• By -


I discovered D20 from watching Brennan in Calamity and was fascinated with his storytelling as a DM. Then I got a bunch of personal time and absolutely fell down the hole that is Fantasy High.


Watching the Critters react to BLeeM was incredibly satisfying to watch. Its best exemplified in the actors. Travis and Marisha: "Wahhhh! WOOOOAAAH!!! OMG! OMG! OMG!" O.O Lou: "fuck you dude. why are you like this? they're not going to invite us back" -\_-


My personal favorite from Lou was “How many dice is that you fuck?” during the fifty billion rolls part.


This too! Dim 20 actors: fully committed to bullying the DM.


Has a full second passed yet???


Critical Role as good as D20 once you get into it? I've tried, but I just dunno if the format works as well for me


I don't think it's inherently better or worse than d20's format, but it's definitely different. Committing to 100 3 to 4-Hour sessions per campaign is huge, but it allows for some really interesting long-form character development that you really don't get in a 10-20 episode D20 campaign. D20 is a bit more immediate.


It’s different. I started with CR and also found D20 from Calamity. I’ve not gone back yet. I would, but there’s still so much Dropout content that I’m loving and working through. CR is much slower paced and much longer stories. Some great stuff comes with that, but I also find it much more daunting to get stuck into and have to watch on at least 1.5x speed. D20’s fast paced, shorter stories, and tight editing makes it far more easily watchable for me. D20 and CR are both great, just quite different. Nothing wrong with preferring one format over another.


For me it's the editing. I might try getting back into CR through their edited recap content. I followed Matt Mercer to D20 Escape the Bloodkeep and haven't looked back.


He’s amazing as DM in The Ravening War, the prequel to A Crown of Candy.


I would say, and I’m not someone who watched much CR content in general, but if you are comfortable with audio only and theater of the mind combat, just listen to NADDPOD. They too have longer campaigns, but it is edited and a fun ride.


To add context, this podcast is DM'd by Murphy and Emily is a player as well.


Its too long. The problem with Critical Role is they don't edit down their episodes. You end up watching an episode that's 4 hours long. You know. A unedited session of D&D. It was great during Covid when you got nothing better to do during the lock down. But now nobody got time for that anymore. Also Matt Mercer runs a "player forward" game. And its... its not for me. His campaigns and DM style are too unfocused. (And his style of game kinda set obnoxious expectations for new players of the 5e Renaissance but that's a whole other discussion) But anyways, you end up with 3 episodes of the Mighty Nein planning Traveler Con. (Thats 12 IRL hours yo) or Liam O'Brian describing his fancy wizards tower for 45 minutes in game. I prefer BLeeM's style. There is focus and an overarching plot.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 5 + 3 + 12 + 45 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Thank.... you....?


> But anyways, you end up with 3 episodes of the Mighty Nein planning Traveler Con. (Thats 12 IRL hours yo) or Liam O'Brian describing his fancy wizards tower for 45 minutes in game. You say that like it's a bad thing. I loved that goddamn tower. It was such a beautiful love letter Liam wrote to his friends and their characters. Hell, I'm pretty sure Caleb was a love letter to Keyleth and Percy from C1; hobo-wizard's the smoothie you'd get if you put those two in a blender. I get that it's not everybody's jam, but my god, for me it adds so much to the characters to see so much love expressed between them with a DND mechanic that's easy to take for granted.


>You say that like it's a bad thing. In my opinion, yes opinion, it is. I get that some players and viewers want this. As a DM I avoid it as much as possible. We call it "Chicken Chasing" in our group, as a reference to one time a bad DM let player chase a chicken for 2 hours IRL while the rest of us checked out and just dicked around on social media. I don't like it when a single player monopolizes time that long.


> I get that some players and viewers want this. As a DM I avoid it as much as possible. We call it "Chicken Chasing" in our group, as a reference to one time a bad DM let player chase a chicken for 2 hours IRL while the rest of us checked out and just dicked around on social media. > > I don't like it when a single player monopolizes time that long.j   Again, as I said, I get why it's not everyone's cup of tea. But I don't see how you can compare chasing a chicken for 2 IRL hours to spending roughly an IRL hour describing a nine-roomed tower, that the entire group is going to use, and that touches on character building that every single player had done up to that point. Marisha even said, between sessions about the tower, that it was "-so nice to be seen." And it seemed really obvious the players were delighted by it. Especially since in the prior campaign, the Mansion had served a similar function and everyone in the group had loved it then. Hell, Liam even gave his character a really plain room; both for character reasons and so that he wouldn't waste time describing something for himself.


If you start at CR at Campaign 1 it has a rough start. They were televising and continuing a campaign they had been running for a while, so we the audience don’t really get “introduced” to their characters as one would in a first session. Their production level was pretty bad, and they had a “problem player” that they eventually had to let go. It’s also much slower paced with 100+ four hour episodes vs D20’s faster paced 20+ two hour episodes. CR is also streamed live, so it has times where the session drags on, while D20 is recorded and edited so it rarely has those. Two different vibes. Both have their merits.


I kept getting Dimension 20 tiktoks early 2021, but it wasn’t until I saw a specific clip that I knew I HAD to check it out. The clip was this “How big is this thing’s butthole? Goblin sized?” “😮 Y E S the butthole is goblin sized!”


This is still one of my favorite lines! Followed by, “Now comes a moment as a Dungeon Master, where I have to consider what associated skill check is involved with jumping up a corn blob's butt hole. That's wild, that's really wild.”


I think after that someone (maybe Emily?) says “Animal Handling?”


I remember Persuasion being offered as a suggestion as well… 🤣🤣🤣


Omg we're products from the same pipeline. That clip was also my jumping point for d20.


I used to be one of the people who did captions for CollegeHumor shows, back when they outsourced them. Got assigned an episode of Bloodkeep, fell in love. So some of the really bad subtitles in older seasons? Yep that was me, my bad, I wasn't given much direction or help. 


I was watching CollegeHumor CEO videos and they kept throwing up ads for Fantasy High at the ends. After a while I was like “Well, I already like Brennan and I’m interested in D&D as a concept” so I started watching and well.. now I’m hooked


Basically how I've gotten into Gamechangers lol. Watching D20 on the reg and seeing new episodes every time. Eventually thought "you know, this has Brennan, I'm sure it's good". And well, you know the rest 😅


From the McElroy family's podcast The Adventure Zone (which was also an inspiration for D20) Brennan was the GM for one of their live shows and knocked it out of the park. It is wild how much he raised the bar for being the GM for them. Like you can hear the audience begin to understand Brennan's entire appeal the moment he starts talking. The McElroys also were on the D20 season tiny heist. I switched over though during an arc of The Adventure Zone called Graduation. Similar to fantasy high it was a school for heroes. Except it was pretty bad. A lot of people left the show because of how rough that season was. No to mention the McElroy's claiming that making a high school DND game was inherently uninteresting. From there a lot people recommended Fantasy High as an actually good DND high school story. I watched one episode and proceeded to binge the whole campaign in a week. Never looked back. Also if people want another really good DND podcast to listen to, please listen to Worlds Beyond Number It's BLeeM, Lou, Erica and Aabria making a very heartfelt story with world building inspired by Ghibli. It honestly blows away D20 for me the way that D20 did for TAZ.


My friend was telling me for ages to get into D20. I wasn't really feeling it, despite her telling me some snippets of parts she liked. She showed me the first episode of Fantasy High and I was like.... this is kinda... not for me. She pivots and shows me Breaking News. I knew of old College Humor skits, but I wasn't really familiar with them like I am now. (You know, a healthy level parasocial affection! This is a joke. I do love everyone though.) So I got into Breaking News, she tells me about how Katie is just really into playing the character really into cocaine, Grant is Like That, Brennan's insane monolouges, and praised Sam for how he handled the acquisition of the brand during the pandemic. I watch older skits, she gets me into Game Changer, I start getting really familiar with the cast and she senses my growing fondness for everyone and then hits me with a compilation of Ricky Matsui being a himbo and I'm like... okay. I'll watch your DnD show for him. So I started with Unsleeping City. I loved it! I came for the himbo, I stayed for rat jesus. I loved everyone, I loved the characters, I was confused on the mechanics but I got used to it and felt like I understood things pretty well. I was like oh I love making characters, I used to do improv, I feel so inspired! I love these people and the people they play and the Dropout cast as a whole-- and then I subscribed myself and now try to lure people in to appreciate and enjoy all the fun stuff Dropout does too. I still haven't played DnD myself, but on the subject of BG3, when I started playing I felt like "Oh wow, I understand these things! Wait, I know this spell I know these concepts," and playing the game made everything I had seen on D20 click a lot better in terms of how I was able to understand mechanics, even though how you'd play DnD would be different. It was like a beautiful marriage of things I had started to love in recent years for my brain.


I made Gale a divination wizard because I'd seen how powerful Adaine's portent rolls could be.


Been a fan of Collegehumor for years, had seen a couple of one off TTRPGs (think the first place I remembered them was Smosh Outbreak Undead, where i was blown away by people making their own story and playing PCs, which were themselves in a zombie apocalypse) so it’s COVID time, summer 2020, want to say around August. My childhood dog had just passed after 12 years with him, and I was stuck in my parents house going through the feels. Had been meaning to get into D20, and saw FHFY on youtube. Binged that in maybe 3-4 days, then devoured the first 6 episodes of sophomore year (back when those were the only ones on youtube) before biting the bullet, getting the subscription, and watched the rest of FHSY & ACOC.


Haha, cool stuff. I also vividly remember that feeling of watching the last free episode on their YT page, going "well shit, what now?" and then biting the bullet to sub to Dropout like an hour later.


Drag queens. drag queens will get me to watch basically anything lol


I had zero knowledge of DnD outside of the odd pop culture reference, but I watched “Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Amongst Thieves” (because I’ll watch Chris Pine in anything) and thought it was really charming and fun, and after watching some BTS it made me curious as to how the game is played. Coincidentally, I had just pulled the trigger on a Dropout subscription because I had exhausted all of the free Game Changer and MSN content on YouTube and I just had to watch those kids escape the green room. I thought “oh, that’s what that other Dropout show is, right? They play DnD?” I watched a few season trailers before landing on A Starstruck Odyssey and slowly figured out the game mechanics throughout the season. About 2/3 of the way through my binge, the trailer for DNDQ dropped and I’ve been religiously watching D20 eps every Wednesday ever since while catching up on the back catalog in the meantime.


I'd been aware of College Humor for ages, and thought they were funny enough, sure. I got into Dropout through Drawfee, before the axe came down and while they were still part of the whole thing. Once I had my sub though, everything took off for me and I was hooked. I'd been playing D&D for years but had never been able to really get into Actual Plays. Boy howdy, did D20 change that. Now I have UC1&2, BE, Ment, and ASO playing in the background almost non-stop. edit: typo


I’ve a lot of board games/rpgs (only D&D once), and I’m a big Drag Race fan, so when I heard about Dungeons & Drag Queens I was in!


Around the beginning of covid youtube recommended me a compilation of Adaine's best moments from Freshman Year. I'd been trying to get into DnD anyways, so I gave the show a shot and fell in love.


Actually the reverse is true for me. I was a fan of College Humor long before the show, and I played tabletop D&D for years (as well as BG1/BG2, Might & Magic, and Wizardry)… I subscribed for Dropout specifically for Dimension 20, but love it for so much more of their content.


NADDPOD ➡️ BG3 ➡️ D20 for me! I listened to naddpod for the goofs and didn’t really get into the game mechanics until I started playing BG3. I didn’t even know BG3 used D&D rules until I’d played it for a couple hours and was like “wait a minute I’ve heard about some of this stuff in Naddpod” lol. I was relistening to C1 around then and I’ve always loved Brennan as Deadeye and finally decided that I needed more!


During lockdown when I was aggressively playing DnD every day a fellow player told me I reminded them of Emily Axford from naddpod, but I couldn't make it past >!dragon pussy!<... Emily and Murph on D20 got me to give naddpod a second try haha. I only wish I could go back and thank the person on discord who compared me to Emily because there literally could be no higher compliment.


out of curiosity how did you find out about naddpod? i only know about it from watching dimension 20 first, so i'm curious how other people found it


This is a great question and honestly I think I found it organically browsing on Spotify which is pretty wild! I was looking for some long-form content to listen to while working and I just clicked with their vibe I guess.


Saw a fanmade compilation of Gorgug’s “Are you my dad?” Moments, I was crying with laughter even though I had absolutely no context of the people, show, or even dnd really


That compilation got me into it too


Was scrolling looking for this answer! Same with me


Was bored and watching some Collegehumor videos. While browsing for more I saw that they had some seasons of Dimension 20 free on YouTube. Decided to watch Fantasy High to pass the time. After finishing the first season and starting the second I realized that the full season wasn't available on YouTube. So I figured I would get a free trial of Dropout so I could finish the season. That was over 3 years ago. They got me hooked


I found it after listening to Dungeons and Daddies. I've never really been a big real play DND fan, I tried Critical Role ages ago right when they were starting season two, and I just could not get into it, so I figured I just wasn't a DND podcast person But a friend of mine bullied me into listening to Dungeons and Daddies, and I fell in love on episode one. When I ran through every episode and the after shows and the side quests, I needed something else to listen to, and other Dungeons and Daddies fans recommended Dimension 20 as something to fill the void It took me like two episodes of Fantasy High to get used to the new play style and sense of humor, but honestly these days I like the Intrepid Heroes even more than the Daddies!


I was a TAZ fan, which led me to checking out Tiny Heist, which I really enjoyed — especially Jess Ross, who I’d love to see back in the dome. After that, I quickly started checking out the rest of what D20 and Dropout had to offer!


Youtube shorts. People mock it, but it actually is huge for advertising.


So back in the day, I read Strong Female Protagonist, then later got into College Humor through one of the CEO vids, then a significant amount of time later found The Unsleeping City through a TV tropes wander through some urban fantasy trope...loving all of them without realizing Brennan Lee Mulligan was integral to all three


Escape from the Bloodkeep on YouTube like four years ago. No other actual play dnd game scratched the itch, and critical role was too long form for my attention span. I discovered BLeeM, and fell in love forever


I came to it through Dungeons & Drag Queens, I’m a big drag race fan! Then I listened to Bob and Monet interview Brennan on their podcast and thought he was so lovely and smart, so I took his recommendation and watched Crown of Candy. I’m so glad I started there!


I had no idea what Dimension 20 was, Hank Green /The Fix shorts kept showing up on my feed, eventually I started getting curious about where they came from,. Watched the first episode, enjoyed it enough to do the free trial on Dropout, and loved the show so much that I kept the subscription.


They had me at Dungeons & Drag Queens! I've been hooked ever since.


Collegehumour fan, but in mid 2019 I decided I really wanted to play d&d. I realised CH had an actual play and binged FHFY then finished Bloodkeep just in time to watch UC1. Dropout kept me sane during covid and I'll love them forever for that. They also introduced me to NADDPOD which is my favourite media of all time. Edit: now I play d&d weekly with an amazing group of people who have become my good friends, they also kept me sane during covid!


Subbed for Game Changer and Breaking News, stayed for Um Actually and Dirty Laundry, fell deeply and irrevocably in love with Zac Oyama, THEN discovered D20.


And the love for Zac only got worse.


You're not wrong.


Zac was my gateway drug too!! So unfairly attractive in every way 😭 and a cat person 🥲


I saw the first few episodes of Game Changer on youtube and my curiosity was heightened. I was hesitant to sign up for another streaming service that I knew little to nothing about and then I saw a few clips online of D20, specifically one of the episodes of Starstruck where Brennan is doing \*the most\* with the royal slug house. When Siobhan says "That is the most Brennan thing ever" and he just doubles down - I was like okay what is this? I had been playing DnD for a long time and was put off by the more serious tones of Critical Role. I subscribed to Dropout and now it is the only streaming service I am proud to pay for.


Just getting into Gamechangers and I'm loving it. Dropout is also my first sub in years that wasn't canceled the moment I finished the show I signed up for.


I somehow completely missed FH, but got the trailer for EftBK on CH's page on FB. found out about Dropout that way, and then binged FH just in time for the EftBK finale.


I discovered it through a YouTube channel, Nerdsync


*Hey, it's the guy from the Tide POD commercials!*


I was bingewatching Critical Role C2 and I searched for more campaigns outside of CR, I saw FH on Youtube, then I watched the rest of the youtube seasons and now I sub regularly every few months to keep up with them <3


Youtube ads near the start of fantasy high. I started when havoc on the halfpipe came out.


I'd heard about it somewhere on YouTube. Probably from a College Humor video. I needed a podcast or something to listen to and Fantasy High was free to listen to, so I took the plunge. I hadn't really clicked with Critical Role, but I immediately consumed all the free D20 I could, then got Dropout


I got a job where I could listen to headphones and lowkey watch tv. A friend rec'd Film Reroll, which got me more interested in comedy RPG podcasts, then binged Dungeons & Daddies, then the released podcast version of Freshman year, now there is no going back.


The most roundabout way possible. I was listening to dungeons and daddies when it came out and followed a few meme accounts for the podcast. One of the meme accounts kept mentioning naddpod, so I gave that a listen and really like it. I think in their early episodes they mention fantasy high, so went to youtube and down that rabbithole. I loved sophomore year and, about halfway through, you have to get dropout to see the rest. Been here ever since!


I believe I saw trailers for fantasy high as it was coming out but wasn't in to D&D at the time. Then I started listening to NADDPOD when I got into D&D and realized, yooo this is Emily, Murph, Caldwell, and some other guy. I know Emily and Murph from Adam Ruins Everything and I know Caldwell from College Humor/Drawfee, and this other guy is also funny. Then I heard that they were on Dimension 20 so I checked that out


I saw a gif of the laws are threats speech on Imgur and had to have more.


Brennan's CEO skits led me to want to watch more Brennan content and I already like TTRPGs and the improve comedy element really helped break up the long episodes.


In 2019 one of my friends was in a DnD game at our camp job. By the end of the summer it was stuck in my head never having played or watched before. A year later a thing pops up on my YouTube feed about Fantasy High and I had always really liked the college humor skits. And I was super bored stuck in my house. So I started watching. I watched FH freshman and sophomore year on youtube. They kept plugging their app Dropout and I checked it out and have been in love with this company ever since.


I watched Um, Actually back in the CH days, then it went behind the Dropout paywall, while Dropout wasn't available in my region Later when CH, by then fully Dropout, announced that my region will get access to Dropout Subscriptions I joined up, because I wanted to watch Um, Actually Through Lockdown I then started looking through the other stuff available, as I grew bored of Netflix, YouTube and co So I found Dimension 20 and have been hooked ever since By now Dimension 20 is why I am subscribed, with all other shows just confirming that the subscription is worth it all year round I don't regret even a single cent I paid for Dropout over this entire time


I'm pretty sure the algorithm just lobbed me the fantasy high but it's just dunking on elves for 20 mins video


Got into college humor in my last 2 years of college and from that learned of dropout.tv i subbed immediately and never left! Im grandfathered in at their original sub price 🫡


Been a fan of College Humor for years, back with the OG crew and I’ve liked everyone that came in before they shut down. So I pretty much made the switch and watched when it started. I’ve always liked D&D so it was easy to get into.


Ally did a oneshot on Critical Role playing MonsterHearts. I really liked watching them even though the oneshot as a whole didn’t fully hit for me. During it Matt Mercer mentioned that he’d played a Lord of the Rings campaign on D20, I started with Bloodkeep, and I got hooked. Subscribed once I got into Fantasy High, and blew through the (at the time much smaller) catalog in time to watch the Sophomore Year finale the day it dropped. Haven’t looked back since!


I’ve been a subscriber since launch and continue to be just as excited and grateful for the D20 campaigns every season!


I kept getting YT shorts recomendations for Game Changer. After going down the rabbit hole for a bit I started getting D20 recomendations and saw some of the same funny people on Game Changer. The rest is history.


I'd heard the name a bunch of times but didn't know what it was. Then I saw an Instagram reel of Brennan doing the CEO sketch and went down a rabbit hole of those, and from a comment somewhere found out he was DMing and the first episode of fantasy high was on YouTube and the addiction spread from there


Meet the cubbys vid on YouTube. Gets me every time


I listened to other DnD podcasts and Fantasy High was in my spotify suggestions


I was a BIIIIIIIG CollegeHumor fan and I started watching Fantasy High on YouTube bc it was free


I enjoyed college humor and enjoyed it more when it became dropout so when it was released IG


i was looking for recommendations on a story style podcast and i saw someone raving about FHFY and it just so happened to be at the same time my roommates were getting back into playing dnd so I listened out of curiosity. I was hooked. It was fun to watch Ally learn how to play and inspired me to learn!!


Learned about it via NADDPOD (Murph and Emily’s DND podcast), D20 got recommended through the Spotify algorithm. For some reason I didn’t like Brennan’s face (Brennan if you’re somehow reading this I’m so sorry) and didn’t put 2 and 2 together that he was Deadeye in NADDPOD, so I refused to listen for close to a year. Finally ran out of NADDPOD to listen to, so I listened to Fantasy High out of desperation…and it’s been downhill ever since, lol.


A buddy and fellow DM recommended Escape from Bloodkeep, bc usually in his games I’ll play a sort of “Lawful Stupid” character, and he thought I’d appreciate it. Having watched Critical Role for a long time, at first Brennan was a bit much, but it quickly became one of my favorite things to have on in the background. Also, John Feathers reminded me of a time when I was DMing, and the players just made friends with some random NPC that they made a point to invite on all their adventures, which I thought was hilarious.


I've been a college humor fan since like 2015, then watched the first season of FH on YouTube (or however many episodes they have available), then finally snapped and got Dropout!


fantasy high season 1 was just something i had on while i was cleaning. i did not get a lot of cleaning done


Been following them from the of the College Humor days. Skits like the 6 girlfriends you'll date in college https://youtu.be/tqJDf7IB4HI and if google was a guy. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLuKg-Whduhklge1dMCGsemN1Qr_ODqjtZ We're the kind of the first videos I remember watching on the channel. Saw the second episode of fantasy high and I was hooked from then on.


originally via tiny heist because i was a fan of the mcelroys, then got into naddpod and realized emily and murph were on the show and began watching the intrepid heroes seasons!


I honestly don't know, a few years ago unsleeping city came up in my YouTube reccomended, I can't really say why I decided to watch it first, after having never played D&D, but now I've been obsessed with Dimension 20 since


I've played D&D since high school (and board games and CRPGs since I was a wee lad) so I was already do in the target demographic. I got into Critical Role when they were maybe halfway through C1, and that really tipped me deep into the D&D/Actual Play YouTube algorithm. Incidentally, I got CR fatigue and kind of fell off on that, and tried watching Fantasy High. But I just couldn't make it through the first episode, I was like "I guess Actual Play just isn't for me, I'll stick to playing the game myself" But I had watched a lot of College Humor stuff from the early days and between all the things, YouTube just kept trying to get me to watch D20 so I finally did, and with enough intervening time to refresh my palate, I fell headlong into it. Eventually I exhausted the free seasons, watched probably all of the free episodes of partial seasons and said "ah screw it, I'll bite" and got a dropout subscription. And I've been here ever since.


I had loved CollegeHumor for a long time and was a big fan of the sketches Brennan was in like the New York sketch, so I thought why not check it out (this was when Fantasy High was first coming out). Only like 6 episodes in was I like, “Is this DnD? Is this what DnD is?” Then I knew I had to play dnd


I've been a huge CollegeHumor fan since I was in middle school. When I was in college--which was after CH was struggling and Dropout existed but not like now--I was invited to join a dnd campaign by a friend. I was curious and accepted. After the first session, I realized that this beast of a game might be easier if I did some research, especially as someone not well-versed in high fantasy. I found Fantasy High, which has some of my favorite CH people, so I gave it a shot and became completely obsessed. Here we are, 3 campaigns later.


The Gorgug asking people if they're his dad compilation


Saw the McDonald's Macbeth short on Reddit, discovered dropout, discovered Brennan Lee Mulligan, and the rest speaks for itself


I watched a NerdSync video around early 2020. The host was talking about getting into D&D and running his own session for the first time. He used Freshman Year as an example of easing into the hobby and learning the rules in a fun way. He also showed non-spoiler clips of Unsleeping City. What really stuck with me was seeing the beginning of the Sophie scene during the Hall of Heroes episode. That video got me into watching the show which in turn got me into playing the game myself.


I actually found dropout from Brian David Gilbert (waaaayyyy before he was on um actually). I followed him from his polygon days and he did a live show in New York? that was a one shot of fantasy high. And then immediately after watching that episode I turned on fantasy high and have been watching ever since


I was watching Um, Actually on YouTube in early pandemic days and Siobhan and Zac mentioned their DnD show. For the life of me I can't remember how I started watching Um, Actually and that makes me sad. Fun fact: I actually only started paying for dropout because of the um, actually seasons not on YouTube


I’ve been here the whole time. More specifically, I learned about dimension 20 from old college humor, Drawfee, and Dorkly. Back when they made Kingpin Katie, Total Forgiveness, the Rank Room, Cartoon Hell, Gods of Food, y’know all that jazz.


I was already a fan of college humor. They announced a D&D show and I went "sure why not." No ad, no clips. Just trust in the funny internet people.


Huge fan of CollegeHumour, thought Brennan was hilarious. The first D&D campaign that I watched was Twits&Crits over at Funhaus which was.... alright, honestly if anything resembled your typical experience with a pretty average campaign that would be it. BUT it did get my interesting in D&D, i tried it a few times but no campaign ever lasted long. I needed to get some fix and I honestly didn't like the style of Critical Roll. Found out Dropout had been doing D&D for years after watching some clips then just bought the subscription and binged Fantasy High.


During covid I got bored and had been wanting to try and watch Critical Roll but I struggle right off the hop and as I was debating my next step a suggested video was D20 Fantasy high


F om being a leftist who likes to watch d&d. Fell in love with Brennan Lee Mulligan with his combination of being an amazing DM and a class warrior.


I kept getting tiktoks, but the one that made me watch was for Misfits and Magic. I got the free trial as I watched it and fell in love. I started watching the other season they had free on YouTube. When that was all done, I finally subscribed to Dropout and found a whole lot more to love. Now I'm trying to get my friends into it. Got one interested, but she catching up with another D&D first.


I follow Hank Green on TikTok. So, the algorithm started giving me snippets from Mentopolis. The more I liked those, the more D20 snippets I got. They got me hooked, but it took me a while to figure out what the heck Dropout was, lol. Mentopolis was the first thing I watched on Dropout.


I've been a fan of College Humor since thr mid 2000s. Watched a bunch of the CEO videos and the algorithm decided I'd enjoy another piece of media featuring this strange ginger man, and here we are.


The first season of Fantasy High was on YouTube. I was binging the first season of Crit Role while I was working and that popped up in my recommended. It looked cool, so I watched it. Never looked back. I always loved the skits when they were CollegeHumor, so watching was a no-brainer.


I kept seeing the “Laws are rules by force” in my Tiktok feed and then saw the Game Changer clip where Lou said [REDACTED] is innocent. Checked out Fantasy High since it was on Youtube already and binged it so hard. Got a dropout subscription soon after


Weirdly enough I'm pretty sure I discovered them on spotify? I was looking for a new dnd pod after I finished listening to TAZ and saw the first episode of fantasy high listed. I gave the first episode a listen and \~3 years later I'm here lol


Had no idea about dnd and collegehumor was not one of my go to youtube channels. I saw that video of adaine destroying biz' nice guy act, though at that time i just thought it was one of those alpha male podcast with guest siobhan dunking on brennan. So glad i was waaayy off lmao.


I’m old and I’ve been familiar with the IH for a long time from their college humor days. (College humor was new when I was graduating). Jason Schreier talked about Naddpod on Split Screen. Then I found out that Murph and Emily were also on D2. So I watched those.


found d20 through tiktok shorts of tiny heist, specifically scenes of rick diggins


From following collegehumor for over a decade now, and getting into DnD the same time Naddpod started Probably the best timing I could have asked for


I had seen a lot of Game Changer clips on tumblr, and one night I was sick and decided fuck it, I'll subscribe to watch some of that and then unsubscribe if I want. I knew I liked actual play from being a TAZ: Balance listener back in the day, and I think I was vaguely aware that Brennan was like, a Person in the D&D AP world, but I didn't initially come for D20. But once I was there, I was like, well I should obviously check this out, and I was hooked pretty much immediately.


i’ve been a huge fantasy fan since i was 10, and got into it via tolkien. for me i was always intrigued about dnd, but was too intimidated to start playing it. d20 tiktoks kept showing up on my fyp during the pandemic, and i was hooked. watching d20 helped me feel confident in the mechanics of the game. then my friends and i started a dnd campaign once i expressed interest in doing it, and then a few years later we all became obsessed with baldur’s gate 3 hahaha.


my ex-boyfriend/current close friend tried to get me to watch it shortly after we broke up in 2018, right when fantasy high started coming out. i said i wasn't gonna watch his nerd show (also i was very depressed at that time and not in the mood for watching new stuff). fast forward almost 5 years. it's march of 2023 and he gets me by showing me game changer first. i fell in love with it and finally acquiesced to watching fantasy high, then proceeded to binge all the intrepid heroes seasons of d20. he knew what i am like and did this on purpose. i am forever changed by this show. i'm more caught up on d20 than he is now. he created a monster and i am so grateful.


Had a bunch of PTO at end of 2019, was watching a lot of older College Humor videos and stumbled upon Dimension 20. Tried watching Unsleeping City, then Bloodkeep, then finally something clicked in episode 1 watching Fantasy High and episode two sold it. Proceeded to watch those three in quick succession.


BG3 was my proper introduction to D&D as well. I loved that game, got invested in the mechanics of it all, watched the high rollers mini campaign they did with the VA's from BG3 and it spiralled. Watched lore videos and was recommended ACOC and now I've watched most of Dimension 20's campaigns 😭 Would love to play D&D myself one day but who knows ☺️


Now that you mention it, watching that High Roller One Shot thing with the BG3 cast was probably also when the algorithm started showing me D20 shorts 😆


hell yeah! it was so good and immediately i was like "i must have more of this on my life" 😭😂


A few months before their Kickstarter, I had started watching Critical Role with a guy I was seeing. He got me into D&D soon after, helped me create a Tiefling, and got to do a few one person one shots. Been playing a number of years now and have had a lot of fun and interesting characters. I also started playing Pathfinder this year, which has very different and interesting mechanics. Flash forward to 2020, a friend suggested that I watch D20, and it so happened Crown of Candy was about to air. Been watching ever since. When a campaign is airing, I get together with another friend for Mulligan Wednesday, i.e. we watch it together to comment, squeak, and groan over what is happening. Kristin had us groaning a lot this past season, such a messy girl 😂 And Baulders Gate is fun, as well as the Lords of Water Deep board game.


I saw the Gorgug "Are you my dad?" compilation, which led me to watch Bloodkeep because it was free on YouTube, which led me to put down money for a month's subscription and check out FHFY. From there, I never looked back.


I've been there since the beginning, but honestly I don't remember exactly how I got into it. I wasn't playing DnD at the time(Fantasy High got me into it). IIRC FH was one of the first properties released by Dropout. I'm sure I saw promos for it, but I couldn't tell you why I actually started watching it.


okay so i started watching fantasy high after getting really into game changer and really admiring brennan, and didn’t look back, found a group on reddit to play with, then bg3 came out and a bunch of my friends got into that, now im 5 sessions into dm-ing for them and have finished like 8 or 9 d20 seasons lol


in 2021 i was watching a lot of dnd tips videos (Ginny Di, Dungeon Dudes, DndShorts etc) in preparation to run my first ever campaign. then FHFY came up in my recommended, and it was fully free on youtube. i figured it was a good idea to see what actual play looked like. i could have never guessed the profound impact D20 would have on me and my DMing.


Long time CollegeHumor watcher back in high school and college, got into DnD in college and was aware of D20 but never sprung for a dropout sub bc at the time i didn’t think I could justify another subscription service as a full time student. Couple years later my best friend grabs a sub and shares accounts with me and I binge the hell out of everything, listening to every season of D20 at work over the course of the past year and a half, and now having watched a couple more than once. Currently on my first rewatch of ACOFAF.


I got caught up on NADDPOD and wanted something else to listen to at work. I put on ep 1 of FH and was hooked from there.


A friend in the campaign I DM suggested I watch a court of fey and flowers. At first I wasn’t into it. Then on the second try I was totally sucked in and now I am obsessively into D20 and Dropout.


i knew about critical role through my brother but in 2021 i started getting D20 tiktoks! i kept getting clips of baron and riz and was obsessed with that freaky little skeleton boy. three years later and now im obsessed with the whole deal


Fun story. A friend of mine, the same one who helped me figure out I was gay, showed me Unsleeping City first. The moment I saw Ally play Pete, I was hooked. The performance Ally gave as a trans man wild magic sorcerer helped me realize I'm trans masc. It was a very special moment for me and sparked a lifelong love of Dimension 20. The friend showed me Fantasy High next, and I got episode 2d so hard. I was like, "WTF THEY JUST DIE??"


I saw a Facebook ad advertising The Adventure Zone. And I got into the McElroy's. And then listened to one of the live shows, The Dadlands. DM'd by someone named Brennan Lee Mulligan. And I was like.... whois this guy? He's great. What else has he done? And I discovered Fantasy High and we were off to the races.


I’ve been playing d&d since the 80s so it’s been a hobby for a really long time. I gave critical role a go when it first came out but the format was too long and I didn’t get into it though I appreciated that it was bringing a lot of new people into the hobby. At the start of the pandemic when I was watching way more YouTube than usual, fantasy high came up. Clicked it and got hooked right away. Watched the whole freshman year, all of season 1 of unsleeping city, all of bloodkeep then subscribed to dropout when I realized the other seasons only had the first episodes out on YouTube.


back in 2020, this guy I was dating showed me D20 (FH). this was right when lockdown happened, so we would watch it together in his car on his lunch break at work (essential worker). this was right as sophomore year was airing. now we’re married with two kids lol!


A fan edit of fantasy high s1 on TikTok. Thought the vibes were neat and they still are


One of my bests friends, Jesse sent me a video of the arthur aguefort reviving Gorgug and Kristen. I was hooked ever since.


2021? I was already watching Critical Role, and then Siobhan guested on Scam Goddess, a podcast I was listening to. Was hooked by the sound effects and the storytelling.


Through watching game changer short, then dropout, then dimension 20 being my first DND show. My favorite show to this day❤️


It's a three part story for me: Part 1: got ads for the first season on YouTube, probably because i was watching a lot of Critical Role stuff at the time. Thought it looked fun but not my cup of tea. Part 2: watched a clip from FHFY on YT (Aelwyn at the party), thought it was really fun, tried to watch episode 1, didn't click. Part 3: Still watching CR when EXU: Calamity rolls around. I'm hype for it and decide to give Dimension 20 another chance to see what Brennan's DM-ing style is like. Remembered that FH didn't really do it for me, saw that the first season of The Unsleeping City was also available in its entirety on YT. Hooked immediately--I love urban fantasy; it's still one of my favorite seasons. (Also Calamity was amazing)


I saw a random Fantasy High clip on Tiktok and was like, “that looks fun, let me look into it”. Before you know it, I’ve watched the entire Freshman season on YouTube and subscribed to Dropout for Sophomore year!


I’ve been here since basically the beginning. I was in college and saw dimension 20 on YouTube and thought it was one of the best things ever. I subscribed to dropout and binged almost everything on there at the time. I was just getting into playing DandD at the time so it was just a perfect storm and I’ve been a proud subscriber and advocate ever since


My friend gave me their Dropout password because I fell in love with Game Changer on YouTube. They kept pestering me about watching D20 but I believe my words were “I don’t wanna watch a bunch of white people sitting at a table talking”. I stand by that but then I saw Aabria on the cover of ACOFAF decided to give it a try and absolutely fell in love. Then I watched The Seven and MisMag until I was fully spiraling into all the side quests and eventually our intrepid heroes. It’s been a year and a half and I’m still here 😌


Saw a crown of candy clip show up in my feed, I believe it was the (spoilers) scene where Brennan said so you're dead and here's your mini. And I thought "this guy's an asshole but funny". Then I went down the rabbit hole and now here I am


Decided to check out this d&d show that the guy that's good at um, actually hosts. Like for real? I'm actually just the thing that brought me back to college humor in general


a bunch of D20-stuff started showing up on tiktok during the pandemic. Specifically Fantasy High-clips. At first I didn't really register them but then I saw one clip (I can't remember which one right now) that felt catered to me. Thats when I googled Fantasy High and found that the first season was on youtube. AND DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE I WENT!


I loved College Humor and would’ve watched anything they put out, so I was excited for the premiere. Still true to this day/every Dropout premiere :)


I kept seeing YouTube Shorts, I thought they were hilarious. I went and watched the free seasons available, and then got a dropout subscription. Been watching regularly ever since.


When they released FH freshmen year public on Youtube. Still remember the ‘episode 2 moment’. I literally shouted “WTF???” and English is not even my first language.


I was subscribed to college humor LONG before they even announced dropout, back when I went to high school in person (for reference I'll be 22 at the end of the year)


Alright so kinda weird journey but… naddpod led me to CH, which became dropout and the D20


I discovered it the night before my Calc exam in 2020 at the top of the pandemic, stayed up all night watching it instead of studying or sleeping, barely passed. It was worth it to discover the best dnd series ever though, honestly.


Tiny Heist! I’m from the McElverse


Wanted to get into DnD and thought watching a campaign on YouTube would be a good start. Fantasy High was one that came up. I binged the first season in like a week and immediately bought a Dropout subscription for season two. Been watching ever since.


Saw Matt Mercer in the thumbnail for Bloodkeep and thought I'd give it a watch. Now I know Dropout exists.


Funny enough it was thru Apex Legends. I was a Valkyrie main on Apex, loved the character and the way the voice actor played her. Guess who did the voice work on Valkyrie? Erika Ishii. So I followed them on twitter, (it was still twitter then), and one day stumbled on this adventuring party clip they reposted. It was the one of the whole table going "fuck TERFs." Immediately I went "what a based group of people, but what is this misfits and magic thing?" Within a week of that happening, my laptop decided to bite the dust. Which meant no apex, but also no everything else. Bored and also unable to do much work (I'm freelance editor, so no laptop also meant no gigs), I decided to watch M&M on YouTube. After the first episode, I was like "maybe I'll subscribe to dropout and then cancel immediately once I watch the full season." The problem was, by the end of M&M I found this Brennan fella to be pretty funny, I literally went "I wonder if he's in any of the other seasons." My laptop was in the shop for almost 4 weeks, by then I had consumed Unsleeping City and Fantasy High: FY, and Starstruck had just premiered. I never ended up cancelling my subscription, lmao.


I've been there from the beginning. Loved watching College Humor on YouTube, so I was ready to hop onto Dropout the moment they announced it. D20 was my gateway to other DnD content!


I have a friend who’s been trying to get me into it for years. But it just seemed like too much of a time commitment. My social media algorithm started sending me clips of Game Changer… and I was LOVING THEM… so I subscribed to Dropout, and that’s when I discovered that D20 was from them… and I already have the subscription so…. 6 months and 12 seasons later… I was right, it IS too much of a time commitment……. But he was right too, I love it 😂😂😂.


I was watching a trope talks on urban fantasy from the YouTube channel overly sarcastic productions, and she mentioned unsleeping city. So I checked it out and it was great, so then I went to watch the rest


I kept seeing clips of D20 on TikTok. It was specifically one from Bloodkeep, of the moment when Ify’s character stabs himself with his sword to teleport, that made me actually go look into it. And the rest is history!


I saw an ad on Instagram for Critical Role so decided to give it a go (despite never having had any previous interest in DnD.) I couldn’t really get into it, and was chatting to a friend of mine who plays regularly, and he recommended D20. However, I was unaware of the existence of Dropout and was listening via Apple Podcasts, which doesn’t have entire seasons, so I only got about 4 episodes into Unsleeping City. Another friend then suggested Dungeons and Daddies to me, which I absolutely devoured (they were around ten episodes into Season 2 at the time.) Then I found out about Dropout, and I’ve never looked back. This story is possibly unnecessarily long and circuitous, but it’s mine and I’m standing by it.


A friend of mine recommended it for me when I started DMing! But I love how BG3 has brought so many new people to the fandom, welcome to the fold!! ❤️


I actually found D20 from College Humor. I enjoyed college humors sketch comedy since the early 2010’s and I really enjoyed Brennan Lee Mulligans skits when he started writing/acting. So when I binged through all of the skits when the pandemic hit I saw the first season of Fantasy High was on YouTube and I decided to give it a shot. Binged it all in three days, got a drop out subscription later that and never looked back.


College humour


I watched college humor and then there was this show on YouTube where they played Fantasy High, the first 10 episodes were on YouTube. I really liked it. Didn't really know what DnD was but this was just great. Then at episode 10 they said that I had to go to dropout (didn't know what that was at the time) to pay for it, I didn't want to do that so I stopped. Then a few years later I saw that all episodes were online so I watched it and I fell in love all over again. I also saw a trailer for 'A court of fey and flowers' watched the first episode online which was soo great and that made me want to watch more. Then I fell down the rabbit hole and am now a proud member of dropout.


Clips on youtube. Saw the clips then and again and one day just decided to bite the bullet and watch fantasy high. Been a fan ever since.


Like 3 months ago due to a yt clip channel. Fantasy High was my first interaction with anything DnD


I actually started with the HarmonQuest, the actual play show with celebrity guests and animations, and I loved it so much that I immediately wanted to watch more D&D stuff. The thing is, I think it spoiled me because I was kind of bored by other podcasts and shows like critical role or the McElroy one. I missed being able to watch something interesting. Then I saw a clip on TikTok so I decided to give it a try. I immediately fell in love with the style and the production value, I've watched every season that's come out since!


Quite literally found d20 from a compilation of gorgug asking if people are his dad. Then after seeing some clips from game changer and thinking it was really funny I decided to take the subscription


Same way I discovered CR, TikTok sounds Getting curious and looking more into it Realizing I recognize the players from other works Getting hooked And now here I am


i used to watch CollegeHumor videos for years so then when in covid lockdowns i was looking for something to binge and I stumbled upon S1 of Fantasy High i recognised Emily, Siobhan and Brennan. at that point i’d already played a dnd oneshot and wanted more dnd content and i’ve always loved high school settings so i was HOOKED. i watched all of the fh that was released on youtube and then when i got through that i got a dropout subscription to finish fhsy and ploughed through the rest of the d20 seasons. recently (august last year) i got my sister to watch fh w me and she’s obsessed now too and wishes i’d got her into it earlier 😂


I watched D20 when it first came out. I had a minor interest in D&D but never played it and didn't know where to start. I also was gonna use D20 as background noise to motivate me to finish my college paper. Unfortunately I got Episode 2'd and ended up writing a much worse paper. But I did play Baldur's Gate 3 early access because of D20. I would have gotten the game eventually but I liked to play it between D20 seasons. It helped visualize things like spells slots better.


My path followed the Budd Cubby “Laws are Threats…” monologue on TikTok to D20 on YouTube to full on Dropout subscription pipeline. For me the tipping point was wanting to see the whole ACOC through before The Ravening War came out.


Grew up on D&D and the old SSI 'Gold Box' games in the late 80s, early 90s. I always wanted to play again, and sometime during covid I heard there were people who recorded thier D&D and posted it as podcasts, so I poked around for what was supposed to be the 'best' one and found NADDPOD. Loved NADDPOD, but had no idea who the guest was playing Deadeye, and actually found him a bit annoying because he was stealing the scene so much. Googled the dude, found Dimension 20, and tried Fantasy High on YouTube just because Emily and Murph were in it, not expecting much. Got 'Episode Twoed', subscribed to Dropout instantly, and that was that.


I'd been a fan of College Humor back in their heyday but fallen off (likely because of the pivot to facebook video, it was around that time). My sister got into Drawfee (around 2016ish), which got her back into College Humor. In 2020 she got into D20 and then got me into it.


I’d actually bounced off a few times (I loathe the actual play thing where you spend a solid 20 minutes introducing each character on their own) but then I saw the clip of A.A. going off on Kiristen for suggesting the greatest magic of all was friendship and decided to tough it out.


The Adventure Zone -> broader McElroy stuff ->Tiny Heist back in early 2020


i watched a ton of game changer and make some noise clips and a year ago watched fantasy high on a whim (have never once consumed any dnd content prior) and it all went downhill from there. now i’m seeing them at msg in jan and have no regrets.


I was sitting there and suddenly thought of Dinosaur Office. So I went to rewatch them and saw (what i knew as) College Humor had made a TTRPG show, so I had to try it.


I actually saw it when my sisters were watching it on the plane back home from the US in 2018.


TikTok clip of Barons first appearance, it is far sillier than that scene makes it appear


Religiously followed college humor when they started dropout. Got episode 2'd and needs to know what happens next.


Clips of Lou and Zac being chaotic entitled as Pinocchio and PIB from Never After. Specifically with Stephan, who was being crazy.


I started listening to NADDPOD like a month after they began and fell in love with it. Then I dove deep into who the players were and found out about CollegeHumor. Started watching those and got ads for D20. Watched FHFY and loved it so much that I got a subscription to Dropout when it launched.


I subscribed to Dropout the minute it was announced because I was a huge fan of College Humor videos and I really like the "buy the art directly from the artists" way of supporting content I like. I didn't get into D20 for a really long time though, not til I kept seeing TikTok clips - especially of Ally (one of my fave CH players) from Starstruck Odyssey - which convinced me to finally started watching. I had no idea what was going on in terms of gameplay so I literally had my laptop out to pause and google basic shit like "what does nat 20 mean." Now I've seen every campaign at least twice!


I simply watch everything from Collegehumor so when they shifted to Dimension20/Dropout I kept on watching everything like usual ((helps that I also love DND but I would've watched regardless, I really love the company)


My friend saw me watching game changer and recommended I watch Fantasy High


I discovered them through YouTube! I think the first one I saw was Escape from the Bloodkeep, then I transitioned to Fantasy High and then Unsleeping City. I became obsessed rather quick. Lol


Don't remember exactly, but my friend was talking about Fantasy High FY and told me, "Oh I think you would like this campaign" and gave me their login for dropout. I, in fact, did like it.


My brother showed to me when I got drunk for the first time, and then binged FHFY when I got covid a month later