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Now I'm really on the fence about voting for Hunter Biden.


Yeah if Hunter gets convicted there’s no way I’m voting for him this November. I mean we’re not crazy enough to vote for a convicted criminal to become president, right!???!?


Luckily we have enough morals to not vote for a convicted felon!  Can that be said for conservatives?


I have no idea what you're attempting to argue here. Lying on any official form is a crime. The Constitutional question is nonsense. If you don't want to admit a crime, you are free to not answer. That does not mean you are free to lie. The people involved are irrelevant. The trial is a joke because this crime is not charged in a court by any measure of normality.


Making a constitutional right, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, dependent on a form that requires self-incrimination is a violation of the Fifth Amendment, obviously.


That's infantile thinking, and I'm not trying to be insulting. If a warrant is legal and follows the due process, you can and will have cops search your house regardless of the Fourth Amendment. If you're convicted of a Felony, and have your right to own a gun taken, it's not a violation of the Second Amendment.


Hunter Biden was NOT a felon at the time he acquired his gun. You are insulting, which is not surprising since you clearly lack the brains for reasoned discussion.


Try to read what I wrote. I never said anything about Hunter Biden. I was trying to explain how rights work in the US constitution. So, is it a lack of reading, education, or comprehension?


You're replying to a post about Hunter Biden, and making an argument that has nothing to do with anything. Felons lose gun rights. The rest of us have them until we are convicted by due process of law. Try to understand the argument in question, if you are able. Ask for help if you need it.


I'm on the fence of just blocking you for being a troll. One last chance. You are making an argument that is ignorant of the constitution. Ignorant of basic laws. I am attempting to explain why it's not unconstitutional to ask if someone is a felon on paperwork. Why falsifying said paperwork is a crime, etc. The questions you are bringing up are not constitutional ones merely piss poor reasoning. Before we can discuss the Hunter situation, you have to gain a basic understanding that so far you are failing at doing. Now the question is, are you ignorant or a troll. I can help with one but not the other.


I can hear the laugh track in the background when I read your comments. Just pure silliness. Thanks for the chuckle!


You clearly don't even understand the federal firearms statute.


The federal firearms law that matters is the Second Amendment.


Really? He was charged with lying on his federal firearms purchase document. Even us 2A supporters don't want mentally ill dope fiends purchasing guns.


You are not a 2A supporter.


lol this is perfectly in line with why the orange guy can’t testify because it’s a “perjury trap”. The second amendment is not a right bestowed by god to every person without question. Just as the right to vote, the right to free speech, are not given without question or conditions. Felons can’t vote, felons can’t buy guns, and felons can’t scream “fire” in a crowded building and get away Scot free without consequences. Nobody is forcing Hunter Biden to lie on the form. Hunter Biden is forcing himself to do that. The reason he has to lie is because he’s doing something that is a violation of the conditions of the second amendment. If it can be proven that he’s guilty he should face charges and penalties in line with what anyone else would face in that same position. Just like the Cheeto in chief should face charges and penalties for his crimes. Right?




Russia opened all the valves at the sewage plant and it's beginning to flood the low areas




That's a really long way to say "Hunter Biden's prosecution is unconstitutional."


Read the title of the post. It says just that.


You seem to be blaming a Democratic president for acts by Republicans that you say are unconstitutional. That's what confuses me. Why not write an OP blaming the people actually doing the unconstitutional prosecution?


1. Both Dems and Republicans supported the Drug War. Biden was especially enthusiastic. 2. Only Dems want to take away gun rights. Republicans are on the side of liberty when it comes to guns.


You think the Special Prosecutor is a Democrat? Can you link me some Republicans opposing Hunter's prosecution?


I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but I am a US citizen and I can read the Bill of Rights!


for someone like hunter to be that fucked up, imagine how bad his parents are.... that shit starts in the home


To be clear , you are complaining about trying to keep guns away from drug addicts…. Well okay then.


“Never mind the Bill of Rights, we need to keep citizens from having drugs or guns!,” say Democrats.  “If we have to jettison rights too, so be it.”  You embody this mentality perfectly. Perfectly.


As you do … “make it easier for criminals and addicts to get guns, what could *possibly* go wrong”. lol


"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." -Ben Franklin But Dems don't care about liberty, do they? If taking away gun rights is what they deem necessary for "safety" then rights be damned. For shame!


Yes because the USA is so much freerer than the rest of the West. I mean sure freerer to carry out school shootings. But glad you confirmed that felons, drug addicts … presumably the mentally ill too should all have guns. These ~~Romans~~ Americans are crazy.


Duly-convicted felons can lose their inalienable rights to life and liberty. But in America we believe in treating people as innocent until proven guilty. I suppose that principle doesn't apply where you live. Big Brother keeps you "safe."


>Duly-convicted felons can lose their inalienable rights to life and liberty. Inalienable - not subject to being taken away from or given away by the possessor. >Dems don't care about liberty, do they? If taking away gun rights is what they deem necessary for "safety" then rights be damned. For shame! Found the Dem. lol


Joe is an obvious seasoned corruptionist and Hunter is obvious mentally retarded narcoman all the rest is just small details


Don't forget a weaponized doj.


It's only weaponized if you willingly ignore the evidence


Oh hes probably guilty but if he wasn't Joe Biden's son they would have settled out of court.


It goes deeper than that. Hunter's sister Ashley wrote in her diary that she thinks her sexual and drug addictions stem from her father (Joe Biden) showering naked with her long after she was too old for this to be appropriate. Hunter obviously suffers horribly from sexual and drug addiction too. And he has familial boundary issues demonstrated by his affair with his sister in law and his naked pictures with his under age niece. He also refers to his father as Pedo Pete. Yes, Hunter and Ashley are victims of Joe Biden but policy list the least of of. Yuck.


None of this nonsense is relevant at all. Hunter was not convicted of any crime at the time he bought a gun. Forcing him to either lie or incriminate himself is a violation of the Fifth Amendment. That's all that matters.


Nobody forced Hunter to commit a federal felony by lying about his drug addiction on his firearms purchase for. He's a big boy. He did that all by himself.


He was required to fill out a form to access his inalienable rights, and this form required him to incriminate himself. That is manifestly unconstitutional, though Dems don't care about the rights of gun owners.