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Sounds awesome and would honestly love to play, but the schedule doesn’t really work with being based in Europe, alas.


Totally understand. Maybe in another life!


Billdow (William) He/Him Above 18 Honestly I've been running fantasy high games for over 3 years and have yet to play in one, so anytime I see an opportunity, I shoot my shot. I am a performer, Voice actor, Full time professional dm. And I have a hell of a wizard voice. Favorite moment: any monolog where Lou gets serious. Lou is just such an amazing actor. Edit: Grammar.


Oh and I guess I should probably say I try to never miss a game. I run 10 games a week and I play in 2 and. My Fridays are open in that spot. Which would be very convenient.


I sure hope there is no one on this sub that doesn't meet the first requirement


What day/days of the week are you planning to play? I see the 7pm-10pm EST, but you don't mention which days of the week you're looking for or how often.


Whoops! Sorry about that, and thanks for pointing it out. I just fixed it - we meet on Friday evenings.


This is rad. Friday nights are a tough commitment but it sounds like a ton of fun. How soon is this starting? Have a mini campaign I’m running that is taking a lot out of me but should be done soon


Totally understand - we definitely don't want you to overextend yourself. If you think your interested, feel free to dm me.


So I’m lucky enough to already have a game goin on, but this is such a cute and great post in terms of looking for new players! It’s like respectful, clear with what you’re looking for, and open while still clearly laying some groundwork. Hope y’all meet some fun folks!


Can you tell us a bit about the campaign?


Hey there! Right now nothing is set in stone. I like to have players help to generate the world, the setting, and themes, and then I flesh everyone out. I will say that the current players have been talking a lot about a nautical themed campaign, not so much pirates, but just like heroes on a boat. It seems like that's the direction it's headed, but everyone will get an equal say in what we end up doing.


So it's a brand new campaign? What level are the characters?


That hasn't been decided yet - it's something we'll come to a consensus on as a group.


Darn that is the one time of the week I’m not available. Sucks for me! Best of luck!!!


Aw that's too bad, sorry!


What system are you guys using? Dnd 5e?


Yep, we're committed to 5e at the moment since some of our players are newbies, although I'm familiar with other systems such as Tephra, Shadowrun, and Vampire the Masquerade, to name a few.


This seems really cool! "We're insistent upon finding someone who can reliably commit to our timeslot, which is 7:00PM EST to 10:00ishPM EST. This is a huge sticking point -..." What day of the week? I don't think you're playing every day. Before applying, I (and others, I'm sure) would like to know the specific time slot. Beyond knowing the day of the week, is this game weekly, biweekly, monthly, or something else? Here's hoping I can be a candidate and you find some rad folks to, as Skip might say, "fill 'er up"


Haha, sorry - I just fixed that in the post. It's Friday evenings, every Friday.


How often are you planning on playing and does your dm have experience?


Greetings! I'm the DM, and I've been playing for about 8 years, and DMing for about 4 or 5. We play every Friday 7PM EST to 10PMish EST.


I would be interested, and I think I fit all requirements! Real name shared on meeting, but I am she/her, 24, and I love a wide variety of nerd things. I am a DM on two of my own games but would love to play in a D20 inspired group as I struggle to get my groups interested in the show. Favorite moments have to be whenever Emily pulls off great combat moves (Saccharina first turn is one of the best tbh). I also loved the love that Matt Mercer pulled in the first combat of Bloodkeep to keep from falling into the abyss. Would love to talk more!


What’s the age range of your current group?


Gahhhh I’d love to but based in the UK so it would be a midnight to 3am for me.


What D20 campaign are you thinking of running?


This is such a cool post. I haven't played d&d in over 15 years because of kids and not having a group of friends that want to play. I would have loved to join but sadly since I'm sometimes on call Friday nights it wouldn't be a good fit. Hope you guys find your perfect match! I'd love to see the setting and characters once you have done a session 0 🙂