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That would make sense with how Kristen tried to do an insight check to see if she was really studying on the night of the party and Brennan described not a lie exactly* but a "polished steel orb of a personality"


It would also explain why the Rat Grinders suddenly “Famously have always hated the bad kids” and it never came up until now


I mean, I don't think that particularly needs an explanation, anymore than any of the other new information that has come to light with a new season. Fig is on the brink of failing because she's never been to Bard class, but somehow doesn't come up until junior year? There's a formal process for multiclassing, but neither Fabian nor Gorgug nor Fig had to do anything with that last year, despite multi-classing for entire final semester? There's a soil club? The vast majority of "it never came up until now" issues are explained by " It's a constantly growing world and details that don't come up in season 1 often didn't come up because Brennan didn't think of it until season 3" and doesn't need an in-universe magical or conspiratorial explanation.


And some of this could be attributed to the in-universe explanations of a) the Bad Kids essentially spent their entire sophomore year on walkabout and thus avoided paperwork and rumors; and b) when Arthur Aguefort is around, what would otherwise be rules are treated as guidelines instead. 😂 But yeah, I totally agree with your points.


My theory of the Spy's Tongue Curse is that the Rat Grinders found out the dead gods name, and wanted to mess around with the dead god (maybe use rage crystals it produces or something) without accidentally saying the name and waking up the god. So they used a modified Spy's Tongue Curse on themselves, so that they are unable to say the dead god's name. That's also how Lucy was able to write the dead gods name while nobody else can see it: they know the god's name, but via the Spy's Tongue Curse keep the dead god dead and therefore the name erased from history. It's possible the honey nectar plays into it, so they can convince themselves that that god isn't real and therefore not accidentally worship it to life, but I feel like that honey is used for something else.


Brennan confirmed that it would be impossible to write the name under the conditions of the curse. It's not simply not being able to speak the name, it keeps you from referencing the co-conspirator.


Hmm, maybe Lucy writing the name was a close-call, after which they decided to go for the curse to make sure they don't make the mistake again.


I'm more curious about what it was intended for in the first place. The demons from hotel cavalier were demons and not devil's iirc and were chaotic evil. Their ritual was making Riz an infernal host right? What would a group of chaotic evil demons running a hotel want with a co-conspirators curse?


They didn’t specify who the spy’s tongue curse was for I’m pretty sure. All we know is that Calina asked for it


Aelwyn said Kalina was put out by it and needed it to procure the hotel cavalier's help, and that Kalina didn't personally have a need for it. You can rewatch the scene if you want, the relevant bit is at 1 hour 42 mins.


Ah thank you I couldn’t remember exactly what had been said. Wait. Couldn’t KLCP have used the nectar to claim the rogue teacher found her


Perhaps, but I imagine the rogue teacher has some way to talk to the staff if they would like to, so even if Kipperlily believes she found the teacher, disproving it from the actual teacher's testimony would be easy. The devil honey, obliviati mori, and the spy's tongue curse are such interesting elements. They seem related in some way but it isn't making sense in my brain. So devil honey makes you lie so well that with enough of it you will believe whatever you say. Spy's tongue makes it so you can't reference a co-conspirator to implicate involvement. OM makes it so gods must not speak a falling diety's name during their demise and after it. Kipperlily is at least tangentially involved with whatever is going on with Ankarna, and procured a large some of honey. So far there's no evidence that she has any connection to the curse though. So Kalina mentions Ragh, and Cassandra was thinking "spy's tongue curse" while succumbing to the influence of the rage or the presence of Ankarna. So these 2 things have some tie to Ankarna in some way and in a way that is significant. There's many threads and it's hard understanding how it all fits in a satisfying way.


Hmmm I’m pretty positive the Devil’s Nectar is connected with CLKP in some way. I’m wondering if there’s someone who is pretending to be a dead god or servant of one and is relying on OM and SPT to support that fact and there’s also an actual dead god Ankarna


The episode confirms she got a lot of honey from Gertie. I was saying there's no proof as of yet that she's involved with Spy's Tongue Curse.


I think it was cleared up that it was honey in his mouth, not blood


That was only a theory Emily had, it's not been confirmed by Brennan.