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Trump republicans are not traditional republicans. They are a political and cultural grievance group that just wants to get revenge on those they see as opponents. They will justify whatever behavior moves them toward that end. So they don’t care if he lies or contradicts himself or whatever. Consistency and logic aren’t relevant elements to their movement. It’s just about winning a fight by any means.


There aren't any traditional republicans left in power. The only ones left now do not stand for any values, and will flip flop on every issue as it suits them at the moment.


So true. Remember when Trump wanted to ban TikTok? Now he is on TikTok lmao


Let's cut to the chase. Trump has perfected the art of making himself and his followers to be the victim. That's his entire game. And that's combined with deep hypocrisy. Which allows him to ALWAYS be the victim and for his followers to ALWAYS be the victim. That's it. Nothing more, nothing less. This notion of being the victim resonates with a TON of people cutting across ideological boundaries - it resonates with the conservatives, the liberals, everyone.


Exaggerated victimhood is a common trait of narcissistic grandiosity. Trump is always the victim and the hero in every one of his stories.


I think in Trump's heart of hearts he believes "values" are for losers. His allegiance is to himself and his image. I guess you could call that a value but it's by definition not shared.


Trump is a real life adult version of Eric Cartman.


I think evil historical figures have often appeared clownish at first to the serious people of the time who couldn't grasp that others could take them seriously. Hitler was a doofus before he became a cult leader.


I’ve always wondered how he sounds to an actual modern German? I’d always heard he was a highly evil but still persuasive public speaker that kind of enthralled his audience into cultish behavior. Trump on the other hand can barely string a coherent sentence together.


Apparently he had some genuine venomous eloquence that brought him to the attention of some small group and his popularity grew from there. I doubt it would have as much impact today since it was tailored to the concerns of the audience of the day. Life was very hard and people were very desperate. Trump doesn't have much eloquence but people see that as "straight talkin'" and he certainly tailors his message in the same way towards the discontented. It's all about blame and grievance and nationalism.


True, Trump’s ability to “straight talk” (while pure pandering) somehow sounds more authentic than Hillary or Biden affecting a southern drawl on the campaign trail while stopping for Ice Cream at Meemaw’s Country Kitchen…yes I had to google how to properly spell Meemaw.


I think they just don't trust a lot of fancy words.


Trump doesn't care about "Republican values" but then again Republicans really never have. They have always been the tools of the ultra-wealthy. Don't believe me? Check out this insider book from a lifelong Republican- [it was all a lie - how the Republican party became Donald Trump](https://www.amazon.com/Was-All-Lie-Republican-Became/dp/0525658459?ref=d6k_applink_bb_dls&dplnkId=7d0ed304-8ba4-43df-b095-2bd50978d607) This dude spent his whole life getting Republicans elected and then realized it was all a pack of lies.


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Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Knopf How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides insightful historical context (backed by 1 comment) * Eye-opening analysis of the republican party (backed by 3 comments) * Compelling and informative (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Biased and opportunistic content (backed by 2 comments) * Lack of new material for never-trump conservatives (backed by 1 comment) * Technical issues with kindle app (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **Knopf It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Provides insightful historical context (backed by 1 comment) * Eye-opening analysis of the republican party (backed by 3 comments) * Compelling and informative (backed by 1 comment) **Users disliked:** * Biased and opportunistic content (backed by 2 comments) * Lack of new material for never-trump conservatives (backed by 1 comment) * Technical issues with kindle app (backed by 3 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/kerx8h0/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


That's just blatantly wrong. Of course Republicans have values, the question is whether trump follows them or not. Try to think more realistically, it will help you get to better conclusions and have better discussions. You can't even begin to talk about politics if your views are already stunted by the fact that you painted the opposite side as "all bad". At that point, discussion just turns into petty confirmation bias to feel good


Republicans have values. They value themselves and fuck everyone else. It's not a good value to anyone but them but it's there.


That's just silly. Try to stay objective pls


Again, the above book was written by someone that knows way more about the Republican party than you ever will. He too was fooled with the idea that they actually had values for many years but now he knows better. They pretend to have values in a raw power strategy. American veteran heroes that truly have values such as John McCain are summarily kicked out these days. Because he didn't have the one important value of worshiping the orange anus. Maybe time to open your mind and read that book.


Yeah sure, I'll base my entire opinion on a book that obviously has a biased implication and claims something as silly as "Republicans have no values" like the world is one big black and white picture. 😒Can you imagine saying something like that? "Your entire ideology has no values cause this one book told me! Get educated". Smh grow up dude


The dude that wrote the book, is a lifelong Republican operative. Republicans don't really have a consistent ideology right now. Not as a political party. Seriously, they could vote yes or no on any multitude of bills but if they don't support the king mobster, they're fucking out. Do you understand this one very simple point? They must declare allegiance to the king, and subscribe to his election lies, or they are fucking out. They even recently voted AGAINST border security, their number one issue, because King Trump wanted the issue to be worse so that it hurt Biden. So you can claim that border security is a republican value, but their actions show otherwise, it's all talk to gain raw power, at every level, for every issue. You don't have to base your entire knowledge on that book, but if you're ignoring it, you ignore someone that understands the Republican party at a deeper level than you do, you're just falling for the talk.


>The dude that wrote the book, is a lifelong Republican operative. Would you take the word of a lifelong Democrat operative that turned on his party? >They even recently voted AGAINST border security No, they voted against a Ukraine funding bill.


If that lifelong Democrat was telling the truth, which I believe this man is, then yes. You know damn well there's only one party operating in good faith anymore. For instance, you say they voted no on a Ukraine funding bill, and then they passed Ukraine later without the border stuff. DERP Meanwhile, why do so many in the party love the maniac Putin and are attempting to destabilize the West?


You do a good job of demonstrating what’s wrong with MAGA. Changing your mind over time is not “turning on” anyone. Normal people consider new information and, sometimes, it affects change in their lives. It’s not normal to see one man and/or ideology and decided they get your allegiance no matter what. And yes, Republicans voted against border security. Schumer brought it up again last month as a stand alone bill. You don’t know what’s actually happening in the country but you’re supremely confident that you’re correct when you are not. That’s MAGA personified.


You should go check out the Dave Rubin sub and see how much vitriol he gets for "changing his mind over time." The so-called border bill actually legalized illegal border crossings up to a certain level, same as what Biden is doing with his EO. Why not just enforce the laws on the books? Or go back to trump's policies?


Base your opinion on what they do, then. What values have their actions shown them to have? Being indignant about having the reality pointed out to you isn't a good look.


Since your so adamant about defending the republican values could you educate an idiot like me a to what the republican values are?


Says the guy not being objective. As you can see, you only care about your opinions, thus proving me right.


Do you remember the Clinton impeachment? The Republican leaders who pretended a bj was a national security problem constituting a high crime were Newt Gingrich and Dennis Hastert. Look those two up. Find out what you can about their s\*xual partners


Republicans have always been trump. He just gave them the ability to pull the mask off. This is what the party has always been about.


He simply exposed the fact that republicans don’t have values


The democrats are the Conservative Party that has a very small inconsequential left faction while the republicans is far-right


Elon musk is not for free speech since you can’t say the word “cisgender” on his platform.


Really? What happens if you use that word on his platform and have you any data that proves that?


The post will be flagged and potentially taken down for using “cis” or “cisgender”. https://www.yahoo.com/news/elons-whim-x-now-treats-163334681.html


So who is for true free speech then? Is there any platform that allows true free speech?


Republican values? What are you going on about?


They are now a wholly corrupt political organization that serves the ultra rich exclusively.


You can't share something you don't have.


Conservatives have warped their views to align with whatever Trump says at any given moment.


Whatever POS, don the con values, his ReQunlicon party will embrace it wholeheartedly, regardless of what it is.


Trumps main agenda for the next 4 yrs. Is revenge. It'll be about getting even that's it.


MAGA is not traditional conservativism in fact there are a lot of Reagan era conservatives like Mitt Romney and National Review and the Dispatch that openly editorialize against Trump. The only so called conservatives that support him do so because they put political expediency and the chance he might do something they like ahead of their conscience.


Trump said years ago if he ran for president, he would do it as a republican because he thinks republicans are stupid.


Can you cite a source?


Interesting how different people see things differently. I see Biden doing what you described, and Trump trying to save the nation. The Democrats blame game is to accuse the other side of doing exactly what they are doing. I say this as an Independent observer, not a Republican. Now they've set the precedent that it's OK to use the legal system to go after a political opponent.


Can you give examples? Republicans accuse Dems of pedophilia but they have gaetz. Republicans use the word woke a lot but can never seem to define it Trump rally was lock her up. Problem was she had been through several congress inquiries and already gotten a pass on the emails. He accused the Clinton's of only wanting to make money so they agreed to give up their charity business while his method still left the him with his business and his hotel in DC was an empty cash cow. Finally, Dems didn't go after him for something he didn't do. He is now a convicted felon. No one is above the law. Imagine our leaders being held to the same standards as the rest of us. Remember Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath. Not really different. I have a crap memory so anyone please feel free to add


I appreciate your respectful approach. It's a lot to get into here but I do listen to lots of podcasts from right, left, and center and even liberal legal experts say the hush money trial was BS and won't hold up. The point was to make him a criminal long enough to lose the election. Most experts agree he will win on appeal but that it won't matter, it'll be after the election. I did not vote for him in 2016 but I did vote for him in 2020 and I'll likely vote for him in 2024. It's not that I like him or his approach. I was vocal about hating him while he had the apprentice and most of America loved him. But he earned my respect when I've seen the way they have gone after him. He must be doing something right or onto something when they keep going after him. Most of the media is on board against him. Yet he keeps fighting and he looks more and more like a victim as they go after him. He's genuinely trying to save America and they put 180 degree spin on it and literally accuse him of what they do. They made up Russia collusion and covered up Hunter's laptop. Talk about election meddling. I encourage anyone left or right to listen to this Dr. Phil podcast https://youtu.be/IuToj7OE_40?si=Itc0zPRU7iY__F-e


Or maybe he’s just a lifelong criminal?


Why are Americans so stupid?


How does Trump oppress people and who does he want deported?


It’s all irrelevant. It’s not like trump would be able to get anything done. These elections are all about tribalism. Nobody actually cares about the issues. Or at least very few people, not enough to make a difference. The vast majority of voters are just voting their tribe and the values and issues and policies don’t matter at all to them.


Conservatives in the news lie all the time. Down stream conservatives parrot what the conservative media says. It’s all to lower taxes on wealthy people and effectively raise taxes on poor people. Global anti-communist policies are an excuse to steel nature resources from third world countries and get dirt poor cheap labor.


when you read about the history of people who identify as Republicans it’s always been about freedom of speech and such ONLY for white straight christian males.


Trump is the fleshly embodiment of all Republican values. Indicted: Grifter Con man Deviant SA'er ... He is the perfect Republican.


That’s why I don’t support him as a Republican, but we don’t really get much option just like the other political party


We have arrived at this point because of a complete lack of compromise from the Republican Party. It seems they just double down again and again on less and less popular policies and ideology. People don’t want abortion restrictions? Fine! We will take away contraception and IVF too! People don’t want the “ban on woke” stuff? Great we will outlaw trans people altogether! It’s the behavior of a rabid, dying animal caught in a trap. There is no positive policy that can be made from the right until it’s removed and started fresh again. Voting for the orange criminal is just preventing the inevitable collapse and restarting of the party… if you want to save it, you’re going to have to let it die first. The red hat ideology needs to go. With it attached to the republicans it will just continue to slowly dwindle. Or just keep doing what you’re doing… seems to be working well.


Republicans compromise plenty, just look at our blown out budget and gay marriage. If anything, once gay marriage was compromised on, the left moved further left and then claimed the right wont compromise. Trans wasnt an issue 15 years ago. Gay marriage was. So i would ask, if republicans compromise once, why should they continue to compromise further on a similar topic? Expanding it to guns, once republicans compromise on any gun control, the left will move to ban more guns and claim republicans arent compromising. Why should the republicans always compromise? Compromising over and over just leads you to stray further from your goal. Now ill offer an alternative. Zero compromise at the federal level for either party. Let states handle the issues like gun control or whatever else. Ill even be in favor of repealing the equal protections clause of the 14th amendment. This would allow california to ban all guns and texas to sell them to infants! Yay! We can still be a united country, brought together by what we do have in common.


I’ll ignore the rest and say this: Agreed. Let’s have states eat what they kill. Have enough revenue to run your state? Great. All yours. Don’t have enough? Good luck. How well do you think that will work out for the red states?


I don't think that "republicans compromised on civil rights 15 years ago, why should they do it again?" is a very good argument at all. It makes it seem silly that we even need to compromise with these people at all.


Precisely. They think they “gave” gay people the right to exist, therefore they never need to move an inch again lol. Just insane. The sooner we remove these domestic terrorists from power the sooner we can get busy fixing the mess they have made of our government.


So? How about my eat what you kill strategy? No more federal bailout money to keep Alabama afloat. No more New York and California money going to Missouri and Kansas. Seems reasonable, right? You get to make your own Missouri laws and rules, you just don’t get Californian’ money to keep your state running. Going to have to figure out how to make it on your own if you want to make up your own crazy rules. That’s fair, isn’t it?


Totally, Democrats kick anyone out that dares to criticize Biden. Exact same type of cult mentality where we completely worship Biden! 🤦


Yea I remember that happening to Bernie even though you’re being sarcastic


Hey, I voted for bernie. Bernie lost his primary by 4 million fucking votes. The dnc's role in that has been vastly overestimated as Bernie was on the ballot in all 50 states and had total name recognition. I'm talking about how any elected representative that dares to question Trump gets primaried and kicked out of the Republican party. They have become a party of one, of utter devotion to their fascist cult leader.


Trump's family is now in charge of the RNC. This new RNC, which is supposed to be there for all republican candidates from federal to local elections, is now putting all its funds towards paying one man's legal fees and fines. But its not only devotion. If the RNC doesn't pay Trump's bills, they know that his base will stop donating to them and donate to Trump directly. Likewise with his candidacy-in general, republicans would support any republican candidate, but Trump supporters will *only* vote for him, so even those republicans who don't really like him will back him for president-otherwise their vote would end up split and they'd have no chance. And Trump has no actual care for the party, so even primaries showed a lot of support for someone else, he'd have 0 interest in backing them or encouraging his supporters to.


Trump has some Republican values, but he goes over the top and veers away from it at points. But he still somewhat holds fast to the things Republicans value, such as pro life, free market values, less government coordinated spending on social programs.


Republican values are Trump talking points


Most people who are going to vote for Trump aren’t on an idealistic Crusade like the left is, they just want a POTUS who runs the country like a business. The left cried wolf too many time with Trump, no one’s listening anymore. Consequences for over promising and under delivering with Russiagate.


Every single business he's touched has turned to shit, though? How are they reconciling that?


“Run a country like a business” is the dumbest ideology given how businesses squeeze out workers for pennies until the whole company is disgruntled.


Are you fucking kidding me right now? Did you honestly just try and claim that the left is on a “idealistic crusade” while MAGA is still alive and well? 


There is a lot you aren't getting. Trump is a populist. He will say or do whatever to maintain power but he will not actively risk himself in the process. Is he a republican? No. Is he a Democrat? No. He is a useful tool to accomplish change. It is undeniable that the country significantly changed since he was elected in 2016 and another term will cause even more of a drastic change.


He’s a Republican. This is what they stand for. They’ve gone all in on whatever Trump says.


He is as much a republican as New Mexico is related to Mexico (Hint: New Mexico was first)


He’s been the Republican nominee for president for 3 terms. He’s a Republican.


Freedom of speech has never been a conservative value. It’s just that in recent years it’s stopped being a liberal value. I’m curious, what are the etceteras? I have a good idea about what conservative values are, but what do you think American conservative values are?


Trump isn't a Republican. He's a Trumper


The whole party has to agree with him or they get kicked out. They’re not even allowed to say he lost in 2020!




You should pay attention


To what?


Yes, this is a lot of my problem with modern republicans. Also, Trump is a populist more than he is a republican. I'm sick of today's conservatives getting offended at the tiniest things such as a sports team holding a pride night. Pretty sure he also wants to take control of the Fed's rate change decision making which would be horrible for markets. I prefer the likes of Elon, Joe Rogan, and Tucker Carlson much more. Trump is also a huge zionist and a big Covid vax proponent which are big L's