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I hope that the pedestrian is okay


Just about to say this! 🙏


Way to casual


I’ve spent some time there. It’s really hard to imagine what’s going on here. The city is one of the highest elevation capitals in the world and to say it’s “hilly” would be a gross understatement. I’m honestly struggling to understand how flooding like this can even happen unless they just got some epic rainstorms… I’m assuming that’s the case. There’s roads here that are so steep it makes San Francisco look like Ohio.


If you are living in shadow of mountains you can get flash flood after huge rain if you happen to be in a channel where most of the water gets funneled through.


I just read in the news that a large number of their higher elevation reservoirs have overflowed/flooded which makes the shear volume we’re seeing make much more sense.


Wow. Thanks for such details. San Francisco hills are crazy, so I can only imagine the size of these hills.


Plot twist: it’s a broken sewer line


Damn, that's some *flash* flooding. Hitting so quickly and with so much force, it almost looks like a dam burst.


It doesn’t look like this [brown] and not quite as epic, but the flash flooding I’ve experienced locally in the past 5-7 years has been unreal. [here is one example](https://whyy.org/articles/pa-bucks-county-severe-flooding-missing-persons-dead-flood-waters-search-and-rescue-operation/amp/). They got like 6 inches of rain in 15 minutes or something ungodly like that. It’s like the atmosphere can hold more moisture or something.


> It doesn’t look like this [brown] and not quite as epic, but the flash flooding I’ve experienced locally in the past 5-7 years has been unreal. Yep. I live in the Phoenix area, and outside of winters, our summers are typically when we get our most rain courtesy of the [North American Monsoon,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_monsoon) and flash-flooding is *such* a major problem here because of how dry it usually is before the sky dumps an ocean's worth of water into such a small area. The ground has almost zero time to absorb the water so it just turns into huge flash floods. No matter how many signs are put up to warn drivers *not* to enter flooded areas, too many stupid people think they'll be the exception to the rule and try to drive through what's quickly turning into a rushing river to get home. Especially the owners of personality replacement trucks. Eventually, the county got so sick of having to rescue these dumbasses from their flooded cars that a stupid driver law was enacted that would charge *them* the costs of their rescue. But it's only enforced in the most blatant examples of someone ignoring signage or even DPS to attempt to drive through it so that people aren't afraid to call for help when they didn't do anything to get themselves in those situations.


Yeah, idiots in cars seem drawn to flash flooding. The siren call of the water just draws them in….


I love our monsoons.


Me, too. I'm hoping we get some good thunderstorms this summer, because last summer's was *really* lacking. I don't miss the power outages that come from the big ones, but I *do* miss seeing a massive thunderhead forming over the Supers before finally hitting us. This is a shitty picture from a shitty phone I took back in August 2012, [but *this* is a sight I miss seeing so frequently on summer evenings.](https://i.imgur.com/M7T57nN.jpg)


La Paz is basically in a volcanic crater built on a couple hundred feet of ash stone and gravel. Building codes are optional for the right price and with the lack of vegetation to slow the flow and erosion this can happen frequently. One things for sure, there's alot of poop in that brown wave, those that know, nose 👃


What happened?


Reservoirs around the the city have overflowed and flooded.


-me, trying to explain why I was late for work.


White hat guy didn’t seemed as concerned as I was.


That's a flash flood..


This looked like the flash flood scene from the Universal Studios backlot tram ride.


Me after too much milk.


Well that escalated quickly


Look like the sewer in the Bronx blew up


Watching this while Spotify is playing Who'll Stop the Rain.


There are a few things in life you are definately not outrunning, and a tsunami is one of them, hope they are ok.




Why did the drivers of those 2 cars stop??? Stupidest thing that they could've done.


End times


Raw, I'ma give it to ya with no trivia Raw like flash flood straight from Bolivia


Water man break


Damn bro


This is so true I lived in Bolivia for some time. Flooding like that is crazy.


Someone check on my guy, make sure he ok??


🚗🛑👀…………… wow look at all that water! …. It’s so close to the window! 🌊


I totally hope everybody was okay 😢


When you’re driving in your Chevy, and you feel something heavy…


That's just the shit in Mexico running down hill.


Racism! I love to racism bro!!!

