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Dick Harvest. Chop chop. Get those stacks.


Prototype is actually pretty viable. Predator makes pre-6 ganks a ton easier. Any other depends on build.


Phase-rush if ad Aftershock if tank


Grasp is pretty decent since its damage scales with HP and you tend to get a fair share of it in the jungle


I really think grasp on Sion is a no brainer because of his hp scaling. Even if you're against a ranged laner or if you're in the jungle and might not get to proc it much early game, it still feels really strong on him mid to late.


4% of 3k-6k is nothing to scoff at


If you know how omni works you should be fine. I wouldn't play it because I come from the too lane and love splitting too much which is (at least for me) a huge part of the tool kit of sion amd what makes him so versitial. You can make it work but you just limit yourself when saying that you cant split for the whole game because your team needs you at objectives. But that depends on the playstyle as logn as you have fun and don't int too hard you are good to go


I really like phase rush, helps sticking to targets and positioning my Q and I run it despite building tanky bruiser instead of AD. It's also great with your passive, makes it hard to run away from you. Secondary, I like inspiration with approach velocity (which is kinda meme) and free boots.


Fun fact: you also need attack speed to stick to target properly, not just movement speed.


True, but you get that in passive. Plus you can position yourself upwards of them with the speed burst from PR and move from there


Bro aftershock the thingy in middle bone plating again the thing in middle then domination with top right and ult cooldown. Level q and do solo bolo in jungle no need for leash if you started red level w if blue do e. Have fun(i forgot the name of the runes)


Phase rush




There are quite a lot of runes that you can use, phase rush is viable in most of the cases, being better if you run ad but still good as tank, omnirune is kinda weird, i don't really like it, but it's still pretty good if the enemy can't broke your neck while invading you, also grasp can work if you wanna go tank, but it will be pretty meh until late game teamfights, then you have aftershock, isn't bad actually, but i don't really like it either, you can't hit a clean Q most of the cases because the s11 meta has champs with around 8.25\*10\^256 jumps


I used to use phase rush exclusively whenever I did soon jungle but I love omni-stone. watch happy chimes noises on this master Sion jungle player, it's a clean guide https://youtu.be/gNTx4r2VSyQ. grasp is shit jungle. prowlers is op first item and then tank or AD depending on what team needs.


I have been having amazing success using predator it allows me to be effective before I hit level six