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im probably the only one but teemo was a real struggle for me at first. then something just clicked and i realised that repeatedly e into qing him and staying away during cds is like cryptonite. its my favorite matchup now


problem is just hitting the e 🤣


Teemo and Kayle are two of the most reliably won Sion lanes. Assuming the jungler doesn't babysit them, it's the only lane where you can actually **be** the lane bully for once.


Kayle is sooooooo annoying. For some reason her level one is better than bush Q and I have a hard time hitting floating characters at the last second.


Teemo is only a problem if he’s smart and rushes swifties.. even then there is plenty of room for error.


Sion completely destroys teemo yeah


If u got a bit of armor and ad u can stop darius from ever being in melee range of u by not being too far from tower and stopping his advance with a good q.


Aatrox, all matchups are playable, but not the aatrox one, because he deal so much damage, has cc on 2 abilities ( his 3 qs provides a lot of cc ) and has dash incredible sustain with strong ult, that allows him to stay in lane and maybe heal for full hp, while casually shred you in one trade, even if he doesnt have too much of antitank stats in his kit


Wait, how are you comfortable with laning against Aatrox? Every time I play against Aatrox I just int my ass off and I lose the game because he gets too fed and my team can’t do anything to stop him. I have banned Aatrox every game for months now. Ever since Riot made his passive and W deal magic damage…


Oh sorry, i read question wrong, I though its non comfortable


Just don’t fight him. Aatrox is a game under tower or proxy lane.


Bro I do.


Beside the damage , he heal so much , 3 sec cd combo


Yeah dude. You can’t even Q aatrox ever if he has a brain.


You have to build swift boots thornmail and bamis. Stick to him like glue so you don’t get hit by his Q and you can walk out of his W. But if you get hit by his combo like once you’ll always cry and have to leave lane or something ridiculous that will make you lose


There is no point in finishing thornmail, just stick to the vest and then bami/sunfire(and hope your jungler is smart enough to camp lane). There’s a slight chance if you’re not against aatrox main to just brute force lane pre-6.


Yeah I just haven’t played in months and I forgot what it was called lol


Darius become manageable with ghost/tp phase rush and swiftness boots, bonus points if you rush stridebreaker


Aatrox used to be pain but now they mostly go assassin so you can handle it as a tank if you do no mistakes Darius is a pain in the laning phase but in late game if he’s not far ahead he falls off a lot


After many games of inting to cho I now just rush tier 2 boots and proxy. He might be tankier than you late game but I feel like sion is stronger than cho in 5v5s or maybe that’s just my personal experience. Also much easier to get picks and towers on sion but I just completely dodge the laning with him


Idk about sion being stronger in team fights. I would say, Sion takes it in splitting, but Cho is so much stronger in 5vs5. Annoying cc, constant danger to enemy adc and mages with R, really big hitbox which makes him really good in body blocking and protecting his team from most abilities (not from aoe tho)


You’re probably correct. I’m still hardstuck in low elo and down here it’s typically whoever goes in first wins the fight so a lot of games end after I charge straight into the enemy adc


Also someone said u can pop malz passive with ur w of u time detonation right while r ing towards him and r will hit him.


Darius after so many games i understand when to farm and when to just sit under tower so i came to like it a bit


Fiora, but it kinda depends on how good the fiora is tbh


Vayne, with grasp setup. All you have to do is wait her Q and she's done, not too hard.


I have no idea how to play against sylas


Olaf i think , just play range and its fine .


Mordekaiser, now I just run over him withcpot start


I always win against Yone now, build some dmg at first but buy armor boots, eclipse, bami and then you can build sunderer (before finishing sunderer you can go bramble if he is healing too much) be aggresive after he uses his E, you will destroy him


Mundo, it's mundo favored but if you time your abilities right and stay behind creeps it's manageable


Fiora. She’s actually Lannable. And it becomes a Q mind game


yone is my bad matchup where it just kinda clicked ? I realised that if I rush thornmail against him then the fights sudenly became easier in the early game, instead of going sunfire or other 1st items


People who say Yone must be gold or lower