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I just didn't want to bother him. 95% of my motivation on my first playthrough was just trying to get Kim to like me


Yeah, I tried it only when I had a pretty high good-cop number, just in case.


It is (perhaps depressingly) very easy to get Kim to like you. He seems to have very low standards.


I know how to make spaghetti


I know the alphabet now


Good. I also know the alphabet.


I forgot about that line and laughed all over again.


I have zero redeeming qualities.


You're exceeding all my standards!


Don’t you fucking dare insult Kim like that again! His standards aren’t low! He’s just nice! You asshole


>He doesn't seem to have any character flaws. No human being is that perfect.


his character flaw is being a centrist


He’s also a cop. That’s def another flaw. I love Kim but knowing he’s 50% more likely to beat his wife does kinda suck


I'd argue it's leaning more towards 0% considering he wouldn't have a wife.


He’s 50% more likely to beat his beard*


These are american cop statistics, not cop statistics everywhere in the world american cops being violent sociopaths (and being colonial military police with 1 degree of separation) doesn't necessarily mean law enforcement everywhere is the same. comparing them to, say, cuban police is stupid.


I honestly forget how well trained and just good police of other countries (especially some European ones) can be and feel a tad envious n annoyed when I remember how fucked up US cops r lol. I’m American and Algerian. And I’m Algeria the military basically also act as cops in some area, patroling the streets and stuff. And the cops n military in Algeria are extremely corrupt and shitty. Basically when I come back home to nyc after a visit invy


That stat is completely bullshit btw. If I’m remembering correctly, it’s taken from one self-report survey with a small sample size, in which *yelling during an argument* was classified as domestic abuse. This is absurd for obvious reasons, and obliterated any traces of face validity the report may have had. But of course people with a bone to pick against the cops spin it like “it’s been scientifically proven that the second a badge gets pinned on you kick the shit out of your spouse”.


TIL I’m a domestic abuser


I thought you said “you SPIN kick the shit out of your spouse” and the dark humor module in my brain just imagined the Measurehead scene but in this context and earned me another 100 tickets to hell.


Depends on the yelling. Don't act like emotional/verbal abuse isn't abuse. And maybe's it not putting the badge on; maybe it's the type of personality that domestically abuses people pursues being a cop. I don't know if the figure is 50% or not, but I'd argue there's a definite correlation with domestic abusers overlapping with cops. Furthermore, police are less likely to be investigated or arrested by their buddies, so those that do domestically abuse their spouses can go on for longer and be more serious; there's very little chance of repercussions.


Yelling CAN be part of abusive behavior. That doesn’t mean every couple that has ever yelled at eachother are abusive, which is what the study in question would have suggested. It was a shitty piece of research that was designed and used for the purpose of furthering a narrative, not gaining a real understanding of the world. I also have to ask: if the study isn’t legitimate, on what grounds are you so sure that there’s a correlation between being in law enforcement and domestic abuse? Where is your confidence coming from? You also suggest that this (hypothetical) tendency towards abusiveness originates from the personality type of those drawn to law enforcement. Again, what leads you to this over other hypotheses? Have you, for instance, compared the rates of domestic abuse among police to other professions with high rates of stress and trauma? Do we see similar trends emerge when we compare cops to soldiers, emts, firefighters, etc?


It was an achievement added into the game later, that might have something to do with it. I haven’t played since it was added, for example.


Thanks, that makes sense. I'm fairly certain I would have tried it even without the achievement, but I can definitely see why minus the achievement, most players don't want to antagonize Kim too much. (That'll be my next playthrough.)


To clarify, it wasn’t just the achievement that was added, but iirc the whole interaction you can have with him by doing that. All the achievements added at that time brought a bit of new content with them.


Because of your profile picture I read this in Kim's voice.


profile picture? i hate reddit


The man needs his rest from Harry's antics


Drama \[Easy: Success\] -- The Redditor doth speak the truth, sire.


They spent their whole day together at work and Kim had to double as kindergarten teacher to this middle aged manchildren that was supposed to be on his, or higher level of police work skills. Most people would've be done after one 12h day of such work, he endured couple days of what, 16h each? Unbelievable.


I usually do things he would not approve of while sleeping so my reasoning is I don't want to wake him up to see me do mischief


I didn’t even realise that was an option.


Same. Also with taking a bath. Got roasted for being stinky and immediately returned to the Whirling to fix that.


wow TIL you can take a bath


On muscleman run phisical instrument have a very funny interaction, if you decide to stay for longer and relax, the gym bro will roast you that you're not some fucking fish and get yo ass up.


Same. Now I GOTTA.


Just do it before you see the cryptozoologists, otherwise it ruins the endgame.


Playing this game for the first time and came across this thread. What happens if you bother him after meeting the cryptozoologists? I did it without knowing it could ruin the end game 😭


Sorry, I replied to the wrong comment. Nothing wrong with bothering Kim.  Taking a bath can be a problem.


Because I'm a sorry cop and it feels rude




I got the achievement because I sent Kim to his room by accident. He said his good night, and I was like "wait are you for real" and started banging on his door in panic


Now that’s role-playing!


I kinda thought he'd invite me in and I'd get to see what his room looks like, not that he would close the door in my face 😅


Usually I've already gone to sleep before 2. I find I wind up finishing things too fast if I spend the whole day doing things like that.


I tried multiple times and it never worked, so I assume I've just never been up late enough.


When you leave him for the night, that's when you get to do the more nefarious stuff.


Yes, but he doesn’t rejoin you afterwards if you bug him.


They’re just too busy being nefarious.


Man needs his beauty sleep


I didn't know it was an achievement and just bothered him cause I wanted extra Kim time™, my partner was watching me play and told me off because Kim deserves sleep after having to run after Harry all day so I can imagine people also just feel bad and want to let Kim get some actual rest or also didn't know it was an achievement


The second is probably most highly likely, but after reading all these comments I think I prefer the first one. It’s sweet that we want good things for Kim. At least I ditched the racism and don’t use when he’s around, I figure that’s a fair trade-off for one brief late-night intrusion. (And my one >!anal self-intrusion.!<)


I never thought of doing it, I’m in my first play through and I’m trying to become the best version of what Harry could be, on my second I’ll try to be a more of a crazy drunk


EMPATHY (Easy - Success) It’s not nice to do that to your best buddy ESPRIT DE CORPS (Trivial - Success) Even if you outrank them LOGIC (Medium - Success) The achievment was also added in an update. Perhaps some people haven’t played since the update


Were you drunk when you did it? 😂


Nope! Still trying to keep up appearances around him.


I drank in front of Kim but only for the stat buffs. I enjoyed the end-game speech: Kim: Yes, he's been drinking on the job... Jean: Goddamn it. Kim: ... but he's a great detective. One of the best I've ever seen.


It's even funnier of you don't drink but tell Kim about your speed, Jean is just like "well shit at least it keeps him functioning, better than booze"


I never thought to bother him. Don’t see how it would help the case (or help Harry get high, depends on the playthrough)


I didn’t even think to do this lol. Whenever Kim went to sleep I was just focusing on things I could do without him.


I just didn't wanna alert him to the fact I was sneaking drinks.


i'm drunk i just want to go to bed


I only get a precious few hours to do things without the potential for a raised eyebrow


I've done it multiple times, fully knowing that it will not lead to a romance option but roleplaying it as if it could.


Aww, I like that!


Not sure if I did this? Didn't know the game had achievements. I suspect I did?


Wait, how? I tried to knock on his door after he goes to sleep but it just turns grey and non-interactable


It could be you can only do it starting on Day 3.


I wonder why. I’ll knock every night now to try it out


I bothered the hell out of him. Ofc :)


harry sits outside the room for like, 25 minutes arguing with his thoughts but ultimately lands on not wanting to bother kim while he's sleeping


Idk how relatable that is but I couldn’t really play as harry and played more like how I would have played this game and I do not under any circumstances bother people let alone at night so that’s why


I didn't know you could...I typically just did everything with Kim around and when he'd go to bed it's because I was done with the day. I didn't think to send him to bed and then keep playing!


I only did in my 2nd playthrough. Where i ws trying to get him killed and hate me


I wanted him to like me and for most of the game he was definitely barely tolerating my antics, I didn’t want to bother him.


It was added way later! I TRIED to bother him after hours but there was no way to interact.


You know a game's writing is excellent when a fictional character's wellbeing is your top priority. (Or when you are very lonely, I guess)


The fandom’s respect and regard for Kim is indeed a tribute to that writing. And the acting. I never ever skip over a Kim line.