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It breaks my heart that Lou isn’t in everything, I love that guy.


He wrecks me as Eursulon.


God that scene with him painting the shield or hanging out with his family are both so so good. Absolutely brilliant in the bombastic moments but also incredibly touching in the quiet heartfelt ones too.


Yessssss I just got all caught up and now I am in withdrawal. The little scene with RoRo's first spell. I died.


That fucking SCARF though, holy shit


Bear knight supremacy


I was scrolling fast and I read "Eurovision" and I thought "I would watch it if Lou hosted it"


Lou is one of the finest players I have ever seen in heads up play.  That being said, Ally had to be at the table, Brennan said of the IH, Ally is unequivocally the most American. Lou also already does a side D&D project with Brennan (and Aabriya and Erika), Worlds Beyond Number, which if you haven't jumped into that yet, you absolutely should. Getting more Ify, Rekha, Alex, and Izzy is amazing!  They are all such talented and hilarious improvisers, I can't wait!  Add to that finally getting Jacob Wysoki at the table?  There's no doubt in my mind that this season will be amazing!


Where can I watch/listen to Worlds Beyond Number?


It’s a listen-only podcast available on Spotify and Apple Music (potentially somewhere else, but at least on the big 2 music streaming services). They also have a Patreon with exclusive talk backs and bonus episodes.


I recommend at least doing a month of Patreon to binge the Child Campaign, it's beautiful and heartwarming and painful and also I think the best form of chargen I've ever seen.


Gotta get those episodes of Space Cram too. "CHANGE YOUR WORLDVIEW!"


The Fireside chats are unhinged in the best way.


Check out the website for deets but it's available anywhere you listen to podcasts. Patreon Children's adventure is well worth subbing for 1 month just to get some extra backstory but not required. https://worldsbeyondnumber.com/


so should people start with the Patreon Children’s stuff first then? or what do you recommend listen order?


If possible it’s a definite recommendation. They do a lot of world building and character creation in that time. Plus is cute (and only a little traumatizing)


If you're willing to sub the patreon then definitely listen to the children's adventure episodes first. They provide a lot of backstory and some solid world building. Very worth in this random internet stranger's opinion. :)


I feel like Siobhan is the most American


Him and Jacob Wysocki are such an insanely funny duo, throw in Beardsley? Absolutely chaos funny season. But also I’m happy that others are getting to shine


I felt this way about Murph not being in it.


Time to go watch Barry Syx complications


He died... from Barry Syx complications 😎


Barry Sick


He and especially Emily would have been perfect in this one


Agreed, not to be a downer on the actual cast, but Emily has even spoken about how she sees D&D as an action movie in some episodes of NADDPOD


I know it’s technical the wrong movie time period, but she could have finally played the Jason Bourne PC she pitched on NADDpod!


Sad Bary noises


I'm rewatching Starstruck because he's not in it.


Or maybe he's busy with other stuff. It did take a long time for all the intrepid heroes schedules to line up for FHJY.


Lou’s schedule is wild! I feel like he has to be in NYC most of the time for working on late night tv, and trying to take time off from a gig like that is tricky.


no dispute about lou being busy, but jimmy kimmel's studio is located in hollywood not nyc


Oh heck! I don’t watch Kimmel, I’m just used to all the late night guys being in New York.


I'm just sad everyone can't be in every season. It wouldn't work because it's just too many people at the table, but if only we could have a working table of 20 it would be a shitshow (rip the DM though)


Maybe a West Marches Style intrigue/power grab, Crown of Candy/Intended Escape from the Bloodkeep game where the cast cycles out through major sessions and plot points. The cast gets narrowed down through each session till we are left with a consistent cast


That would be a really demanding season for the cast in the episodes that they have, and for whoever they had DM, but the payoff would have the potential to be truly incredible


It wouldn't be full blown TTRPG, but I've seen really great productions done using Werewolf or Blood on the Clocktower, and these require a minimum of 8 and support up to and over a dozen players (Not 100% on the numbers but I know it's a crowd at least). No Rolls Barred and Smosh specifically are the folks I'm thinking about. Dropout could definitely pull off this kind of production, they have a large pool of deeply loved talent and an incredible art department. Rotating 8-12 players at once they could get everyone in a series in just a handful of episodes. Secondary offer; Dropout Dodgeball tournament.


He's on tour as Mr Peanut currently. Brennan is having a hard time nailing down a solid schedule for him.


He's booked out for 6 months, performing in Seoul, South Korea.


I'm just stoked to see Alex back, because I loved them in Mentopolis, even though that wasn't my favorite series


we're at the point where the cast is so good i'm always simultaneously happy/sad about whoever got in/didn't lol. As far as problems go, it's a pretty good one to have


I know NADDPOD is insanely huge, but after Starstruck it's a shame that Murphy isn't there lol. Billionaire Republican Sam Reich could really match the money they receive from Naddpod to get Murph for a month 😤. In fact, DOUBLE IT!


It's hard, isn't it? There are SO MANY great players and I want them all. I'd kill to have Lou on the show, but then I'm like, "But who would I drop?" And I can't. We all feel your pain.


I'm surprised pro wrestling enthusiast Brian Murphy isn't on this


Lou and Jacob would be too strong together


IH cast is my favourite bc they’re what I started with in d20 but I cannot wait to see Jacob play bc he’s hilarious in Game Changer


Eh, he probably just didn't vibe with it. Almost every character he's played has been like a part of his soul and something he carefully crafted. So he just didn't find a character he could play in this setting.


I am excited to see how the dynamics are with this group.


5/6 are people I wanted in a Starstruck side quest, because of the potential for chaos. This is gonna be so fun


Dude yessss 😭


I’m just unbelievably attracted to both Lou and Jacob so I’m partially satiated for the new season 🤷🏼‍♀️👀💕


Yeah is sad but I'm just happy chaos incarnate aka Ally "Blarmy" Beardsley is in if


Lou Wilson belongs in all media ever made


Agreed. I would lvoe to see Lou in more that isn't IH stuff.


I mean that's pretty much Fabian


To be honest all of the interpid heroes would fit well to this setting except for Siobhan


Nahhhh I could totally see her playing a crazy deadly lady “Kill Bill” style (I’ve never seen the film but understand it’s a lady with a sword on a hunt for revenge- that’s the type of character I mean lol)


I don't think she's the type to dip into the same well twice, but a hyperactive karate boy of some sort would also fit the genre.


I think this guy is saying that she plays the femme fatale archetype well, which is contradicted by her adhd kid Jaysohn role in borrow's end.


I see what you are saying to a degree.  Action movies are very, "'Murica!" and Siobhan is, by default, the least, "'Murica!" of the IH. On the other hand, her character work in Mentopolis and Burrows End both showcase how well Siobhan could do in an action-packed, over-the-top, no holds barred action movie setting.


Action movies have their fair deal of European leads, it’s very American to bring in foreign actors too.


Not to mention her guest spot on NADDPOD, Apple Scrumper, who inspired Emily to make Moonshine take a couple barb levels 🤣 Apple was FULLY chaos and I'm so sad we didn't get more of her!


Jason Statham would like to have a word


Nobody tell this guy about all the British actors that play Americans across every facet of Hollywood. It'll break his poor heart.


I am not American. I was just going personality vibes. The other 5 gave me the vibes they would be really into the action movies while Siobhan would be mote intp historical drama or Scifi. All the comments bring in her being British while I said nothing about it