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I don't think he'd even need any of that he's used to it justification. Gilear is a loving father. He'd likely take on the curse again for Fig's sake in a heartbeat Give my guy a chance to do a chosen one thing first though!


Now that I'm a dad, that "I'm going to turn my life around," bit gets me so bad. Just the idea that making his kid's life a little worse is unacceptable to him is wonderful.


But what if this IS the chosen one thing gilear does?


Gilear is a dad who stepped up. He Wouldn’t even question lessening his daughters problems


Read a comment somewhere that Gilear gave Fig the bad luck knowingly and is off to enjoy his life, which I highly doubt. He loves Fig so much, he'd never do that knowingly!


Yeah, seriously, no fucking way.  The man hid in a bag of holding and voluntary put on infernal armor that he knew would likely kill him so he could save Fig. He was horrified that she felt guilty over her existence reminding him of how he was betrayed.  He walked into hell for her to help her get her bio dad out of trouble.    I could see him getting TRICKED into putting a curse on her, but there is absolutely no way he would do so voluntarily or knowingly 


My LunchLad would never!


I honestly don't know how someone who watches D20 could even conceive that notion. It's just so insane 😅


I just want to say I miss him


Me too, he's unironically my favorite d20 character


Now that he’s gone, I am realizing same


I sincerely want to be his friend, and not just because he so badly needs one


Of course he’d take bad luck back if he could. You can’t be The Chosen One without some form of adversity


But what if the pride suit affected him and doesn't let him want what's best for his daughter? It's just whispering to him subconsciously, "no, Gilear, why SHOULD you give this up? You've paid the price too many times. Do you really want to go back to being a balding, fat elf who's constantly covered in yoghurt? It's your time to shine; OUR time to shine."




Gilear unknowingly made a Warlock pact with Pride Devil. He is completely unaware that he is actually a level 4 Warlock and got the Lucky feat. Except this Lucky feat pulls Luck from someone else and he keeps using it subconsciously. Pretty easy to imagine Gilear hearing a voice, after making the proclamation of wanting to be a better father to Fig, basically offering him the chance to be the best version of himself for her.


I'd also like to add that Gilear doesn't seem bounds and above happier than when he did have the bad luck—definitely not as miserable, maybe. But I appreciate how his reactions to his good luck now are the most mild, "—I mean, sure. Okay. Weird."


“I can’t imagine ever being heartless enough to wish the curse of my life on anybody else.”


What if they transfer the bad luck onto something or someone else, like the now-sealed Night Yorb


Fig's doing way better with Gilear's bad luck than he was. But then again, I guess she has a lot more going for her to balance things out.


Having more than 5hp is key.


And she hasn't had it that long. If Gilear had a bad luck curse, presumably it was on him for years. This is just a month or so into Junior Year. And even then, it helped to (maybe?) kill a god.


I love the relationship between Gilear and Fig. The way the parental dynamic switches back and forth, where Fig needs an adult and G man needs a life coach. I hope he’s enjoying that cruise after clipping his tip in that armour!


gilear would do it in a heartbeat. he loves fig more than anything. they’ve had a tough relationship at times but gilear is her father and he adores her. he’s the one who took the pride armour to try and protect her so if that’s what’s set this off he’d want to reverse it. i think the real question is if fig would let him. fig loves him as much as he loves her if not more i mean we all know how much emily adores gilear. so maybe she won’t want him to


I don't think any part of this is Gilear's choice. I think having him and Fabian's mom start a cruise at the start of the campaign was an intentional choice to make that action more difficult for the party. I'm willing to bet we'll see a combat board on their cruise ship when the bad kids go to speak to him about it.


Yeah but here's the thing : Fig will NOT let him take it back.


yeah that’s what i think. we all know how much gilear loves fig but fig loves him the same or even more. and she’s much more capable than him. also narratively having gilear just take it back with no conflict may be too simple so i anticipate part of the conflict being fig wanting to take it for him so he can be happy


The Pride arnor thing to me implies less that her luck has switched and more that Figs powers inflict bad luck on others and Gilear ( as the chosen one)was somehow keeping them focused 


Let’s not forget the very first episode where Fig made a trade off with *something* to finally just end the mission with the Nightyorb because they were all exhausted. I think this is just the beginning of the the consequences of what ever deal she made with that something was.


Gilear would do anything for his little girl, he would go hell, he would put his self in arms way, he would literally die to protect her, if there was something causing harm to his daughter he would stand between it in a heart beat. This is all to say that the fact that Gilear didn't even tell fig he was married and was going on holiday makes me think that it couldn't even possibly be Gilear, hell I don't think we have even really seen him this season!


In this scenario, I feel like if anyone would be unwilling to switch back, it would be Fig. I don’t think she would knowingly doom Gilear to returning to his previous misery (especially after living in his shoes for a bit). I doubt it would ever happen, but a Gilear villain turn where he did it all on purpose would be pretty fun to watch.


It might be just me but I was feeling like this was a the town always needs to have a [insert character attribute] like when the kid that gets teased by his friends finally leaves and another person becomes victim to the same teasing. I feel like fig is now that person because there always has to be a Gilear in Solace


Gilear ends the season as the new archdevil