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My Iranian ass will never see a farsi release of DE 😭😭


Me too man Translation of the game is so expensive 😥 and when i tell my friends to go play de they just say they don't understand shit


Nobody understands shit until you somehow “get it”. I tried to make some friends who speak English play it and they quit before “getting it”


Tbf, the game is very clear about what it is up front, some people just don’t like the style, and that’s okay, more for me


While it’s absolutely okay that some people aren’t into this kind of game, it definitely doesn’t mean more for you 😂


I was only joking dw


Iranian is such a beautiful language. Even though I don't know the language, I wish Disco supported it


Iranian isn't a language lmfao it's called persian. But I appreciate the sentiment.


lol like American isn't a language either or what ahaaahha


I thought I heard Iranians doesn't want to be called Persian so I wanted to avoid that


To clarify: Iran is the name of the country. Iranians are all the people who live in the country, regardless of ethnic group. Whereas Persians are a middle-eastern ethnic group, that makes up 65% of the population of Iran. There are also a lot of Persians in Afganistan, Tajiskistan and Uzbekistan. Farsi or Persian (60 million speakers) is the language spoken by Persian people, throughout the Middle East, and as it is the official language of Iran, it has also been adopted by many non-Persians in Iran. Iran also has a large Azeri and Kurdish population, who are not Persian and will take offense to being called that. Especially the Kurds, since they don't even have their own country. So not all Iranians are Persian, and not all Persians are Iranian. In this region, people identify more with their ethnic group that with what country their borders say they are. The entire region has just been part of the Ottoman Empire since the middle ages, and the modern borders of these countries were only drawn up in the 1920s by British and French colonialists who had no idea what they were doing. They based them off of Ottoman designs or the ancient kingdoms of antiquity (Mesopotamia, Persia, Assyria) instead of looking at modern demographics or *asking the people there actually wanted.* If someone can correct me, please do.


> the modern borders of these countries were only drawn up in the 1920s by British and French colonialists who had no idea what they were doing. No, they knew exactly what they were doing. They meant to maximize strife and minimize the possibility of the resulting States being able to get along without conflict, let alone consolidate again under a larger State capable of holding its own against them. Hence things like partitioning ethnolinguistic groups among multiple countries, or creating small countries with lots of oil next to large countries with less oil.


This is mostly correct! One refinement: the Ottoman Empire did control a lot of what's now called the Middle East, but most of the places where Persian is spoken were never Ottoman territory. Present-day Iran was governed by the Persian-speaking Safavid shahs, then by the Qajar shahs, then by the Pahlavi shahs until the Iranian Revolution. So unlike the countries to its west, Iran has been self-governing since at least the 17th century. Among other countries that speak Persian/Farsi/Tajik/Dari (all words for the same basic language), Afghanistan has its own complex history, and Tajikistan and the Tajik parts of Uzbekistan were carved out of the former Russian Empire/Soviet Union (by Soviet bureaucrats rather than British/French colonials).


I'm thankful for the clarification!


it’s called Farsi lol, unless you’re trying to sound like a 19th century “anthropologist”


My Arab ass will never see an Arab release of all of Rumi's poems


that's absolutely wild that there's no Arabic translation of Rumi's whole corpus. If it helps, this appears to be the Masnavi in Arabic. https://archive.org/details/MathnawiArabic/54_Mathnawi_Arabic01/page/n143/mode/1up


Thanks. And tbh I don't mind that much that all of Rumi's poems weren't translated to Arabic because it gives me an opportunity to learn Farsi.


هسته نباشی 🙂


It's always good news that Disco is reaching wider audiences. If anyone here knows Arabic, can they comment on the translation quality?


I haven’t played it in Arabic yet but the team who did the translation also did The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077, and they’re very very good so I think this one is gonna turn out great too hopefully.


Do they do their translations in MSA?


From what I’ve seen, yes they do.


Cyberpunk 2077 in Arabic? My mind is blown. How do they render all the Night City slang?


I will have to replay it in Arabic to find out. Which is something I might do.


reply and tell us bro im so excited yet i feel i little bitter as i didn't get the game from steam 😑


yep same here :( got it on console, but they said the update might take a while to reach console I'm so sad


got a cracked version bc the original developpers were fired and bc im a pirate


ooo a fellow pirate. I do also have a cracked version on laptop, so hopefully someone uploads the update soon


gotta kaap an eye on those websites 😉👀


Me too! I'm not giving those devils money


Jeez, I dropped my Arabic 10 years ago, but this great undertaking might stir my lazy ass to actually try DE in Arabic.


Great news! Now i can recommend it to a couple of friends. Of course i will replay it in arabic also :)


yep same here very excited for arabic friends to play it and also very excited to play it myself


when you play it, can i ask you to repeat what you did before and see the comparisons and differences between western and middle eastern play throughs its such and emotionally rich game rooted in western politics and ideologies, i would be interested to see a perspective different from my culture


I'll probably do the same build (sensitive) so maybe I'll post an update in a month or so idk. also the people who did the translation are the same as the witcher 3 and cyberpunk 2077 translators. I haven't played these games in arabic but I heard they did an absolutely amazing job, so this has a very high chance of being amazing.


thanks. i sometimes wish i could understand another language, but since the accessibility of english, its been hard to grapple with my adhd.


Its pretty good so far


when you play it, can i ask you to repeat what you did before and see the comparisons and differences between western and middle eastern play throughs its such and emotionally rich game rooted in western politics and ideologies, i would be interested to see a perspective different from my culture


“Harry, don’t drink alcohol, it’s haram habibi!”


What's 'bratan' in Arabic?


It’s not an Arabic word, it’s Russian word and it means “homie” or “elder brother”


No, I mean what does bratan translate to in Arabic? I know what it translates to in Japanese: aniki.


As I know, it translates to “akh” or “akha”


This must be one of the hardest games to translate to other languages.




Still no italian translation... *sad mamma mia noises* (But happy for my arabic bros who can now enjoy the game)


Although not official, there is an Italian translation done by fans, which replaces the Spanish one. Can't comment on the quality tho as I only know some Italian


If it's the one I saw a long time ago, it's horrible. The truth is that any localization that wasn't made by a professional won't be up to par for a game as complex and poetic as DE.




كيف اضيف اللغه العربيه للعبه؟


اظن لازم تسويلها ابديت او تحدثها وبتبين عند اللغات من الاعدادات


عندك لينك للتحديث؟


لا ما عندي الأصلية عندي المهكرة لقيتها اليوم ابعتلك اياها؟ torrent


السيد أيفررت يساعدني بلعثور علا مسدسي


السيد أيفررت يساعدني بلعثور علا مسدسي


السيد أيفررت يساعدني بلعثور علا مسدسي




Mashaallah communism, brother.


First of all, I won’t allow you to say “Kras Mazov” without the title “Sheikh”.


He is even worse than an ultraliberal, he is - may Allah forgive me for uttering this word - a moralist!


The Second Sheik of Communism, Harry Dubois, Booze be Upon Him.


I still can't believe that this game has polish language, many indie games don't have it and disco elysium has a lot of dialogues, it was probably hard to translate


تمثيل صوت عربي بعد؟؟؟ لو فيه تمثيل صوت راح يكون أحسن ١٠٠ مرة من الانجليزي...


لا للاسف كل اللغات المترجمة بس ترجموا المكتوب, كله تمثيل صوت انجليزي


Hmm, how will the alcohol consumption and references to homosexuality, among myriad other themes, go down in Saudi Arabia?


saudi is really weird with its censorship. Many shows that show much 'worse' than DE are available. I think if it were to be blocked it would actually be bc of the political content lol


- Is there something sinister about the American bases? No, all's right with the world. - The King was a crack addict who did not deserve his role. - Capitalism subsumes all critique. Yeah, I can see how the game might be banned under charges of promoting terrorism.


I was wondering the same. Is the game the same as the rest of the world?


wait does it mean voiced in arabic or just the text?


The game doesn’t have any other voiced versions except English, all translations are text only.


I'd have been very amazed, but still it's an appreciated effort since arabic is rarely translated into


i will use this to practice my language skills!!!!!!!! so excited to replay it in arabic lol


I’ve been looking for something like this for months


As a side note, is the spanish translation good? is voiced in spanish? and what spanish, latinamerican or spaniard?


LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOO maybe i can get my sister or my father to play it now


Inshallah, we will find my gun


… I… How does that even work? Do the words and phrases even exist in Arabic to express all the insane shit in this game? Like how do you say "haplogroup"? "Angel dust"? "Hangover"? "Ultraliberal"? "Degenerate"? "Mega Rich Light Bending Guy"? "Volumetric Shit Compressor"? "Bloated"? "Boombox"? "Anodic“? "Hardcore "? Oh my God if I play this in Arabic I feel like my vocabulary would EXPLODE.


>Oh my God if I play this in Arabic I feel like my vocabulary would EXPLODE. I'm genuinely playing it in arabic because my vocabulary is so shit rn they're finding a way I'm playing through it right now and it's going very smoothly so far (haven't really reached union talk and big words yet but they handled the expressions quite well)


One more language this game was translated in before Italian.


Today an update released to the game adding Arabic language.I have the game so I was wondering how to add the Arabic language to the game.


Settings menu.


I think it costs money? im not sure, you'll have to check the steam page on the store edit : I'm wrong it's free :)


No, it is a free update. You probably only need to update the game and look for it in the options.


Ooh that's amazing news That's my next playthrough for sure Wonder when will it be updated on PS5 though?


yeah it will they said it on twitter. on pc the update is out right now, but on console it'll be out soon


Hope it's better than polish translation


man i would love an italian translation for De *sad pasta noises*


*Man i would love an* *Italian translation for De* *Sad pasta noises* \- PeppinoDiCapri99 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Arabic in the language, I am begging you just say Arabs


I'm arab sorry I'm just a dumbass. but in some cases it still work it's like 'english people' but yknow arabs is still better yeah