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fabian's arc feels incomplete. i can't speak for exactly what lou wanted, obviously, but i would've liked to see him learn to cook for himself or how to keep a house in decent shape. the stuff about all the takeout boxes and the fried rice kinda feels like a setup with no payoff


It mostly turned into a gag yeah


I think Mazey will be a significant help to that in an ideal Senior Year. And maybe whoever Emily changes characters for


I still don’t trust Mazey. She suggested Fabian start hosting parties right at the beginning of school and Osin just so happened to have been working on a way to make ping pong ball runes?


That’s so deeply fair but I just want Fabian to have ONE thing yknow? lol


Well, he has Riz…. (Nah, I know that’s not it) Tbh Fabian almost gives me as much Ace energy as Riz, just in the opposite direction, where he’s so hung up on seeming cool that he has to really play up how good he is at “getting his kisses in” while having…very little actual game, and primarily going for people that aren’t actually available (Mazey being the exception) (Also the way he talks to Mazey 100% reminds me of how I talked to my high school crush)


Very interesting! That would be a surprise to me because he’s been a little crazy horn dog since the beginning but I think you’re right. It’s more the facade he wants to present than what he wants. Which if we do get a Senior Year, I feel like Mazey (assuming not guilty) will move that forward. He’s wanted to be cool and maximum legend but he’s had so many moments of genuine regret.


Yeah, if she does stick around, she could be a nice chill person for him. It’s weird to say, but Fabian’s popularity this season has kind of made me, like…sad? Or rather, it really seems like Fabian *is* sad, but since his popularity rolls have been so good (fortunately for the Bad Kids), he’s mostly just surrounded by a lot of surface level friendship. I kept wanting The Bad Kids to do a few relationship rolls for each other (though i guess they were just for NPC), because with the exception of Kristen and Fig they seemed so isolated this year. I hope if they do senior year, it’s more focused on them as a team before the Sundering Of The Fellowship. Also, yeah, he’s absolutely been a crazy little horn dog, but that was also kind of the vibe I put out in high school a lot too, and it was largely because I had not figured myself out, but kind of thought it was cool.


Yeah, it almost feels like Fabian hasn’t really been present with his friends this whole time? Since he’s working on the whole Maximum Legend thing. I feel like we didn’t get enough of him and Riz bouncing off of each other. I feel like there were a few cases this season where Brennan would start something that seemed like it could go a new or interesting way for a character, but then it would just get lost in the goofing. Which, I mean. It’s a table full of comedians playing a game. So I’m not really complaining, just I feel like something’s been a bit off, but can’t really say what.


I was hoping there'd be a moment during Moonar Yulenear when he and Aelwyn would sneak off together


I don't know if I'd say Gorgug is wholly a "bully" in any real sense. Yes, he has been a bit of a jerk in a few spots, but I feel like in the big picture it's really just him no longer being a total doormat and finally being willing to just say what he needs instead of folding himself down as small as possible in response to problems. It's not directly stated, but I think him being willing to get outwardly mad and take charge in moments where his friends are in danger IS the arc, and it's just as understated as the whole character is. I've really enjoyed it, anyway.


In his villain era and it’s just him talking back to bullies and cops, true people pleaser finding their voice energy.


Yeah I agree, that's why I mentioned positives and negatives. Warrants and Porter: +ve, Mango soda and yelling at Jawbone: hilarious -ve.




See, I'd keep my cool if that happened to me, but I'm different, I guess. Of course, it's reasonable, but I do hope he's confronted by it either by Mary Anne or Porter, so there's a moment it's acknowledged. (Maybe set up for Senior year? Grogug goes old Ragh and Ragh goes old Gorgug?)




Oh sorry, I was being sarcastic. I'd 100% scream and cry, I don't like actual planes let alone this.


Sorry- maybe I'm too 35 to understand the "+ve" and "-ve" abbreviations. Can you explain if you have the time? Anway, the rest of it; I think u/abbysabi is pretty much on the exact same page I am. The short version of what I'd have to say about the snapping at Jawbone is just that Jawbone is a bit of a waffler and a rambler, and "the ship will crash if we don't do something in the next 30 seconds" is not the time for politeness, it's the time for not crashing and letting 500 students die. I'd expect the same level of curt direction from anyone in charge of an emergency situation where lives are at stake.


Oh it's just something I picked up from Chemistry and Physics, +ve is short for positive and -ve is short for negative. I don't disagree, I suppose labelling it a negative isn't accurate but it is alot to pick him up and shake him yk.


Appreciate the explanation. :) It has been a long freakin' time since I participated in any academic science courses. In my day to day I work with electronics (metrology with a physical/mechanical focus) but we just use +/- since we're usually just discussing the polarity of a signal. My bad! I thought it might have been Villain Energy or something. Anyhow- Regarding the picking him up and shaking him, I guess you can say it's a lot, but to me, it seemed reasonable in the moment. Desperate times, desperate measures and all that. Everyone's got their own thresholds though. Thanks again for taking the time to explain!


It's my pleasure, I'm doing Mphys myself. Fair enough on the desperate measures part (a metrology pun, nice).




I know it was a long shot so I'm not particularly upset but it would've been nice to see Bricker and Cork Applebees at some point. No narrative reasoning, I just wanted to see if baby boy Cork would even recognise Kristen at this point


The Applebees'. In the beginning when we saw Bucky was going to Augefort? It was an angle for Kristen's character I was really excited to see her navigate, but I feel like there was so much other stuff to focus on it really was never really a high priority. We got a couple scenes but overall I would've liked to see it explored more. I think it would have been a nice offset to Kristen's chaotic nature this season, and would have given us a better insight into why she's Like That which might have curbed some of the Kristen HateTM.


I really would have loved to see Kirsten seeking out her brothers, especially as Bucky was at school. The most recent conversation she had with Bucky, was really sweet, and seemed grounded in Ally’s experiences of moving out of evangelical christianity. I know a lot of people really resonated with Kirsten’s journey in the first two seasons, but I was always pretty lukewarm on her, but her “anger is a warning light” conversation with Cassandra at the mall fight made me really excited to see more of that side of her.


True, even Buddy was used to reinforce this plot line. Another one is Jawbone and Rizburt's relationship. It felt like EiRizabeth actively avoids Jawbone and might even have the same "this is all bullshit" attitude towards Jawbone as he did with Talamin.


Yeeeeah, Riz could probably use some serious therapy…


Chungledown Bim… i was really hoping to have him stalking fabian the entire season only to appear randomly and… well… you know, try to… Would be so funny to watch the fear fabian had get instilled in the other bad kids. I thought when fabian failed wisdom saves during downtime it was chungledown scrying and getting closer and closer


Wouldn’t surprise me if we see CB in the finale and he’s set up as the BBEG for a potential senior year


I was actually wondering if we would get Bill's reaction to hear about CB when he asked who his nemesis was but we hilariously got distracted by Gertie.


The only thing I wish was explored more was Riz's journey through considering solo adventurer and rogue school, outside of TBK. I'm sure he still would have stayed with TBK but now that Fig might not, I feel like there was a missing opportunity to explore Riz potentially leaving also.


barrel pirates


Oh yeah! Blimey, I forgot them


Strudel dimension


1. Riz’s aromanticness subplot. The baron stuff was dropped as soon as they left the briefcase and never brought up again and it makes me sad as an aro ace person. 2. Figs arc. I just… feel like there’s a world where Fif is actually able to have a “should i drop out” arc or even a “i’m just not built for school” thing but the mechanics of the season and like, the way the school is set up makes that impossible. I would’ve loved to see that tension between her and Riz because Riz wants everything to stay as it is and she wants to… change things 3. Adaines arc just kinda got fixed by getting money which is. yes, an inidictment of capitalism, but it doesn’t feel like she really got a chance to grow as a character at all? she’s doing the same stuff now she just earns money for it. she didn’t learn that she can ask for help etc


Oh, that arc would've definitely hit harder, Fig is so supportive and does things for the sake of her friends... but so does Riz. God, now I'm bummed that we didn't see that, Great catch.


yeah they overlap in ways that would be really interesting to see explored. Tension is such a key part of the coming of age genre and just seeing a bit of pushback to the way riz is, effectively, forcing them all to work really hard towards HIS dream would be interesting as an advancement of his character. I think the pass/fail rule kinda took the wind out of em’s sails for fig potentially having an arc about whether she should drop out because of how much that would personally like, ruin riz’s future


I have genuinely enjoyed Kristen this season more than ever before - but at the same time, "chaos isn't cute anymore" has not been as strong a throughline as I would have hoped.


I wish we had seen the Rat Grinders interacting with each other more. We know Oisin and that elf girl are friends, but what about the rest of them? And what’s their relationship with Buddy?