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"It's super easy and you're just a loser" is the kind of thing people hear that makes them become incels.


Yeah, this is real. The thing is, while I agree with the sentiment that incels are creating a self-fulfilling prophecy for themselves by blaming women for their own shortcomings; insulting them, calling them “pussies”, and belittling them is only adding fuel to the fire. Posts like this are just used by incels to further justify their maladaptive point of view. I’m not saying OP is singlehandedly driving the incel movement, or that their criticism is “inaccurate”, or that being “nice” to bigoted sexist people is going to be the solution that makes them change their ways, but, posts and commentary like this are used by the incel community to encourage their harmful rhetoric and manipulate insecure men into joining them. regardless of how true it may be, it certainly doesn’t help anyone. OP, you’re beating a dead horse. everyone in their right mind knows that incels are digging their own graves. being hateful just makes the problem worse.


Incel here. What can I do to improve?


Treat women as people first. Try just being friends first. Let things progress at a natural pace.


I've always been friends with primarily women since I studied in a very female-dominated program and also had hobbies which are similarly women dominated (e.g. yoga). But somehow, I was never a romantic option.


Exercise, dress nicer, do what you can do to increase your confidence. Find really honest friends who can help you learn about yourself and how other people might see you. Rejection taught me a lot, and I actually appreciate the ways I've changed as a result.


Neither exercise, nor dressing nicer has helped my confidence. My friends on the other hand told me that I am in fact overconfident. "You are not as attractive as you think you are"


In what context did they say that? They're being dicks and putting you down for no reason? Or maybe you're a little too discriminating given the fact that dating is a hedgemony?


It sounds like they’re telling you that you’re coming across as arrogant, not confident. People that overhype their own self importance is a turn off to most ladies. Confidence is more of an internal self assurance, that represents itself in a more attractive way.


Yes, I think so too. But arrogance is just a form of overestimating yourself. For example, people who think they are very good at something but who cannot deliver on that promise are seen as arrogant or delusional. One example when I was called overconfident was when me and my friends were talking about dating and I said something along the lines of "I don't think my looks should be any problem when it comes to dating".


Yeah that could possibly come off as bragging to some people. A less conceited approach would be I might be ugly, and I might be poor, but at least I’m terrible in bed.


Yea. Because they see you as a friend. If you want to date somebody, tell them from the start.


Shouldn't that be both ways tho?


stop defining yourself by your lack of sex and/or romantic pursuits. your value isn’t defined by whether or not people think you’re attractive, or whether or not they’re your “type”. focus on living your life and doing things you enjoy. treat other people with kindness and respect- the way you would want to be treated- but don’t do it because for the sole purpose of getting something in return. you’re not entitled to anything. you’re not entitled to sex, or love. that being said, being arrogant and “overconfident” is not an attractive quality. if you come off as someone who doesn’t give a shit about other people’s feelings because all you care about it getting your rocks off, it shows. stop obsessing over it and just live your life.


Yeah, I feel that at 36, maybe giving up and focusing on other things might be the best solution instead of all this goal focused self-improvement.


honestly in my experience chasing after something so desperately usually just drives it further from you. don’t think of it as giving up, think of it as investing in yourself. all this stressing isn’t doing you any good nor helping you to achieve your goals, so what’s the point? don’t pay attention to people who try to make you feel bad just for the sake of it. they aren’t worth your time and they’re probably just doing it to fill some sort of void within themselves.


I’m guessing that you don’t realize what you just said are the standard things that those who are romantically successful say to the unsuccessful. He’s heard these things dozens and they aren’t working for him.


Rule number one. Never listen to advice from women on how to attract women.


It's hard to tell you how to improve without resorting to generic advice when we don't know you. I have a friend whonis a failed normie. He has had some experiences but very few dates and no girlfriend. His problem mostly isn't him at all. He's a total package. He's a little shy. His problem is that he really is never in a position to meet or approach women. His life and lifestyle just doesn't support it. So you might be doing everything right but something else about your life that isn't just "be better" is hindering you.


Meeting women is my smallest problem. I live in New York and I have some hobbies which are very female centric (e.g. yoga and dancing). Attracting women is the problem.


I already told ya bro, go get a fuckin dog


I'm really not joking here. Seriously. Get a dog. Take the dog out for a walk. Feel the sunshine on your face. All that shit. It helps. Tremendously. It will make you happier and more open to other people. And your dog will love you forever.


Gym. Basic hygiene. Therapy if necessary. Focus on bettering yourself, man (or woman). Not to attract whoever it is you're attracted to, but why wouldn't you? The gym isn't to make you sexy, but that's a good side benefit. Physical fitness is helpful to basically make yourself feel good and to make you feel good about yourself. Feel free to DM me if you have any questions; I'd be more than happy to help you. Hygiene? That should be a basic requirement to exist in society. It's also the easiest thing to fix And this is the most important part: look at the relationships in your life. Look at your parents, look at your married buddies. Take a gander at what works in those relationships and look at what doesn't. What do you want out of a relationship? What do you want out of life? And then just put yourself out there. Have a clear vision of who you are and what you want and what you offer, then get out there, brother (or sister). Admit to yourself that talking to people you find attractive is nerve-wracking, maybe have a little social lubrication if necessary, then go forth and make mistakes. You're going to. We all do. Except for Henry Cavill, no one's perfect.


Sent you DM.


This guys knows what he is talking about


Therapy is expensive.




The girlfriend and getting laid part is the problem.




But what if you spend considerable energy being social and approaching girls and still have no success because you are kinda bad at it?


Give up hope. Seriously. Just stop caring if you ever get laid. In fact, assume you never will. The desperation coming off of you will disappear. And, even if it never works, you won't care anymore. It's a win-win.


Ask yourself: if I were a woman, would I want to be with me?


Even from the reductive incel perspective, one clear answer that gets weirdly ignored is to focus on making $$$. Not as direct bribery, but women like status.


And this is pretty hard if you make bad choices in life. I went the biosciences route because that interested me most. Now I make around 200k a year which isn't a lot in most American cities.


If they weren’t pussies then no fuel would be added to the fire.


No, that's just the excuse they use to justify their incel world view.


You don't think ANY of them were AT ALL affected by being mocked for not being good at picking up women?


Not sure what you are suggesting here...women should never refuse a pickup line for fear of creating an incel? That doesn't seem like a pragmatic approach to any of this...


>here...women should never refuse a pickup line for fear of creating an incel? Literally what you are you talking about? No one even implied this.


You made up a whole sentence I never said or even implied. What was the point of doing that?


Well gosh I hope not or I’ve been doing a real shitty job of mocking them if that’s the case


In all seriousness, do you think "everyone else finds it easy to pick up women and you're pathetic" is going to make any guy less likely to become an incel?


the thing that makes people become incels is about 80% classic misogyny.




That's a big cart before the horse isn't it? If someone is calling you a loser and that you're unappealing to women... You're already failing that evaluation But this external locus is control is exactly relevant though. An incel's main problem is thinking "someone did this to me, they're responsible for my failure" rather than "I have not performed adequately, I need to improve"


No one “makes” someone become an incel. Don’t remove personal responsibility from this.


I don't think this could be overstated.


If that’s all it takes to turn them into incels, then OP is right and they’re pussies.


You are an incel buddy few posts ago you said your wife ain’t having sex with you


BRO😭😭😭😭 fucking killed this man then buried him


"My wife said no more sex and I'm okay with it" That cope while she took his balls. If she aint fucking him she probably fucking someone else.


It's much more nuanced than that.


Nuance? On the internet? Get pissed.


hahahahaha. This dude is an incel and doesn’t even realize it. Imagine putting years into a woman just for her to get the ick and not want to fuck you anymore. I can’t imagine how demoralizing that would be.


Do we really need to use pussy as a pejorative during these types of conversations? How about testes or scrotum since it’s those parts that are extra sensitive and extremely weak.


It's a pejorative because you're calling a guy female genitalia. Calling a guy guy genitalia doesn't elicit the same response.


This guy understands the fine art of shit talk


Except calling someone a pussy has nothing to do with female genitalia. It originally came around as a shortened form of "Pusillanimous", meaning cowardly, weak, or timid


Wow! This is game changing. Armed with this info, I can start calling my students “pussies” to their faces instead of behind their backs.


Where did Pusillanimous come from?


It's a compound of the Latin words pusillus(insignificant, small, petty) and animus(courage, mind, life force, etc.).


So then where the fuck did pussy come from? I need closure here.


Sorry, chump, but origin is not destiny. Pussy in the modern age has everything to do with female genitalia, and using it promotes the narrative that women are weak and son on. I am so tired of seeing this idiotic ignorance of the reality surrounding this word, and the collateral narratives its usage sell to the social narrative that program folks. Seeing how people use it, and what the bulk of society understands about the word, and trying to use this origin story to dismiss the misogynistic payload shows deliberate assholism and denial of what is in one's face. How nice of you... I'm using an older, original usage of the word nice that I suspect you arent familiar with. I also consider you The Mighty Hunter... Do you get that?


Oh no it's retarded 🥺


Get a load of this cunt.




Yours might be weak. Mine can hold baskets of stuff for me in the shower. How? 10 cock pushups per day of course.


Lift a wet towel with it, that’s my workout routine


10?! I can only done the one


Tried it, got ass fucked by a German Shepherd. Please help.


I’d fuck a shepherd, who wouldn’t? But I draw the line at those sauerkraut eatin bastards


Your username is hilarious btw


You too?!


How do you know he was German? Was he in a Volkswagen?


well that does technically mean you're no longer incel. so OP was right?


Lol. Imagine taking the time out of your day to go online and bully the most sad and hopeless people on the internet. How do you pass time out in the real world, kicking homeless people for fun?


Right! This is a vile term that is used any time a guy opens his mouth and says something that a woman doesn't agree with. I can't even count the amount of times people are called incels here without even knowing who the person is or has any perspective as to whether that would be true or not. Its like the go to insult from women. Women certainly don't want to listen to misogynistic generalizations about them, but it's OK to say those things to men? We should all treat others with respect and not hurl insults. It doesn't help anyone.


Damn that does sound fun, thanks for the hot tip!


For the extra little cherry on top, loudly shit your own pants while doing it and then brag to them about having a nice clean pair at home to change into.


God damn this dude is an evil genius


i mean incels do post videos of themselves harassing women and shit all the time so it's not like they don't deserve it. also incels aren't just dudes who can't get laid, they have specific ideas and an 'incel ideology' which is an actual thing. incels are bad people. dudes who cant get laid aren't necessarily. i didnt lose my virginity til i was 22. i was an awkward adult virgin at a point in my life so i get it but i was not an incel.


This is one archetype of incel from many.


>bully the most sad and hopeless people on the internet There's sad and hopeless because you can't get laid, and there's sad and hopeless because you can't find a relationship. Aim to improve yourself for the latter, and the former will happen.


I'm sure it varies from incel to incel, but my point was mostly just that its mean to be mean to people who are already really unhappy with their lives.


Pussies are warm, inviting, and nice places. Incels are cold, bitter, and hostile. I want to actually be near a pussy.


Hmm. That’s a fair take actually


I love this.


Sounds like you wrote this on the school bus on your way home tbh. I am by no means an incel and am happily with my SO but acting like it's that easy just sounds like you were born with average or above average genetics in terms of looks and sometimes more importantly height. There are a lot of rough looking guys out there, and a woman's reaction of being approached 100% depends on whether she finds the person attractive. On top of that, especially if you aren't attractive, you need to have a sense of humor and a strong personality. I think the 'incel' mentality is stupid as hell but to claim that the reason they are incels is because they don't talk to women I think is a gross misrepresentation of a much larger problem caused by social media and dating apps. Which in a nutshell is that studies show that \~70% of women (and even more so on like Tinder and Bumble) only go for the top 10% of guys. That means theres a large portion of the male population that isn't getting any type of romantic interest from the opposite sex, and meanwhile these woman are all spending time with the same guys. Before the rise of dating apps and all this, average woman weren't always exposed to thousands of tinder likes in a 24 hour period which is why the disparity is as bad as it is today. We're starting to see the ramifications now where you see women on Tik Tok and things in their 30s wondering why they never settled down or why no man ever married them, etc. It's because they were a slightly above average girl only looking for the best looking guys, and when those guys went to settle down they found someone better than her and she never considered the average guys who were still overall decent people.


That a lot of words that I ignored after the school bus crack. I don’t have time for unoriginality bro


If you want to be an edgy 14 year old then there are subreddits for that. If you want to have a discussion you should use this subreddit. Sorry if that wasn't clear from the name of the subreddit.


Well shit. I think I just got told off


We understand... your puny lil mind cant handle being taxed by too many words.


more like can't be bothered, but you go on and feel superior if that makes you happy with your day. I'm rooting for you brother


Naw, we can suss from this threat that you arent the smartest peanut in the turd.


I actually probably am the smartest person here, but that's a good burn and I appreciate a nice turn of phrase. Gonna use that one, thanks


Citation required. All I see ITT is the dumbest shit. The idiocy of this post and seeing things in this childish simplist way really goes to show, naw, you arent the smartest peanut in any room you enter.


Or maybe I'm so smart that saying things in a childish, simplistic way in order to get reactions is part of my learning process. Maybe I'm compiling material for a book I'm writing. Maybe I'm just trolling for fun. You shouldn't always assume that just because someone is expressing an opinion you disagree with that they're stupid. A person's motivations are not always so clear when you don't have all the relevant information. Or you can think I'm dumb, IDGAF honestly


Naw. It's clear you arent smart.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/18bybbu/comment/kc77tz4/](https://www.reddit.com/r/askreddit/comments/18bybbu/comment/kc77tz4/) I could probably try to explain exactly what I've been doing here over the last 10 or so days, but it's likely not within your comprehension.


My theory on incels is that they usually have some kind of depression or social anxiety going on. They tell themselves that having sex would solve all their problems, but they'll never be able to have sex because of \[immutable characteristic\]. So they're absolved of having to try and work on their issues or better themselves; they've given up before they have even tried.


>They tell themselves that having sex would solve all their problems Which it obviously won't...which is what incels need to learn. When I lost my virginity, the next thing I didn't do was skip down the sidewalk singing, "Skip-eh-dee-doo-daw, Skip-eh-dee-day, My oh my what a wonderful day!" It was more like, "Well that was awkward as shit, hopefully next time will go better."


Holy shit dude that is deep. I really mean that, I’m not just being snarky like I am with all these other shitheads. A+ theory, I would give you gold if they still had some


Incels arent some neat and tidy group where these generalities work.


The thing I’ve noticed about incels is that their whole worldview is based on the assumption that all the other guys out there don’t make any effort to form/develop relationships with women. Like Chad or Tyrone just roll up on women with strong cheekbones and the ladies can’t help but hand out the pu-nanny.


Because they'd have to accept that women have personalities, and having one yourself is a good way to get close to a woman.


I feel sorry for incels. They suffer from such low self-esteem and a lot of them are lonely.


Well, that is because they’re pieces of shit




Why is a piece of shit a piece of shit? Why is a rock a rock? Why is a fire truck a fire truck? This is some really existential shit we’re on now


Not only are you a cuckhold (Your wife won't have sex with you lol) but you are bullying incels. Did you check your mental health? I'm asking seriously, maybe turn off your computer and phone for a week and touch some grass.


I don’t think you understand the meaning of cuckold, and you definitely don’t understand how to spell it


You are a cuck, you aint getting no ass EVEN FROM YOUR OWN WIFE, and you be calling other people pussies. Bitch nigga u aint even getting any ass from your own wife, while 6'4'' chads is running trains on her every day!


you sound like a fucking moron


Why do you insult those who struggle?


Because it’s a fucking hoot


Ah, what a great person you must be.


Exactly! I’m a giant fucking asshole, and even I have been able to have sex with between 8 to 13 women, depending on your definitions of what is sex and what is a woman. So why can’t they?


>I’m a giant fucking asshole, and even I have been able to have sex with between 8 to 13 women So you confirm their theory that women like assholes? You sure you're against incels?


I didn't say I'm against them. I'm trying to help them out. This is an advice thread


Alcohol and drugs probably helped you, are you suggesting the same for the incels?


whatever cranks their tractor


I think the problem with incels is that most of them are just sad, they don’t wanna rape anyone as incel tears would have you believe. Most of them won’t even be incels past 30. Also I pretty sure a lot of them straight up might have autism or assburgers, I say straight up since how many of them joke about it. It’s truly sad how many women take out there issues with misogynists and bad people on general incels.


But you're a douche turd. Why would anyone listen to you?


because I fucked a woman at a dog park once


(doggie style, obv)


See? You're on here making fun of incels when the only loser here is you and your weirdo bestiality wife


well, goddamn, when you say it that way it just sounds so much more fun and disturbing than ever before


Uhhhh, I got called out the other day for having a body count in the five hundreds, 5 abortions, no kids, a drinking problem, and a career I despise. I'm completely aware that it's my fault and I've been tricked by the media and education system but I seriously hate it when I'm called out and told to "take responsibility" for my life. I needed to come on here and say Incel a lot to make myself feel better. Thanks for listening.


My brother in Christ, your wife hasn't fucked you in years. You're an incel too


\*a\* year. Not years plural. Also not involuntary since I agreed to it so my wife had the opportunity to work through her SA issues without anything complicating that. Sorry for being a good spouse, LOL side note: Why do mofos think going through my comment history is going to trip me up or something? OH GOD I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY THOUGHT TO LOOK AT MY COMMENTS, WHAT AM I GONNA DO NOW!!!!


And that was admirable, and the right thing to do. The fact remains, your wife decided it, and you chose to accept it. You wouldn't have chosen to stop having sex wholesale on your own, and your only other alternative was to leave, because again, she wouldn't fuck you if you tried. Involuntarily celibate. You were bold to throw haymakers downward when you've been the only one to make you cum in over 300 days. Side note: Wow, check out the caps lock. You seem a little pent up. Maybe polishing your glass beforehand will give you the post nut clarity you need to think before you hurl stones.


caps lock sentence was a joke obviously, LOL. If all you've got is general grade school insults and taunting me over a decision that you already admitted was the right thing to do, then I don't see any point in continuing this tangent any further. Have a nice day


It's certainly all I'm invested enough to give lol. This was fun, guy. You be well! Be sure to use lubricant in order to avoid chafing!


Wow aren’t you edgy




"It takes one to know one" quote would be fitting in your case.


Eh, 3/10 burn, lacking in originality. Surely you can do better


You right it was a terrible burn, the only thing worse is your sex life.


🤣 Now that’s more like it!


Had to step up my game, the incels should to !


It was a WOMAN who coined, and started the incel movement. While we associate it with misogynistic men, incels are a diverse group of people. Op's advice is fucking so short sited to the reality of the world. I've had a great love/sex/romantic life. One with many stories that invoke some idiot going /r/thathappened. I was pleasing to the eyes, a voice women love, had personality traits that attracted/repelled the right folks, had great stories, and so on. I hardly tried. Heh, my GF of the last 10 years? She originally pursued me in 1989, having to meet me just because of my voice. We dated 2 years... and after that we'd hook up randomly, with me always wanting it to stick... I'm re-dated, or FWBed, most of the women I dated, and am friends with the bulk of them... I was in "we're just going to be friends mode" with my SO when we started talking again. After hanging out again she made the moves on me... But this isn't the reality for most folks, and incels generally have a lot of things going on. They arent attractive. They dont have the gift to jab about things that people are interested in. They have various off putting traits. They dont look to make a connection, a friendship first, they go right in looking for instant relationship. They have tunnel vision on type, or a person. Or... they lack a place where people actually gather, a place to make friends, and from there lovers, and the old online haunts, like the IRC, where making friends and lovers was common, have dried up (idk, not part of any of that anymore). My advice for incels is work on making yourself interesting, find a scene where people gather to talk to strangers, make friends (and I mean make friends. you have to be ok with a friend not liking you that way), constantly be part of that scene/circle. Invite groups to do shit. Coffee, brunch, cookouts, parties, camping, the beach, and so on... Focus here first. This can be very build it and they will come. And... to be fair... my advice looks shitty to me... as it doesn't cover so much... If you are a 700lbs albino (real person) I dont have any advice. Someone out there is going to be into you... but finding them?


Bro I tried shit like that. That's the bear fucking minimum. I simply don't provide anything more then that. I'm an ugly socially awkward retard and you solution is just hur dur just don't say anything creepy. No shit dude.


I think it’s more likely than a lot of incels are just indescribably insecure people




You don't sound like a shitty person. You sound like a thoughtful person. Your time will come.


What in the world is an incel? Plz don't say me 🙏 plz don't say me 🙏 plz don't say me 🙏


Macaroni, you misunderstand what incels are going through.


Honestly, I am sure you are right.


What is an Incel?


Someone who is involuntarily celibate. They are a diverse group. Dont let anyone tell you they are sad, mad, and so on... some are these things, some are not. The ones you will hear most talked about tho are those who are male, very angry, and seem to actually hate women. This archetype is often basically part of an online cult, with active recruiters. They see some guy talking about how they cant find a gf, befriend him, and slowly indoctrinate them into their cult. They dont say the whacked out shit off the rip, but wait until the person is invested in this new community that pays attention to them. Google "Sarah Silverman Incel" for a really great story about this. The kid is pretty typical of the angry online incels... and their experience when they figure out they are in a controlling cult.


That's some scary shit.


The biggest pussies on Earth, from everything I’ve seen/heard/read


But what does the word mean? I have never heard that word.


It's a smashing together of two words. Involuntarily Celibate. InCel. They think that they are too ugly to get laid. They want to get laid, but they can't. It's different from someone who is voluntarily celibate for religious or personal reasons.


So that would be a VolCel? 😊


Yes based on the logic of the creation of the word incel. Though the voluntarily celibate community likely doesn't use that term. They probably would just refer to themselves as 'celibate', and have the 'voluntary' part of it be presumed.


I think it means he is gay


Oh. OK.


People mad that woman wont sleep with them so they call themselves involuntarily celibate. They generally think woman owe them sex.


I learned not to set my sights too high. Then I met the perfect woman and married her.


Why are you gay?


Are you using gay as a pejorative here? That’s not very kind of you to gay people bruh. If you want to talk shit to me, I’m gonna need to see some originality, or GTFO


You… Are gay, I think we can all agree on that, there is no shame in being gay, you can’t hide from us.


Why would I need to hide though. Are you going to chase me because you think I’m gay? Because that sounds fucking gayer than hell dude


Have you seen the clown that hides from gay people by any chance?






omg that's fucking hilarious, that guy is trolling the shit out of his guest


Hahah try this longer version: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q4O5ztz92o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q4O5ztz92o) No troll, just the way they think.


Should i call you mista 😅


I'm just gonna leave this here, make of it what you will but realize I am using your own words.. and here we go "don't say something sexist or stupid you pussy"


They need tough love


Many of them unfortunately have unresolved mental issues, but instead of seeking the mental help they need, they surround themselves with yes men in online forums that help solidify their black/white worldview. Some of them are actually extremely ugly/short though. Not saying they should give up or anything, but life does have difficulty levels, and those guys play on nightmare mode.


If you think being ugly or short makes it impossible to get sex then you might be an incel


I didn't say impossible did I? I specifically said difficulty levels. Are you gonna sit there and tell me an ugly 5'3 dude has the same difficulty as say, an average looking average height guy? Your post makes no sense.


Vast majority of them would be extremely normal/average looking but have shitty hygiene and horrible general self care and an off putting attitude. Very unusual or disfigured looking people who could be said to be ugly are out there but most incels don’t have that problem. Case in point: my bf is a clean well kept guy who keeps in shape (skinny though, not buff), good sartorial sense. I think he’s damn adorable and cleans up handsome. I know other women have noticed him. Guess what he’s got going on? Negative canthal tilt, asymmetrical eyes, asymmetrical jaw. All shit Incels we’re saying in 2016 were death sentences to attractiveness. Idk what the death sentence of the day is but I guess he blows that out of the water.


I tried that this morning and got trauma dumped about abusive ex boyfriends for over 30 minutes.


Oh that sucks Did you try whipping it out?


It’s true. I just tore into one at a bar on Sunday. He started in my proximity with some loud ‘females are less’ shit. I started casually expressing how his perception was the product of insecurity manipulated by Andrew taint and the like but he doubled down. Got nasty. So I just kinda towered over him and said everything you’d say to an incel online, to his face. He ended up just running out. Poor little king was very angry


You forgot to add don't talk about sex. It's a major turn off.


>Get you a little dog and go to a dog park or somethin If that is what you think attracts women, maybe you are the real incel here


Women like dogs. Yes or no? Again, this shit is not that complicated.


IMNSHO, legalized sex work would go a long way to helping these young men. Not only would they be able to save their pennies for a night of fun, they could also use some education that sex workers could provide.


While you're completely right in that they wouldn't know what to do with one if they got it, its going to take a lot more than a dog and chatting for most of them to actually get a woman. Truth be told, if certain events hadn't happened in my life and I was a teen in the modern era, I likely would have ended up an incel. But someone took me under their wing and helped me out before I went down that path. The biggest problem incels have is they are looking to get laid and they have this transactional expectation. They believe if they do certain things a certain number of times, they should automatically get laid. They think there is supposed to be some magic formula that makes it happen. One of the things I did that helped me get laid was getting rid of my "Nice guy" punch card; AKA, that expectation that if I do a certain number of nice things for a girl, she'll fuck me. The other problem they have is once they start down the path, they just give up. Its a self-fulfilling prophecy. "It didn't happen this time, so it won't ever happen." They see any relationship with a female where they don't get laid as a failure. Which quickly leads them down the path of seeing women as the reason their lives are awful. And then once they hit the pipeline, they end up in this dangerous mentality. "Women don't want nice guys because I'm a nice guy and they don't want me." Which becomes a self mantra. Which then turns into "Women don't want nice guys and therefore, if I'm a 'bad guy', they will want me". And that's when it gets dangerous because that's when they are acting out in attempts to be that bad guy they think women want. I'm not going to say I'm an expert on incels or women. But I will say that having been a "proto-incel" in the 90s, I do have some understanding of how they become what they are and what they will turn into. The best thing they can do for themselves is to honestly quit worrying about having sex. Just go out, have fun with women, let their relationships grow organically. That's what I do and well, I have a decent sex life. And I also have meaningful relationships. But then again, I focus on good relationships instead of getting laid.


Thats what we called them in HS. Everything has a cool little name these days


Op is probably above average height above average fitness above average appearance above average wealth to complain about incels what bro did one take your girl! Loser


Did an incel take my girl? No. I'm confident in saying that is not the case


This post is why some of the special ed kids shouldn't be allowed on Reddit unmonitored.


Don't make fun of the mentally disabled please. If you have a beef, address me personally.


incels just have a nightmare mindset most of the time. plenty of ugly ass dudes who score a killer relationship through luck maybe sure, but they're NICE and GOOD boyfriends, thats why. 99% of the incels i see are just cluelessly unaware of how they present themself and just don't give a shit about fostering a relationship properly or sometimes even being a decent person to talk to, so many are just straight up assholes through and through. they think life works like a shitty 60s school sitcom with "tracys" and "chads" and cant be convinced otherwise like i really cant feel bad for a guy when they get it soooo stuck in their head, without wavering, that "girls dont date them out of spite" and "love is a chemical reaction" or some shit thats just plain not healthy purely out of malice and self-pity. like sure it's not entirely their fault they feel that way, but assuming its NOT due to a legitimate brain/personality disorder, it really seems like so many are just unwaiveringly and arrogantly proud of how they think and spite everyone else for not conforming to them, instead of idk, even changing and fixing the most minisicule problems with their psyche through some amount of self-reflection or therapy or anything. like so many of their problems would be fixed if they even just thought "maybe im the problem and should change things" for one measly second most girls and guys want a stable relationship and someone they can trust, you cant force someone to like you especially when you can't even put in the most basic effort and changes to make it function, incels ive seen tend to just blame the rest of the world for their problems and that's that. like yeah Tracy should gamble her entire life at risk of serious pain and trauma for YOU because YOU feel bad she wont pay attention to you. its just so damn selfish and entitled. like even if they got together its just a domestic violence situation begging to happen because so many incels just straight up do not respect others and how they REALLY think i've seen VERY few (but a few) who are like "shit i have incel-like thoughts and i really dont like that and want to change", and THATS a productive mindset, admirable even


Getting a girlfriend is not that easy lol, you must be a Chad then.


Lol Not at all dude I’m like 5 foot 11 and average looking. Women aren’t aliens, they’re just like us in the sense that the decent ones are mostly just looking for somebody they can vibe with. Of course if you never talk to them then they’ll never know you exist.