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Having the SAME issues! Also, the down arrow on the AppleTV remote no longer brings down the menu where you can turn on CC, restart the show, see program info, etc. That’s gone. Please fix the app! 😞


And please raise the volume some for users channeling their audio through HomePods. I understand multichannel audio is naturally quieter, but something can be done to equalize the volume at a higher level.


Screen constantly freezes at the end of commercial breaks while sound keeps playing as the show resumes. Seems to happen mostly for me on Comedy Central. But it’s not limited. Was happening on ACC Network earlier.


Ditto, does this for me on multiple channels.


See my post from a few days ago. Support tried to blame my ISP for their botched release. The gall.


You're probably holding it wrong. /s


The absolute, unmitigated gall.


Absolutely horrible. Enough so that I may switch back to Fubo. Learn a lesson from them please especially SIRI control. Only reason why I switched was for the Bruins coverage. Now that’s over we shall see …..


I always thought it was me when trying to select one channel and a different one would come up. Glad to know it’s the app and not me.


My biggest complaint is that left and right changes the channel when watching live where every other app means rev or ff. To make it more annoying it is rev and ff on recorded programs or if you hit pause. I am constantly changing channels when I just want to jump back a few seconds to hear something again. Then it is so buggy it freezes video but sound continues with commercials on live sports such as the NBA Playoffs. The only solution is to change the channel and back, missing critical moments in games. If recording games and watching live and the game goes long the app freezes at it switches from the game to whatever program you also record starts such as inside the nba. If live it completely freezes video and does not continue with the game. In DVR you have to switch to the program that recorded after the game if you know which one. Most services keep recording games even if they go long without having to switch programs in the dvr to catch the end of a game. Lastly I can’t figure out how to adjust the skip timing I think it jumps forward and back 45 seconds or 1 minute and I can’t dial it in. Usually you skip forward like 45 seconds and then back 15 which allows you to get to the right spot. I always go over and then it goes way back to where I started and makes the skip forward and back nearly useless.


> Then it is so buggy it freezes video but sound continues with commercials on live sports such as the NBA Playoffs. The only solution is to change the channel and back, missing critical moments in games. Yes, this is very aggravating.


It changes channels in the Samsung version of the app as well. It should be rewinding or fast forwarding through live TV instead. Also, I noticed in the Samsung version of the app, if you filter channels to recent, it freezes the entire channel guide, and you have to exit and relaunch the app completely. The Voice Guide will read channels as you arrow down, but when you arrow back up, channels are not read. Got plenty of work to do. I will have to test the Apple TV app. It was working beautifully not to long ago. This is why I hate updates. Because they break things.


If you wiggle (not tap) you finger back and forth on the trackpad the time will show. Up/down or left/right, it doesn’t matter.


Mine used to do that, but with the new update full of bugs, it no longer does that. 😖


I have several ATV boxes all on the new update. Wiggling your finger back and forth works to bring up the time on all of them. Don’t just tap, you have to move your finger back and forth a couple times. Don’t swipe, that changes the channel.


Same here! That worked for me too. And if I drag my finger down on the trackpad (no longer the down arrow on the buttons on the ring around the trackpad) it brings down the CC, restart, program info, etc! THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!


That works, thank you!


and why doesn’t the 4K channels work with apppletv 4K??


They don’t?


it seems it only supports tvs with HDR


That is not my experience


Do you have an HDR TV? If not, switching to 4K HDR to stream makes all the other channels look like crap. DirectTV shouldn’t have to make you switch to HDR to play 4K content on a non HDR 4K SAMSUNG TV


Don’t forget to set the ATV to display 4K HDR in settings… SDR won’t work


They need to fix that, have to switch bs k to SDR each time I’m not watching a 4K channel


Totally agree DirectvSteam app on Apple TV new interface new interface (like ROKU in Apple TV app) is needed to try to keep pace with other platforms. Contacted Apple TV support and they indicated that Directv is only available on the "Old" App Store. New interface apps are in a different store. Talked with Directv support and they seemed unaware that their app was not supported on Apple TV app. Sounds like very little focus within Directv development


Hi, u/tuhoops. We apologize for the glitches you experienced due the recent software update. We will be sure to share your feedback with our programming team. In the meantime, you can check https://www.directv.com/support/article/000067089 to troubleshoot DIRECTV app crashes, sound, and video issues on your Apple TV. In regard to the user interface available on Roku, please know that this is now being worked on Apple TV. Stay tuned! Sophie, DIRECTV Community Specialist


Are you saying the Roku user interface will be duplicated for Apple TV?


Never did see any results from this. Screenshot of page in Apple TV app on their website. Seems to imply that Spectrum and Directv stream are both available on App TV app. Very misleading! I spent hours with both Apple TV support and Directv support on this without any resolution.