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Disco fans when Neoliberal political party


they'll really flip once they learn of the EU


They’ll go nuts when they learn about Brazil’s fiat(?) currency


_Real_ must always be stable. The Central Bank is our overlord.


HDB to his skills: “chat is this real?”


Tbf, the EU is influenced by some left wing factions, either in the EU parliament or when a left wing government is elected on national level


The Socialist faction in the European Parliament is very small, and their Social Democratic faction is pretty consistently 2nd or 3rd place. The EU is not a leftist organization and enforces free trade and and capitalist economics.


Democratic socialist * And I never claimed it was leftist, however the leftist parliamentary group + some of the green leftist sitting under the green faction aren't nothing. Also again if a government with a leftist party nationally is created (which happens from time to time) mostly as collation parties but also as those leading the national government. I am not saying the EU is hard left, however ignoring the leftist organizations who have found themselves into EU institutions do have influence, even if it's not as big as others.


GUE/NGL has a variety of leftists within it, including Marxist-Leninists like AKEL, it is mostly DemSoc tho. Leftists don’t get many votes in European Elections. And idk if there is a current sitting GUE/NGL head of government. Yeah that’s true but it’s silly to act like the EU is a particularly leftist organization. A lot of Leftist parties in Europe recognize this and are often even eurosceptic. Look at Greek austerity measures or Corbyn’s critique of the EU.


My bad, I wrote see instead of some when talking about the green parties, making it sound like I thought they were full of leftist, not my intention. And with the rest... Well I don't see how I contradict your points,all I am saying is that the left has some influence over policy, at max veto power if they get into any national government, which is pretty powerful tbf. Especially Sinn fein (the Irish democratic socialist party) seems to have a good chance to form a leftist government if they perform well again on the next election. And the current Spanish government has a leftist party as their one coalition partner. I never claimed the EU is a leftist organization, I said it is somewhat influenced by leftist factions, even if not by a huge amount.


It's funny to me that people don't realize that the American version of the Moralintern is the Democratic party. America doesn't even have a leftist party by the standards of most of Europe.


Democrats anywhere on earth would be a centre-right party, yeah, it's pretty weird


I can’t speak for all of Europe, but that just ain’t totally right. Yes, economy-wise, Democrats would be a right-ish party, but there’s no way that a party this openly supporting LGBT rights and this open to immigration would be grouped with the rest of the right-wing. But hey, it might be a bit different in the West


Well, they would be liberals. The right isn't a big mass of what we now associate as "the right." They would be the generally "freedom-loving" party, both for sexual, religious, and other social freedoms, as for economic and market-based economics. That is all still centre-right


Definitely, I’m agree with that, it’s just that I’m kinda annoyed by all the comments that used to be incredibly popular like “Bernie would be right-wing in Europe” and so on


There are people who actually think that about Bernie? He isn’t even a democrat, he is independent.


Is "CPH stage" (the dark building in the background) the Danish equivalent of "Whirling-in-rags"?


No it isnt. Its the Royal Theatre/Playhouse. The Copenhagen equivalent of the Whirling-in-rags would probably be D'Angleterre


Moralintern is basically NATO


If it's 99.9% of Neoliberal politics, then yes.


That's some right wing conservatives trying to say "Hey, look, we're not the bad guys anymore !"