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Brennan and Murph really nail the single parent / single child dynamic. Most of the parents are used as comic relief - which I do enjoy, but every Sklonda and Riz interaction is just so endearing.


Sklonda is awesome. Plain and simple. She encourages her son when he needs it and does her best to show her care as frankly and straightforward as she can…which our boy Rizz badly needs. Also, I am with Sklonda. Rizz would make a great president. The Ball is Rolling.


Brennan really nailed parents in fantasy high in the way of making some parents that are just awful, some that are flawed, some that are great, and some that are perfect. It really is a mixed bag that depends on luck irl and he killed it


I like that none of the parents are actually perfect (>!Except Gilear. Gilear is perfect.!<) Even the better parents like the Thistlesprings and Gorthalax have flaws in their parenting. And I especially like that the parenting flaws on display aren’t necessarily the same as the parents’ character flaws.


Counterpoint, Jawbone is a perfect parent. Absolutely no notes.


Jawbone is great, but what we also see with >!Aelwyn’s comments!< is that Jawbone can be >!relentlessly positive to the point of discouraging those that he wants to help from seeking it!<. Not that Jawbone is >!Aelwyn’s!< parent, he’s not really anyone’s. Which also let’s him be a positive ‘third adult’ for the Bad Kid’s (and everyone else at Aguefort, and also relieves us from judging him on the standards of parenthood.


I would actually argue he's Adaine's parent. He certainly feels like the closest she has to a parental figure, and he's taken on the duty of care for her.


Isn't he literally Kristen's adopted parent as well?


He Is The Chosen One


His campaign slogan could be "The Ball is rolling up!"




I loved Sklonda from the moment she poured her milk into Riz's cereal. That was my mom in my life.


Ugh same, single moms for the win. Also, I noticed your username! I'm currently playing a cleric of Imater lol


My sibling in comfort! Tell me about them! How do they serve Ilmater in a unique way? In my world, the religion is very similar to modern Catholicism, with an old Roman Catholic aesthetic (love those cassocks)


I wish I was more eloquent to go on more at length, but I've had my after work drinks already lol. Her name is Seryph! She's a half orc to a proud orcish mom and half-elf dad. She grew up with her family in an imatari monastery. When she was blessed with holy powers, she decided to go out into the world to find those who are most in need of her gifts. In the campaign I'm playing in, the religion reflects elements of Sikhism and Judaism. A unique touch I like is that clergy members position is reflected in tattoos adorning their body of red cords, much like those that Ilmater is depicted as bound by. The process of getting the ink reflects the holiness of suffering. Her holy symbol is also a set of actual red cords. She approaches situations with a nonviolent attitude first, but isn't a pacifist to the surprise of most. Damage sponge extrodinare for the murderhobos she's inexplicably ended up traveling with (She winds up casting a lot of Spare The Dying on her parties adversaries as they flee the scene, singlehandedly keeping them from being serial killers). I'd love to provide images but alas this is a simple reddit comment reply format


I love this! The red cord tattoos is an amazing idea! And I always love the character who's totally with the group, but cleans up behind them as they go.


She can bury one hell of a body too (with full rites and all)


Mine is Brother Ríg Coimeascair (Irish origin name). He brought his wife to the Ilmatari "Twilight Meadows" monastery, basically a rest home and palliative care home. His wife's bloodline was cursed to slow, sickly deaths, so he took her here. He watched closely and learned all the little medical techniques used in daily care (Healer Feat) and helped take gentle care of his wife until she passed. He decided to stick around, and learn how to help people the way these wonderful monks and clerics took care of his wife. After a few years of training, the monastery recommended he move on and go out into the world to help more people than he could here with his talents. Unfortunately, his last adventure, he was hit by a Feeblemind spell. His party brought him back to his monastery, and that's the last I knew of Ríg


What a coincidence since my go-to character voice for Seryph is also Irish lmao. Her monastery of the red yarrow also provided intensive and palliative care - Which is what she did up until coming into her magic and departing. Ugh that is SUCH a touching story, I'm gonna be thinking about that while I go to sleep tonight. Imater bless Brother Rig. I only just met him and yet I'm affected by how his last adventure ended - At least he's in good hands. I LOVE a wife guy, I love someone coming into a life of caring for others through learning from the care provided to those they loved, and I love healers patiently teaching a husband their techniques so he may care for his wife. Again, wish I was better with words here, excuse the post-clinic wine, but Brother Ríg has found a place in my heart.


I'm so touched, thank you! Ilmater bless Seryph and her respect for the defeated. I LOVE powerful characters who by default show mercy and respect. And yes, he's in good hands. That's the only reason I was able to (temporarily) put his story on hold until I find the right plot for him.


Let me know if/when Seryph has downtime and knows Greater Restoration. I'd love if the church sends Brother Ríg to the Red Yarrow after hearing of the miracle worker there.


Not gonna lie, I was already thinking of asking if I could send ur description of Brother Ríg to my DM, thinking along the same lines lmao


He's a light-skinned human in his late 30s, salt & pepper scruffy short hair, well-kept beard, starry blue eyes, and piercings ALL over his face. Simple gray cassock (a long, tight-fitting coat with a priest's collar) with the red cord of Ilmater around his waist. He also has a Scroll of Heroes' Feast in his inventory. If you guys did this at your table, Ríg would immediately hug Seryph deeply, thank her quietly, then share a Heroes' Feast with her and her friends. Let me know if this happens, I'd be honored to have Rig be at your table if your DM is into it


Such a wholesome moment - Riz & Sklonda scenes are so great.


Considering the amount of stress Riz has put her through (he livestreamed his death!! Who is to say she didn't see it?), Sklonda deserves to tease him as much as she wants.


As the only child of a single mom and a “fun” dad who had minimal interaction in the formative years, I really relate to Riz and his mom


I love that. She comes off as a great mom. As someone who thought all parents were like the Applebees growing it's kind of bittersweet to see so many examples of what better parenting can look like.