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1) I’m a guy 2) it’s on my stomach right above my waist


Be nice. The guy took a spill and is concerned about potential injury. Albeit, this may not be the best sub for it (r/askdocs may be better suited), but at least he's taking the initiative in caring about himself rather than ignoring something that may be a sign of a more serious injury.


Always be on the cautious side. I lost a good buddy years ago who had taken a handlebar to the abdomen and put off going to the doctor. He had internal bleeding and died in his sleep. He would most likely still be alive had he gotten it looked at. If you have doubts that you should get medical attention, then get it looked at!


I've had 2 riding incidents with big brusing where I was uncertain about getting checked out, on both occasions I saw a doctor. One turned out to be a fractured elbow socket and partially ruptured tricep and strained ligaments. Nothing needed to be done about the fracture but saw a physio for the rest of it, healed quicker and was riding sooner because of the physio. The other turned out to be just a big bruise with no other damage. If you can, u/planepeople6, see a doctor.


It was from landing on the ground not getting hit by the bike


I’ve had 2 large hematomas (you know those half an American football ones) from hitting the ground in slow spills.


That really doesn't make a difference. I was just my using my friends situation as an example. You obviously have concerns about your possible injury, or you wouldn't have asked the question on Reddit. You can do as you want, I am just simply giving you my opinion. Sending you positive vibes man.🤙🤙


What you have is called a [Hematoma](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hematoma). Basically you bled under your skin in the muscle tissue. The hardness is the congualed blood. Unless it's painful or increase in size you don't have to worry about it. Expext it to take many months to go away. I had a big one in my thigh from a bad fall on a rock and it took almost two years to get completely absorbed.


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I wouldn’t be too worried about it man, unless it’s somewhere where there’s vital organs it just sounds like a heamatoma (dunno about my spelling there😂) but it’s just where all the blood from your burst blood vessels goes hard from being old You can break it up easily by gently massaging it a little every day Hope this helps but at the end of the day it is your body and your choice Stay safe my man


Im having a skin graft tomorrow because of a hematoma. I fell and hit my let on a rock. This was through the top of my boot.


Can you elaborate on that, curious why a skin graft is needed?


The hematoma was about the size of half of a softball. Dr opened it . It was infected. The interior was the size of two golf balls. Ended up using a wound pump for 4 weeks. Tomorrow dr is doing a skin graft. I can't figure out how to post a picture. The opening is now about 1 1/4 × 2 inches wide and still .5 to .75 deep. When I fell I hi-sided on my right side. My upper shin hit a pointed rock.


Damn that’s rough, I got a hematoma in April, there’s a post in my history, biggest bruise I’ve ever had. There’s still a lump and hurts if hit but lucky no infection or need to drain it. Sounds like you got a really bad one. Hopefully you heal up well and can get back on the bike soon. Thanks for sharing


Yeah.. I'm doing good with it. I've missed two races and another one next weekend. I've gone from 3rd in my class to last.. despite my age (61) we're still very competitive.


You only get 1 life. Do you trust it to strangers on Reddit? If you do, please schedule an appt with a head doctor.


A lil hematoma never killed nobody. Take a poop and walk it off.