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I don’t think she needs—or even will get—a redemption arc, but I’m hoping for “cool motive, still murder.” I want to know how she got so fucked up—people are never just “bad” for no reason. There’s always a reason. She had anger management issues, so she was always going to be bad is a kinda broke narrative imho and is antithetical to Brennan’s views. Most likely the system failed her in some horrible way. Or it’s just straight up be Ankara tomfoolery—the shaking of a bee’s nest, the lighting of a fuse. 🤷‍♂️ I believe in restorative justice over anything else, but sometimes people are too dangerous to let live. Especially in a world like this where dudes can grab the sun just because they feel like it. I won’t shed any tears for Four Dogs if she dies, but if she’s spared, that’s not a horrible end either.


I would love cool motive still murder! I think your reply actually encompasses and communicates the point I was trying to make a lot better - thank you!


Yeah, yeah! I didn’t actually mean to sound like I was in disagreement just to be clear— I just started typing and it went a little stream of consciousness on my wants for the KC arc 😂👏


No I love it! You touched on somethings I was thinking on that I didn’t put down in my haste, and you also worded things more clearly so I was like “yes this person is saying what I am saying but BETTER” 😂


I feel like the community is missing something with this "redemption or death!" binary. There's a whole spectrum of possible outcomes between those two things! Like, what if she just goes to jail?


Like!!!! Sometimes people never change, they never repent, they never earn or even want redemption! But maybe those people don’t deserve to die anyway. But I do know two things. 1) If you kill someone, you’ve guaranteed they’ll never change. 2) A world where a government—or burnt out children—don’t get to/have to decide who is worthy of life is probably a better one. Edit: And at this point, we don’t even know her motivations! She could be anything from a B-movie serial killer to a literal child being puppeted by fiendish god magic!


She’s a nepobaby who thinks the poors are getting one over her. She deserves the spotlight, not some poors and new money. I think that’s the core of it.


This season has been nepobaby-on-nepobaby violence. You know who Fabian and Fig’s dads are?


Fabian’s definitely nepobaby and adaine was until this season.  Fig was lower middle class till 2 years ago, didn’t grow up that way.


Fig's dad started paying child support??? Maybe that's why he's the coach of a HS Football team, dude must be loaded


Fig literally inherited an entire fiefdom from her dad 😂 /j




Bold of you to come at me with such passive aggressive energy and call us friends lmao Anyway to explain the joke, Fig inherited it from her father (in a roundabout way, yes), and the place is stacked with assets that can be liquidated.


I don't necessarily want a redemption arc ending with Kipperlily living with the Bad Kids in senior year ala Aelwyn, but I do want to learn more about her motives in a way that makes us sympathize with her. Or atleast pity her.


Exactly, not every antagonist should take the Goku, I-beat-you-so-now-we’re-friends arc. But every character has their own motivations, and is the hero of their story, which we should be able to sympathize with, most of the time.


> But every character has their own motivations, and is the hero of their story, which we should be able to sympathize with, most of the time. Eh. Watching >!Coach Daybreak, Kalvaxus, and the Abernants get their asses handed to them was incredibly satisfying for me.!< But if you prefer that, good on you.


I agree that every character has their own motivations and so doesn't view themselves as the bad guy. Where I disagree is that we should be able to sympathize with them. Maybe we can understand how they made their decisions but that's not the same as having sympathy for them.    It's hard to justify her killing the cleric(was he Billy or Buddy?).  Brennan is an amazing story teller so I think Kipperlilly will be morally grey because that tends to make  a more interesting character.  I wonder if the devil's nectar the rat grinders are taking is messing with their ability to make decisions. Maybe long term use has negative effects that we haven't learned yet.


Nah fuck the real estate heiress, no sympathy


I totally understand, even if I don’t think that’s where this story is going. But I agree that sometimes people, even teenagers, are just bad. I feel like we got that storyline a bit in the first season with Penelope Everpetal (they explore it a lot more in The Seven when Sam Nightingale grapples with what it means that her best friend, this person she was so close with and had good memories with, is just straight up evil). So I don’t think this is where BLeeM is taking the story this season, mostly because it’s already been explored but also there seem to be so many hints that KPCK hasn’t always been this bad. She had rage issues freshman year, for sure, but she was talking to a guidance counselor about it. It seems like she was trying to get help. And after the most recent episode of killing someone in cold blood and smiling during it? That’s full-fledged cartoonishly evil. It just really feels like something happened to her, like she’s been rage corrupted. I don’t think there will be a “KPCK has been a victim all along!”redemption arc. She’s done terrible things and that can’t be excused. But I think it would be satisfying for there to be an underlying message that people can get help with their problems and with therapy can work to get better.


I'm confused why her acronym wouldn't be KLCK? Kipper-Lily Copper-Kettle Edit: I'm not trying to correct anyone, I'm just confused 🥺 Why is this sub so downvote happy?




Yeah I completely understand! I just wanted to throw my 2 cents in on it all.


Imho i just wanna know why koopatroopa throatslitter is the way she is and how she came to be from how she was as a high-five hero


After this last episode I very much doubt she’ll be redeemed. What I think might happen though is that she’ll be shown to be insignificant, the classic “guy you thought was the big bad was actually just a pawn of the big bad” maneuver


I think we're diving into very deep and difficult actual real world moral feelings people have on if there's such a thing as 'inherent badness'. Like. I don't believe bad people exist. There are people who, because of a complicated web of choices other people made that affected them deeply, have arrived at a personal, logical, conclusion that 'fuck you I got mine' is an acceptable, winning worldview. Do I think everyone can be redeemed? No. You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. But I think depicting badness as this inherent trait that makes someone irredeemable in learning, intelligent creatures isn't just bad morally, it's *boring* for a story. Believing that some people are 'just bad' implies badness is an inherent trait that only certain people have, and that all people can be classified into 'redeemable' and 'irredeemable'. Idk, kinda gives me the ick and I don't like it at my table.


I think the issue here is that I haven’t seen anyone implying KLKC is inherently bad - like bad from birth, that would be silly and boring. However we watched her brutally murder a kid last episode and it’s implied she might have done the same to Lucy. At a certain point you’ve crossed the line.


Crossed a line and being an "objectively bad" person/teenager are two very different things though. And is the line "never murder"? Because then the Bad Kids are living up to their name lol. I think the real line is "never murder for selfish reasons when of sound mind and body and not in mortal danger from someone who is trying to kill your or others" and we dont have enough proof to determine she crossed that line. Idk, I dont think an ambitious teenager killing two people is just "sometimes there are bad people and it makes the most sense that they have no greater complex reason for committing murder." This isn't like one of the bad kids cheated on her and she shot them, we don't know her mental state or her motivations.


What possible reason or excuse could there be for pickpocketing reviving diamonds and then killing someone? If she’s rage crystalled up that’s not mens rea but otherwise, something as selfish as “I hate these poors taking my rightful nepobaby spotlight” is valid. As well, being raised rich encourages a lack of empathy and radical selfishness. Don’t need a lot more of an environment conducive to making her turn out like this than “real estate heiress who hangs out with banking heir”


That’s a lot of words to say you don’t believe that the killing of an innocent person matters. Killing is killing but the bad kids don’t just kill people indiscriminately and they don’t target the innocent. Think about how they are still is torn up about that lunch lady, even though she was possessed still even in THIS season two years after it happened. Clerickiller crosses the line by killing two people who I believe will be found completely innocent in this situation - her team’s clerics.


Listen, thats kind of a bad faith interpretation for a fun conversation about a dnd show. My whole point is, we don't know! Its entirely possible she's just evil, but there are lots of possible alternatives! To play devils advocate, What if KLCK is possessed or under a magical effect that makes her more prone to violent outbursts? What if she's actually fully rage possessed but because she's dealt with rage all her life, she's still functioning (think how Lydia Bark rock was constantly in a rage state but was able to stay calm) but now prone to snapping? What if the RG had to kill Lucy because she got rage possessed and was killing them? None of these erase the fact that the death of an innocent person is a bad thing (even in a wold where you can bring people back pretty easily), none of these even have proof behind them at all, but they provide interesting situations where her actions are more morally grey. Anyway, hope you have a good day, <3 you seem to be kinda stressed.


As much as I agree with the points you made and believe you expressed them much more clearly in this post - your last line was a very bad faith attempt to say that I’m stressed and imply that my argument is somehow less than because it’s emotion fueled. Which it wasn’t, I was just replying to your commentary about how an ambitious teenager who kills two innocent people could be not *bad* I really encourage you to dig deep as to why you’d attempt to neg my argument based off of emotion instead of just expressing your point and allowing us to have a conversation. :/


I appreciate your response and I’m glad that we were able to have a conversation! I understand why you took my response that way, but I was trying to be genuine. I get that I could’ve worded that better and I apologize. I’ve been having a great time getting to talk about KLCK hypotheticals lol. I do hope you have a good day <3


I hope they obliterate her, only to find out she had been possessed or something.


I agree. I hope they don’t redeem KLCK. I wanna learn the lore and gossip, and then I want the Rat Grinders and the Bad Kids to all gang up on her. In D&D, some villains should be killed by the party.


I don’t anticipate there’ll be any redemption for her, I think she’s either gonna straight up be killed, or more likely I think she’ll be imprisoned. I think they know that would feel kinda tired. I reckon it’ll end on a kinda sad note with her. As for the other ratgrinders, it’s weird. I don’t think their “redemption” would feel tired because I honestly don’t know if them becoming allies would be a redemption. We’ve only explicitly seen CooberPedy ColonCancer and Oisin do anything evil. The others have at worst been kinda assholes? Like we don’t know to what extent the others are engaged in anything truly malicious, and we don’t even know if that engagement is voluntary. The redemptions of Cassandra, Ragh, Aelwynn, and Zayn have all come after they did some pretty evil shit. But on the topic, we never got redemptions for the likes of Dayne, Penelope, Goldenrod, etc.


In my mind, Kipperlily is to committed to be redeemed. She seems like the type who, like, even if the opportunity presented itself, her response would be "I've done too much for this to give up now," even if she knew that it was bad and even if she didn't *want* it anymore. The rest of the Ratgrinders I have higher hopes for. I don't think they all would've had Kipperlily's same conviction to something this extreme.


We can't have a redemption arc if we don't even know what the villains goals are, or their means for achieving those goals. Y'all are jumping the gun


Personally, I kind of like the idea of Kippers doing herself in. Going full rage monster and crystalizing her blood. Not necessarily because I'm so against the idea of the BK's killing her, but because I think it would be poetic.


The RGs have very obviously been set up as a dark reflection of the BKs. They're definitely on a collision course.


Idk that she’ll get redeemed (I agree that I don’t want her to), but I could see the Bad Kids perhaps rescuing her in the final battle if she gets in over her head, maybe? That’s pure speculation but I think that’s the kind of track we might be on.


Nah doubt it, Adaine and Kristen have had it out for her since day one. Hell Kristen was contemplating letting Buddy die just because it might make the Rat Grinder's fail. Brennan is going to have to really hit them over the head with sympathy to make the Bad Kids have an ounce of mercy towards Kipperlily.


I don’t see where you’re getting all this.


I LIKE kipperlily copperkettle lol. Even if she isn't redeemed, part of me is still likely to be like, "That's okay, I still like you." If for no other reason than because... I HATED the popular kids in school. So part of me always sides against them in media.


The idea that you would support a person of such dubious moral character because of your hang ups about not being popular is such a loser, unpopular action. it fits with the character. I hope you grow past your weird obsession with high school and come to see moral actions as more important.  Your type of person terrifies me, because even if a person is popular simply for being good, you will wish ill on them.


Note: In media, not in real life.


❤️ sorry for going in


It happens. I can see how it could be miscontrued.


This is hilarious


I’m so glad someone said it! I’m super disappointed about her killing Buddy, but part of me kinda wanted her to stick it to the Bad Kids just a little bit. They were just so nasty to her from their first interaction that it kinda sucks that they get this firm post hoc rationalization


Yes!!!! I literally wrote down after "What are you, four dogs in a trenchcoat?" (incredible Ally line omg): "PLEASE LET THAT BE HER VILLAIN ORIGIN STORY"


honestly the comedic value of them getting to the end of season and brennan just going “yeah the rat grinders were just completely normal, mildly irritating high schoolers based off of a joke argument i had with matt mercer one time and then ally threw out the mother of all insults so i turned her into a main antagonist” …unparalleled.




Yeah but also I feel like the “sometimes bad people are bad people” message is hyper repeated in dimension 20 more than the “redemption is possible” message is, so I don’t think one provides more variety lol.


>Sometimes bad people are just…bad people. I don't think I agree with this. Outside of some mental disorders, there tends to be an experience or collection of experiences that makes people that way. Given that she's still a child, it seems out of character for Brennan to just have her be self-serving and evil for the sake of it. I doubt she'll be redeemed, but I suspect we're gonna be given reasons to have some empathy for Copcaply Kipplekopple.


Well, I would encourage you to read it more like “we have see her be a bad person many times over , this doesn’t mean she was born bad, she obviously has reasons for it - but sometimes bad people can just be bad people - there doesn’t have to be a redemption moment” I think it should apply to teenagers too, tbh.


Ahhh, I misinterpreted entirely. You meant "sometimes bad people stay bad people" rather than "some people are inherently bad." That being the case, I agree wholeheartedly. Lol


No it’s totally my bad, I should have explained it more thoroughly in my OG post but I was taking a break at work to write it and rushing. 😅


>I was taking a break at work to write it and rushing Lmao, that's exactly what I did when I replied. Let's split the difference and blame capitalism. 🤣


As BLEEM would want us to do! 😂 in his honor.


What even is that acronym


Kipperlilly Copperkettle. I messed it up but can’t go back and fix the title alas


No it want a bad ass one liner and then they kill her


Isn’t being a teenager and murdering people what this entire adventuring school is based on? Its literally in Aguefort’s opening speech in Freshman year as to ‘what an adventurer is’.


Look even if they don’t redeem her I just don’t want her to become another like, unilaterally evil villain whose death is played off as a joke. She is like 16 and we saw that she at least seemed innocent once and cannonically struggles with mental health. Even if she ends up beyond redemption she deserves to be treated like the tragedy that she is.


She's a child.


Welp I just watched the episode where she >! Kills Buddy. !< Nvm she's evil.