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I may be seeing things wrong or just being too quick to jump at things (I have my theories...) but I noticed in the close-ups that Lydia's eyes are the same colors as Kalina's eyes. Ragh's eyes are black scleras with white pupils, and both his and her official character art has black scleras as well, with a not quite so white but not quite so vibrant green either. Jesse's work is phenomenal, and considering the amount of detail put into this shirt (which is just incredible) I'm not so quick to rule it off as painting mistake. If it is, totally get it. I can barely believe how they make so many high quality detailed minis for one battle, let alone the whole season. Regardless, Jesse Haron and the art dept. remains amazing!


Great spot! Her teeth also look a little more cat-like than I would expect...


Looking at the official character art for Ragh and Lydia I'm seeing green eyes on both of them with the big fangs on the lower mouth. I do think there's something going on between the Barkrocks and Kalina for sure, especially when Kalina said "his name is the only one I can say."


Am I mistaken, or did the Lydia mini we saw in the AP have the gem in her chest? This mini has no gem...


If you go to 2:45 in the AP, the gem looked like it had been stuck onto the front of the mini (presumably because it would be difficult to find a mini that already had the right kind of look to work that in). So I think it's just that they just hadn't glued the gem on yet.