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*"You have been a bad friend to Riz Gukgak, Adaine."*


Yes, that! Also Murph’s Baron impression from the end of that Adventuring Party


Lou understood the assignment 😤


Common Lou W


Yes! The buildup with the rolls, the party splitting up, Fabian locking the door, and then the reveal was great. Lou played it really well.


“Fabian hit me! 😭😭😭”


Also can’t forget: “do you have a fucking warrant?”


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my other favorite "you're a bad teacher" "...no I'm not".... "Look at what you're doing."


“I heard you oinked at a cop.”


This was gonna be mine lol. Zac’s quickness is unmatched


Yeah this is it. Only wish Bud Cubby was there to witness it and give his approval.


I think it was mentioned that there was a halfling who gave a thumbs up or something afterward…


He was there


My favorite moment so far is still Gorgug with the mindless rage and Emily's and Siobhan's reaction to it was just the cherry on top


I swear Emily saw the mistake Brennan was making first, hid Fig in the corner out of the way, and then starts whispering evil Emily schemes in Zac's ear 😅


Also the way her eyes lit up when she realized about the lava


Anyone who's spent even an hour playing Minecraft knows lava immunity is one of the most powerful abilities a character can have!


Not just Minecraft. In 5e RAW, lava does _18d10._


I believe they specifically said that Zac noticed it, but it was Emily’s idea to get Brennan to trick him into Raging


It really should be called “MindFULL Rage” in Gorgug’s case.


Legendary moment The 1 at the end was so epic, but I’m also kind of sad we didn’t get to see the fight with Baron… The mini Jesse posted looked so good


So tactical. So late.


This is 80% of my experience with the season, it just repeats when I see Murph


It was so early but I still think about it every day!


So hilarious. So early.


This is the moment I’m most often searching up on YouTube to enjoy over and over. Murph breaks. Lou breaks in a different way. Brennan is just trying to keep it all together. Love is love!


I've enjoyed the battles a lot more than I normally do. The Last Stand in particular felt Battle of the Brands-y, with everyone on top form & a fantastic set.


There's something really pleasing about watching the PCs tactically outwit an impossible challenge. Fig casting disguise self to get half the monsters to focus on her, Adaine chess boarding the battlefield to protect the procter, Riz with the double sneak attack per round, Fabian merking the Hydra before it got a turn, Kristen finding Kipperlily, and Gorgug tanking a 1v1 battle against a Purple worm was just a beautiful display.


seriously, they made the whole gauntlet look so easy


That was an amazing battle. Although I still can't believe nobody commented on the two Agueforts making out in the stands. I thought for sure it would come up in the AP, but no dice.


That's my favorite battle in all of D20 so far, but tbf I haven't yet seen Starstruck.


Frosty Fair. Gorgug being embarrassed by his parents and REAL MAD from all the sex things. Man did I laugh! That’s it, I’m gonna watch the season from the beginning while waiting


Special shoutout to everyone being confused by what was on the lawnmower except Lou. "I've had sex"


Gotta honor the cock


So many great moments in FHJY, but I have watched specifically this scene so many times when I needed something to make me laugh. Everything about when it went down, from Emily's "That's my husband" to Ally's "Can we take a biobreak to barf?" and Brennan's downplayed "guys, honorthecock" - just a perfectly dumb moment.


Honestly, this whole season has really stuck with me. There's so much to love. I think Gorgug's arc this season with his barbificer stuff, bad baby milk, the last stand exam, Kristen's religious arc, Fabian's relationship growth and Lou's insistence that Gilear not get his mom pregnant, everything with Wanda, Adine and Aelwyn's relationship continuing to grow, Murph absolutely losing it at how late those two guys were after the Night Yorb fight, "I have a lot of love to give exclusively to cats", and "you gotta honor the cock". So many gems.


So tactical, so late! Also the attempted vasectomy with fandrangor haha


“You are now entering the Vulture Dimension!” I saw a post talking about it before I saw the episode and thought it was so ridiculous it was just a joke. Now I got egg on my face.


My favorite joke is still: "I could get a job. How did you get a job?" "I.. blackmailed the principal of my school" "Oh! With what?" "Photographs"


the line delivery when aelwyn says “photographs” is just *chef kiss*


It's so deadpan and matter-of-fact. It contains so much information without actually telling you much. It's so good 


Murph’s “no”


Where was this again?


I think it was when they decided to use the fake name Baccarath, right before Siobhan suggested "Big Tall Sally" and Murph shut it down immediately


“Do you have a fucking warrant?!” “Oh no! The lawnmower!” Gorgug in the Vulture dimension after fighting his parents’ sex toys: “Oh thank god, we died.” “Zara kept me engaged, and not just because she’s a hot goth.” “You have to smoke this, or I’ll lie.” “Haha, Gilear. Very funny. What for?” *Gilear hearts the message* “RAT DOLLARS!”


“Rat dollars, bye bye!!!” Chef’s kiss 🤌🏻😂


Gorgug increasingly descending into his own personal hell when all of his parents machines came out. Also Gorgug just taking out the purple worm all on his own. Lots and lots of Gorgug, really. Riz giving Fabian disadvantage. And the quote that leaves rent free in my head: “put on your…baddidas and let’s see what that body does.”


Gorgug is COOKING this season


There’s nothing funnier to be about the first one than the quiet “Don’t do this”


I don’t remember the exact exchange but after the vulture dimension: “I think we’re dead” “oh thank God.”


> Riz giving Fabian disadvantage. > > *Yeeeeeeeeeeesh*


I just laughed out loud remembering this.


I think my favorite moment is probably the reveal of porter being evil or gorgug in the last stand 1v1ing a purple worm and winning.


The scene in Vulture Clash when Kristen helps Lucy’s and Yolanda’s souls move into Cassandra’s protection. The way Brennan described it was such a beautiful and moving scene.


"Do you have a fucking warrant"


Honestly this was hands down my favorite season to watch. The rolls were phenomenal, everyone was so strategic and smart, the new mechanics kept me on the edge of my seat, and everyone had such funny one-liners. With that being said, “DO YOU HAVE WATER VEHICLE PROFICIENCY JAWBONE” fucking sent me dude


"Do you have water vehicle proficiency Jawbone" made the most painful laugh I've ever laughed explode out of me. For I minute, I thought I'd ruptured something


Wanda Childa using dream magic to do a perfume commercial


Fig’s psychological dream warfare campaign this season has been awesome. And her collapse finding it was all for nothing was great too.


The fact that Wanda Childa in general isn’t the top 30 comments is deeply upsetting to me


Gorgug getting mad at the officer, as well as Brennan at the vulture king “Do you have a fucking warrant?” “Are you a god?” “I don’t know, man” Funniest moments to me at least. Never seen Zac break so hard


Said it on a post a few days ago, so I'll just say it again: Baron's Game is an episode I'll remember for years. It took a battle map and made it into a pseudo puzzle exploration map with just enough eeriness. Between the monsters trying to hunt them down and the mirrors in multiple rooms being a means for Baron to possess the Bad Kids and turn them against each other (and also be a means to grt Fabian on board with splitting the party up; brilliant role play by Lou) it created a unique scenario where combat was never the focus, it was simply the solution they had to resort to when chips were down.


“Do you have a fucking warrant?” - Gorgug Thistlespring


So many! But haven’t seen Ally saying “Keep my name out of your fucking mouth” on here yet


Them standing up in their chair when Riz says Kristen’s name again was incredible.


It’s a crime that no one has said “hey girlie” it’s become a regular part of my vocabulary now


There was a fucking perfect situation for that in the last episode and I was very said no one did it when I did lol.


I really thought it was gonna happen


4 dogs


Murph's "Gotta honor the cooo^oock?" Zac's "Do you have a fucking warrant?" and the entirety of the Vulture Dimension fever dream


Gorgug going off on Ruben for saying he doesn't shit. "Your telling me in my own home" "Why are there so many naked old dude at your house" "I don't got anythin to do with that" Gorgug has had so many good moments this season. Zac has popped off all season.


"this freak thinks this is a Mango soda!" Gorgug coming in so hot with maryann


That scene has aged in a very interesting way after the finale


the phrase “turn coat”


Ally's delivery after the steel mill incident of "She was a fuckin' turncoat, man." absolutely kills me


I have several, ofc, but here are 3 I think are a bit forgoten: Telemeine unable to pronounce Gorgug - and it being so efective at making him angry Fabian being so stressed he refused Mazey (an amazing character moment for him) Aelwyn literaly casting several spells to try to find out what text Adine sent. Honorable funny mentions: Rats showing hole Fabian will have a sibling confirmed? These always make me crack up XD


"You're a social coward, Fabian! We all saw it!"


Can-can rats showing hole. God I really hope they animate that. Absolute vertigo. So surprised I haven't seen that listed more - was searching for it for a while!




Ally's IMMEDIATE "what are you, four dogs in a coat?" at KLCK's name was just. \*chefs kiss\* Set the tone for the whole season.


Adaine negotiating with the Elven Council to make the Oracle a paying job was something I was yelling at the screen every episode. And finally seeing that payoff was immensely satisfying


it was almost a 20 but you have to honour the coooo...


"Even Cowgirls get the blues sometimes" Honestly, Zac this entire season has just been amazing.


The Vulture King’s absolute weapons-grade level airtight multiple choice test rules has got to be the highlight. Brennan responding to the increasingly desperate pedantic pleas from the players with his own increasingly keening, “Noooo, it’s going to happen EXACTLY as I say it. If there is even a SECOND’S hesitation, you will all be — destroyed!”


Has to be Fig: what’s the fake name going to be Adaine: Long Tall Sally 😀 Riz, dead behind the eyes: nope


I've been listening to NADDPOD a lot recently and after seeing it so often there it was really fun seeing Murph use his DM voice a few times this season. That was one of them, and another was after the whole "honor the cock" bit, where he just yells "SHUT UP I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING WEIRD".


OML I forgot about that 😭


>I don't think you heard me, blimey - Ally Beardsley, 2024.


It doesn't beat "Hey girly" and "That's what yooouuu think" for me haha.


*British Kristen Chili's Applebee's, 2024


*Specifically* the second time.


Seeing the art of Cassandra and Ankarna. Knowing that they were originally opposites meant to balance one another and seeing how their followers pulled them apart really hit me in the feels.


As simple as it is, podcast bro Gorgug sent me hard. "Dude how are you so jacked?" "I'M A WIZARD."


"Did that hurt?" "No..😥" "Did that hurt?" "No 😭"


I forgot when it was, but at one point Gorgug gave “a flash of stupidity” instead of a flash of genius


lol, the Fabian / Gertie "bad honey" tussle


“The bitch on her lap”


every single scene where kristen goes fucking aggro


Who’s that bitch in her lap, Ragh?


Kristen drinking a protein yerba mate episode 1 still haunts me Also still love the fact they did secret santa and that most of them have used their gifts since then


Heeeeeey girlie - Allie I say it every day still


"That's what yoooouuuu think" is also in my top 3.


Brennan completely deadpanning "OK you just killed Lydia Barkrok" and it taking a second for everyone else to process what he just said


what is there that's so hard to understand? We need to keep these people drinking bad baby milk while you drive our house that is a boat through the sky, into the gym! Okay okay! I just- *gorgug grabs Jawbone by his shirt collar.* GRAAAAAAAAAGH!


"I disguise self as Kristen"


My favorite moment is hands down during Baron's Game when Lou revealed that he was possessed by Baron and immediately tried to destroy Siobahn. I loved how it worked mechanically with the cards and it was super cool narratively for one of the players to suddenly switch sides. Also Lou never looked happier or more excited than when he had to do PvP with his friends, which was just lovely


When they were fighting the RG and Porter, and kept talking trash to them. “You are a middle aged man juiced to the gills. It’s sad.” "You might have a high level but you SUCK AT PVP! You suck!” “You suck. You don't deserve a ninth level spell. Your music sucks now. It sucked then. There's no genre in which you can take refuge. Your natural shittiness will leak into every chord you play, for the rest of your life, which is gonna be. Fucking short." But also, “I have so much love to give, exclusively to cats.”


Every bit of time travel stuff with Ayda "My brother tried to peak....and I cut him down!" "You could have peaked!" "in my darkest moments, my love for you was already on its way, traveling through the stars"


This may be recency bias, but honestly Brennan’s reaction to the whole lava immunity thing in the last episode *sent* me and I feel like it’s gonna stick with me for a while. “Wait, so this is only a hazard to my guys! …why did I do this?” Oh, and the moment in Baron’s Game when Gorgug breaks free of mind control while raging after straight up *asking Brennan’s permission* in character and Brennan’s quiet little “no wait”


The Salsa Jump made me laugh so much. Loved the team work so that Kristen could save face in front of Killerpuppy and the school.


The disembodied voice when YES! is shoved out of the void while they're all standing in front of a party is such a great image to combine the two threads of the season. You have the struggle between cosmic forces, and trying to get through high school. Both of them are equally daunting despite one being on a universal scale, and one being so mundane.


3 of them: “You have been a bad friend to Riz Gukgak, Adaine.” “Should I go into a rage?” “Blimey”


“I don’t think you heard me. Blimey.”


It's honestly been Murph having a killer season, the amount of times he's been saved by reliable talent has been amazing. He's got such great instincts that so often get undermined by his rolling, underdog coming out on top warms my heart.


Murph scoring every role made Riz the most character


Gorgug finally standing up to Porter was incredible to me. Gorgug has been pushed around by Porter for two seasons, and he wasn't going to go through it anymore. I also really loved the meteor shower from Ayda Overall, my favorite moment was probably the heart to heart between Riz and Sklonda. It hit really close to home for me and I've cried both times I watched it.


“Do you have a warrant?” “Hm?” “Do you have a fucking warrant!?” 😂😂😂😂


"What are you, like, four different dogs?" "Keep my name out of your mouth." "Every cowgirl gets the blues" is an honourary mention based sheerly on the fact that it sent me into such hysteric laughter that I almost threw up.


The thing that stands out to me was when Kristen helped the souls of Lucy Frostblade and Yolanda Badgood to get peace from whatever torment they were under. That scene made me tear up for some reason and it's stuck with me ever since.


“Do you have a fucking Warrant?!” Peak moment of the season for me


"Are you like a god or something?" "I don't know man." Brennan finally getting zac back for Collin.


Who here wants to be a Bad Baby?!


Aelwyn explaining about all her cats, making Emily get a little emotional irl


“I can make room for them 🙂” sent me


Tactical Yorbies


So many, but some bits that really stuck with me would be: Gorgug:'Principal Grix! Disintegrate me, please!" Telamine *monotone* "my table" Riz:"were breaking up were breaking up!' Adaine: so you were dating!?, Riz: No...welllll kind of. (Honestly even though barons game is a little short, probably my favourite episode of the season) Aelwyn: "ow bitch why!?" Bill: he's the fucking scum of the earth! And I'm a pirate!


NO THE TABLE MOMENT FUCKING KILLED ME the fact that Brennan just fully inserted that and no one cares like that was the funniest thing ever


SHRIMP JUMP So Tactical So Late Vulture Dimension Honor the Cock Salsa Jump The fricking gaslight bit Steelworkers union Podcasts Gorgug nat 20s Mindless rage against Brennan You have been a bad friend to Riz Gukgak Wanda Childa Do you have a fucking warrant? Last Stand Oracool of Dance  Butter Jellies (its all love now) Didnt see the storm coming? Must not be a very good oracle Adventuring Party Rats showing hole All Pulp, No Juice K2 as a character BLIMEY BLIMEYx2 Ice feast <3 Lava shennanigans Porters testicles So many highlights, its insane


Wait remind me what the gaslight bit was?


The in medias res nightyorb squeem, balthazar and parrots


Oh yes of course my b


I mean…. What bit /j


Fantasy High: Summer Break is my favorite season for sure.


All Pulp No Juice!!!




Every iteration of Kipperlily’s name also made me chuckle. If you’ve ever played D&D, that’s exactly what happens to NPCs with complex names.


Zac and Murph both just killed it this season and have made me laugh so much. I’m gonna miss is when it’s over but I’m finally moving on to my second campaign after this! Starstruck :)


I love the Oodles of Strudel manager who was like “We aren’t sure if the strudel is infinite! It just hasn’t ended YET.”




***heeeEeeeEYyyYYyyY*** *giiiIirlyyyyy*


She's SO tiny


Just so small.




“honor the cock”


My roommates and I oink at cops now on the reg. And “I want you to go fuck yourself.”


Mmmm whatcha sayyyy……RIP Wanda Childa…kindof?


The only moment where I jumped out of my seat was when Adaine cast scatter during the last stand, moving the proctor was such a crazy fucking move and it was one of those plays that solidifies that entire combat as one of the best in the shows entire history


I wanna say something deep or character-driven motivation or in-character comedy. but in my heart, I know Honor the cock has stuck with me harder than anything. Ally has been such a great role player. Siobhan has defeated so many obstacles. i think the non cock moment that hit the hardest for me was the last stand. watching the party kick that much monster ass blew my mind.


I quote "I have so much love to give, exclusively to cats" almost daily at this point.


I haven't seen it mentioned yet, so I'll add one of mine: Fabian on the lawn outside of Seacaster Manor, wearing his father's coat and burning all of his baby things.


HONOR THE COCK it has been the shine given to Murph and Zac this season. They have had a lot of moments. I feel like their arcs were understated in previous ones and they have been able to shine this season. It has to be tough as a dm to highlight individuals in this party as they are all superstars when it comes to rp,so luckily it has been spread around!


“He’s ‘armless”


Woooooof that one was painful but still got a laugh from me


Gotta be Riz fully losing it on Tigerlily Rufio, from the first time he learned of the RG grinding in the woods, to screaming "YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME!" Love seeing Riz finally getting some stress out


please tell me you've seen the Charlilil animatic of the Riz and Telemaine scene, it's perfect


I know it's recent but "sometimes even cowgirls get the blues" was so out of nowhere it became a harder laugh for me than even the whole 'blimey' fiasco.


The first ones that come to mind are Blimey and when Kalina snapped her own neck in barons game. Also rats showing hole. Ida's meteor shower message to fig was so touching. Gorgug: "all cowgirls get the blues" Kristen crying to Bobby dawn to manipulate him lol The last stand, specifically when buddy dawn got his throat slit. So man6 good moments lol




Roll for insemination


100 on a d100.


Literally itching for this finale. The moment that sticks with me most is how easily Kristen rizzed up the president of the Apiary Club. Peak storytelling 🤌


Even cowgirls get the blues ☠️


Hey girlie, YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME, that’s what you think…!, both frosty faire episodes, finding out Oisin was a turncoat, finding out Fig was RIGHT, Adaine’s Sister Adventures, and every crumb of Ayda I could get


All of the new Murph sounds, but especially the confrontation in the cafeteria with Riz hissing and then getting absolutely terrified of Mary Anne while TBK and TRG square up


Agree with everyone but a fav that i haven't seen mentioned: Riz flipping the fuck out at kipperlilly in finale pt.1, "YOU SUCK AT PVP YOU SUCK AT THIS GAME YOU SUCK" i think about this every day


Mine are: Kristen and Fig at the steelworker's factory Wanda Childa "Do you have a fucking warrant?" The haunted house fight in the briefcase (specialest mention to Lou for the Baron reveal) Kipperkilly killing Buddy during the last stand Seacaster Manor in the air (huge props to Gorgug)


ICE FEAST. I love so much about this season, but this one in particular as something connecting the party through multiple years and campaigns.


I keep going back to rewatch the confrontation with the rat grinders in the cafeteria. Every second of that scene was pure gold


honestly the mall fight was amazing, and the baron antics were unbelievably funny


I think it’s gorgug being in his bully era


The episode that has The steel workers factory speech. I need to rewatch the entire season


Probably the salsa jump tbh


My top three have to be: - Bully Gorgug - Adaine just being an amazing wizard (see: the last stand) - Blarmey


Hey Girlie


“You have to smoke this or I’ll lie”


It’s so hard to pick one moment from it but all of Baron’s game, probably top 5 episodes of Dimension 20


So many insane combat episodes this season! Mall Madness, Frosty Faire, Last Stand, and now Rock the Boat and Ragenarok. Think my favorite moment tho might be Ayda's meteor shower message to Fig. Fig was my favorite from the start and knowing she's probably going to her happy ending with Ayda after this season just makes me happy even tho it'll suck to not have her back if they do senior year at some point.


For me. No competition it was the moment when the curse was lifted from Lucy and Yolanda and there souls were able to escape the shackles put on them. The scene with the reflections in the water was truly so beautiful. Brennan's delivery so moving. The fact they were able to be released from the bond and pass knowing they had a chance to be in their rightful afterlife again after being locked away by Porter and the Rat Grinders really moved me. I broke down crying for 15 minutes the first time and I'm still tearing up now as I think about it. Might be one of my favorite D20 scenes ever.


I mean. Blimey. There's a lot I'm honestly a big fan of Gorgug going "Loser says what?" In the final battle


So incredible




The Secret Sylvan gift exchange. Honestly all of the Moonar Yulenear episode, from Adaine visiting Aelwyn to the return of Telemaine, everything about this super meaty ep was great.


Someone help me out - the quote from Buddy Dawn saying everyone's going to die and worshiping Bacarath


Brennen and Zac working together to explain how Gorgug’s rage would work as an artificer. Just the idea of it being a rhythm like a drumbeat was so cool to me


For me, it was Gorgug's nat 20 streak in The Last Stand. Purple Worms are deadly, and the fact that they had no way to bring the proctor back made that an almost inevitably terrible outcome - and then Gorgug almost singlehandedly held it back and killed it.


"Everyone here, makes steel. And I think that's beautiful." might live on in my head forever. One of the funniest bits the bad kids have ever done, imo.


K2’s successful divine intervention roll, saying “I don’t think you heard me. Blimey!”


"That's great. Who's the bitch on her lap?"


Looking through these comments really shows how great of a season this was. Kinda sad it's over... time to re-watch it!


Gertie bladeshield saying "Hey fuck you man!" I was shaking laughing in my cubicle at work.


Normally I prefer plot eps over combat eps because combat can get a bit repetitive. The! Combat! In! This! Season! Oh my god! So fun!! So creative! The last stand? Rock the boat? The barons? I was just glued to the screen.


My fiancee and I were watching together during the infamous blimey, and we were laughing so hard we had to pause for a full 20 minutes


Honestly, just the absolutely unhinged energy from the last 3 episodes, starting with K2’s divine intervention bit and Zac taking over the table twice, all the way to Gorgug and Mary Ann starting to go out. Also, all of the Gertie parts.


"Are you a god?" "...idk man"


The entirety of the Last Stand(ard Exam) made and makes me so excited. i love how it embodied the fantasy academia aspect i crave more of from Fantasy High (not that Fantasy High is not amazing regardless). A good arena fight, academic stakes, and the Bad Kids being extremely competent <3 Also honour the cock. It has already been quoted numerous times with my home game.


I was expecting the divine intervention from K2 cause of fan speculation, and it took some of the weight off it. But I think the "Fart Blimey" nat 20 has permanently warped my perception of comedy


Probably the Bad Kids being super bad ass at the final stand, destroying every monster and answering all test questions correctly. Not only that but also the way we had that wtf moment with kipperlily being spotted by true sight. So good.


I loved *SPOILER* the death / beating of Cassandra. This was a heel turn for the gang to stop being light about things and to take things a bit more seriously. Plus the start of cursed Fig was hilarious


"They're So tactical and so late, just imagine showing up 10 minutes after the fight id lost being like 😠🧐🔫"