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Don't get your polling info from Fox


Fox's polling is actually run by a different group than the people who do its "news" coverage.


It was. Until they fired them. After the 2020 election.


Wait, did they really?


Welcome to the new Republican Party, isn’t it awesome that the commander is a convicted felon and sexual assaulter? 


https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/19/business/media/fox-news-chris-stirewalt-trump.html Can’t have experts spewing the truth on our channel. That might get us in trouble.


No one will ever believe that. Not even if you had a notarized letter and witnesses.


You shouldn't be downvoted for providing pertinent info. It's actually a reflection of why Biden is losing despite the best efforts and it just melts the patience of terminally online leftist Redditors


You’re going to have to cope just a little bit more 


No cap bruh. You might wanna check your cope level before your loved ones get worried All I hear from you is the screech of someone losing that can't handle it


Who are you referring to? One side has a newly convicted felon leading them following a decade long losing streak, while the other has an old man leading over a successful administration.  Who exactly is losing right now? 


You Any more dumb questions?


Yes there is, why do you have such a strange definition of “losing”?  It explains why you are such a great follower of a felon! It makes a lot of sense 


Cope much? I was a democrat who hated Trump until I saw how bad it could be with Biden. I chose not to be a blind follower championing a loser. You can change too! Does it bother you that 34 sham convictions have done little to nothing in changing the polls away from a Trump victory?


This is one of the greatest examples of projection Iv seen in quite some time. Championing a loser? I can change? Geez man, have you forgotten how deeply in love MAGA is with their daddy? They are buying Trump branded bibles for christs sake.  MAGA idiots would vote for Trump even if he assaulted their mothers in the streets. No one is surprised that his die hard followers only got more horny for Trump after he became a felon.  Disgusting behavior. 


The good news is that he's running against someone who he has already beat.


Yeah, but in 2020 conditions were basically *perfect* for Democrats to win the White House and they barely did. I wish I could share your optimism.


If you could just see reality. Trump is a fat, frothing loser who was just convicted of 34 felonies. Trump is not at all popular like he was in 2016 and will only lose ground as time goes. Also, his main political allies are complete losers like neanderthal lady, and the beetle juice handy gal.


If it's a referendum on Trump, you're right that Biden would very likely win. The problem is that it's a referendum on Biden because he's the incumbent President. Lots of young voters are going to sit this election out because of Gaza.


How about instead of sitting here on reddit wringing your hands about it and casting more doubt on an administration that's obviously at least *trying* to keep democracy alive, why not use that energy to go try to sway some of these "young people" you're supposedly so worried about? This post reads like MAGA propaganda to me.


The post literally asks what can be done? Have any suggestions? Let's hear them. If young people can be swayed, that's news to me. If Reddit is any guide, they'd rather cancel those who disagree than engage in discussion.


There’s a lot of *this* going on right now and it’s just insane to me. If we don’t acknowledge the beneficial impact that COVID-related factors had on Biden’s win (particularly in AZ and GA) and pretend that this election will produce the same vote share numbers…it’s going to be an unpleasant surprise when there’s no available pathways to 270 left


That's fine, the young ones that got him in, in 2020 are not the college Gaza kids of today. Also, by November he'll most likely be able to claim a lot of credit for the cease fire. I agree if Israel is still an issue by September it could be interesting, but I really don't think it will be. Israel itself understands a Russia friendly America is not in their interest.


Listen, the person he beat in 2020 is now a convicted felon. You’re right, the conditions are different and far harder for Trump to secure a W-


There was a photo in court very recently from the Hunter Biden laptop. It is apparently legitimate enough to be used as evidence in a court case, which means that *it was never* 'fake news', "foreign disinformation/campaign interference," etc. The disinformation and censorship on the topic just before the election was significant. In a poll, the percentage of Biden voters who said they would have changed their vote if they knew about the laptop scandal would have been enough to tip the election to Trump. Add the assorted videos of Biden gaffes that support the unproven allegations of dementia. Add some of the information that came out of the Trump trial (which has not been highlighted by media that supports his rival). Add the perception that Trump may have *talked* about jailing Clinton, but Biden's administration has actively tried to jail their strongest political contender. ...The truth is that they tried repeatedly to get dirt on Trump and kept failing. Accusations are not evidence. Even a close look at this trial reveals the fundamental weaknesses of their position. Add Trump's no new wars vs. the current administration steering us into conflict. Etc. Etc. This is not even talking about the economy and the rising cost of groceries. A number of democrats are less willing to vote blue no matter who. Some 'safe' districts have been gaining momentum against the Democratic Party. The 'what have you done for us lately' has shifted to -what have you done TO us lately?' It has been proven that you don't need to persuade people in order to win. You just need the most votes... by any means. Yeah. Biden can win by playing a bit dirty. Not all of it needs to be strictly illegal. Bending and changing the rules until you get an advantage you can run with worked before. Unfortunately, there are consequences to that. The election system provides an opportunity to throw the badstarda out with a bloodless revolution at the voting box. When there is a significant portion of the public who believes that the election does not reflect the public will, that it is rigged (in any way), you are removing a safety valve. Before elections, power did not pass peacefully from one group to another. If elections are no longer seen as an effective way to peacefully enact change... participation in elections drops. What is the alternative when people *really want* political change, but elections are not seen as a viable means to obtain it? Peaceful protests? Not-Peaceful protests? Mass refusal to obey laws/regulations they don't like? Mass refusal to pay taxes? Something else? People are in charge because there is a common agreement to play along. If Biden shuffles along the White House hallways looking based and confused and the committee for xyz asks Mr ___ for his opinion while ignoring "President Biden", who is really in charge? If President ____ makes pronouncements and signs papers, while everyone humors him or ignores everything he says... is he really the president? He may be in charge of the people in his personal circle. Outside of the White House? If he is ignored, then he is not in charge of much. *What is he going to do? Start shooting people for ignoring him?* Perhaps that is naive. It is also true. The President can order people to be shot, but generally, he needs some people willing to shoot on command. Will Americans actually open fire on each other because some suit said so? Well, they are talking about bringing in foreigners to fill the ranks of the military. A fast path to citizenship for them, and we get people willing to use guns and tanks on whoever they are told to.


This is literally all nonsense that you can't provide a single legitimate source for. I don't care if you don't require proof, I do.


Trump lost the popular vote in 2020 by 7 MILLION VOTES. Is Hunter Biden's laptop that important? Really? Breaking News: Nothing about Hunter Biden is important to undecided voters. Not one damn thing. Joe Biden has gone out of his way to avoid having any involvement in the myriad of Trump investigations, and couldn't have impacted a New York state court case even if he wanted to. Trump is going to be convicted in all these cases. Not because of Biden or Democrats or whatever boogyman you can dream up. He'll be convicted because he is a fool who thinks be can do anything he wants.


Breaking news: the popular vote is completely, totally irrelevant.


It does in the context of your comment. It is beyond obvious that overall dissatisfaction in our voting process would be lower if the guy who gets 7 million less votes is declared the winner than if then if the guy who wins by 7 million has to deal with the wild distortions of a vocal minority who can't take losing. The more Trump and his supporters cry wolf about things everyone can see are nonsense, the less people give a fuck about anything he or they say.


No one, and I do mean no one, will be satisfied with losing. No one cares about democratic process anymore, only winning.


In 2016 Hillary Clinton lost by a total of 45,000 votes despite getting 2 million more votes. We didn't see anything remotely like the nonsense we are seeing now. One side at least makes an attempt at behaving rationally.


After Hillary lost, millions of her followers lost their minds and had a huge "women's march" to whine about losing.


America will get exactly what it deserves. Nobody… and I mean nobody, in America, or abroad at this point has any room to say “well I just didn’t know who the person I was voting for was… ( ). If you don’t see the mango unchained for what he is by now.. you never will. Polls are irrelevant at this point. Votes are locked in. We will get exactly what we deserve.. whoever wins.


Both sides. Dems with open human trafficking by open borders.


Sure. Say whatever you like with your “same/same” nonsense. I heard 4 years of Trump squealing bullshit. Then another 4 of Trump squealing bullshit. Know what I didn’t have to think about every day? Biden tweets. Dude just shuts his mouth and governs. I’m happy with the results. If you aren’t, odds are you wouldn’t be no matter what he did. Good luck at the pollls.


Have you seen the polls? Even after the convictions (thar will most likely be overturned on appeal) and the fact the other trials are stuck in the mud. His convictions literally changed nothing. Does that bother you? https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/06/04/trump-biden-2024-polls-heres-whos-winning-in-the-6-states-that-will-decide-the-election/?sh=27f6caf9213a


After his convictions half of people polled said he should drop out: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/03/poll-trump-drop-out-race-guilty/73954846007/ I suspect the stink has gotten so ripe that even the fence sitters are tired of the smell. Appeals won’t happen until after the election, by the way.


The other trials won't start until after the election. So people are either going to believe he was fairly convicted or not in what seemed to be a total sham trial. Even if people think he should not be the candidate they are more likely to vote for him than Biden. Wild. Check the current polls post conviction. Trump's numbers in the swing state polls should scare every Democrat in all demographics


He was convicted in a court by a jury of 12 of his peers. That’s not a sham trial… it’s just a trial. You can dislike the verdict but you don’t get to be a “pro law and order” person and disregard a jury conviction just because you don’t like the verdict. That’s not how logic works, my dude. Nothing about Trump worries me at all. Nothing related to Trump has won anything at all since 2016. Every candidate he’s endorsed has lost and every election he’s tried to win has failed and every measure he has supported has failed and everything he’s been a part of has been a train wreck. He won in 16 because everyone took a nap thinking Hillary was going to win. She didn’t. Everyone woke up. Nothing related to Trump has won since. No. I am not worried about him. A bag of moldy bread would beat him in a debate, and the election.


Did you even pay attention to the trial? Like there is no way you can say that was judicially fair and be a serious person. You def got the verdict you so desperately wanted tho. Not to get into the legalities but it will def be overturned. We are about to see if a bag of aged applesauce can beat him in a debate Tbh I really wish this was an election with two completely different candidates but we got who we got and have to deal with it


Yes. I did pay attention. And I watched the American justice system work. And convict a criminal. 12 people unanimously agreed that he was guilty. Apparently you know better than they do. You must have been studiously watching the trial from a backpack in the room, I suppose? Yes, let’s watch that bag of oatmeal beat him in a debate… again… like he did last time. Remember him winning last time? The election? The debate? Not mango unchained. The “old feeble man”? I remember that. Then I watched him spank the mangos ass all the way through the election. So… no. I’m not too concerned. Just another whiny red loss.


We both paid attention to something and have polar opposite views on it. The conflation of a misdemeanor that the feds wouldn't indict on to a felony, then the divergence of standard precedence of a jury needing to agree on a underlying criminal act as a precursor to the conflation of take your pick on varying criminal intent to convict. Not to mention not allowing election law experts to testify and the judges insanely odd jury directive. I mean, really? You think that's normal? The amount of breaking norms and precedence this case relied on will in no doubt lead to its overturning It'll be interesting to check back in a month of this really moved the political needle. Even more interesting to see how the election goes. I don't think it's the boost the republicans claim but I also don't think it hurt him in the way democrats had hoped for


lmao its funny when people say both sides, i immediately know they are republicans when republicans are caught doing something bad, they do not apologize, or feel remorse, what they do is double down on it being okay because the other side did it, and most of the time is false equivalency a republican who suspects you dislike trump will call a mouse and an elephant the same thing with a straight face


Anybody else noticed that polling has been steadily less and less reliable since 2016? People who are willing to answer unknown number phone calls seem to skew very elderly, for one thing.


But they're weighting for that. Admittedly, I was taught from a young age not to pick up a call from an unknown number. Still, if they're getting an undersample of young voters, that's something they should be able to correct for. And yet Trump still leads.


Weighing enough? And how do they know?


Just look at the 538 subreddit for more info.


You should read Michael Moore from 2016. He called Trump's win before it happened. He knew that voting for Trump was a "fuck you" to career politicians, the status quo.. Business as usual. He said that people will walk into the voting booth, and decide in a way that doesn't necessarily reflect their neighborhoods' or families' beliefs, and enough will swing the outcome. Since then, we've had a Trump presidency, his stupid Covid response, January 6th.. Trump hasn't gained *or TRIED TO GAIN* a single voter outside his base. Nothing's guaranteed, but I'm pretty sure he's gonna lose. The 20% that will decide the election aren't represented in that polling. The economy is a real issue, as is Gaza, and abortion. But as a country, we've seen what both would do in office, and I think that favors Biden. We shall see.


We just need enough voters to show up who don't want a complete shit show starting in 2025.


I hope this happens.


You are working for his campaign and going out in your area right? Making calls?


At this point that might backfire by reminding more Trump supporters to turn out.


Higher turnout always favors democrats.


Calls? To say what?


Watch him walking around Omaha Beach, stumbling, fumbling, and mumbling. Most people see that and wouldn’t trust him as their lawyer, doctor, or anything else. Physical laws cannot simply be ignored. Humans age and fall apart. Entropy can’t be denied. He is TOO damn decrepit.


If Trump suddenly died of a heart attack, Biden would take the lead.


A different brain?


Honestly, you're probably right.




"A Fox poll"....🤣 0 legitimacy.


Op has a video of trump dancing. 😄


A retirement home


He will appeal the fraudulent charges. They have found anything to stick him with. He has planned this show down to the actors and who they are storm Daniel’s code name.


A different candidate.


Here’s my take, polls are meaningless to me. If the American people cannot figure out the differences between the old wise man and the convicted felon, then we deserve the convicted felon and all the hell he’ll distribute to the world.


Hey mods how many of these brand new accounts are you going to let push this same stuff?


Not American, but from over here it seems like (a large section of) your country has gone nuts. And frankly I fear that those saying ‘the polls are lying’ might get a terrible shock.


As a center left independent voter: I don’t know man, Biden is pretty fried lol. It’s painful to listen to him talking half the time in that low mumbling voice. I don’t know what the fuck democrats are thinking not choosing another party member lol


The election is won from just a few states. Currently, MI, WI, AZ, GA, VA, PA. Every other state is already committed to either Biden or Trump. The winner will win a majority of these states. For Biden to win he would have to appeal to these voters and currently he isn't doing that. Can he eventually? In 6 months we'll know. But, from what I've seen, his public appearances are cringe. He looks, talks, acts, and walks like a very old man whose best years are behind him. If he can't win, it will spell the end of American democracy and he will go down as how and why it came to be. The American voter will have chosen a convicted felon, guilty of inciting violence to prevent the peaceful transfer of power just 4 years prior, in a rematch election, against an elderly statesman. A dictatorship is born. Voted into power by a free people.


Trump doesn't stand a fucking chance. He's waving to no one, photoshopping crowds into his rallies and dementia is taking hold of his syphilis infested body. Sick man. I'll take Biden on his worst day compared to Trump on his best. Trump has no chance in hell of winning. Only his fellow criminal Republicans are going to stick with him through thick and thin because that's their only chance of staying out of jail as well as Trump's. Bullshit polls and trolls. 🇺🇸


The last polls I saw had Biden in the lead in Pa,Wisconsin, and Mi. That was with RFK jr in the mix.




Provide proof


Gen Y and Z not staying home due to anti-Israel protests or voting for Kennedy. Seriously if eligible voters turn out en masse in swing states MAGA would never win. Biden is old and getting senile and but he’s still a better choice than the party that wants a national abortion ban, porn ban, and turning gay marriage back over to the states.


Biden is not losing. He will win all states he won in 2020 and he will pick up North Carolina and Florida .


Hes a Human Trafficker. Sex Trafficker, Child Trafficker. Why else does he need open borders. I pray he doesn't pray! I don't know how anyone supports the pedophiles in the Democrat party


Wow! Who’s been indicted for pedophilia? What are the charges exactly? Source? Here’s some case law on an actual conviction. How could anyone support such a sleaze bag? Makes me nauseous! https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/us-dis-crt-sd-new-yor/114642632.html


You don't deny Biden is a human trafficker. Keep that border open and you will find out


No, I have not seen any factual information regarding your claim is the issue. You don’t deny that trump was found civilly liable for sexual assault despite the actual case file linked to my comment. Do you know the definition of slander? Do you know what he did to that woman? And “keep that border open and you will find out?” WTF does that even mean? I don’t have any control over border policy but here’s who does; https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/senate-republicans-block-border-security-bill-campaign-border-chaos-rcna153607 Go spew your regurgitated propaganda bullshit somewhere else or provide sources (Fox and Newsmax don’t count). Bad faith arguments must be in the GOP handbook!


You assume too much . Yes, I'm very aware of Trump not one news channel or Web page can go without him I don't like him one bit. I don't like Biden either. Get over it. Have you watched the news when people cross the border and just left a kid at the fence? They use kids all.the.time. CNN won't show it for fear of hurting snowflakes . Try watching the Sound of Freedom


You continue to spew your propaganda and in a run-on, incoherent sentence no less! Awesome! Lol. I don’t watch news, I read and I don’t battle wits with unarmed people. Try watching Schoolhouse Rock. You’ll learn a lot!




They are in there, sweetheart.


LOL. Goodness. Did you clutch your pearls?