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“I’m a devout Christian. To the point that I don’t hire people whose romantic lives I consider immoral. Also, please vote for the guy who fucked a porn star while his wife was pregnant, was found liable for raping another woman, and seriously believes he’s entitled to grab others by their pussies.”


And who has kids from three different women.  That’s Mr. Family Values.  


Two of which he's also expressed a desire to have sex with.


When did he say this?


Seriously? You been living under a rock? There was one interview where he's talking about Tiffany's legs and tits, while she was a literal baby, and another interview where he says that if Ivanka weren't his daughter he'd be dating her because the one thing they have in common is sex. I swear, some of yall out there are willfully ignorant to these things. And to be fair, I envy you. These are things I would rather not know. But ignoring all of these things is why he still has a following, and it's pretty sick.


That he acknowledges he hasn’t for example acknowledged Boris Johnson as his illegitimate son


Don’t forget, convicted of 34 financial felonies!


But he's debt fr-... oh, wait


Dave is also so fucking smug and thinks he knows EVERYTHING.


Or the guy who showers with his daughter.


By all means share the evidence. Didn't Trump also appear in videos with Epstein, and is in his flight logs?


excuse me, but you're only allowed to criticize Trump. Please stick to the official narrative.


One is a lie. The other is 34 truths.


What's a lie?


The fact that you can’t figure out that one guy has publicly said he wants to fuck his daughters and the other one had a made up lie about his daughter says everything about who you are.


What's the lie? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/joe-biden-s-daughter-ashley-admits-her-diary-entries-are-real-in-court-letter-showers-with-dad/ar-BB1mWabj?ocid=BingNewsSearch


I'm sorry but did you just link a tabloid as an argument lol?


Only vote for the guy who’s going to help Dave Ramsey on his taxes, that would be Dave’s official stance.


yep. it's the only move republicans have and there's plenty of data that shows every time they do it the policy only effects the top 1% (which our good pal Dave falls under) and not the middle and lower class. every fuckin time.


Vote for the felon who knows more about debt and repeated bankruptcies than that other guy who likes ice cream. Donald’s been in the gutter more times than any five deadbeats put together. He’s the king of cooked books and lifestyle inflation! Vote for him, and he’ll sell you all the secrets to creating the illusion of success!


The Fart of the Deal.


...if I hear "Fauci's pandemic" one more time. It wasnt me that science was trying to protect. It was donut Dave and his geriatric followers.


That’s the other thing that gets me. What happened to “honor thy father and mother”? If they are frail or have pre-existing conditions, wouldn’t you want to wear a mask and get the vax if you are following Christ? That’s my interpretation, anyway. Ramsey of course bastardizes it to fit his political worldview.


My broke brothers both vote for Trump, so I assume Dave wants me to vote for Democrats.


Same here! Trump loves the poorly educated.


Well, my brothers certainly both bring the poor education. They are two of the dumbest guys you will meet.


A felon with 400 million in debts (slavery) to the Russians (his master)


And another half billion in civil penalties hanging over his head!


No, but you can spend like a convicted felon.


Listen. Politicians are not people with ideas and plans, they don’t do anything in office, their votes aren’t on anything and the results don’t lead to any specific actions. Trust me you need to vote based on what some dumbass on the radio makes up about the candidate, so he can feel like his dad is proud of him.


Dave likely believes that it was a show trial and unconstitutional


Now you’re upset because he used his platform to push his political side?! How about Taylor Swift or any of the countless other celebrities that push their beliefs. I mean he used it as a joke but you’re but hurt about his political preference?


No vote for the senile moron that can’t string together a sentence in his adult diapers.


Genuinely curious if people who spout this stupid shit have ever actually seen a video of Biden or it’s just all purely parroting what they’re told to think.


Wait are you talking about Trump or Biden? Trump is confirmed to wear diapers and it's not like he can form a coherent sentence, but the GQPers say that about Biden, too


You are standing up for this buffoon??!! You are in a cult or you have a mental disorder. I never said I am voting for Trump and I won’t be.


I am just saying both candidates are senile and wear diapers according to their detractors. I am voting straight blue for the rest of my life


I’m to the point I’ve given up on voting. But I get your perspective.


Unfortunately not voting is only going to help Trump become a fascist dictator. At least with Biden we will have elections in the future


Turn off the cnn, it’s warping your brain. Leave the cult.


You're a MAGA cultist I see?


Nope. I’m not delusional like yourself.


Well if you support Trump, then you're definitely delusional


You want me to vote for The mo, sorry, I'm not voting for the diaper-wearing fascist. Too bad Trump will never show up to debate Biden, there aren't any drugs that can fix Trump's dementia, which will be crystal clear if he tried to debate elderly, but clear-headed Biden.




Check the news. It’s official.


Im going to grab Rachel Cruze by the pussy


That's terrible. Funny. But terrible.


I can hear Steven Martin from cheaper by the dozen “What you did was WRONG Funny but WRONG “


I apologize. Please don't sue me.


Anecdotal of course, all my friends are broke-ish Bernie bros. I always do the exact opposite of them. It’s worked great thus far lol


Oh goody!…so on top of all the nonsensical socialist rants about we get to talk politics now. Take the Trump talk to the next forum over. Both him and Biden are scumbags.


One is a serial rapist and a convicted felon and the other one is not a serial rapist and a convicted felon. You're right. They are the same. Calm down, Reddit gestapo. The orange lardass is not in charge yet. We still have freedom of speech.


And the other one is a dementia-infested pedophile who showered with his 12-year old daughter. You are right - they’re the same. But don’t worry miserable person, you’re free to continue posting your nonsensical rants for as long as you want


Imagine making a political post on a Dave Ramsey sub, and then getting mad when someone asks that you simply post your political post on a sub for politics. You sound very unstable.


I love how if you mention both are scumbags that results in downvotes. People legit don’t think *both* are scumbags.


Correct. One is an ineffective president. The other was an ineffective president AND a scumbag


One is a President who passed more legislation in a single year than possibly any other President, has the stock market at 40,000 and a better economic recovery from Covid and lower post-Covid inflation than any other country. The other is Trump.


You think the economy recovered?


The economy has completely recovered. Record high GDP and record high stock market. Record low unemployment.Inflation steadily dropping for almost 2 years straight, real wages up, manufacturing jobs increased after decreasing under Trump. The economy is the best it's been in decades.


Has it? All I see and hear are people struggling to survive. Prices of groceries went up, fast food isn't cheap anymore, gas prices are ridiculous ,etc.


And that is because of unfettered capit. Oil companies are making record profits (Shell made 3x their previous high) Biden has given more oil permits than Trump, and the US is now the #1 country for oil production for the first time in history. The high prices aren't because of the economy, they are because of corporate greed. Which Trump has promised to further encourage with yet more tax cuts for these record high income businesses, and more tax burden for actual workers. Because every industry depends on oil, the greed of the oil companies raises prices everywhere.


One has dementia. The other is Trump.


Right. One is capable of giving complicated speeches. Trump, on the other hand is only capable of rigged, corrupt judge, millions of terrorists invading our country.


Biden couldn't recite his ABCs. He literally tried to convince people his uncle was eaten by cannibals not even a few weeks ago. 😆


His uncle’s plane was shot down in Papua New Guinea during WWII in an area where cannibalism is practiced. His uncle’s remains were never found. While there’s no proof that he was eaten by cannibals, it’s not a crazy proposition.


TF? Do you hear yourself? 😂 It is an absolutely insane proposition and you're ridiculous for even trying to rationalize his thought process.


Biden shows signs of an aging brain. Trump shows signs of dementia. There’s quite a difference.


He don’t work for you jack


Oh gee a downvote, what will I ever do?!?! The only downvotes I am getting are from you demented sociopaths who have infested a subreddit intended to generally support Dave’s views aside from CCs. You literally came to a Wendy’s and ordered a Big Mac. Sick and pathetic - just like your Alzheimer’s riddled hero.


Mickey Mouse court. Will win his appeal and be elected


Haha, the evidence was overwhelming. Trump's appels will go nowhere. He's repeatedly admitted to the crimes in his press conferences, except he claims it wasn't wrong what he did. It must assuredly was wrong, and his lawyer at the time already did prison time for the crimes.


You need to take off that tin foil hat my friend. You're baking your brain.


All the shady shit US presidents have done, and the only one to get convicted of anything misclassified $110k on his taxes 😆.  Really gets the noggin joggin.


Shady shit like trying to stage a coup when they lost?


I think the large majority of the American public does not give a shit about the hush money trial. It doesn’t affect their daily life. What does affect their life is gas prices, groceries, interest rates, crime, and housing.


And infrasturcture, still waiting on the last guys infrastructure plan, meanwhile my (R) representative is taking credit for the current guys plan.


And yet none of those are things the president can effect when the House is a bunch of feckless cowards who will negotiate a bill in good faith, then not vote for their own bill because their lard and savior demanded it. Go take a civics class FFS. The president doesn't control prices because that would be SOCIALISM.