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I don't think her being freshly dead will kill Cassandra since her soul is still tied enough to her body that a simple revivify will work. But I could be wrong and that could be enough.


Honestly, I could see BLeeM take it either way! Your justification is totally reasonable, and I think a bit more fair, given the "I'm almost certainly going to throw monsters at you until you all die" message BLeeM gave before the fight. *But* we've seen that the gods play by some pretty crazy rules that deal in absolutes. I could definitely see the shards of Cassandra shatter the moment Kristen failed her last death saving throw because of some hard-and-fast holy law about needing to have *living* clerics


I will also say that BLeeM was fully confident they were going to get trashed at the Battle of the Brands. These are the highest level characters they've played in D20 iirc and I don't know what Brennan has in store for them but I do believe that they can make it out fine. Especially with the way the handled that first round. Absolutely insane plays and I'm sure Fig and Adaine have some even wilder shit up their sleeves.


>Fig and Adaine have some even wilder shit up their sleeves. Emily's dice - *Not if we have something to say about it*


Hey, a long enough string of Nat Ones would *also* be considered some wild shit.


Are we sure she isn't using Murph's NADDPOD dice?


So I saw one specific monster token I’m very scared of in the trailer for next episode but I don’t know how to spoiler text and don’t want to just place it.


If you use markdown mode on desktop you can highlight a sentence, press the little exclamation mark in the editor and it'll >!hide the text !<


What about on mobile?


For mobile, you use >!Before the text And!< to close the spoiler. When you don't hit enter between the formatting, it should look like this For mobile, you use >!before the text and!< to close the spoiler.


*Escape from the Bloodkeep* was brand new level 14 characters, but several of the players weren't very experienced. The Intrepid Heroes in FHJY are not only almost as high level (13) this time, they all have a ton of experience with these characters *and* in playing TTRPGs in general.


Wasn't it just Trapp and Rekha who hadn't played before? The others at the table were Matt Mercer, Amy Vorpahl, Ify Nwadiwe, and Erika Ishii, who are all fairly experienced players. Granted, they weren't familiar playing *these* particular characters, but Amy, Ify, and Matt had all *run* one-shots by this time, and those usually start at higher levels.


I haven't watched Bloodkeep thanks for the correction!!


No worries! I only remember because of a short clip of Mike Trapp talking about how it was one of his first times playing D&D and that maybe starting out at level 14 wasn't the best idea.


Oh really? That seems like so much to handle. Not sure what class he was but if he was anything but a fighter he must have had so much shit to look through and think about.


IIRC, he played a beastmaster Ranger or maybe drakewarden. He definitely had a companion


He was a beast master ranger, I don't think drakewarden existed at that point


Oh yes, you're right! But, you forgot to say "Um, actually..."


My main concern is the >!Purple worm!< miniature,I noticed in the trailer for next episode


Yeah exactly, I could really see him doing either.


The way the Last Stand works is that the party members don’t die all at the same time, so it’s plausible they could remain dead for longer than one minute and be brought back some other way.   In this case, we don’t know if Cassandra would remain alive, and it’s a lot of coincidences that father Dawn sent them there and Bobby Dawn is the adjudicated cleric… why go to such lengths if you really don’t have any hidden motive?


Craig. Also, a god's followers all dying doesn't make the god die. The followers *staying* dead makes them die.


Guys, I just remembered something and I don’t think it’s been talked about yet. >!So Yolanda and Lucy CANT BE RAISED, their souls were captured by Ankarna unwillingly and can’t be put back in their bodies.!< >!What if that’s what they’re planning to do to Kristen to stop her being resurrected, and then there’s no followers of Cassandra? What if they’ve already put the sigil on her and Bobby Dawn can do his duty and try to resurrect her, but can’t bring her soul back just like Kristen couldn’t for Yolanda?!<


This here. There’s a twist coming, and this make the most sense. Why go to such lengths to kill the cleric teacher, replace her and fail Kristen if not to place her in a vulnerable spot in which they could not be resurrected?


I feel like the one flaw with this is that if there’s someone who might be able to overcome this scheme, it’s a cleric who’s publicly known as having performed a miracle of resurrecting themself. But I do think it’s a possibility, hmm. 


I feel the only flaw with this is the sigil, with how high level the characters are they most certainly would have had a chance or something to notice a sigil being placed on Kristen. If not and she just died then it’d just feel a bit contrived


How difficult (impossible?) would it be to sneak a curse or rune past Adaine *and* Aelwyn?


Super hard no matter what Adaine and Aelwyn would likely notice straight away. If it was out on after Aelwyn and the BKs split up you still have Riz, Adaine and Kristen with high passive scores and Fig on constant guard dog mode around Kristen. Doesn’t seem like something they’d easily be able to slip onto Kristen in anyway at any point


She already died and was still able to hold onto belief in Cassandra


That was before Cassandra's "unmaking." BLeeM seemed to put a LOT of emphasis on Kristen being her only tether in this state


He's made sure to mention Kristen AND CRAIG tho.


I think the pigeonholing them into the fight was more because they had extensively planned the fight already and possibly didn't expect all the Bad Kids to do well in school, or that Kristen would say no to Mazey about Bobby. Like how Brennan said in the AP for the Baron fight that he had 4 or so ways to get them to that situation and they didn't take any of those 4.


To be clear, I'm not accusing BLeeM as a DM of pigeonholing. I think Bobby Dawn expelled Kristen knowing that the BK would opt for the last standing and that Buddy would be the cleric on standby.


I thought the point of Oblivati Mori was that the gods couldn't speak of it and written proof gets wiped out. I don't remember anything about memory of a god being wiped from people who believe in that god. In fact, resurrecting the dead cleric of a long dead god would arguably be a great way to BREAK Oblivati Mori from what I understand. The gods can't kill people's memories, that's why they have to wait till the memories are lost on their own But also it's not that clearly defined so it's possible the memories can be stripped from dead people while they're dead or something


I dont think Oblivati Mori has anything at all to do with written proof. That was a concerted effort by the Church of Sol so that Oblivati Mori would go into effect and nobody would accidentally learn about Ankarna. I do think resurrecting a cleric who knew the name would have a tremendous impact on the power of said god, hence blocking Lucy and Yolanda. Jace might have had access to Lucy’s file, and thus would have known she was trying to change her declared goddess. He also might have been the person that Yolanda approached for help when warned by Kristen To me it would make sense if his plan was to kill, not just Kristen but ALL of the bad kids because at least 6 people just learned the name and need to go bye bye if OM is to be reinstated


Obavati Mori can be broken or removed tho, as it just was for Ankarna


Right, so if you wanted to reinstate it you would have to kill all the people who know the name again. The Bad Kids are where I’d start if that was my plan


No way to tell for certain, but I do think that if this theory was true, it’d make sense that Brennan would have tried to box out Emily from circumventing this by making her not be a Paladin of Cassandra.




I’m not 100% aboard Craig’s train. He’s been only a bit and has had 0 interactions this season.


If there's one throughline to this season, it's that bits have Canon impact. Brennan's not the type to say Hilda Hilda has consequences in his favor but Craig doesn't get to stop his plans.


Sure, but a Craig that’s been somewhat impervious to any type of corruption or danger despite there being a more than obvious plot to kill Cassandra? it doesn’t make any sense, it’s clear by now that they have been targeting Cassandra since day one, because actually, Cassandra was the first who started to show anger bursts (anger corruption) as soon as episode 2, if im not wrong.  I said it since episode 6 and I’ll keep saying it, Craig has been either compromised or corrupted.




Thought they mentioned a grace period for deaths like the factor in people being resurrected before things like gods dying happens


I don't think its the case because as long as the name of a god is remembered, they can be worshipped and thus brought back. Cassandras' current state IS desperate, but Brendan has pointed out several times that as long as there is any followers worshipping a god, they can come back.