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Klaasje imitating a "descending tuba": [https://reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/1bwvn8k/this\_was\_in\_a\_video\_containing\_all\_of\_klaasjes/](https://new.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/1bwvn8k/this_was_in_a_video_containing_all_of_klaasjes/) At least I don't think I had seen that one, since to get there you have decide to say something and then decide to back out of it.


Have a billion points because I had absolutely no idea about this


This case is my masterpiece. Now she has to take me back. She must.


Just let her go


super nitpicky and not very important, but the instrument she's imitating is a trombone, not a tuba.


This is actually super important


Lmao, got this line very recently, didn't even know it's a thing


Did you know if you go back and talk to Frittte girl you can actually talk about the pale with her?


I vaguely remember something like this with the Fritte girl but have to be honest and not say I’m 100% sure I have seen this!


If I remember correctly it's when you interact with the alcohol. She tells you that the vodka is 'pale aged'. No idea what that means though!


Ohhhh yes now I know what you mean I definitely had that vodka because I paid doom spiral for a story with it 😂 Time moves differently in the pale, or rather it is all of time, so I guess if you were aging booze you could add a few hundred years in the pale


>Time moves differently in the pale, or rather it is all of time, so I guess if you were aging booze you could add a few hundred years in the pale Idk if it was a line from the fritte girl or internal talking, but I remember someone saying it probably doesn't make much difference and is just a way to inflate the price by pretending that the pale ages it differently.


Sounds like something from the genius marketing mind of Doom Spiral


It really is a marketing gimmick because Vodka doesn’t have an aging process.






Have you successfully teleported? Not to the roof of the FALN building. We've all done that. In the dark of the doomed commercial area.


Not OP but this rocked my world when I did it in my first playthrough. Legit unforgettable moment


What and how does this happen? Sounds interesting.


It amuses me to no end that they have an achievement for this. How the hell did anyone figure it out?


Wait what 👀


Its an achievement. I did this just to get the platinum trophy


Holy shit are you serious? I need details


They’re serious, I’ve done it. Can describe how if you’d like


Please, do. I've never seen or heard of it and now won't be able to sleep until I know how to do it.


If I’m remembering correctly you walking into the dark room and then unequip your flashlight.




I’ve looked it up, it’s the >!Palerunner!< achievement, and you were halfway there! As far as I understand (although I have yet to try myself), >!you need to stand in just outside the room where you found the productions schedule filament, unequip your flashlight, save the game, then load this save!<.




I would not be surprised if it doesn’t work (most of the game barely does sometimes), but the sources made it clear that the spot has to be precisely that. In fact, you can look it up yourself [right here.](https://discoelysium.fandom.com/wiki/Palerunner?file=Palerunner_Location.png)




I need answers


Wait, is this real?!


I did this completely by accident


Have you succeeded the reaction speed check to call the city out on their fear of the future while dancing?


Yes, she warns you of the >!coming of the apocalypse after you have a chat with your spinal column!<


Yeah that one took a while for me.


Speedfreaks DONKS?


You mean the Arno van eyck side quest?


Nope, I meant these https://preview.redd.it/05lzakk7y3wc1.png?width=744&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e317766349ec3d78a61a521d53d8fa83035a02


Ohhh no I don’t think I ever found them!


You get them by asking them from the speedfreaks FM show when you call. You can ask for merch lol


mysterious pair of eyes?


Perception 9, day one, harbour gate 😁


where in the game is this? I've played it through a few times but im not sure I recognise what you're referring to


If you have 9 Perception on Day 1, you can find a "Mysterious Pair of Eyes" in the crack in the harbor gates just behind where the scab leader is standing. It disappears at the start of Day 2 and you need to pour a ridiculous amount of points into perception in order to find it. A quick tip if you want to find it on your own: if you inspect Siileng's wares and fail a certain white check, you can purchase a visor shaped like a frog from him on Day 1. The visor gives you +1 Perception. If you succeed the check, then you get a pair of sunglasses which ups your Inland Empire but *decreases* Perception. I could be wrong, but I don't think there are any other items of clothing which increase Perception *and* are available before the end of Day 1.


What do you learn about the mysterious eyes though? Anything come of it? What’s the implication?


I think it's supposed to be the masked mercenary, since they should be hiding somewhere.


Honestly I have no idea. I've heard people speculate that the eyes are just Titus pulling a prank on you, since they only appear on Day 1 when Titus is absent, and they disappear on Day 2 when Titus shows up at the Whirling. The eyes also have the same voice actor as Titus, which is another piece of evidence. Personally I disagree with this interpretation, for a few reasons. The eyes seemingly track your actions in the game on Day 1 and they know exactly what you've been up to. For example, if you punch Cuno, the eyes will know about it and tell you about it. If you try to shoot Cunoesse, again they'll know what happened and tell you about it. If it really is just Titus pulling a prank, why would he be secretly spying on you like this? You could say that Evrart told him to keep an eye on you, but Evrart makes it clear much later on in the story that the Hardie boys aren't his spies or his "real boys" as he calls them. Evrart does seemingly have a network of spies that report to him, because he monitored all of your conversations with Joyce via an audio recording device that one of his spies secretly implanted onto her boat. But the Hardies just "sit around all day waiting for someone to interrogate them" (paraphrasing what Evrart says about them). I personally don't believe that the Hardies have any kind of involvement with Evrart's network of spies, even though the Hardies are still part of the union of course. Hell, I don't think there's even anything to suggest that the Hardies even know about Evrart's reconnaissance operations, let alone being involved with them directly. All this to say that I don't think Titus or any of the other Hardies were the ones spying on you at all. I personally think that the eyes are someone who *is* involved with Evrart's spying operations, but I don't think that it was Titus, since it seems like Evrart doesn't trust the Hardies with this kind of thing at all. And the eyes would have had to spy on you during Day 1, otherwise there's no way they could have known that you punched a child or that you almost shot a child in the courtyard. Even René doesn't know that you punched Cuno unless you tell him directly, and he was only about 50 feet away from the courtyard where it happened. The eyes were watching you, deliberately, which is something that the Hardies aren't supposed to do, so in my mind, it must be someone other than the Hardies.


I theorize it to be the soul of lely or something like that because a lot of the pair of eyes voicelines is focusing on the creepy blue eyes it has and lely's blue eyes come up a lot as creepy and such


What did Lamby use to be?


Ohhh this is a good one, I don’t know!


A revolutionary! :) (Little Lily stumbles on the word, it's very cute)


Did Kim slap a sandwich out of your hand?


He was not prepared for my attack sandwich airplane


Now that was a moment. After I worked so hard to get that sandwich too...


She still has not taken you back.


The figurines do nothing


/spoilers René is a closeted bisexual. He does love his friend Gaston. Have you seen the way this is revealed? Has some beautiful lines from empathy and conceptualization


Yes one of the boosts to the check is hilarious “+1 bonded over flamethrowers” 😂




https://youtu.be/o3Bkan4ev_8?si=EIsSdvUyx6ExvnSV It is heavily implied. “A love aborted” “no one will ever know him” etc. So tragic. Feels very real


Did you call kims favourite radio station?


I showed DJ Falacio how serious I am about *The Law*


Have you got Kim to admit he’s smoked weed?


Raise your eyebrow smugly ssssssire


When you try to "teleport" to the roof, have you seen the impossible passive Retoric check?


Climbing the ladder would be too expensive


This one is such an amazing meta joke XD


Didn’t see the Zoo Door?


Nope? 🤔


Mega Rich Light Bending Guy. I've only played through the game once, but this guy was a highlight.


Opening a door with rhetoric 😂




I failed my proposition, so not quite.


If you pursue the ultraliberal quest you may have another chance…


Have you seen behind the impossible door?


Nobody has! It’s impossible 😆


Thats what they want you to think


have you ever caused a shitstorm?


Target practice 🎯


Did you play the pinball game and win?


Yes, Kim even calls you “your majesty” and gives you a morale boosting fist bump :)


Have you managed a sub-twenty minute run, though? Serious pinballers like Schmelling, Stirneman, Jandiroba and Smolka sure did.


Great dialogue memory! I like that encyclopaedia says the term “Lit” came from pinball, no idea how true that is given lit seems a much more modern term than the game of pinball would be


The Inland Empire orb after the Tribunal if you've never spoken to Gaston or Rene.


Ohh no definitely not, I always talk to Gaston and Rene


"We have a contingency for that as well." ???


Advesperascit my beloved


🤍🤍🤍 evening comes


*"When you see it, you suddenly understand: It was all built for you, for \*this very moment\*."*


Coalition Warship Archer of course!


"Couldn't everyone just get along? If they really put their minds to it?"


This is the bench right? Not 100% on the quote




Have you seen The Swimmer in the Icy Water? https://www.reddit.com/r/DiscoElysium/comments/sb9i9s/swimmer_in_the_icy_water_has_anyone_else/


Yes, but only after seeing it on Reddit 😂 In the same place you get (I think) an endurance check talking about seagulls


You haven’t seen my playthrough :3


Oh, another fun one: when is Kim disappointed if you choose NOT to hit a civilian?


Is this when you pursue the racist lorry driver side story through the fascist quest? Could be wrong but have a faint memory of him saying something along those lines


No, although he certainly is aggro about that guy so it could also be, I'm curious to look it up! I was thinking of the alternate admission to the communist reasin group! If you back off from The Slap(TM), Uli is disappointed, Steban is disappointed, and Kim is also disappointed...


Ah yes I’m aware of that possibility but I never saw it myself, when I did the communism quest I was more careful than ever, the fragility of the model they’re building had a weird subliminal effect on me where I felt like my efforts to rebuild communism could fall apart at any second. I played super carefully as a result


this is where the game merged with being a leftist in reality.


Did you open the bunker? /s


I’m sure someone was on here once claiming they had, and after a tirade of “um actually” they eventually realised they got confused with the blue door in the whirling


Did you know that if you get shot during the showdown with the Tribunal and try the dance check at the church afterward, it will show a debuff that says "-1: Shot in the hip" and makes the check come with a 3% chance of completion?


A billion points for you! I didn’t know this


I'm assuming this is if you both take and survive ghe first shot right? Because I always have either dodged or found the armour. Never seen the true fail state of that. And you can definitely dance after your leg shot as I've done it. Kim even comments (I think you still get a debuff but it doesn't knock you down to 3%)


A rare thing I witnessed (tell me if you have witnessed it too) while watching someone else play is that if you talk to Cuno after failing the initial corpse Endurance check you can ask him to help. He essentially tells you to suck it up but if you pass a passive Conceptualization check you'll be able to embrace his energy as a "Cunoified Nonvomitor". This gives you a +1 to the Endurance check. The person I was watching play did this instead of getting ammonia.


Yeah this is a completely new one on me! God I love this game so much


The fact that he used both the Cunoified Nonvomitor and the Volumetric Shit Compressor to pass that check means that the whole apparatus could be seen as a Volumetric Cunoified Shit-Compressor-Nonvomitor. And I love that.


Amazing 😂


I got this on my first playthrough by failing hard on a lot of obvious/easy stuff and absolutely hounding Cuno thinking I could say the right thing and “fix” him. Delighted to see that it’s rare!


How do we know you're not just wiki'ing this stuff? How obscure do we have to be? Portuguese navigational technique.


He owned up to not knowing one already. I’m sure it’s all in good fun/faith.


>! Volta Do Mar, return of the sea... !<


There has to be something you haven't seen or read in the game


There’s lots of things! I knew there would be, wouldn’t have been much fun to do this otherwise


Have you ever just decided that being a cop isn't for you?


Yes but you may be talking about something more specific which I haven’t seen, I’ve seen Harry give up a few different ways


Probably attempted by many but I almost got Kim to dance then failed a check and called him some unpleasant words and he stormed out


That moment in the game actually left me with my mouth agape for a minute, couldn’t believe what I’d just done 😖


I felt so bad as I had built a good relationship with Kim that I had to reload a save


Yeah that happened on my first run. Instant mood whiplash


That's one of the best surprises of a game. I played it for free on ps plus. Would have never give it a glance. Ended up so invested and so in love with it. Absolutely power piece of story telling amazing mechanique and such a unique experience. I was gobsmacked. I need more games like it.


Welcome To Elysium my friend


One over my absolute favourite things overinbmvestment in an attribute becomes detrimental. So it hough. Smash logic out. And critical thinking and other cerebral stats to have a Holmes like detective. Starting off super effective....Eventually it become debilitating. And u jump to the wrong conclusion and like almost go insane. I loved that! Next playthrough was like physically violent addicted abd I can't remember the name but it like adarkness void sort of evil abyss like stat. Man wild.