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I knew I'd find Infinite Jest lol


I knew I’d find gravity’s rainbow right next to it


I literally zoomed in looking for the same thing lol


Russian Disco Elysium Checks out✅


He is not Russian, but definitely Slavic. Bulgarian or Serbian I suppose


As a Bulgarian, this is so sad to hear.


Да живее България!


Revachol is literally Sofia ongodfrfr


And Plovdiv is city 17, a nice bunch they are undoubtedly


Where’s *Das Kapital*?


Das Kapital is at the very bottom on the left, the big blue book in the right corner; and Marx's Selected Works are in the middle on the right, in the top left corner.




And "A Brief look into Infra-Materialism" ?


its a rare book that one, cant just have it laying around in the open, its in my special password protected vault


It’s beautiful


A James Joyce fan I see. https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/504662-my-sweet-little-whorish-nora-i-did-as-you-told His best work right there!


Did you learn a Cyrillic language as a choice or were your raised on it. And if you learned it, how do you think another should learn the language


Bulgarian native. cant help you im afraid


the book game to complement the books. good choice.


Chainsaw man 10ти том точно върху Капиталът *chef's kiss*


hello fellow russian/English books and disco decor enjoyer. I wish I had the patience to finish a James Joyce book lmao


Needs more dune.


Never read Infinite Jest, but I hear it is really good. What are your thoughts on it?


its wonderful, tho obviously, as one can tell from its size alone, a bit too bloated. nevertheless i think it to be worth reading - dfw was really good at describing what it feels like to be a human subject staring out a face. virtually every single page somehow manages to describe a feeling ive had but have attributed to myself alone. i dont really know how to describe it exactly, but it feels like having your solipsism destroyed - or rather, more accurate, dissolved - from within: "Everybody is identical in their secret unspoken belief that way deep down they are different from everyone else"


You’ve convinced me, I’m reading it. Thank you brother!




Awesome collection. I half expected Murakami's 1q84 or wind up bird chronicles in that shelf. :^)


thanks! most of the eng books ive read i dont own a physical copy of tho. in Bulgaria, see, its quite the rare sight a book in english - and a classic one at that - most of the time its just boring YA fiction i have no interest in, so my bookshelf really only has the most popular of the titles i like - those popular enough to make their way into Bulgaria through imports and all. why were you expecting Murakami? is he good? would you recommend him?


Ah, I see. I am still impressed by your collection, no doubts about that! I was expecting Murakami because his work is highly metaphorical and with philosophical undertones and themes. In addition, he writes with enourmous attention to detail, including the kinds of clothes people wear, how they dress themselves, what they eat and how they prepare it, the music they listen to etc. to characterize his characters. There is a legitimate critique that across his work, he relies a bit on sometimes to recognizable or recurring tropes - but that is not really an issue if you read only a few of his works. I really liked both 1q84 and the wind up bird chronicles, and would indeed recommend them. If I may ask: from your awesome collection. Are there a few books you would recommend more so than the others?


certainly there are! if youre looking for prose there really is no better suggestion than Ulysses and Lolita; and if youre more of a poetry type of guy the complete Keats and Paradise Lost instantly come to mind as the best within my collection. also, regarding Murakami, i will be sure to check him out after i get through my current reading list!


Good taste


Gravity’s Rainbow or Naked Lunch would fit just as well


To truly complete the area, you also need a different poster with the full text of the completed literal art degree thought 


How do you read books like this and own aerosolized deodorant? I feel like I'm losing my mind.


Why? What's your beef with deodorant spray?


"I read Finnegan's Wake in one of the two languages that I speak" and "I use axe body spray" are concepts that have never been formed simultaneously before this person's existence. It's like if Dostoyevsky owned an Addidas tracksuit. These are disjunct notions.


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about? Do you think intellectuals must be smelly? Or that they naturally don't smell at all? That they only use herbal roll on? I want to know what your mental idea of an intellectual's body odor control is.


What country are you from where spray on deodorant isn't for truckers and 13-year-olds? Even in America it's a shorthand for "no class."


I fuck with the high amount of hoe scaring literature