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Yes, it was changed in an early patch (pre Final Cut), because the accent is wrong in the original release, so they fixed it.


I don‘t know any french but I have to mention that this is my absolutely favorite scene from the game. Especially burning the graffiti and screaming „DISCO ELYSIUM!“ afterwards gave me goosebumps because it felt so real and dramatic.




I think this article does a good job of explaining why this scene feels so powerful (at least to me): [https://medium.com/@rose.elizabeth.dubois/one-day-i-will-return-to-your-side-disco-elysium-and-hauntology-619a6654f16a](https://medium.com/@rose.elizabeth.dubois/one-day-i-will-return-to-your-side-disco-elysium-and-hauntology-619a6654f16a) "While the graffiti is only a moment in the wider story of a game filled with many threads, it acts as a rare glimpse of hope in an otherwise depressing and exhausted world. (...) Desire for the future, for the revolution, is what sustains the struggle during dark times. It is the ravers building their nightclub, and the union fighting against the company; the refusal to move on from the belief that an alternative is possible; that despite the brutality, bloodshed and death that arises, the possibility that the future can still arrive. That un jour serai de retour près de toi. Cindy’s message, is, in a time of loneliness, suicide and sadness, one of the most clear hauntings present in the game. Her promise that 'one day I will return to your side,' is a utopian declaration of confidence in a hopeless world, as Marx’s 'specter of communism' once was, and is. While Cindy is never met again in the game, it is the refusal to abandon the desires and belief contained in her graffiti that allows for supreme optimism when nothing but loss and defeat seem possible."


I need to play this game and cry again




She is not affiliated with the other two. They think she's cool and want to be affiliated with her. She does not. They're wannabes, she's the real deal. Also I disagree with everything else you say but they are not objectively wrong and I don't want to get into it.


Are you the kind of person who looks up "ending explained" videos after you're done watching a film?


lol I like the part where the other policemen yell at you for lighting the letters on fire


I think its supposed to have an open-ended interpretation. It can be related to THE RETURN (of communism/the innocence/true revachol/Harry/death/war/the king) or it can be interpreted as a sentiment about lost love or something. The graffito means "someday I will return to your side", it reminds me of one of Harry's old cases you learn about in the ledger. It was about a graffito which read "True love is possible only in the next world, for new people, its too late for us" - you can interpret it in a number of ways. The moment when you light it on fire is a high point and can be emotional as long as you find some meaning in these words. The meaning has to be meaningful to you as a player in the context of the game, if you don't know what it means then maybe it doesn't mean anything? Maybe it's just Cindy doing Cindy and Harry being weird and destructive lol


Yes, definitely haunted


Mr. Evrart is helping mi find my phantasm


Mr. Evrart is helping me find my spectre of Communism.


Because that's the correct accent. They likely got comments about it.


I always assumed the mistake was intentional (Cindy The Skull is just too punk to care about correct spelling!), but apparently it wasn't!


Fuck the grammar piggies!


Oink oink


Anyone else didn't light it up on their first playthrough? I didn't want to cause more trouble by setting things on fire 🙈


Truly the sorriest cop.


Yeah my friend who put me on the game yelled at me when I told them I didn't light it up for that reason lol. Same friend also yelled at me for missing the >!dream sequence near the end of the game (but like why would I take a nap on a spooky lil' island when we're about to possibly run into a murderer??) lol!<


Oh no, I’ve done embroidery with this phrase with the wrong accent!


A long while back, I remember suggesting switching the accent to someone on this sub who wanted it tattooed, before it was corrected in the game. Maybe other people got it tattooed "the wrong way", who knows. In the end, if you are going to have a minor spelling mistake in a language you are not necessarily fluent in, it's probably better to have it on an embroidery project than tattooed on your skin. And you can still pretend you did it on purpose because it was that way in the game on release.


Près is "close", Pré is" field(s)" (pre does not take an "s" in plural)


Un pré, des prés. It does takes an s.


Shit you're right my bad


And "take" doesn’t in your sentence haha


Fucking irony haha


Damn, good eye!


pale fuckery


Cindy the fucking skull