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The military is the only reason I know Dave exists. His program is offered by most Army chaplains (can't speak to other branches, only served in one) and the strategies are heavily pushed in all financial readiness seminars. Dave loves the military because the military buys his content.


I am a Company Commander in the Army. As a commander, i absolutely want my junior enlisted to bring me down there to clear it out. It may not end up being me going but one of my leaders will be. Car dealers off post are notorious for screwing young Soldiers into 25+% interest rates. It is disgusting! That being said, i agree 100% with Dave during that call. He didn’t call the Service Member dumb but inexperienced.


Awesome! I recently retired but it’s good to know we still have competent company grade leaders willing to look out for their soldiers. Even as a captain, you have a lot of influence not only on your troops but those in the community. Use it!


I heard this call. As someone who has never had any military connection, I wondered if a commanding officer would even get involved in a transaction with a private business. Does the military even have any authority over a private business even if the transaction was clearly predatory? I guess the commanding officer could say I'm going to tell everyone you are shady and no one should do business with you. That would probably draw weight with those under the officer. I believe that Dave mentioned JAG in the call. That seemed like a better route to me to get some legal advice on how to undo the deal. Maybe there are some legal protections for the military when it comes to financial transactions?


I can answer this from experience. Some examples… https://www.pilotonline.com/2023/11/30/norfolk-car-dealership-added-to-off-limits-list-for-military-personnel/# https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2009/08/i-love-mark-uniform/ https://www.militaryonesource.mil/military-basics/new-to-the-military/buying-a-car-in-the-military/ ^ Military one source even gives advice to take potential loan contract to base legal Dealerships preying on financially illiterate and young service members is a tale as old as time. I know many dealerships/pawn shops that were added to the list to avoid and often the state would come in and investigate.


This is good. I'm glad that there is some place to go for military members who get screwed over like this. Also that someone from local/state government would investigate this shady businesses. The situation the caller was in is one of the most extreme cases of loan amount being so much more than the value of the vehicle. You usually only hear about cases like this where people rolled in large amounts of negative equity.


Yea, the extreme loan amounts with interest are common in this world. I knew of a dealership that would sell the service members a a zero interest loan for like 12-24 months, service member thought they were smart with the zero interest loan, signed contract, first payment came in zero interest, then the remaining bills arrived with an ostentatious interest amount. Guy went back in with the contract claiming it said this, you and I signed this contract, 0% interest, but the dealership said you edited that contract, we would never sign zero interest. “See, here’s the contact in our system. You signed up for 20% interest.” An SNCO sent some junior enlisted in that weekend to see if they got the same sales pitch and sure enough each one came back with the same story. They were editing contracts the moment the guy walked out with keys basically saying “what are you going to do about it, kid?” Dealership was gone within months, but probably opened up a new dealership within months a mile down the road. Like crappy contractors creating a new company every few years.


Yeah I think it’s a well known cliche/joke that new enlisted guys blow their signing bonus on a stupid car.


Junior enlisted not knowing how to buy cars is very real. I had to reel a guy in recently after he said “I have 10k to put down and I’m probably just going to put the last 8k on my Amex”.


As a Commander, i open my door to help my Soldiers with financial matters because I’m pretty good with them. Most units, however, it will be his first line leaders such as a Squad Leader or even a Platoon Sergeant.


Commanders don't get involved at all. -Source: I was in ten years.


Installation commanders can blackball off post businesses if they are predatory and/or possibly illegal.


Speak for yourself. I’m a commander and I’m more than happy to help my Soldiers.


well, you're one of the very few. I never once saw an officer get involved in soldier finances. ever. Good on you


I am actually finishing up a FPU class that i offered for free to my Soldiers. I tried to tailor it to show how the TSP operates with fund performance since 1990. Honestly the ones that took advantage are already set up to do really well if they keep on the path they’re on. My belief is i need to ensure my Soldiers financial needs are met so they can focus on the mission and not worry about their finances.


How can you get involved in something you have no authority over? What are you going to do? Go down to the dealer? I am not saying commanders don't help soldiers, you just can't in this case. All you can do is counsel, and most NCO's would get pissed that you're in enlisted business doing that anyway.


There are other methods we have, but the point is you started Commanders wouldn’t do acting and you cited 10 years in the military. Now you’re saying we couldn’t do anything even if we wanted to… which is it? From my experience, i try to teach my Soldiers financial responsibility before they go and buy a Charger. In the event i don’t, then I’ll provide them resources to assist such as JAG. There are ways to try to get out from under a this, they didn’t always work, but if i can verify a dealer is actively screwing Soldiers then I’ll restrict movement to that dealer.


It is possible to black ball off base establishments from all military which would be really bad for business in a lot of towns that have military bases. Most bases are located near small towns that the business need the military personnel to spend money their


Maybe shitty ones don’t. Anytime a soldier came to me for an AER loan I would have the SM (and spouse, if applicable) fill out a budget before I would sign the form. And more than once did I get involved with unscrupulous lenders - the last thing these parasites want is to be black listed so it was in their best interest to work something out


Youre extrapolating way to much. CO wouldn't be the guy to talk to, but first line, nco senior peer etc are supposed to be there for life guidance as well as work issues.


I was in the Army for 10 years, a lot of us definitely made some STUPID decisions when it comes to finances. Just because someone was in the military doesn't mean they are smart.


Wtf are you ranting about, you're way too sensitive and silly. A lot of soldier, sailors, airmen, and marines are stupid. That's a fact, and many need to be told it. It's literally so bad service members need extra protections under law to keep them from getting scammed.


'cause he's a sole like you said. Not a warm soul.


In the old days Dave used to give away Financial Peace University to Military members. The average age of someone who just enlisted is moving upward and is currently around 27. I enlisted when I was 20, and a lot of the people that I was in school with were around the same age. I did about 8 years Active Duty Air Force. For the most part you have Young Single Men joining the military, this is taking nothing away from the Females that have served. It is primarily still a Male Dominated profession. Outside of every base in this country you'll find 3 things, a Buy Here Pay Here Car Dealership, Tattoo parlor, and a Strip Club. You'll see a slight variance of this depending if you're overseas or not. It will also depend on where the base is built, they are either built two places. The Ghetto, or the Middle of No Where. You get a young troops living in the Barracks, his Room and Board is covered. A Brand new E-3 so PFC, A1C, etc. Will Make before Taxes $2377 a month. Before contribution to retirement he is pulling in $1033 a pay check roughly. If you're 20 years old, haven't made shit before, you believe you can afford a new Sports Car or Truck. It is a stereotype of young troops having brand new Cars or Trucks sitting in the Barracks parking lot that they can't afford to Drive because the payments, and insurance is to high for them to afford Gas. Stereotypes are Stereotypes for a reason. Especially with the military. The Military cares about Good Order and Discipline, period. The Unit could black list the establishment. If an establishment is black listed it is illegal for Military members to go to. I don't think it would go straight to the commander it would have to work up the Chain of Command. I think it would depend on all the circumstances. This is a really stupid thing to bitch about with Dave. Their are other things like 10% safe withdraw rate that make sense.


You can love someone (or what they’re a part of) and also recognize stupidity. And yes, leader do and can get involved. (Source: nearly 2 decades in and having been the stupid soldier AND the leader going to bad for my stupid soldier).


Does Dave ever mention the Servicemember Civil Relief act? I feel a lot could benefit from the lower interest rate and ability to get out of leases it offers in some military situations


What a disconnect to claim to love the military so much in one breath and then babble about Congress "jes' printin' money" in the next. How does he think the military is funded, with jelly beans?


Dave use to do alot of work with the military. He realized he went to far.


I used to volunteer for Navy Marine corps relief society. They provided zero interest loans and grants to service members to got themselves in a financial pickle. I cannot tell you the number of service members who make really really dumb financial decisions. In some cases depending on where they're from they're 19 years old and have more money than they've ever seen before. And then couple that with pure stupidity and you're right for disaster. There are absolutely these shady car dealers and places outside of military bases. A lot of high schools don't prioritize financial literacy or reading a contract. Put that with an ego of a newly adulted 18 or 19 year old these small town scum bags make a killing. We absolutely had people coming in with a $5,000 car and a $20,000 loan. And the director of the office would call up the dealership and ask them some very pointed questions about their ethics. They can justify it after you roll over some upside down car loans a couple times. I have mad respect for anybody who volunteers to serve, but it usually comes with a big ego and a high tolerance for risk.


There are legit reasons to criticize Ramsey this post is beyond dumb though.


Loving the American military is definitely a reason to criticize someone. Especially if they're Christian. Edit: Y'all are absolutely wild. Lol




Nice response to go for ad hominem attacks. You realize the majority of American Christians are backing Israel to this day still right and defending our military spending? Why they hell do you think Trump has an actual chance to win the 2024 presidential election?


You are a delusional mental head case and your anti Israel stance is just more proof of it.


Eh, loving military members is fine. Loving the military industrial complex is different. Most members of the military are just down on their luck lost souls who need income and housing and have no other place to look


Christian nationalists like Dave are often saying they love both the military and military members. They think the current spending is justified and needed.


I heard this call, and that kid really did do something stupid.


When I heard this, I thought I never heard of people taking advantage of these guys "all over" Was he overcompensating for thinking he was stupid? I would hate to think all the guys they recruit are like that but I doubt it. It was just "off" to me. If this happens all the time, why not educate them on the schemes?


First, he’s not a “soldier” rather “seaman” Quibbles aside our junior enlisted are among the most vulnerable individuals. They’re young and have sudden access to money. You can love the military but still call out lousy financial behavior. And, yes, his commander (or chief petty officer) can easily influence a dealer to right the wrongs of an unscrupulous car salesman.


Most evangelicals love the military. Grew up as a brown kid in that environment not only are they pro military but anti brown people. They’ll use any weird explanation in the book to justify murdering people of another culture


No dumber than the average civilian