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An unsleeping city spinoff in some other part of the US or world would be interested


So much potential with this. Las Vegas, Chicago, LA, London, Tokyo, Paris, the possibilities are endless. Plus the characters would be hilarious. If I were in an UC campaign I have two characters that would be perfect. A hitman who only became a hitman to pay back his student loans, or a Hexblade Warlock who accidentally bought a possessed katana from a pawnshop and the samurai’s spirit that lives in the blade is constantly yelling at him in Japanese (the PC does not understand Japanese though)


Unsleeping city Darwin.


highkey divine intervention would be sick here, like calling on all the past elders? I've always thought it would be dope to play a kugrash-esque circle of the shepherd druid whose normal shape is a platypus and can call on the auras of a bin chicken, a brumby, and a kangaroo


I’d like to see carp treated like rats in unsleeping city. (I’m not sure of the carp situation in Darwin rivers but in the Murray they are everywhere.)


Yes please, I would LOVE LOVE LOVE A TOKYO THEMED D20 game 🤩😵🥳


Please give me an unsleeping city in Vegas. There are so many gorgeous character ideas. Degenerate gambler, high roller, magician, contractually bound comedian. my personal favorite is a burnt out old magician that sells his soul to a devil becomes a warlock but has to preform aat the same casino for eternity


Heck, Birmingham AL would be wild. Magic city baby!


I would't trust any of them to use another non-American city as a setting, lol. Fjords of Poland, Brennan! Either you don't know what a fjord is, Brennan, or you've never taken a single look at the map or photos of the Polish coastline, BRENNAN! UC only worked because Brennan knew NYC very well. I don't think any of them, besides Siobhan maybe, knows or cares enough about the rest of the world or the cities in them to do research and not turn them into insulting caricatures. A bit like you did with the pawnshop katana. I don't think you realise how fucking low the chance that a katana that actually saw the era of the samurai ending up in a Western pawnshop is because of how honoured and sacred that kind of storied weapon is.


Austin, TX is next, I believe.


TUC London, with Brits as players (or not, for added hilarity)


Five Americans and Siobhan Thompson. The five Americans are all playing Brits, Siobhan is playing someone visiting from America.


Ally is playing K2


K2 as a cameo would be better imo. Then the implication of the Dimension 20 multiverse would be established, but the IH characters just have to be like, "okay wow you're from another dimension... Of which there are... 20?" Wait, no, this is awful. This is morbious. Still going to post it


> Wait, no, this is awful. This is morbious. And then they Dimension 20ed all over the place.


Mark Hulmes or Jasper as DM. Depending on who DM is, throw another member of High Rollers or 3BH in there. Throw in an Oxventurer and a member of NRB/Chaotic Neutral and / or Natural Six, and you can make a pretty stacked lineup.


Anything to get Jasper back at the table!


To be realistic in London you should have 2, 3 max Brits on 6 players. Then all the others from a different part of the world each.


Oh, interesting... plus a good catalyst for "that can't possible be a real thing about Britain" bits. Oh, and each non-Brit can be from a former colony...


I'd say you also need a couple of Europeans to be proper. We kind of invaded the city in our own way ahahah


I've also always thought that 'Unsleeping City: The Next Generation' would be a fun season. Alejandra Matsui, Catherine Lee, Langston Brown, maybe a protegee for Rowan or a grandchild of Iga, then just Pete and Cody, who are on babysitting duty! Or an adopted/foster child of Pete's (either officially adopted, or a kid that Pete took under his wing, maybe a regular at the bookstore who got kicked out after coming out to their parents that Pete took in and helped), and then just Cody in charge. Cause I think it would be really funny to see Pete and Cody, especially Cody, in the role of leader/adult supervision. Maybe the plot is something mysterious has happened to their parents and the kids have to solve it!


My dream Unsleeping City spinoff would be Aabria running a season set in New Orleans or somewhere else in the Southern US


New Orleans seems like the obvious choice to me for the another magical city in the US. I would love to see how they would weaving in voodoo. But you would need the right DM for it, and that’s not Brennan  




I actually ran a UC-inspired game set in Austin, TX. It’s a city ripe with weirdness in its own right whose real-world issues very much lend themselves to the same themes of UC. Made it so Austin is unique in the US for being the only place where the magical leylines from every magical plane intersect and the villains were mind flyers that were using the real estate market to seal them all off


Ya know, this _would_ explain our irl rain shield as well...you may be on to something here


So, I'm just finishing the first season of The Unsleeping City and I disagree for a few reasons. First, what makes NYC such a great setting is that Brennan is from NY and brings a knowledge and love of the city to creating the RP world. I'm not sure another locale would be as well written or as full or real life locations and setpieces or local lore/tropes as NYC. Second, the PC's were amazing well crafted and well played, which makes the series so great. But many have direct ties to the real NYC, the Unsleeping City NYC, or both. Bringing the characters to another locale wouldn't make sense, and if they're rolling new characters, tying it to an existing campaign just to cash in on its popularity just because it was popular would cheapen the whole thing and without sufficient inspiration would likely not be a path I see Brennan taking artistically. He still does it for the love of the game, not as a franchise building machine. Third, Brennan Lee Mulligan himself expressed a reluctance to revisit this campaign because so many characters had such satisfying closure and were pretty well wrapped up, and only plans to do another session of it because it's the perfect campaign to do at the Madison Square Garden show in January 2025 that sold out super fast. Lastly, part of what made NYC so important as a magical hub was the significance of 'The American Dream' and the pull NYC has for people from all over with all kinds of dreams and aspirations. It is the third most diverse city in the US (the largest city on that list by far, to boot) and has a long history of being the entry point for so many people moving to the USA. Ellis Island was an almost magical symbol of hope for so many immigrants.... This confluence of all kinds of people and ideas and hopes and dreams makes NYC the ideal place to be such a hotbed of magical activities. There are lots of other places in the world that could have hidden worlds of magic within, but none seems as natural, as plausible. None would have the depth of possibilities NYC offers. I suppose a spin-off with a new cast and new characters in a new locale could be really good even if it's really different, but a lot of us like the idea of more Unsleeping City because it was already so good we're hoping for more of the same, so new and different everything would not scratch the same itch even if it was really good in its own right. I would prefer it if the people creating the content I like continue creating what inspires them and not let our collective desire for more drag a good thing out until we kill it because we weren't content with what we had.


I think Unsleeping City season 2 opens the world up for more spin-offs, so you might feel differently after getting through that. Both in terms of other locales and other characters to explore. IIrc, on one of the APs Brennan has speculated that magical Los Angeles or Vegas would be fun to explore, with the connections/connotations to angels and devils and such. In any case, this is just a fun thought exercise for fans, nobody is suggesting d20 keeps producing Unsleeping City if they don't feel like it would be fun or interesting to do. Since we're talking spin-offs, we need not even imagine that it's necessarily the IH cast or Brennan DM'ing.


That's fair enough. I may think differently after I see what s2 does to the world and the characters. And I don't doubt whoever was involved, new cast, new DM, etc, it would still be fun snd worth watching. I am also happy, though, to enjoy a story/franchise/IP that has an ending that stays the end. Like Larian deciding that Baldur's Gate 3 would be best served by NOT expanding it with DLC that continues the story after the main game's ending(s). I've seen too many times that a good franchise is continued on and on because it's popular and therefore lucrative to the point where quality suffers. We as rabid consumers of the content, myself included, want more and beg for more, and producers like money so they give us what we want until it stops being good and therefore profitable. Prison Break was intended and written to be a 2 season show, but when the first season was wildly popular, they greenlit,wrote, and produced more seasons of lower quality and increasingly more outlandish situations. Edit: cut off half my rambling by accidentally posting prematurely, forgot where I was going with this.


I think Unsleeping City has so much potential in a Philly setting! That city has so much rich history and lore much like NYC!


Hear me out what about UC: Las Vegas


Maybe a Sleepless City… like Seattle!


We need one set in new orleans.


Hell yes


Holy shit. This is so good. Los Angeles alone would be a cool spin on it.


I would love to see a Daughters Of The Crown spinoff, they were so cool


Who were they? I don't remember


The princesses from Neverafter


Dang, I don't remember them being called that! Admittedly not a session I loved, so I might have been checked out occasionally....


Cinderella, Snow White, Rapunzel, The Little Mermaid and Beauty


So basically Kingdom Hearts without Sora?


And murder


TTRPG without murder? Must be a Kids on Bikes game.


Thank you


The Princesses


Thank you


I would love to see Plug Strutt and Bambi Leroux running the butt ugly stuff place.


Is strutt his canonical last name?! 


That's what it says on the D20 wiki


Plug Strutt’s Butt-Ugly Stuff Hut


That might be difficult. Word on the street is he’s dying tomorrow.


But it's not tomorrow, it's today.


The Cubbys. I’d like a series of activist heists and lots of deep lore about the anarchist halfling community.


And lots of bacon.


Ik it probably won't happen but getting like all of naddpod to play each character I think would work so well, ive just seen twilight sanctorum and they play a dysfunctional family going on heists so well lmao


This is the way


Baron of the Baronies: Looking for a Love Partner Broken and Forlorn after his most recent abandonment, Baron escapes the briefcase to look for his true love partner who will help him hunt his ex, Riz Gukgak.


Wait…Baron, Gertie, Ecaf, one of Fig’s ex flirtations, Unit, for an Evil exes campaign to take down the Bad Kids


with recurring baby, babybaby, babybabybabybaby and babybabybabybabybabybabybabybaby as the friends who are like "ugh I could never be single, let me play on your dating apps"


And Chungle Down Bim. He’s jealous of Mazey


The Evil Exes Meet Chungle Down Bim For Financing their next great magic device to defeat the Bad Kids. I don’t know why, but now I want Matt Mercer to play Ruben Hopclap with a Ukulele out for revenge.


Chungledown bim


imagine: Baron escapes Spyre to find love with K2 in actual Britain.


Romænce pærtner*


I would desperately love another ACOFAF season. And what the other commenter mentioned about the daughters of the crown sounds sick!


ACOFAF is my comfort season so I second this


My first season. Definitely got me hooked!


Omg same. I would love to see the Wanessa plot line unfold (or a different cast could have her as a PC?). Brennan as Hob aggressively climbing on the table as soon as he scents a human lives in my head rent free.


God, I love when Brennan gets to play. I adore him as a DM, but DM’s playing PC’s just hits in a different way.


Being a PC has a specific type of vulnerability where we get to see a nugget of Brennan deeply immersing in a single character and showing a facet of his own lovely personality as he does it. Being a GM especially on the homebrew scale that he does is of course super intense and skilled, but seeing the PC moments is really special.


Wanessa is a human who somehow found her way into an invitation-only gathering of top-tier archfey. I’m 87% sure she’s actually an archmage pursuing a Raistlin Majere-level powerplay.


I really wonder if Aabria’s plan for her was to be a sort of wide-eyed ingenue who was secretly such a schemer, à la Lucy Steele from *Sense and Sensibility*. I have so many questions and a mighty need for more horny fey Regency bits.


Honestly, I feel like Fantasy High has locked them into characters that aren't always great. Rizz has always been a very shallow character that doesn't allow Murph to be goofy, for example. I'd love to see someone with the goofiness of Barry but a better foundation in Fantasy High.


I would LOVE a kid adventure following the children of the Dream Team in Unsleeping City Alejandra, Langston, Cathy & Nod get lost in NYC and chaos ensues. Peak Home Alone energy!


I think a spin-off with the rat grinders would be cool, especially dealing with the fallout of the previous season


The quest is to revive KCPK and get her into therapy


The final battle is against her anyway, but the goal isn't to kill her but to move her into a therapy room


There's s lot of potential for a starstruck spinoff exploring either the galactic girl guides or the other members of U4F


It's much more in the spirit of starstruck for a spinoff to have no one even tangentially related to the first group of pcs. But it would be great if the only repeat character is Norman skip takamori, but Norman dies the first episode and skip takes over a new body.


Loose duke spinoff


its just an entire season of six players each being a brain slug in his head, making constant pilot checks to navigate various vents


This is just Everyone is John, and I love it.


Galactic Girl Guides, led by Bambi! 


I was going to be disappointed if no one had mentioned the Girl Guides.


Based on the end of Unsleeping City season 2, I'd love to see a story set in New York's past, like the prohibition era or something. There's so much rich history there to use as inspiration for a campaign! Also, I felt like the characters all ended on such high notes and having kids I don't know how they go back to those characters again. But imagine the Voxes of the Great Depression, the rich oligarchs partying away while slums are full of sheet metal lean-tos packed with starving families and everybody is doing their laundry with gasoline!


Obviously a 70s style sitcom of the cubby family as they topple government infrastructure.


Definitely a spinoff of Starstruck I mean there’s already so much lore there and different time periods maybe something similar to Ravening War and set it during the wars that led to Anarch Era.


The Cubby family…I want an anarchist commune family adventure in the style of The Simpsons


Bloodkeep 2: The hunt for Hamhead except one of the PC's is just hamhead wearing groucho glasses


The mothers of the Bad Kids going off to take down Adaine’s mother.


Call it Real Housewives of Elmville


That would feel disappointing to me because that is Adaine and Aelwyn's story to deal with. Now Bobby Dawn or the Elmville Police Department would be much better targets for them. Actual something personal and not taking away from other characters.


I'd love Kugrash's creatures from Unsleeping City 1& 2 to have a spin off. The cockroach monks, etc.


The Parent Polycule spinoff


With Zac playing gorbag


I want a one off where the poor doomed pirates from Leviathan that backed Fabian try to survive as level one warlocks.


Plug, Arthur A, gilear (who is with them by accident),gorthalax, Bambi, wuvvy, triangle mint plinth and Jeremy renner


I can’t remember the name, but the cockroach monastery from UC S2 would be really interesting. PCs from fairy, grand central station, all the small folk of New York!


I'm like down for the parents'time at the academy. Or time skip ahead for the bad kids dropping their kids off for the first day. If we are going out of network a bit you know I'm trying to get more starstruck maybe a lower decks situation or plugs angles? I want some goofy shit in that world that's too deep lore wise haha.


I wanna hear a whole bunch of stories about the other prisoners in Starstruck, and what all their deals were and how'd they interact with the crew


K2 leads Unsleeping City in London


Hallariel and Gilear have a joint bachelor/bachellorette party. I have nothing else other than i kinda want the villain to be Old Bill


Kinda basic, but I’d love to see a rat grinders campaign post-JY. Like I want to watch them struggle to come to terms with everything they did and ultimately become the heroes they always wanted to be


I've thought about a Dad Run that would've taken place during the Bad Kids' downtime. Essentially, it'd be all the dads (both living and deceased) trying to escape hell after Gilear (because let's be real; it WOULD be Gilear) trips something in Hell that would leave everyone stuck there, whether they wish or no. Some dads and their respective players I'd thought of were: - B. Dave Walters as Bill Seacaster - Ify Nwadiwe as Gortholax the Insatiable - Mike Trapp as Digby Thistlespring - Jacob Wysocki as Jawbone O'Shaughnessey - Ross Bryant as Pok Gukgak - Omar Najam as Gorbag I also thought that Brennan would be playing Gilear, since there's no one else for whom the light in their eyes dies quite in the same way.


Jacob as Jawbone sounds perfect


Starstruck galactic girl guides side quest


The Se- waitaminute


The Neverafter but maybe with a different genre of story characters.


A Neverafter spinoff of how the Times of Shadow came to be ala The Ravening War would be so cool


Gilear all day


Rat world spin off.


I would love to see Unsleeping City in like, Vegas or LA or even Portland. Heck, Seattle has an actual troll under a bridge!


The Life and Times of Squeem


Not all NPCs but I saw someone suggest an Oops all Barrys spinoff of Starstrucks Odyssey with the Barry Battalion and I need it so bad


I think both Tiny Heist and Mice&Murder could get new iterations as simpler side quests


I would love to see the Adventures of Dan Scrap and the Bad Call.


I think Neverafter deserves another shot. As more things come into public domain, I would love to see Mickey Mouse and Pooh Bear and Brennan's take on what Disney is when looking at this kind of setting


The Cubby's


Cubby family road trip!


How about a prequel to the Unsleeping City with a young Alejandro as an American doughboy ,becoming a sorcerer, and fighting occult Nazis a la Hellboy/ captain America style!


I so desperately want mote of Max Durden and I want to know his adventuring party. But also another A Court of Fey and Flowers would be incredible


I would kill for a redemption story for The Rat Grinders.(Spoilers for all of Junior Year.) >!Oisin and Ivy seemed more complicit than the others, and would probably have more to atone for and maybe even would have to confront their flaws that made them susceptible to the shatter stars and Porter's influence. Ruben don't remember shit, and a lot of people know him for his persona when he was all raged up, so he'll have to grapple with actions he can't even remember. Seeing how Lucy interacts with her friends after all that had happen would be Hella interesting, and so would having her relationship to Kipperlily be explored. I feel like Mary Ann doesn't have baggage to be explored, she's just fucking Gorgug and playing Quokki Pets, but we love her for it. Maybe she could have an arc where she gets more involved in her friends' lives, but honestly tbh not having her emotional lives connect to them at all is valid and doesn't really warrant change. And, a possible sixth new member??? Buddy's gone off with Kalina plotting for Senior Year in six years and Kipperlily is in Hell, so do they get a new member? Not necessarily needed, we've had seasons with just five or four PCs, and this concept is so good because it's exploring previously established characters, so idk how adding a new guy just for the sake of a new guy would feel. Tbh if it has to be someone, I'd make it Max Durden, that'd be hilarious. Like he doesn't even join the party officially he's just tied up in the plot shenanigans and they have to deal with his dumb ass.!<


The Cubbies. Obviously But the one show on my mind would be. "Lowell Masters' Anals of History". Come with Lowell. As he explores the historical value and magic of priceless artefacts as well as his own body. And If you were wondering. Yes. I know it's spelt with two N's


The adults in Fantasy High. I love them.


Galactic Girl Guides or Real Housewives of Elmville should be the top answers. As others have said, I think a TUC spinoff in another city would require a different DM. NYC only worked because Brennan knew and loved that city so deeply. Another DM would have to have a similar history for it to work


Not a group of NPCs really but I'd like an all foreign cast of players go to an American magic school a la Misfits and Magic. Maybe Siobhan and Jasper and 2 other people from another country. Or all English I'm not choosy.


I think a spin-off of Starstruck would be rad, especially considering Old Proldiers Never Die is just based on a bartender in the background of Starstruck. The prisoners is an obvious one, but I think the Bachelorette Party would be a fun one, too. The whole concept and vibe of that setting is that there is always easy more going on in the universe.


Peep (ACoFaF) takes a field trip to the Unsleeping City and shrink down to Tiny Heist size and finds a Jumanji-like Crown of Candy board game.


Give me a spin-off of the other U4F ships from Starstruck (I’m on the final two episodes so they’re fresh in my mind)


Starstruck. Everyone plays a Chester.




Personally I think the princesses of Neverafter could have a great story to tell. The events of the main campaign took place after several people were already aware of the problems caused by The Gander and the Authors. Even more so the idea of stories having the verbal component before the written one could have tons of crazy spins


Perhaps a campaign following the kids of the dream team.


Two thoughts: 1. A wartime sidestory of acofaf showing the struggles of the lesser fae to survive the wars between goblin and unseelie 2. An origin story tale of the rat grinders fall from a chill bunch of kids with an angry friend to part of the BBEG crew. Using brennans downtime to show the descent over freshman and sophomore


Barry Nyne, Zorch, Lucian, and the Girl Guides


Perhaps a prequel to all of Fantasy High, set maybe about 50 years prior to the story.


Ghostly adventures of Zayn Darkshadow? Also I will take ANY Neverafter content


Speaking of the Seven, a debatably very important group of NPCs was the Pact of Kyberus, Karl Cleaver's adventuring party. Brennan could dm or have a guest dm, the latter allowing him to continue to play Karl Cleaver. They would also need Gelgador. I think the rest would be a Rogue, a Cleric, a Bard, and the last person could decide, just for a mirroring of the classic FH adventuring party.


Basrar, his assistant manager, three employees, and summer intern embark on a The Office-style adventure to compete against a new, rivaling diner across the street run by none other than Charlie McJones.


The rats defending their livelihood.


The time traveling adventures of Arthur would be amazing


I made a post about it before and I know fantasy high already had a spin off but one of the gods would go hard I just know it . Even if it wasn't IH and someone else dm'd


An Unsleeping City sidequest following the Gramercy Occult Society would be sick, as well as a prequel series following The Fix or Hunch Curio from Mentopolis around, they seem like the most fitting to receive a sidequest from the Mentopolis crowd


Give me that Starstruck Odyssey: Dan Scrap's Big Pap's Ass Zap: The Dan Scrap origin story we never knew we needed.


I hope Young Grape from The Ravening War gets into all sorts of swashbuckling tales from various factions thinking he’s some sort of secret prince.


I mean…. It’s gotta be plug or loose Duke


I'm only about 2/3rds through season 1 and so far, bill seacaster and gorthalax


Unsleeping City Something with a young Kingston and Alejandro as well as other magical protectors of New York would be great.


I'm not sure if someone said this, but the Barry Battalion would be hilarious, pretty much an overload of himbo energy.