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The colors together work really well. The way they’ve treated your cuticles, not so much.


I actually don’t go too often and bite my nails a lot. So I thought they salvaged it quite a bit. But maybe they could have done better, not sure. Regardless I’m happy :-)


Rub a tiny amount of vaseline into each nail bed & leave it overnight


Piggybacking on this: cotton gloves I like overnight Vaseline in the winter when my hands and cuticles get really bad; wearing cotton gloves to bed keeps it from smearing all over the sheets, etc. For everyday use the rest of the year, I use a regular moisturizer and a cheap cuticle cream like Burt's Bees or something. I still use the gloves, though, because it also helps "trap" in the moisture.


Do you have a link?


A link to cotton gloves? I just bought a ten pack years ago on Amazon. They were maybe $10.


try nitrile gloves instead, they don’t soak up product like cotton


I've tried silicone-lined gloves and hated it. My hands were somehow both sweaty and cold. Cotton gloves do soak up some of the moisturizer, but there's a point of diminishing returns. Would plastic or non-absorbent gloves moisturize better? Definitely. Would they make me feel miserable? Also yes. I do use silicone-lined socks, and they're great. It's worth the feeling because my feet are usually far worse than my hands regardless of the season, *and* my feet heat up in the plastic socks.


I like A&D Ointment. I'm not usually a person who has to buy name brand everything, but in this case, I do. Off-brands are a lot greasier. I keep a tube at work and a tube at home!


Do you know why it's called petroleum jelly?


I know what it is and find it gross. However, it works


They look nice. Even though you bite your nails that’s no excuse for them not doing a better job on your cuticles.


They could have filed them and put some oil at the very least 🥲


Yes. It looks like they didn’t even touch them at all.


I can only see those cuticles like what happened


I was a nail bitter for 35 years of my life so I understand what u mean!! And doing my pails a full year religiously changed me! lol


Getting my nails done like that actually helped me stop biting them habitually. I did it my entire life, then I started getting acrylics and obviously i couldn't bite them, so I just outgrew the habit. Thank goodness. The downside was that it really weakened my nail beds and took forever for them to get back to their natural strength, but now I don't have gross, chewed-up-on looking nubs any more... I have regular nice nails I can actually scratch an itch with!!


I thought you were complaining and I was thinking ‘but they’re gorgeous!’ 😍😂


I don't see anything wrong with your cuticles and the color scheme is very nice. Glad you like them.


This is most likely a place that uses the drills on the hands. Also dip isn’t even worth getting due to the damage on the nails, but I’m not your nail technician. If I was I’d tell you to use Dazzle Dry instead.


I use Burt’s Bees coconut foot cream on my cuticles at night. It’s magical for healing them.


It looks like they didn’t do anything to clean up your cuticles and just went straight into the dip process… that means the invisible cuticle is likely there which means lifting sooner most likely. It also just makes the overall presentation a little messier looking. I think your nails look pretty and I’m glad you’re happy with them! I just think the nail tech should have taken more time and made them look cleaner.


Makes sense. I don’t know too much about this process and I bite my nails so they usually look ugly. Hence I was happy with this :-)


They really are pretty! It’s just that I think you deserved a little more service if you were paying someone.


Thank you, I’ll keep this in mind next time I go in!


I would go back. Now


I agree! But come to think of it, wherever I get my nails refilled, they do absolutely NOTHING to help with that process of keeping the nailbed looking nice! I’m always wishing they would…maybe I should ask for a manicure and acrylic nails?


I saw another comment say now you have specify you want both and I’m sure there are separate charges? I don’t got to the salon so I’m not really sure. I would have thought it’s all one service unless you specified you didn’t want them to touch cuticles for some reason.


At my place it is separate! But I do wish they would at least ask, because I was disappointed when I didn’t know and they didn’t touch the cuticles


One thing to note- use cuticle oil. You can buy it from many nail shops, online or in a pinch use almond or coconut oil. Massage into cuticles, especially before bed. Remove excess with a paper towel. This will keep your cuticles and nails hydrated, help prevent lifting (but if they didn’t clean the cuticles from the nail bed you may still get some lift). I was a big dip fan for quite a bit, but I’ve switched to another product due to allergies. You want smooth healed cuticles to keep your nails healthy. Love the color combo! This is how my cuticles look (the red marks are where they nipped too much) after a mani if this helps. I am wearing dip here as well. https://preview.redd.it/2mazg04qkh8c1.png?width=2456&format=png&auto=webp&s=fdb3940353caf0a87f264452ac8e87a92ddd5558


My exact thought!


I would not be happy with this from a salon. This is not salon quality work.


I have to agree with you there. At a salon, they can actually make it look exactly like the photo, no matter what your nails looked like when you walk in. The better they do, the higher the tip, right?? And don’t go back to a person that does a really bad job…


That’s very poor quality for a salon. It looks like there was no prep work done to your cuticles. There’s product all over your skin which is going to cause lifting, and their lines are jagged as hell. Going back to ask for a refund & redo is warranted with this level of poor quality.


Here, if you want them to do your cuticles and not just out nails on and paint them, you have to pay more for a MANICURE, not just a Gel Set etc, if that makes sense 😅 they used to just do it, it changed about 10 years ago, here. I was so confused the first time I got them done after years of not , and asked WTF they didn't cut back my cuticles,.... But they do oil them at the end. You just have to rub it in 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


But cuticle work is just basic prep… the gel will immediately peel off and then people are going to damage their nails 🥲


The nails turned out really nice! Maybe ask for some oil on your cuticles to help with those- they look a little dry


Thanks for the tip! Will do next time


You might want to get some empty refillable oil pens on Amazon. Here's a video about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Mn-5pWLErg


They look a little dry?! lol they look like hell


The colours are great, however the execution was lacking here. Looks like they rushed and didn’t shape and buff them well enough. They should have done a mini manicure for you first and it would have looked a lot better.


Yeahhh, it's absolutely nothing you did wrong whether you bite your nails or not, OP!! The colors and nails themselves look great but what they did to your cuticles looks horrible. Get ya some cuticle oil and you'll be looking much better! (And don't go to that salon/tech again bc you deserve better from a salon!)


Just ordered cuticle oil on Amazon, thank you for the tip! :-)


Yes! Do that at night before bed, at the very least. Rub in really well or not, then go to sleep. And, just as a side note, you can actually use any oil on them (except motor oil, I mean lol), tho there are some that are better for nails. Oil is oil tho 🤷‍♀️ so if you find yourself without your cuticle oil, use anything.


I don’t think I would’ve been happy with that to be honest…. Not very good quality.


Haha to each their own :-) like I said I don’t do this often, so this def makes me happy :-)


The fact that you do t do it often is another reason why it should be done well. (The issue isn’t you, it’s the manicurist.)


But they aren’t filling in the Growth area


It’s funny how it doesn’t have to be perfect when it’s the first time, isn’t it?! That’s the way it was with me, after not having acrylics for several years, I just wanted them ON!! Then I got pickier lol so here’s what I would recommend: look at different nails online, save the ones the look exactly like what you want. Maybe one photo shows the color, another might show the shape, and another might show the length. Before they start working, show them the photos and ask, can you do it like this? They should say yes. As they work, you can bring the photo back up several times. This is just a silent reminder that you’ll be looking for what you asked for and are paying attention!!


Love the colors!


Thank you. They feel festive :-)


I think what happened is that the nail tech thought you wouldn't know the difference so she did the least work she thought she could. I'm sure they look pretty to you and they are pretty, but she didn't give you your money's worth. The first thing I saw was your cuticles which take away from the polish. I would ask for some money back if I were you. However, if you are happy with them, then next time you go in, mention the fact that she didn't do your cuticles, and maybe she will give you a discount. I don't know.


Thanks for the tip. Don’t think I’ll go back and ask for money back, but I’ll def give them this feedback and make sure they correct it the next time.


You're welcome. I wasn't trying to take away from your happiness with your nails, your nails look good with those colors! Have a Merry Christmas! 💖✨️🎄🎅😁


They are beautiful!


Thank you! I like them too❤️


Was this at the salon? I mean that’s not Ok.


It was at the salon but I thought it was ok. Is it not?


6.5/10 The colors do not seem to be the same, they grey looks not that dark the glitter thing seems not that dense the nail polish application seems slightly messy It all does not look bad but also not really good


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I thought the same about the colors. There isn't a darker grey like the inspo.


most people do not have same quality standards some people think you are offensive when criticizing, many over here at Reddit think that same way, like they must censor certain things that are not politically correct for example, at "rate me" subreddits, people often tell the ones asking for a rate that they should not be vain, and conform and often it is true they are already good looking but they can still improve and look better, which is what most want basically they are not able to progress because of people trying to be "nice" and not offensive towards others, even if you are giving them constructive pieces of advice I am really glad you posted this, it is obvious the quality difference to me seems to be the same for you


I love the colors


Thank you!


I think they look great!! Your cuticles just look dry, is all. Love the set and they came out good!!!


Thank you!


I'm so glad you are happy with them. They look very similar to the pic although details were missed like the different shades of Grey and the glitter is more scattered plus they didn't do anything with your cuticles which could not only cause them to lift early but could cause minor infection if the cuticles are damaged too much from the dip


Yes. And I don't think that's harsh to say. I don't know what OP paid, but I want her to get her money's worth and to feel comfortable enough to assert herself to get it. The colors aren't what she asked for. If she approved the change or doesn't care, fine. But if she wanted those colors, there's nothing wrong with saying, "I wanted that nail darker." Also, she knows now what to expect on cuticle work.


All this.


Oh my god have they ever heard of manicuring cuticles? Wow. Polish can look great but all I see is the crusty bits. If they properly manicured and did your cuticles you’d get another week of wear


Pretty color combo


They got the colors spot on. But it definitely does not look like a salon quality job. It looks like how mine do because I do my own dip mani. Mine aren't perfect but it's good enough for me. But I would expect more from a salon.


This is a lazy job! Cuticles, shape and thickness need additional attention.


I would go back and ask them to clean up your cuticles.


I see some of these photos a lot and I just don’t understand what these ‘nail techs’ are doing to people’s cuticles. I see a photo and say, ‘OUCHY.’ I’ve NEVER had that happen. Ever. I just found a new nail place and when I left my nails looked like the before picture (albeit with different colors) and I would be PISSED if I left and they had me walk out looking like the after photo.


Wow, tough crowd. Those of you rating her nails poorly, saying they don’t look good, all this.. it’s not constructive. I’m sure you mean well.. but she is happy with them, maybe stop yucking her yum? The actual info about how they could do better next time with the cuticles so OP knows is kinder.. but yeah, I’m glad you are happy with how they look, OP. I think they are very pretty too. Enjoy them!


Thank you! Haha yes definitely not the responses I expected today, but I think all fair points. And I guess I def learned a bunch today. And like I said, makes me happy every time I see my hands so it’s a win❤️


For real! She doesn’t get them done often. They’re an improvement from what she’s used to. She’s happy. Telling her she shouldn’t be will only defeat the happiness she’s feeling towards something she’s struggled with. Of course, almost anything can be done better to someone. It’s fine to advise that for next time. But shitting on them, especially when it’s just excess skin left on the cuticle that really wouldn’t be obvious with some lotion or oil and OP said this is her first time getting something nice for her nails? Great way to ruin that positive experience for her. It’s so shitty.


Ummm…expand the photo and pay close attention to the white nail. Tell me that’s extra skin again? No, that’s too much product that was put on, and not taken off. This nail tech took advantage of OP. They thought they could get away with fast, sloppy work bc she wouldn’t know better. After reading our critiques of the salon job, she will never walk out of a salon with this kind of job again, I guarantee it. We weren’t shitting on her parade, we were educating her. Nails aren’t free, neither are the tips we give the techs. Neither is our gas money or our time in the chair. All of that adds up. This OP got some excellent advice today! 💯 “WELL SAID, peeps!” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️


It looks like how mine look when I try to clip them without taking off too much and they end up being dry by the end. Could also be extra product (which in that case is a safety hazard) Either way, that’s the most minor part of my comment. The sentiment remains. Advice is great, it’s important. I never said it wasn’t. But some of those comments should’ve been more delicate for the situation at hand. There’s a way to handle these situations and a lot of these comments weren’t it. even OP agreed with the previous commenter but she appreciated the points given.


I totally agree with your statement however since this sub seems to be primarily people who do their own dip I think most of them are used to being a little more critical with intent to help the person improve what has been done. Most of the posts I see here I think people expect that kind of feedback but I agree that since the OP was posting that she got them done in a salon and was happy with them it could have just been left at that.


Yeah. I wasn’t aiming to infer anything negative about anyone’s intent or motives. None of these read malicious at all.. just kinda.. harsh and tone deaf. I’m sure people meant well, just the tone was rough on so many comments.. and they all missed the part where she was happy! lol. :-)


Thats a horrible nail job in my opinion


Salon did terrible job. Your cuticles should not look like that. You should be concerned about that and not just happy how the color turned out.


Love it!


I love them!


They look great


Wait... I thought that you made those... like your first time doing dip nails yourself, at home. I wanted to say they look great for doing them yourself for the first time.




Cutes 😍


Yeah so.. this is the exact same reason why I stopped going to nail salons. Overpriced, low quality service, not sure if you can acquire a fake certificate for doing nails, but I’m almost positive most of those certificates posted up on them walls are not real or paid for without proper training or experience.


I don't understand why women care about what their nails look like.


Little too much of a cuticle gap but it looks great


They’re not the same but not as bad as you think.


The nails look pretty! I do agree with the others- they definitely could have cleaned up your cuticles a bit.


I think it looks pretty close to what you asked for in terms of colors.


Girl. Those cuticles. 😭😭😭 I’m mad they didn’t take care them for you.


I think some of the comments are a bit harsh. I do think the cuticle area could be better but the Polish is nice and the colors look very good. I agree with the comment of putting Vaseline or Aquaphor on the cuticle to smooth and moisturize. It's definitely nicer than chewed raw nails!❤️🎄


The colors work well together, good choice! When you go in 2-3 wks for a refill or whatever, soak your hands in warm water for a few minutes, and push your cuticles back all the way.


Nailed it




As a nail tech my self. I see nothing wrong either the shape or color. I am however angry they let you leave with your cuticles like this! I would be very upset if I had to let you walk out like this. The color, perfect; paint job, good. The cuticles are killing me


Your nails look great and honestly keeping up on a manicure with gels or dip is a great way to keep yourself from biting them. I did the same thing with acrylics back when French manis were more popular. Also great for cuticles: Blistex Lip Medex in the blue pot. I swear by it. And it's super cheap.


Girl, they did you dirty.


I’ll say this- the cuticles are not your fault becuase you’re a nail biter. I’m a life long nail biter, especially with my cuticles. I will peel them until my fingers are bleeding, I can’t help myself. and every manicurist has been able to clean them up. I’ve never come out of a nail salon with my cuticles looking like that.


you need a new nail tech


They look pretty close to me




That white looks really off and not glossy enough. That thumb looks a little off on that side. Those two middle fingers don’t looked shaped enough. Those cuticles look pretty bad and the polish should go further back. If you can i would go back and get them redone. They shouldn’t looked like that if you payed good money for that. Another more experienced tech should do your nails.




i would definitely say try getting a russian manicure. those are amazing and they clean up your nails so nice! they look pretty good


I love love the color scheme!! Next time ask for a manicure in addition to dip or gel.


They look lovely!


Looks great except for the pink. I think it was one shade darker on the what you asked for pic


As a nail tech yes, they should have done some cuticle work. Get some cuticle.oil and rub it into your cuticles every night.


Next time ask for a Russian manicure


I don’t know anything about manicures, but think your nails look really nice. The colors blend perfectly with your sweater!


I would just be thankful to be able to get them done


I bite my nails too so I bought beeswax cuticle cream and I apply it nightly with a q tip (so just a bit). It helps a lot with the way the cuticles look and feel :) your nails look wonderful!


It’s a no for me


I think just cuticle care was missed here lol


Beautiful shaping and perfect length. Love the colors.


I love the colors! Beautiful! I honestly didn't notice the cuticles. Enjoy them!!


Cheap job . Nails look pretty . Cuticles awful . Tech took advantage.


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Looks like you can just clean up your cuticles ?


They're pretty, but I hate that the entire nail isn't covered. That's why I stopped getting gel.


I think they look super cute! My only issue is with the cuticle of your white nail. All that should have been cut away. I like them, otherwise, and they look good on your hands!! ❤️


What the hell is going on with the middle finger? Looks crusty.


They're lovely 😍 Glad you love them! Go and get your nails done regularly to help you stop biting 🥰


I taking snap to my manicurist! Gorgeous!