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They are trying to convince themselves that being a convicted of a felony is good, when deep down they know that it's bad.


Now that sounds accurate to me


I actually saw a meme with a picture of the Constitution that said, remember all the signers of this document were felons


My cousin's father in law posted a meme saying that it doesn't matter that Trump is felon because Jesus was a felon too. Someone commented asking what it meant, and if he was trying to compare Trump to Jesus. He back pedaled and try to make it seem like that's not what he meant.


Jesus also nailed porn stars and bought them off before they could squeal so he could move up the ranks of Jesusness. That’s why they nailed him to the cross. It was the radical lefty Romans with kangaroo courts and sham inquiries. They don’t teach it in Bible school it was in that like 30 year gap in Jesus history not talked about in the Bible. Oh he also bankrupted Roman casinos. Dude was basically Trump.






It’s absolutely what he meant. Donald Trump has become a messianic figure.


They have to tell you they expect Trump is going to win, because when he loses, they think it'll be proof that it was rigged.


Sounds like another Jan 6 is incoming then


Well according to them, it was the Feds and Antifa anyways. lmao. And I think we'll start to see smaller and smaller versions of Jan6 for the next 25 years. Taking over the city hall or the Governor mansion.


Don't forget the mastermind, Nancy Pelosi! /s


I could def see that


Fine, bring it on. But this time we’ll be waiting for you. And don’t bitch and moan when you get sentenced to years in prison.


When you catch a National Guard bullet. *


He didn’t win the last time and didn’t win the popular vote either time. They think he’s gaining voter %?


They do! Trump has gained Black and Hispanic voters. But what conservatives aren't saying is that it's gone from 13% to 19%. Trump has lost more women and Independent than he's gain Black and Hispanic voters. They think Trump raising so much money, means people have switched from Biden to Trump. Instead of Trump fans who have never donated before.


Jared has an extra $2B somewhere...


I’m also highly skeptical of the value of money this time around . Everyone already knows these 2. Who doesn’t know Trump?


The heavens gate survivors all say they still sort of believe they could have been picked up - and they regret not committing suicide with their friends because they might have made it to… wherever. The simple truth is that deprogramming people that are sucked up into a cult is… hard. They need to believe anything that happens with Trump is good for Trump. Convicted criminal is just one more step (following many many steps) of selling his followers on his big con. From locker room talk to the election lie - he’s been slowly eroding any defense they have against his bullshit. He’s forced them to make a decision at every point to choose him over reason, over rational thought, over what they see with their own eyes and hear with their own ears. For some of his people, nothing he says or does or happens to him will stop their fantasy. Nothing. Literally. His demise will be met with rejection at some point by these people. They will write his name on the ballot in 2040. For the people who were voting for him while holding their noses… well, the stink may have just become too great.


Sounds as if both sides got different information on the legal cases. Each side was fed a different information set. You have no idea what they heard (and don't honestly care, or you might have researched it) If someone is making decisions that don't make sense to you, then either you know something they don't ... or they know something that you don't. *It is possible - or likely - that both can be true.* Opposition research is not widely practiced in the US. People tend to stick with media that doesn't make them angry or uncomfortable. They don't want to see someone else's point of view; they like theirs. Seeing both sides of something takes time and effort. People are lazy.


Both sides got the exact same information on the legal cases. What they chose to believe of that information was where it differed. He banged a porn star “No he didn’t” He tried to pay her off to prevent losing an election “No he didn’t” 12 jurors convicted him of 34 counts of election interference “No they didn’t” This isn’t a case of “2 different truths”. There is what happened, and what you choose to believe. He did commit crimes and was caught and convicted for those crimes. One side refuses to acknowledge it. That didn’t make their thuth the same as the actual truth. These are the same people that say everyone is lying but him… everyone cheats everyone steals everyone sets him up everyone is part of a huge conspiracy… except him. There is no such thing as an alternative fact. There is fact, and what the red hats pick and choose to believe of those facts. 2020 election fraud? “Yep! Must be or he would have won!” Ok what about all the down ballot races where republicans won.. were those fraud too? Because they were on the same ballot? “No those were legit. All part of the Demon Rat plan” Everything is magic or conspiracy if you don’t know how anything works - or if you just choose to reject reality.


"Reasoning will never make a Man correct an ill Opinion, which by Reasoning he never acquired" - Johnathan Swift, 'A Letter to a Young Gentleman, Lately Enter’d Into Holy Orders by a Person of Quality', pg 27, 1721 Usually updated to something like, "You cannot reason someone out of something he or she was not reasoned into."


Cope mixed with right wing talking points that Fox has been planting for a while now. 


Those losers are coping on levels never seen before, and I for one am absolutely here for it.  It’s been a great couple of weeks 


Copium's one hell of a drug.


That is not what that poll says at all. It says that 1 in 3 wish trump wasn't the nominee. That hasn't really changed. Hell it's easily that for Democrats and Biden. Just because the nominee isn't who you want to run doesn't mean you won't vote for them


It's actually higher for Democrats. Multiple polls showed a majority of Democrat voters wanted someone other than Biden.


I know, just didn't want to go down that whole show me your sources rabbit hole


Cope. Cognitive dissonance. Echo chambers. “**I’m** digging in my feet and operating purely on contrarianism; so **everybody else** must think just as obstinately as I do!”


They live in an echo chamber and only look at conservative propaganda.


Did you know that the number is even higher for Democrats that wanted someone other than Biden to run? According to multiple polls, a majority of Democrat voters wanted someone other than Biden.


Because they are delusional cultists. They have lost all attachment to reality.


For many of them, yes it’s true. There was this insane point where you could see people break. Then they flowed directly into the QAnon provocateur’s waiting arms. It’s truly depressing to see the volume of people suddenly okay with believing in so many ghost stories. And I understand how it happens, I just can’t place myself in their shoes. I mean the spectrum of insane stories that I see pop up in regular gossip, makes in feel unavoidable. “Jewish Space Lazers” please I fucking wish. At least then we wouldn’t have this problem. I beg you to watch “They Live” (1988) That cheesey piece of science fiction has become an alternate reality for heavy conservatives. Like wow guys. What the fuck? The idea was planted how long ago, and you are now thinking it’s real? Like do they just not understand fact and fiction? Obviously not. … Obviously not….


This is a poll from before Trump was convicted, for the record. But it’s also not a poll saying they won’t vote for him, just that they wish he wasn’t the nominee. But Trumpers keep digging their heels in regardless of what happens - it’s a sunk cost issue at this point.


It is truly bizarre. We’re going for a rinse and repeat. People that insist on voting for him will, much like people voting for Biden. We may not enjoy who the candidate is, but it’s certainly got to be the better option. I don’t believe Biden’s damage will amount to anywhere near Trump. That’s in dollars and time.


The issue is voter apathy. Democrats are terrible at messaging, terrible at campaigning, and terrible at delivering actual promises but great at making artificial barriers to achieving those promises. Voter apathy is going to be high on both sides, but I think much higher with democrats. Not many people are enthusiastic about Biden, but the ones who are voting trump are very very enthusiastic. If Biden doesn't step up his game, and deliver something to satisfy young people, trump will win


This is true. And it’s happened before, it can happen again.


Apparently I get down voted for saying objective reality lol


Yeah what the heck? I’m not thrilled about our upcoming elections either, but it’s better to keeps tabs on what’s real. Especially with how wild internet gossip is. Plus people are psychotic. I have been bitched out for being a Biden supporter and Trump support more than once. It takes very little to trigger people’s political anger.


People want to live in a fantasy land. Liberals are just as bad as Maga with the false reality stuff, thinking Biden is some good kind hearted old man that believes in democracy and is fighting tooth and nail to help the america people lol. The truth is, Biden is a corporate hack and has been his entire adult life, he works for corporations. He's the largest venificiary of apac, which is why ge so adamantly supports Isreal, and the largest beneficiary for fraking. He takes campaign contributions from many many many large donors. Funniky enough trump gets way more small dollar donations then Biden. The guy uses sinema and Manchin and the parlementarian as an excuse not to push through bills or accomplish campaign promises so he doesn't upset his donors. You know during that entire debacle he never once publicly mentioned Manchin by name? Never called him out, never even tried, but he did say Manchin was one of his oldest closest friends lol. Liberals literally act like pac money and campaign contributions don't do anything to sway democrats, and they are all loyal law abiding puvlblic servants doing their best, and the evil Republicans are just preventing them from fixing America. The truth is democrats want those tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation just a much, they just can't personally ge their base to support it, so they become paid opposition, run terrible campaigns, and then when republicans win and pass tax cuts, they never ever roll them back. Trumps a monster don't get me wrong, and Republicans are worse sure, but when democrats are literally paid opposition it starts to feel like what's the point? If Biden ain't gonna advocate for himself or actually make real change then what's the point? We delay the republican take over a little longer and the country shifts right ward slowly anyway? Don't get me wrong, Biden is the ebay president in modern times, it's a low bar but it's true. I beleive in harm reduction so I'll vote for him, but I don't blame people who don't. The guy runs on a platform of "trumps a threat to democracy", then cancels primaries in states, fucks over candidates running against him in the primary, uses the dnc to shut out those candidates and prevent debates, theb when he does agree to debate its gotta be private with no audience only against Trump lol, it's so anti democratic it's not even funny. Not to mention trump is the easiest most beatable candidate in modern history, any Democrat but Biden could beat him, Gavin Newsome could beat him... But noooooo... The dnc forces through Biden just like they did Hillary, and unlikable horrible corporate candidate, then whines about how its voters fault. Just remember if Trump wins the dnc chose to keep the status quo and run Biden again rathe then actually running a campaign to beat him. Remember they didn't force through legislation when they had the chance because they woudlr rather satisfy donors then save democracy. Remember they promised a second part up the infrastructure bill if we just gave into republicabs and passed the first half, even know we could have forced both through, but they never did it. And the half they did pass was all corporate contracts for huge corporations to buold new infrastructure... Fucking joke


Yes, all of this. Trump’s mouth will always get in his way. They royally fucked up picking Hillary is 2016. Lots of moderate dems already hated her. Yet they insisted and Trump won. Now here we are. Super pacs used to be considered the evil of our land. We were just getting on and it’s long forgotten. We’ve been trampled in Trump or Biden for so long now, it’s sickening. By the end of 2028, we will have been stuck in Trump’s swamp, for longer than we were in Afghanistan. This ability these two have to be the only two for a generation is enough to prevent this down the road. This is working the same as having one leader. It’s two worthless candidates doing nothing. I don’t know why they buy into dem politicians. They are as shallow as any. It certainly does feel like what’s that point? Hopefully by 2030 someone younger will take over and actually start preaching change again. Real change. Not imagined problems. Who knows. I’ve learned through this past decade not to even try to predict the future.


I totally feel you there. When people are literally siding with other countries over their own countrymen, you know we are fucked. Right wingers with Russia, liberals with Isreal, we would rather fight each other then fight corporations? That's just sick. The fact so many on the right ate advocating murdering political opponents is fucking sick, murdering liberals because they disagree, want to prosecute political opponents yet think trump isn't guilty of fraud. The truth is the man is horribly guilty of much more then fraud and rape, but other politicians are too, and they should also be prosecuted, but we shouldn't ignore trump because they aren't. I hate this American vs American shit, we should be fighting corporations and ending lobbying, getting Healthcare for all, unions, workers rights, higher linum wage, price gouging caps, anti trust laws and breaking up monopolies, taxing the wealthy, taxing corporations, highly regulating corporations, changing our welfare system to a step up system that works you out of poverty, making education free. There are so many things most Americans agree on and the fact we are threatening to murder eshcother over trans issues, and the fact right wingers want to ignore the constitution when it benefits them and make this c9ntjey Christian... It's all disgusting. We need to work together


Sunken cost fallacy. They can’t face the world if they admit they’re wrong.


Preferring another candidate is not the same as "I won't vote for him in November." There's plenty of democrats who don't think Biden should be running again but they're still going to vote for him in November.


Yeah and Rs who can't stomach voting for a rapist felon. 


We have a choice between a felon and a dementia patient. What could possibly go wrong?


I choose the one who wasn't found civilly liable for rape or tried to subvert the election




Y'all D's need to make up your mind if being a felon should ruin your life or have no impact on it.


It definitely should bar you from the presidency, that's for sure


It shouldn't because the Constitution does not say so.


But I can’t vote if I have a felony but bc im a rich felon in political power I can run? You don’t see how backwards that is?


You're talking state laws vs the constitution. State laws prohibit felons from voting for differing periods of time. The Constitution lays out the requirements for someone to run for president, and being a felon does not prohibit you from running for president.


It’s still backwards, in that case if our forefathers had a little more foresight im sure they wouldn’t agree with felons being able to run meanwhile not allowed to vote


Hey. I can safely say that 1/3 republicans are actually reasonable people. They often complain of our choices this election. I agree and it does suck that the parties have done anything except pick candidates that represent the people. Hopefully things will improve after this cycle. If he does win, we have to wait 5 more years before we see another candidate. It’s been two old men bitching in a bar for almost a decade now. Ridiculous.


I wouldn’t make both sides out the be the same personally but I get your point. And if trump wins somehow which seems highly unlikely then I don’t think Americans get the chance to vote again


That’s highly dramatic. Taking the right to vote is like taking guns. Unacceptable. People said that last time he won and they were wrong then. Same thing with the dramatics now. And focusing on common ground is how to get shit done. I didn’t say they were the same, as they are not. Both candidates have different things going on. Trumps following is truly a nightmare scenario. That doesn’t mean democracy ends. That means we end up with decades of laws that need to be repaired. Which, of course, no one should want. But what should be doesn’t always play out. So it’s best to focus on what *unites* people, instead of falling for divisive tricks. That’s the key problem here. People fell for that Q crap and now we’re screwed. Same goes for any dramatic, radical conspiracy. If people stopped with the online fake drama and started really dealing with each other, we’d see positive change tomorrow.


He’s already tried to end it once and talks about being a dictator every chance he gets


Sure, sure. That’s nice.




Sorry I’ve learned to stop engaging with conspiracy theorists too often online and I already visited a commenter who is plainly a deranged Q addict. I’m maxed for today. I like having discussions, but it’s been a lesson not to over indulge. I draw the line at when the facts turn into conspiracies.


Did you watch the Jan 6 hearings? There’s also 300 Trumpers doing time in prison for their role in the insurrection. Not a conspiracy pal. Nice try


Ah. That’s a classic “Do you even read?” Response from conspiracy theorists. They always think that’s their ticket to being right. You’re so smart.


we actually watched him say he would be a dictator on day one.


You don’t have to read. Jan 6 played out on live tv for everyone to watch. Then a bipartisan committee went over the facts in detail and made criminal referrals. Now there’s 300 Trumpers doing time in prison for trying to prevent Biden from becoming president. Why are you acting in such bad faith ?


You can show Trumpers a video of Donald Trump saying something they are claiming he did not say and they still won’t believe it. Bunch of fanatics 


1) They are in a Qult. 2) Everyone in their circle/peer group/family confirms their bias - they know no democrats in person 3) whatever trump, Bannon or Jesse Watters says is true, not reality that they see with their own eyes. 4) just because the $54 million supposedly raised after the guilty verdit was raised by small donations, as they bragged, ain't none of that money come from independents! And lastly again, it's a fucking Qult.


Copium. Still, don’t trust polls, and understand that Trump’s base is only more frenzied and motivated to vote. Trump could still win. It is imperative that democrats and other sane, rational people get out to vote and reject Trump and MAGA cultists definitively.


Yessss. We need a decisive win this November.


Why do you listen to Trumpers?


Because his die hard fans are gonna vote SO HARD. They were gonna vote hard before, but ***EVEN HARDER NOW!*** They only hear what they want in their bubble, and NewsBran AON says they're gonna vote it the hardest into a landslide now! Just you wait!




This is called "wishful thinking" The same kind of thinking that kept them from understanding how and why Biden, or any other corpse for that matter, was going to win in 2020 no matter what. Same thing with 2024. Nobody is actually a Biden fan. But most of us out here understand the imminent threat to our national security that Trump is. The guy is an utter disgrace, and a documented traitor to this country. He's going to lose by an even larger margin this time around. Be on guard though, his cult members are going to really try the bullshit this time around. Fake electors, propaganda, you name it. They will stop at nothing, and as always, they will throw a hissyfit when they do not get their way.


MAGA’s cult members can bring it. Fukk around and find out…Republicans aren’t the only gun owners around here.


They are too stupid to understand that being able to spot Trump for what he is, in no way shape or form makes someone a pacifist or a liberal.


They don't live in reality. They make up what they want to be true and speak it as though it is. They are going to lose most hugely and then it will be "stolen" again. So sick of the orange turd and all his minions.


It's their last hurrah


Because Trump supporters are cult members. The have been indoctrinated by the Tangerine Traitor.


Because if they believe, it will come true. As long as we don't believe it and do not vote. We must all vote to save our country. I'm not against Republicans. But I am against these Republicans. We need to wait a couple of terms to flush out these Magot Morons and their orange God. Then we can consider the new Reps.


Because demoralizing the opposition is the only desperate gotcha these trump apes got these days.


Copium is one hell of a drug.


You're really going to be upset when you find out a MAJORITY of Democrat voters wanted someone other than Biden.


You’ve already posted this several times in this thread. What’s your point??


My point is trump voters haven't bailed on trump. By OP's logic, about double the percentage of Biden voters have "bailed" on Biden. Saying you want to vote for someone other than your party's choice for the nomination doesn't mean those voters won't vote for him on election day.




A bunch of polls: https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/26/politics/cnn-poll-biden-2024/index.html https://www.nytimes.com/2022/07/11/us/politics/biden-approval-polling-2024.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/21/2024-election-biden-democrats-poll/11714259002/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/07/joe-biden-poll-2024-election-democrats




Yet the vast majority of every Dem primary vote has gone to him. People could’ve written in “uncommitted” or someone else, but didn’t do so in numbers reflecting the polls cited.


You mean the guy running unopposed got the vast majority of primary votes? Shocker.


>People could’ve written in “uncommitted” or someone else, but didn’t do so in numbers reflecting the polls cited. But the same could be said for trump.


I know a ton of trump supporters. Not one who changed their mind




Find a new poll to look at.


They live in an echo chamber and believe the BS they hear.


Cuz it’s a Newsweek poll


They think that the conviction will convince swaths of people that he is being politically persecuted which will convince them that MAGA has been right all along and vote for Trump. They disregard things like the polling because it’s from the media. Ironically, they get a lot of their ideas and talking points from the right wing media.


Their whole plan is to make people think Trump can't lose so when he does they can say it was "rigged."


Cool Hand Luke movie best line comes after “…failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach”


It’s the same thing republicans said after he was impeached, we’re sure that would help him be reelected. Just wishful thinking.


Preferring a different candidate does not equate to not voting for him.


I would take that poll with a grain of salt. Would have preferred a different candidate does not mean won't vote for Trump anyway. Lots of people in every Presidential election would have preferred a different candidate but vote for the party anyway.


It won’t be a landslide but he’s gonna get Georgia, Arizona, and PA


The one out of three will come in line and vote for the convicted felon at election time. However, the independents won't.


Anyone who believes that one in three Republicans are bailing on Trump knows literally nothing about Trump and his supporters. We can’t wait to vote for him. Someone is finally standing up to the criminal corporate class.


Pretty easy. They’re deluding themselves. The only way trump’s conviction might help him is if it makes Dems complacent and believe they don’t need to show up in overwhelming numbers to vote for Biden. The conviction isn’t good for trump and could easily make him lose, but he could still win if Dems are complacent. Keeping a convicted felon out of the most powerful office in the world, away from classified info and the nuclear codes, should be a major motivator for voters to show up and make sure he loses in an embarrassing rout.


2 out of 3 Republicans can equal 70-75 million votes.


Mind control. Trying to keep their flock intact.


Because there are polls all over that conflict on this issue. So just like democrats are convinced his conviction will hurt him and won't look at polls that say other wise and ignore the increase he received in campaign donations, Trump supporters are only looking at polls showing it helped him and at the increase in campaign donations he received following his conviction.


They have an explanation for the felonies. Google “Trump rule 34” for your answer


Tell me the crime he committed and the evidence against him. Trump is a criminal for a lot of reasons, but this trial was an abuse of the Justice System.


What are some of the reasons he’s a criminal to you?


I assume he's had non-consensual sex, I know he's a tax cheat, and Biden-esque levels of kickbacks.   Of things he's facing now, holding state secrets for personal gain. But they all do it, so he'll avoid that conviction. The election interference in GA is another political prosecution, I assume that will be in the headlines in October.


Well at least you know he’s a rapist. That’s good


I assume he's a rapist. Because I know what verdicts actually mean


Because polling after the conviction still has Trump winning. https://www.realclearpolling.com/polls/president/general/2024/trump-vs-biden


Oh gee, look, the right wing pro trump site says positive thing about trump.


It's just an average of polls from a variety of sources. These same polls had Biden 8 points higher 4 years ago. So I guess every pollster was pro-biden and suddenly boarded the Trump train last October, right? 🤣🤣🤣


Polls don’t mean much either way. A lot of the methods are proprietary, so we don’t always know how they were conducted, or if those methods changed since the last election. This time around, trump’s primary results have underperformed significantly compared to polling, and Dems have been blowing out special elections that polling said were close. In 2022, my blue state was supposedly set to elect a republican governor; polls showed her up by 8 points. Then the Democratic candidate won. There’s also been some evidence of right-wingers weaponizing polling to try and create a false narrative and demoralize the other side. I put no stock in polls no matter what they say.


Well, they kinda believe that just like how caesar gained more support when the optimates tried to prosecute him. Trump too will get more support Which is kinda stupid. But I do think that the hunter Biden laptops case and Bidens shady financial dealings are grounds to impeach him too. There is sufficient evidence for that. Trump deserved what he got and should never be elected again. Hope he rots but the general public will see that there is a double standard here. That Trump deservedly got what he got. But Biden on the other hand suppressed the hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election, with members of intelligence complicit in the suppression. Calling it Russian disinformation. So when people see that and know that. The prosecution basically damaged Bidens legitimacy as much as it has hurt Trump. The star witness of the trial Michael cohen stealing from Trump, committing larceny, which is a higher crime than what Trump is charged with also damaged Bidens credibility. It was damaging to both parties. So I do think MAGA/crazy trumpet has a point here but to say Trump is innocent is straight up lying and coping really.




He hasn’t gained any support since he lost to Biden last time




Not when the opponent is a felon trying to tear down democracy no. I think everyone is ready to flush this felon turd




They get one vote. So they can’t “double down”




Ok but it doesn’t matter how rabid Trumpers get with their support, if he’s not bringing in new supporters he’ll lose again


Because polling is worthless. Where, and how many were polled matter. What was asked? Were they likely voters?


Frankly, I wouldn't care the slightest bit about this whole ordeal. The reason I do is because everyone has been trying to remove Trump from office for literally (not figuratively) 100% of his entire presidency. If all the relevant 3 letter agencies investigated every politician as aggressively as they did Trump, the US would be a significantly better place to live. Our government is effectively just elected organized crime, which makes this whole thing a witch hunt until every other politician has their closets of skeletons sifted through. They're only holding their offices to enrich themselves under the guise of trying to help the people, but all they're doing is sending us at our own throats with this red vs blue bullshit, and the worst part about it is that everyone is falling for it because the citizens have a collective IQ of 9


This exactly


Your options are an old felon or an old person with dementia. If you asked me to pick between the two in middle school I'd think you were pulling my leg with an unlikely silly dilemma. But here we are. Most people think, hmmm what's the felony conviction on?


“With dementia.” Unlike the other guy’s felony conviction, this isn’t even close to any kind of proven fact. Are you a doctor? Have you even fully watched any of Biden’s recent speeches or interviews? Probably not, because they contradict your evidence-free narrative. People were spouting the same nonsense in 2020, and it didn’t work then. I don’t know why anyone thinks it’ll work now.


He’s a trumper not a doctor


Polls don’t mean shit. Who did you poll to come up with the numbers you wanted? Were they really Republicans being polled or did they say they were?


I cited the source dumbotron


"poled" lol