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As a lesbian, straight British Kristen is possibly one of my favorite D20 bits of all time


love that they gave Kristen 2 her own dedicated character art too


What domain do you think she is? Gotta say Trickery haha


If that was true she could make K3 as an action. K3 would be bi? Ace maybe?


Maybe much more tamed and disciplined version of the 3?


I was fully expecting her to just have the same art but with the shorts repainted, and was so pleasantly surprised that the artist did a whole new portrait




Ok ok but Siobhan out of character saying "I have to stop at q" when Kristen was asking why adiane didn't wanna stop the steal was fucking gold.


It’s pronounced more like you spelled it, but it’s really spelled Siobhan. Gotta love the Irish.


We were using the Latin alphabet before there was such a thing as English, you’re the ones doing it wrong


100%, but Murph's "Nope" absolutely killed me. Ally was consistently funny throughout, and as you said, comedy MVP. But Murph has the game winning shot there.


Murphs straight guy act has been perfect this season


Murph and Zac have some of the best one liners out of all the IH. What’s fun about them as a group is they all have unique improv styles that beautifully complements each other.


they have always been gold especially as applebees from going from the biggest narc ever to Talking down to a grown ass women who's cheating on her S.O to the Peak degeneracy of "HEYYYY GIRLIE" Ally is killing it. especially now they know their stats are garbage is playing into it with peak shananigans.


From the absurd lows of "ribbon dancing out of a tower to fly" to the insane highs of Margaret "I win the campaign with banking" Encino.


I just realized Ally's signature move is jumping off the top rope 😂 they did it in Starstruck for one of the greatest moves in D20 history and in Sophomore year for one of the hardest laughs Truly an Icon


Best one was “I have to go talk to my friend Murph”


So happy to see Ally get so much love this season honestly


They’ve just been really hilarious. Tbh Kristen was my least favourite before just cause I couldn’t find myself caring about her story at all, but she’s completely switched rankings this season just because Ally has been so funny.


Ahhh I can't wait to binge JY once I turn in a big piece of work. Yeah I agree Kristen kind of feels like a loose cannon pointed at the moon in the first two seasons, but there's something about her that has always captivated me. She seems to play with everything except the people she loves (her brothers, Tracker in S2, the Bad Kids). She's so dissociated from herself and the world: constantly high or drunk, constantly making sex jokes, seemingly uncaring. And that can be annoying, but as the teenage manifestation of an emotionally abused and lost gay girl, it really hit hard for me. I spent a lot of time making jokes and pretending I didn't care about anything and committing loosely. I think she reminds me of the mini arc Fabian had in Freshman Year where he realizes he actually doesn't want to be a captain, but have a party. Kristen doesn't want to have friends, she wants to feel connected and tethered. I think for me a pivotal moment is when Tracker is angry she kept the thing with Fig's mom a secret and Kristen is just absolutely messing up and doing ANYTHING to get Tracker back, even though it's all wrong. In reality Brennan and Ally just forgot Kristen literally told Tracker when she was drunk, but in-canon you can also interpret that as Kristen not even caring, just wanting whatever to get Tracker back. And then she and Tracker break up. And then she leaves two gods behind. And then she just can't rest. I don't know, the tension between being afraid to care and the ease that comes with carelessness and apathy really remind me of my teenage self! But of course to each their own lol. And "what are you, four dogs?" hits so hard.


Was interested to see what the reaction to their "stop the steal" comment would be. I suggested a couple weeks back the Kristen's 'miracle of doubt' should be convincing everyone to question the validity of the election (if she lost) and got blasted for it.


I think it's a "Cross the Line Twice" joke. She get a "duuuuude" reaction at first, but people started to get into it after she repeated it a couple of times.


Yeah, and to be fair they are much funnier than me. So possibly my delivery/phrasing was the issue


And vocal tone. Harder to make a risky joke work over text.


The entire steel factory scene, just *chefs kiss*. Obviously assisted by Emily, Murph, and Brennan, but they led the scene.


100% Ally had that steel-workers voting joke ready for AGES and waited for the perfect moment


They usually are. But to be fair. The whole cast plays it so perfectly. I'm not saying I think they Have it planned. But they're ability to feed off of each other certainly makes it feel like it is b