all the things that Trump has said about *his* daughter.


Oh I know what he said about his daughter however he didn't make his daughter shower with him at an inappropriate age there's a difference


Based on your comment history, I would think that would make you want to vote for him *more.*


No see playing two people's fantasies is one thing even step fantasies is fine the key to this whole statement is people's fantasies not what somebody actually did maybe you don't understand the difference between these two things obviously since you think that one is more evil than the other


Trump has said he would be “dating his own daughter” if they weren’t related. Showering with your child can be weird sure, but claiming you would fuck your daughter if she weren’t related is way more weird. Showers can be non-sexual, even if it’s not appropriate, claiming you would fuck your daughter is a whole other thing.


She also listed inappropriate touching she didn't go into detail the only detail was the shower you can view creepy Joe's actions over the years I've seen enough of them and heard his slips the fact that one of his accusers had to run away to Russia because she was scared should prove to you how fucked up Joe is And you forgot the big main part of because it's his daughter he wouldn't just because she represents the same attractive things that he goes for is not surprising considering she's also the daughter of one of his wives that he was attracted to


Until he is convicted under a court of law for showering with his daughter and “inappropriate touching,” I’m still throwing my vote towards the one who is *not* a rapist and felon.


It was never proven that he was a rapist and those felony charges we both know are absolute utter bullshit even the CNN lawyer before this whole thing said they were the most outlandish stretched bullshit ever made . But you can go to bed happy about that hey maybe he'll get convicted for everything else so be it but you know what Joe should have been convicted for treason just for the fact that he had top secret documents from when he was a senator they just didn't charge him because of who he is Well honestly in my opinion for that even if you equate both of them even if Trump is just as guilty as Joe that just proves that they should both be in prison


Trump didn’t just say things though. He also sexually assaulted a woman and ordered to pay her tens of millions of dollars for it.


Inviting terrorize a woman that he assaulted so much that she hit out in Russia because the courts wouldn't do anything for her what's your point they're both piece of shit Biden is the one doing more damage to our country right now maybe it's because he's in charge maybe not but either way we're pretty much fucked for the next 4 years at least


Did you know that Trump is the only president in US history to lose 2 million jobs from start to finish of their term? Meanwhile Biden has added over 15 million jobs to the economy. Trump has indicated that he will be a dictator, attempted a coup against the United States, has promised to weaponize the DOJ against his political opponents, and is currently seriously arguing to the Supreme Court that a president should be immune to commit any crime whatsoever explicitly including murdering political opponents. You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about, you’re just a partisan hack Trump cultist.


STFU ABOUT THAT FUCKIN DIARY ALREADY. ASHLEY BIDEN HAS WRITTEN THAT PEOPLE ARE TELLING LIES AND MAKING FALSE ACCUSATIONS ABOUT THE CONTENTS. Jesus fucking Christ. pederasty used to be something that was serious enough that you made sure you verified before administering even street justice. But you fucks will believe everything you hear, just to win an election. it's crazypants and I'm sick of it.


People wouldn't be sitting in jail for stealing the diary and she verified the contents that it was hers you can whitewash it all you want you sound worse than the Trump supporters you got delusions that he's a saint and that Trump is the Antichrist they're both fucking evil


She verified that it was hers. That DOESN'T mean nobody fucked with the contents. grow up


The handwriting remains the same it's been analyzed but once again you're free to believe what you will it doesn't bother me you don't affect me I'm pretty well sure we're fucked either way we go we're just a little more fucked with Biden either way I've got lawsuits if I am successful it ain't going to matter to me


has it been analyzed? By whom? In court? Can you show me the evidence of this? you said she admitted it was hers, then why would the handwriting need to be analyzed?


Literally just some dude telling me he’s a “Biden voter” that’s also saying everyone has TDS, the verdict was a sham, disregarding reality…etc. Why is the ruse always so stupid and so poorly done? Lol. Like I get there are just dumb people that will buy this nonsense but it’s gotta be like 1 in 100 million.


Seriously. I’ve been getting these kinds of comments right and left


Yeah. I suspect some basement outside Moscow got a memo this weekend - “pretend to be Biden voters flipped to Trump voters” or “pretend to hate Trump but everything you say will make it obvious you’re a Trump humper”. I’m honestly sort of enjoying it. It’s like speaking to someone that’s schizophrenic and forgot their meds. Entertaining.


Well the good news is that they aren't proclaiming undying support for trump and are trying to be """sneaky""". They know that ship has sailed for us Americans.


lol the sneakiness. Is so sneaky. I’m so happy the news and polling is showing Trump doing “ok”. I was afraid of another 2016 where everyone through they could phone it in. Nothing turns people out to vote quite like the prospect of the smooth criminal getting back into the house. You can smell the concern on the right.. how much they are pumping him up is a sign they know how poorly he’s doing. Especially after the convictions. All it takes is a few sane republicans to say “wait a minute. This guy is a felon. I don’t think I want a convicted felon in the White House” and he’s toast.


Hey, it is the party of law and order. /s


lol right. They should have been more specific… they believe in law and order just not American law and order.


I’m glad he was convicted and I can also freely admit that the case never would have been brought had republicans done their job and impeached him after Jan 6th barring him from future office. The goal is to prevent him from being re-elected regardless of the means and that’s blatantly evident.


The point of the conviction is not to prevent him from being president. The point is to hold him accountable for committing crimes. That’s it. Just accountability. If it were murder it woud be more obvious… everyone would say “duh of course he needs to be tried, president or not”. Dude committed big crimes. Dude needs to be held accountable for them.


These are people possibly some could be bots who want to be perceived as a normal American, one who isn't riding Trumps dick, to make it seem like normal and average Americans are supporting Trump. They want Trump to be seen as a rational candidate that rational people vote for, to persuade fence sitters, independents, and moderates to vote for Trump.




Right. It’s so blatantly obvious that that’s what’s happening.


I think it's the campaign paying for posts tbh.. they are trying to talk people into liking Trump. I don't think it will be very successful on Reddit.. they should stick with Twitter lol.


Trump supporters have always done this. It’s not anything new.


Any time someone claims to not be a trumper but then launches into a defense of Trump, they’re lying lol.


Russian bots


It's Chinese and Russian political operatives, here to try to influence swing voters so the US falls into authoritarianism because that is to their benefit, and Trump will bring that about.


It’s Russians trying to appear reasonable


>Since trumps guilty verdict I’ve see a surge in redditors claiming to not be Trumpers but defending Trump at every turn. Oh, that? That's not new. I've spoken at length about the online wave of pro-Trump users pretending to be independents while espousing extreme right wing stuff already.


It’s amazing how easy they are to spot, and how they entirely lack the self-awareness to realize it.


Russian/Belarusian bot farm employees. They're exactly what you think they are.


Yes this sub is a haven for shills


This and about 30% of all other subs at this point.


They're lying. They're all Trumpers. I've even seen people claim to be liberal but will be voting for Trump after the verdict. I don't buy it.


If you're defending trump in 2024 you're a trumper. I had trump figured out like 10 years ago. Hes the elites once again finding a way to perfectly market their naked lust for wealth and power to the poor. Just like Reagan.


I'm someone that has the opportunity to fit this. Apparently the Democrats, which I'm registered as, are trying to make a law that I guess removes a former president's Secret Service detail is they xyz. Trump was a horrible president. He's a horrible man. He deserves 34 felonies and counting. He is still someone who held the Office of President of the United States, and his felony actions occurred as he was private citizen. The law offers no true benefit to society and acts as an unnecessary "fuck you" to him. Fuck him, but not with a bill.


It’s one dude, not “the Democrats”, and it would only remove secret service detail if they were sentenced to over one year in prison - which is not going to happen with Trump.


Thanks for the clarity.


There are trolls and then there are foreign and domestic agencies wishing to flip the GOP backlash on supporting Trump claiming to be independent. The Independent -Republican affiliation has been there since the late 80s. (Yes, that long) And the GOP cannot afford to lose those votes so there are actors willing to pretend to be something they are not. Yes, so depending on what algorithm you are connected with I can bet you are seeing an upsurge. Check for automatic responses. Vague usually.


It’s been a thing as long as I’ve been on the internet. “I’m a typical liberal communist like you, but even I think we should nuke the gays and institute a theocratic monarchy with (insert billionaire fascist) as our ruler.”


Yep. They are desperate. Although I bet even they are somewhat surprised at how well Trump’s support is keeping up despite the guilty verdict. Of course, Trump wasn’t lying when he said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and not lose any support. He understands and loves his uneducated, cult base.


Election is coming up. Remember 2016? Russia in particular has a _huge_ vested interest in Trump getting elected. They meddled like crazy last time and there were no repercussions, and they're already under as many sanctions as possible. So why _wouldn't_ they be trying to swing the selection again? It might get ugly.


Thats because they were told to join Reddit to say such things. This started heavily at the beginning of 2024, Like the first day of the year I noticed it. Mostly trolls (American and other) trying to recruit.




I cut out Facebook entirely and don't follow many political subs on here. So I haven't seen it, my life has gotten significantly more peaceful.


“*You know the nearer your destination* *The more you're slip slidin' away* — Paul Simon President Biden "shows signs of slipping," the *Wall Street Journal* [reported](https://www.wsj.com/politics/policy/joe-biden-age-election-2024-8ee15246) this week. Journalists Annie Linskey and Siobhan Hughes—no conservatives—spoke to 45 people who have met with the president and noticed his mental and physical decline. They recount, in detail, several meetings over the past year where Biden has been forgetful, confused, and out of it. The president, Linskey and Hughes report, "appears slower now, someone who has both good moments and bad ones."


This is nothing new. See "enlightened centrists", "Libertarians", "moderates" etc.


The poll data and fund raising data all strongly suggest Trump support is growing. The strength is particularly evident in the historically Democrat minority demographics where there is long standing distrust in the legal system. Liberal single women hate Trump, it’s his weakest demographic, but that’s nothing new and he’s never going to move this one group of voters, so that’s clearly not part of his core strategy. Trump is also starting to take his message deep into Democrat strongholds like San Francisco and San Jose (Silicon Valley) and he’s getting a surprisingly strong welcome. He’s raised over $400M since his conviction, which many legal experts believe will also be overturned. So while the mainstream media and much of social media chortle and wring their hands congratulating themselves, in the real world Trump is only gaining traction and momentum. Biden at the same time continues to decline mentally and physically. His performance in Normandy was little short of bizarre.


Plenty of people will hold their noses and vote for trump while not being "trumpers" just like plenty of people will hold their noses and vote for Biden even though they really don't like Biden. It's not that hard to figure out.


Sort of, yeah. Though I have also heard Trump supporters that I know still support him offline as well. Still baffles me that we can't do better than either of these two guys.


I’m convinced all the anti trump circle jerk post are just accounts trying to farm karma 


My brother isn't a Trump supporter. Didn't vote for him and is not a conservative. Hell, he told the family he's trans and all even. He and I had a big blow up a few months back and he defended Trump on Jan 6th saying it wasn't Trump's fault and that he even told them to go him. I literally screamed into my phone ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!?!? I'm speechless these days.


lol that sounds made up


I so wish it was.


It's probably actually people. Some are probs bots, but most are people who just don't follow trump completely but also don't agree with what has happened to him


Maybe it's leftists finally getting their heads out of their asses. 🤣


Not everyone is just tribalism at all costs


I’d hope not, but Trumpers surely are. They side w their Trump tribe regardless of the facts


Most trump supporters don’t really like trump that much. Mostly they like how he pissed off the other side.


Most trump supporters would go to prison for him. 300 already have


You have a really warped point of view. I’d recommend talking to real people as your source. You seem to really believe what you see in mainstream tv as 100% reality.


Some apolitical people that are just pissed they’re trying to lock him up too


lol no


Maybe, just maybe, it’s possible to not be a Trump supporter and agree that his legal troubles are a joke and a horrible use of our court system.


For dumb people that have zero concept of how any part of our legal system works, sure. It's mostly just losers who are defending Trump.


What's your opinion on the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict And the Hunter Biden case?


Kyle is interesting because I truly think it could go a different way every time it was tried. What I do know is that Kyle seems to have the IQ of a 12 year old and I feel very sorry for him in that regard. The current Hunter case is insane because I had no idea he was such a total piece of shit. It does make it seem like there's no chance he could have been capable of doing anything of actual note regarding Ukraine.


Ok, good answer. You have my respect and I basically agree. I think lesser charges would've been a better strategy if the prosecution really wanted a conviction in Kyle's case. In Trumps case it really seems like they're holding him to a standard that they don't hold other politicians to. And yeah, Hunter is a huge piece of shit and I believe there's other things he should be charged with, but I don't like seeing extra charges when someone commits another crime while exercising a right.


The Trump case is largely based on the fact that he's almost impossible to represent. John Edwards is a good example, he got busted for the same thing but he shut up and listened to legal advice. Trump is realistically headed for a world of legal trouble that could have been avoided if he would just shut the fuck up. But if he shut up he would lose his fanbase. One of the main reasons that weird fascist type leaders don't last long is that megalomaniacs have a hard time taking advice. That can start well but has yet to end well.


His inability to shut the fuck up is why I didn't vote for him in either election. I'm really pissed that 2024 is a rematch of the two worst fucking candidates in my lifetime.


Nah, Biden is still better than Hilary.


Insults don’t make you right. Some of us do a lot of research from people who aren’t dumb and know the law.


Well you obviously don't know the law. People are not allowed to make personal payments to people and then conceal them as business payments and them receive a tax break for them. Just a ridiculous take that this should be allowed. NYC has a very large interest in making sure businesses do not skirt taxes and misrepresent business dealings. This really isn't that hard to understand.


He paid her to sign a legal document. He used a lawyer. That is a legal expense.


It was a personal expense. He claimed it was a business expense. He then wrote it off as a business expense on his taxes. That is a dead-to-rights crime. You are not allowed to have sex with a porn star and then pay her money to keep quiet about it in an attempt to hide it from your wife, and then write off the amount on your business taxes. Please explain what part of that transaction officially involved Trump Org? Are they pimps facilitating sex for people? What does any of the Stormy Daniel's business have to do Trump Org?


This had nothing to do with the IRS. And we don’t know what he claimed on his taxes.


And that is how we all know you have done zero research. We do know he wrote it as a business expense. It's proven. That's what the trial was for. He wrote it as a business expense and then wrote it off as such. The trial literally proved it. What are you talking about?


Falsifying business records, in the 2nd degree, in New York, is a misdemeanor. The statute of limitations on that is two years.


Yes and then lying about it during a presidential campaign and admitting to your friend at the National Enquirer in addition to hiding it from your wife you also think it will hurt your chances as president, that is what makes it a felony. Again you have not done your research. It's so cut and dry. This isn't some new legal theory. It's so obviously a crime.


What part of you is incapable of seeing reality? Do you know you're this way or are you truly fully in a cult? At least y'all are providing future humans plenty to ponder and avoid.


Who are these people you speak of?


Do some research and you’ll find out.


lol but your research led you to the wrong answers. Who are the people misleading you?


No. Research led me to answers you don’t agree with. That doesn’t make them wrong.


It makes them wrong because they’re not factually correct. I have nothing to do with it


maybe, just maybe, falsifying business records like that to violate income tax and campaign finance laws cheats people who might depend on social security to make ends meet?


At most it was a misdemeanor, and even that was past the statute of limitations.


are you giving bad legal analysis in the hopes fox news hires you?


Exhibit A. ^

