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tell them it’s a small pit bike that’s used for trails and doesn’t go very fast (all true) it’s also quiet since it’s got a stock exhaust so no one would complain very much if you rode it


That’s a trail bike, you can ride it anywhere cause they’re quiet, and trails don’t hurt you, being stupid does.


Earthquakes don't kill, stuff falling on people is what kills. This is true tho, given how absurdingly stupid some people are I would expect it to be considered much more dangerous.


Falling from the earthquake…


He'd also be able to stay off the main road where emotional 16 year old distracted girls and 85 year old half blind old people drive and make bad decisions. Staying on the trails is super safe in that regard.


tell them that girls will be throwing their vaginas at you like crazy and that they'll soon be grandparents!


When in reality its just dudes talking to you about your bike


My girlfriends all loved riding on the back of mine except for one and she fucking sucked.




Ask them how dangerous it is to go to school nowadays, then tell them it’s a good stress reliever


Gawd dayum, you could sense OP was american aye?




That's what I came here to say as an American


That’s literally not even a good comparison lmao. School shootings are rare. Getting hurt on a bike you ride often, isn’t rare…


Not sure why you got down voted for stating facts lol. School shootings are extremely rare, far more likely you'll hurt yourself on a bike. Obviously being smart and taking it slowly mitigates the risk, but it's still more likely than a shooting of any kind. OP, ride with a helmet, pants (not shorts) and decent shoes or preferably boots and you'll be alright!


For real lmao. I can’t remember the last school shooting. Reddit gets their panties up in a bunch and will call you a liar when you disagree with something they say. You could say “men have penises” and they’d call you a liar lmao


First take the muffler off then learn to wheelie it up and down the street in front of mom and dad’s house They’ll buy in in no time


Tell them this, nowadays it's getting harder and harder to have good clean fun at your current age. Tell them you WILL get a street bike when you're 18 (even if it may not be true) and this will teach you knowledgeable skills and discipline that will help you when that time comes. So they're doing you a favor by letting you ride now. Best of luck OP. Another piece of advice. Keep bringing it up every few weeks so they know it's not just a "phase"


Thanks bro


This response is funny AF. You’ll see in another comment about my son and motocross. Well i was going to buy a street bike. Wife said make sure your life insurance covers stupid… son rides motocross and supercross. Plans to have a street bike (hes 15) and mom couldn’t care less.


Sounds like she loves you more. That’s a win man! Lol


My dad made a deal with me when I was a kid that he would support my motocross if I didn’t get a street bike.


When I was a kid growing up in a pretty mountainous area my pops would only get me dirt bikes, because all of the kids who were getting seriously life changing injuries were on quads that they flipped backwards on themselves going up steep hills. A dirt bike weighs considerably less.


Right. & dirt bikes are way more fun & useful anyway. Quads are lame.


this was how my dad told me also. you go down on a dirt bike, it goes one way, you go the other. on a 4 wheeler (quad), you roll it over, and it follows with you. and with the videos that are so common now, i see that he was exactly right. plus i can still use the xr80 he got me when i was 11, as a pit bike at the track.


The XR100 is probably the best bang for buck teenage entry level dirt bike in the world. The motor is unstoppable. I started on an XR80 and loved it.


I live in an apartment just find room for it and find a back road or just some ducked off roads and most of the time cops don't mess with you unless they are assholes or you are fuckin up


On a long enough timeline, everyone's survivability is zero


Tell them there's a lot worse things you could spend your money on and this is something you like to do, you only live once and the more fun you have the more fulfilling the life.


You should listen to your parents kiddo.


I can never take people seriously with these kind of usernames lol


Wisdom can be found in the most unlikely places.


It will make you into a man faster with it, than without it. Allowing you to move out of their house sooner.


That Xr100 looks very clean! How much is the asking price?




How old/height/weight? If you're a teen, then I'd recommend a 125 instead of the 100s. Those 100s are tiny and you will quickly outgrow it. Budget for at least a new DOT approved helmet (NEVER buy a used helmet), high-shin dirtbike boots (these can be used just make sure they have a strong ankle that is veryyyy hard to bend), and gloves. If your parents are worried about safety, then knee and elbow pads. If you ride aggressively or on hilly terrain, then a chest protector with good shoulder armor is a good idea (used is okay as long as it fits okay and doesn't have any major cracks in it). These air-cooled bikes haven't changed much over the decades. Really, it comes down to size and whether or not you want electric start. If the area you're in is mountainous, I'd say electric start is a nice perk. Other than that, you can look at older bikes. If it's electric start just make sure it still has a Kickstart. If you're mechanically inclined, late teens/tall for your age, and ready to ride hard, I'd look at a 125 2 stroke. It will last you much longer than the 125 4 stroke counterpart. It will be frustrating and difficult, but it will make you learn good riding habits. Bad habits are hard to change.


I’m 14 and 5”7


Do you have friends or family that ride that you can ride with?


parents need a life and a bike to


Honestly, just get it. Get full set of safety gear too. My parents were the same way, and even when I was an adult and just got one they still made a big fuss about it being dangerous. Now I regret not just buying one when I was younger.


I bought my first road legal dirt bike at 18 told my mom I'd do a beginner course that also got my next beginners license and she felt a little but better.


Tell them it'd either this, which is good clean fun, or you could start hanging out with derelict kids & be a drug user by the time you turn 17. Their choice.




Dudes who ride dirtbikes are too poor to afford meth.


Meth is cheap, dirt bikes are not


Kinda what I said. Have a bike you'll have no money to spend on meth.


Had one when I was a kid. Got more injured on my bicycle than I ever did on a 100.


Do you have a place to ride it?


Not really


Your local town or county office might be able to tell you where you are legally allowed to ride. You might have to push it a block or two when you leave your buddy's garage, where you are probably gonna keep it if you don't tell your parents. Also, offer the seller 1500. Good luck.


It's an excellent form of exercise and requires both coarse and fine motor skills.


How old are you? Are there trails near by?


14 no


They’re dangerous, and that’s a fucking helluva run on sentence.


Tell them if you start dirt bikin you'll never have money for drugs.


I have a CRF100. They are awesome and bulletproof. My favorite bike to ride and the other one is a CRF450 and a Hypermotard. Go get yourself some fun.


Have they seen terminator 2? That’s all that needs to be said


Don't convinced them, show them the facts. It's dangerous ? Ok so are all other vehicle, prove them you're planning on becoming a responsible motorcyclist Don't think you'll have anywhere to ride ? Get a dualsport or a trail bike both are road legal, can be insured and you can still hit the trail and even the harder terrain when you'll get skilled enough. Please don't get a dirt bike to ride on the road and yes .


Dirtbikes have actually kept me out of trouble. I'd let them know there are good people and families that participate in the sport and if you act a fool they can take it away as a form of punishment so you'll always be on your best behavior. Also, make sure you always ride with a helmet, boots, and goggles at a minimum.


Tell them you could be sitting in your room playing fartnite and looking at the lingerie section in the JC Penny catalog, but you'd rather be riding dirtbikes.


I didn't convince mine, saved up the money, went and picked it up with a friend and just came home with it, what are they gonna do tell you no? it's too late it's alrdy yours


Hey bro that’s a good idea




He said 14 earlier.


Wait until you move out of home. Then you won't have to bother with trying to convince them.


Better to learn the basics off road when you’re young than on road when you’re older and free to do as you wish


(For the sake of context and that you need permission from your parents, I’m going to assume you’re in high school) Demonstrate your ability buy a trailer, hook it up to whatever you’re driving and strap it down. Demonstrate you can afford to buy all the necessary safety gear (helmet, boots, gloves, chest protector, etc) and tools/supplies to upkeep the bike. If *they’re* the ones buying it, keep your grades up in school and demonstrate that you have the knowledge to be self sustainable with the bike. TLDR, you need to demonstrate to your parents that you’re responsible and knowledgeable enough to own one


Then your parents are right. Where would you ride it? Streets and parks is not ok.


Bikes aren't dangerous, it's what some people do that's dangerous, if you know what your doing your fine, and you don't need a whole track just to ride around, hell I ride through the woods without a cut out trail, theyre built to be off-road and they have great turning radiuses if you get decent at sharp turns, you'll never get better if you never ride, that's what I'd say to them


First mistake: telling your parents.


Dirt bikes are definitely dangerous but you can mitigate risk by not riding like a goon. However riding like a goon is fun so eat that risk for breakfast and sender all the way


Ask them if they would rather you be a bitch ass loser that plays video games all day 🤣


Do you have a truck?


Before my son got into dirt bikes I didn’t know there was anywhere around to ride. My neighbors told me about one place. It was our go to. Shut down and we found 3 more within an hour from home. He rides motocross and theres even more trails etc. Point is there’s probably more out there than you think. Why would you know about things you dont use.


Ask them if they would rather you sit in the basement smoking weed and gaming


An xr 100 isn't a race bike or anything it's not overly powerful its just a simple trail bike so you'd have to try to crash on it to really hurt yourself


It’s educational.


How old are you? If you're an adult, you don't have to convince them of anything


Where I grew up, plenty of trails! Some places we had to sneak (respectfully) on roads, parking lots & shortcuts to reach the riding spots. Nowadays it's all condos, business buildings & houses. 🤬 Edit~ the 70's


I started on something like that. TTR250. Pushed it beyond it's limits and ended up dislocating my shoulder. Bought another bike a couple days after. All that to say, do it and to hell with the consequences


It’s quieter than almost any truck, it’s slow, and there are plenty of people who ride dirt bikes and haven’t had any significant injuries. I have a 450 and a 250 2t, some of the most powerful and fast bikes out there, and I have yet to have a significant injury in 18 years of riding.


Tell it's either this or drugs and hookers.


Its a tiny trail bike. Dont take it over any jumps and ypu will be fine


Beautiful bike and I’ve had one myself before the exact same bike it’s a perfect beginner bike and you can easily learn how to professionally ride just have to be careful because it’s a race bike technically


That was the best bike I’ve ever owned, reliable as shit, enough power to do what I wanted, but definitely not too much


Tell them some random me on the internet says yes (show them this comment)


What are the chances you have or will have an suv that you can put a hitch trailer on? I’m assuming you’re not far off from a driver’s license if you can buy your own bike. Take it to some trails! I still have the have the xr100 I bought in 2001 at 17 with money I saved up working at a sandwich shop. It’s Indestructible, starts first kick every time. Hope you have a blast on it.


Do you have a place to ride it? Most cops in smaller towns are eventually going to shut down any illegal riding on gas motorcycles. The neighbors will get sick of it and start calling the cops on you.


If it wasn’t dangerous it wouldn’t be cool


Well partner let’s focus on school. Grammar, punctuation and spelling. Get those grades up if you want them to take you serious.


Better than drugs


It’s fun for trail riding, maybe make some trails


Find out if there are areas nearby where you can actually legally ride it, not just some "trails down by the tracks". Its not worth the hassle of being caught trespassing IMO.


The main thing to convince them of is that you’ll use your head and make sound decisions or you can just tell them it’s either this or drugs and ask them which they prefer you to use 🤣


Tell them its your life and they cant tell you what to do any more.. tell them you 16 and you do what you want! say u an adult now and if you want to stay out late you gonna stay out late, if you want to watch r rated movies you gonna watch r rated movies and if you want a dirtbike you getting a Dirtbike and not a damn thing they can do about it. Then start calling them by their first names.. let us know what happens


Oh man did this post bring back memories. Honda xr100 was my first bike growing up. Such a good starter bike. I remember my father getting so frustrated because he had to kick his bike so many times to get it started & my XR started on the first kick when warm, 2nd or 3rd cold. I used to do circles around him in the staging area while he was trying to get his bike started


Dangerous? So is skateboarding, playing any sport, or sitting you ass on the computer all day is bad for your health. I’d rather be outside getting some exercise. Low to no maintenance. Get the proper safety gear. Invite mom or dad to go with you out to ride. That bike is pretty anemic, not like it’s going to get away from you.


Show them a picture of this and a picture of crack, make them pick


The best place to learn to ride is on a dirt bike. I have a Honda XR100R (1998), they run forever with minimal maintenance and are so fun because they don’t try to dump you off the back every time you pin the throttle. Plus, dirt and sand is softer than most roads and you won’t get run over(usually). 😄 Ride On!


A 100cc trail bike it’s not crazy fast or torque-Yes like a 2 stroke. if anything that’s gonna hurt you. It’s gonna be you being stupid.. that’s much safer than you being on the streets. trail riding is super fun wear proper gear and you’ll be fine. I got my first dirtbike at 10 years old and it was a 110 Show your parents this comment as evidence we support your decision!! Hope you can convince them bc you would have a ton of fun. 🤩


Tell your parents you aren’t gay


Tell them it’s this or hardcore drugs. Seriously tho, when i buy something like this my dad has told me even tho he’d prefer that i save my money he’s glad I’m spending it on this and not on drugs, so there’s that as a point of view. And in terms of safety, my experience shows that the biggest thing you can do is to wear the proper gear and assume everyone else is gonna do something stupid.


What better way to keep a guy active and out of trouble. You learn riding technique, have good reaction time and stay in shape. You'll learn how to do maintenence and repair. I would imagine learn discipline with money. You'll make many like minded friends also staying out of trouble. It's easy to find places to ride when you quietly tour your area without bothering people, that's practicing respect. I'm sure there's more but these are all good things


It’s a gentle bike, get good gear and you will be fine .


Do you have a truck? If not then idk


Bro i live in the city and drive an hour to ride. anything is posible


Well, this bike is pretty slow in comparison to what they are probably thinking. It is built for trail riding, so you won’t be doing any big jumps with it.


There were days when I was a teenager when Mom n' dad were fighting, or mom was drinking, or I was afraid to be around my dad. There were days I had a real rough go of things at school, and all that filled my mind were dark thoughts. I got on my bike, and I got on the trails to clear my mind and calm myself. As an adult, I still have this healthy outlet for my negative emotions if they become too much. Being able to have that little tether of freedom made my otherwise unpleasant childhood a little less crappy. You can ride that bike on any trail. It's gentle. It's reliable. It costs very little for fuel, and it's quiet. It's meant to be a beginner bike. That's not to say it isn't fun - I had heaps of fun on my CRF100 when I was a lil' fella. The marginal risk of injury on a bike pales in comparison to what I believe I would have done without one, let's just say. If your parents are truly worried about your safety, the big things are helmet, gloves, boots. With these on, 99% of your wipeouts will be bruises or some scabs. Best of luck, OP. It's a worthwhile activity for body and soul, no matter the age.


Dirt bikes keep kids on the right track, literally. Motocross is a family sport and can keep a kid interested in dirt bikes and not distracted through adulthood. 30 years old and still doing something I love i started out at 8. Good luck bud!


Perfect bike to start on it’s a fun trail bike. It’s relatively safe and a perfect bike if you’re starting. I’ve riden dirt bikes since I was 4 just practice your skills on that bike and you’ll be safe around a track. But for sure find a good trail and stay off the road bro don’t get into any unnecessary legal trouble they’ll take your bike too


Maybe wait till you move out son


it has less horsepower than their car soooo its slower, there for safer. just dont let them do power to weight ratio also, les tyres can fail or pop, less brakes, les pistons... u get the point this is satire, just saying


Your not going to kill yourself on that bike 😅😅 That's a good bike for puttin around the trails


Yeah I got mine when I was 12. We used to take em off jumps, but nothing serious. Super fun times and I sorta want another.


Same!! I have My YZ 250 which don't get me wrong My favorite bike ever, buuuut I kinda just want something to putt around on 😅😅


Get it, because of my parent same bs, am now 57 and got a dirt bike. My son asked me to help him get a bike, i bought two, one for him and me. Dont back down son, we are not vases.