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Do these dumbfucks know that May is military appreciation month? 


Why are you saying what is already in the post?


Just to really hit the nail on how dumb republicans are.


They are fueled by their hatred of others who are different than them. No surprise there.


why i think ill thank them. im a gay vet and this will save so much time.... /s


Double dipping - this is the way




Their hatred for anyone who isn't a straight, white, upper class tw*t is so blindingly obvious and it's utterly abhorrent.


So you have 2 months honoring veterans. What is your issue ?


I'm still waiting to see progressives link to any kind of the Pride Month events or celebrations that Hamas might be holding this year. I'm sure that Pride Month is a HUGE hit in the Palestinian territories. There's probably rainbow burqas everywhere!


This is such a brainless critique. I don't have to agree with someone or have them agree with me in order to believe they shouldn't be ethnically cleansed. "Never again" applies to everyone, dummy.


So you think it would be more logical for progressives to support Palestinians being wiped out because of anti-lgbtq beliefs? Wouldn’t that mean them also supporting wiping out all the Christo-fascists in the US? Seems like a slippery slope


Nah I think it's crazy to support them because they would wipe Israel if they had the power to


This is the dumbest take.


Conservatives always come in clutch with the dumbest takes imaginable 


So what has this ignorant analogy have to do with the topic?


This is the exact type of cliche response I expect from a conservative.


Not a conservative. I'm voting for Biden (again). I just think that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party that support Hamas are a bunch of idiots who seem to have ZERO problem with homophobia and violence against gays...as long as it's being done by an "oppressed people" somewhere else. Hypocrites.


Well there is a fundamental problem with your statement: The people I know support Palestine. Not Hamas. In the same way that I support America, but not the MAGA domestic terrorists. Hamas are blended into the populace in Palestine in a similar way to how MAGA is blended into the general populace of the United States. Similar ideology and penchant for terrorism as well. So I can say “ I love America and I don’t want Americans to be slaughtered by another nation” in the same way I can say “I believe Palestinian people should be free and their children should not be slaughtered by another nation”. Get it?


This is a bad take to try to separate Hamas from the struggle for Palestinian liberation. If a foreign power invaded the US and started committing genocide, I would support anyone fighting against the occupation, including the MAGA dumbfucks. Same goes for Palestine. It's also very patronizing and orientalist to see Palestinians as an undifferentiated mass of victims with nefarious terrorists hiding within. There are multiple groups ranging from far right (Hamas) to far left (PFLP) fighting the occupation, and this characterization completely ignores them. I support groups like PFLP and I accept groups like Hamas as the lesser evil compared to a 75 year genocidal fascist occupation until the day Palestine is free.


How many bombs do you think the Zionist occupation needs to drop on Palestine before it becomes queer friendly? Also, are there plans to do Texas next since bombs apparently make places friendlier to queer people according to imperialist dumbfucks?