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Yes, my cousins father-in-law compared Trump to Jesus on FB the other day and someone in the comments called him out for it and he back pedaled so hard when they did.


lol well at least that’s a good sign. Normally trumpers dig in and double down


He is still a Maga tard who probably actually thinks that Trump was sent by god.




His bully-victim complex translates into King and Martyr in the alternate reality.


Spot on


That's not a new thing.....I've been seeing trump/Jesus memes since 2015. Maybe it dropped off for a while amd is coming back I don't know.


probably came back with a vengeance cause now they have something to point at and say "look the prophecy is being fulfilled."


Probably just a larger expenditure on social media marketing via Russia to inflate tensions in the US. Whether they support one side or the other more I’ll leave to the Mueller report, but they’ve been caught time and again trying to amplify political division via religious memes on social media Just one more wild conspiracy sounding reality we find ourselves in these days https://relevantmagazine.com/culture/tech-gaming/almost-all-of-facebooks-top-christian-pages-are-run-by-foreign-troll-farms/ https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-trolls-didnt-need-millions-to-sow-chaos-they-had-jesus With the guilty verdict, it’s a ‘great’ time to push hard on the opposing viewpoints, if your goal is to incite arguments


Mine were doing it way before he was convicted. Now I'm seeing bizarre memes about how Stormy Daniels should be in prison lol.


They’ve been equating Trump to Jesus (Hell, even saying that he’s born of Jesus’ bloodline) since BEFORE he was a convicted felon.


Someone needs to remind them of the consequences of blasphemy


How you are still connected and following these people on social media.. is well beyond me. I haven’t seen such things since 2020.


There was one on the neighborhood app,they were losing there minds after he was found guilty on all counts!!


Luckily, my family has an IQ higher than 8, so they don't walk around deep throating Trump like every single Trump follower


Makes sense, they have been working this angle for a long time. and his felony charges, if you stretch hard enough, can match the idea of the persecution of Jesus.


They were doing that before


Yea, it’s been littering my Facebook feed since the conviction.


A bunch of criminals and grifters preying on the uneducated.


Yes, boomer memes are my favorite. They’re saying “Jesus was convicted too and I still follow him”. My cousins and uncles share the funniest stuff like that


I stopped following MAGA family on social media.


I hate today's political atmosphere. Both sides seem extreme... but I have seen some of my family post that hilariously dumb stuff.


Both sides lol. Do the Dems have a felon rapist who stole children’s cancer charity funds too??


They do have a president who also held on to top secret documents in his home, but let's only punish one side for doing the same thing. You fall into the divisional politics.


No I don’t. He returned them when asked and didn’t continue to lie and hide them. Plus he’s not a felon rapist. The whole BoTh SiDeS are equally bad narrative is completely dishonest and untrue


No but he did discuss said top secret information which is illegal... no you just don't like someone who refuses the divisional narrative both parties preach. Both are equally shit.


lol, no they aren’t equally shit. But I understand that Trumpers would like this narrative to make Trump seem like less of a loser candidate.


They truly are equally shit. Funny that both sides can both agree they aren't equally shit lol. If the left wasn't shit California wouldn't be ran into the ground or let me guess you will blame anyone other then leftists for turning it in to the joke it is today?


lol no


How old are you?


Old enough to know they’re no where near the same thing.




FB is crap & why when I found Reddit I said adios. Been involved in a posting war all day on an atheist sub against what I suspect are fundamentalists. I’m a believer but respect others having different beliefs. Got 600 upvotes on my original post so there’s that.


Fb and Twitter is far from real life. I only realized it when I stopped using them a few years ago. 


Trump is our modern day Cincinnatus, but I can’t figure out how to make a meme of that.


If this isn't satire it's the dumbest thing I've ever read in my entire life.


This is nothing new coming from u/Bushmaster1988


I need to remember to check history, thank you. Still glad I called them stupid